11 LinkedIn Automation Tools : Which One to Chose?

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Being on LinkedIn takes time, discipline and strategy. Some steps in your strategy can be automated with LinkedIn automation tools, and that’s what we’ll look at today in this guide! 📖

Automated LinkedIn Messaging

The #1 professional network LinkedIn allows you to send mass messages, directly from the platform. 💭 To do so, go to the “messages” tab of LinkedIn, and add the names of the people you want to send a message to.


The problem is that your message will never be personalized. 😭 This method works when you don’t have many people to send messages to. Lucky for you, there are tools you can use to automate your messages! 🤩

Top 11 best LinkedIn automation tools

On LinkedIn, to make your life easier, there are many automation software that you can use to save time in your prospecting. There are some very good ones and then some not so good ones (a bit like everywhere after all). 🌍 Today we’re going to look at a non-exhaustive list of software that can help you with your LinkedIn automation, let’s go! ⬇️

#1. Lusha


Lusha is a LinkedIn automation software that allows you to wait for all your customers from one place. 😎 With this tool, you have access to the following features:

  • ✅ Prospecting platform: build accurate prospect lists,
  • ✅ APIs: enrich systems with data,
  • ✅ Integrations: connect to the systems you use,
  • ✅ Enrichment: enrich your SalesForce data,
  • ✅ Recruiting: reach the best talent.

However, you will not have a prospecting feature. If you are a marketer, you will certainly have to look for a more complete solution.

Lusha: how much does it cost?

It is important to know that this LinkedIn automation tool works by credits, i.e.: 1 Lusha credit = 1 profile coordinate. It therefore offers 4 plans:

  • Free ➡️ 5 credits for one user at 0€/month,
  • Basic➡️ 480 credits for a 29€/month user,
  • Standard ➡️ 960 credits for a 51€/month user,
  • Advanced ➡️ on quote.

To know more, here are the details of the plans. 👇🏼


#2. SalesFlow

With SalesFlow, you’ll be able to quickly develop a qualified sales pipeline! 😊


This automation tool is designed for agencies, sales teams, or even startups and offers the following features:

  • White label dashboard: add your branding to the white label dashboard and give your customers direct access to a private inbox and detailed reports. 📚
  • One tool to manage it all: access your customers’ LinkedIn accounts and sync them with SalesFlow. ☁️
  • Advanced reporting: integrate the metrics your customer wants to see into your preferred CRM, like Zapier or other native integrations. 📊
  • Powerful automation: you can define the criteria for your ideal prospects and the tool takes care of finding them. 🔎

What is the price of SalesFlow?

The single price is 89€ per month per user and gives you access to all the features of the tool!


#3. Automate with Waalaxy

Waalaxy is one of the most comprehensive LinkedIn automation tools on the market. 🚀 It’s a chrome extension that connects directly to your LinkedIn account and allows you to automate searches for your potential leads on LinkedIn and via email.

Thanks to Waalaxy, you will be able to:

  • 👽 Find customers easily on LinkedIn without technical skills,
  • 👽 Grow your network to generate opportunities,
  • 👽 Automatically send invitations and messages on LinkedIn.
  • 👽 Carry out automation scenarios

Are you interested in our tool and want to know more about it? Alright, we’ll talk about it further down in the article! 😎

Automate on LinkedIn: free with Waalaxy

We offer 4 plans:

  • Free. ❤️
  • Business. 🪐
  • Pro. 🚀
  • Advanced. 🧑🏼‍🚀

With Waalaxy’s free plan, you will be able to:

  • Invite potential leads to join your network, 🚀
  • Send personalized messages with automatic follow-ups, 🔁
  • Import your list of leads in CSV file into the tool. 🖥️

Plus, you get access to 100 quotas per week as well as access to our wonderful support team. ❤️

If you want to find out the rates, it’s right here!

Press the button you will, Waalaxy you will discover 🚀

Discover Waalaxy 🪐

#4. Woodpecker

This tool is a cold emailing that helps businesses improve their sales and marketing professionals run prospecting campaigns.

With Woodpecker, you have access to the following features:

  • Automate the sending of messages: create emailing and automatic follow-up of sales campaigns. 💌
  • Messaging type: you can integrate the tool with different messengers, such as Gmail or even Outlook. 🌐
  • Personalization: you have the possibility to personalize your messages via the most relevant information, such as the name of the company, the first and last name of your potential customers. 🧑🏼💻
  • Data analysis: this feature allows you to have precise statistics on your prospecting emails, such as the opening rate or the response rate. ✔️
  • Data import: you can import your data directly from Excel, or even via CSV files. 🖥️

How much does Woodpecker cost?

In order to test the Woodpecker sales prospecting tool, you have a free version that you can use for 7 days or 50 cold emails. Once these two options expire, you can choose from 3 subscriptions that vary according to the number of prospects you wish to contact monthly:

  • 1,500 new prospects contacted ➡️ 39€/month.
    • With A/B Test option ➡️ 49€/month.
    • With API Keys and Integrations option ➡️ 44€/month.
    • With both options ➡️ 54€/month.
  • 6,000 new prospects contacted ➡️ 44€/month.
    • With A/B Test option ➡️ 54€/month.
    • With API Keys and Integrations option ➡️ 49€/month.
    • With both options ➡️ 59€/month.
  • 1500 new prospects contacted ➡️ 49€/month.
    • With A/B Test option ➡️ 59€/month.
    • With API Keys and Integrations option ➡️ 54€/month.
    • With both options ➡️ 64€/month.

#5. PhantomBuster

PhantomBuster is a cloud-based data mining software designed to help companies automate their sales and marketing processes. 😊

Here are the features that this LinkedIn automation tool offers:

  • 🎯 Lead List Extraction: find qualified leads from anywhere on the web and export them to a simple spreadsheet, so you can reach your revenue and growth goals on autopilot,
  • ☁️ Data and email enrichment: create an accurate picture of your targets, with verified phone numbers and email addresses you can rely on,
  • 🖥️ Sending outreach campaigns: automate your large-scale outreach campaigns, warm up your prospects on social media, and showcase your business.

How much does PhantomBuster cost?

PhantomBuster offers 3 different plans suitable for all companies, depending on their needs. A 14 day free trial is offered, giving you access to 5 ghost slots (action taken) of your choice, which you can use within 2 hours of execution. Then you have 3 plans:

  • Starter ➡️ €59/month,
  • Pro ➡️ 139€/month,
  • Team ➡️ 399€/month

#6. Hunter.io

Hunter allows you to find business email addresses and quickly get in touch with your prospects, but not only! 😎

It also offers:

  • ✅ Domain Search: you have access to a list of people working in a company with their first and last name, email address as well as the position held.
  • ✅ Email Finder: you can find the email addresses of the professionals you want to exchange with, manually or via a list.
  • ✅ Email Verifier: Hunter will verify that the email address is correct, so you can send your email without thinking “damn, this is not the right email address”.
  • ✅ Campaigns: Start cold emailing campaigns cold emailing and schedule reminders via your Gmail or Outlook account.
  • ✅ Integrations: you can connect the tool to your favorite applications such as Sales Forces, Gmail or even Zapier.

What is the price of Hunter.io?

You have a free version that allows you to test the tool, but you can only do a few searches. To learn more, here are the subscription details. ⬇️

#7. Overloop

Both an email address search tool and a platform sales automation tool, Overloop (formerly Prospect.io) allows you to scrape email addresses and phone numbers of professionals, directly from the Internet. 🌐


Let’s discover together, the features that this b2b prospectingtool offers us :

  • Emailing: ability to manage and automate campaigns mailings. 📧
  • Prospecting: automate your prospecting process. 🔎
  • Analytics: get real-time reporting of your campaign performance. 📊
  • Live chat: you can chat with your visitors live. 📥

What is the price of Overloop?

While searching for the pricing of this software, I came across this sentence:

At Overloop, we like things simple. That’s why we only have one plan that includes all the features. Simple.

As you may have gathered, Overloop only offers one plan, priced at €99/per user per month.

However, you need credits to automatically search for email addresses . Basically you have 250 credits per user per month. If this is not enough, you can buy additional credit packs, a bit like a video game after all! 🕹️

#8. Meet Alfred

Meet Alfred is a LinkedIn, email and Twitter automation software. 🐦


This tool offers many features, including:

  • 🟧 Manage LinkedIn multi-channel campaign sequences,
  • 🟧 Scrape LinkedIn and CRM sync,
  • 🟧 Customizable LinkedIn message templates,
  • 🟧 LinkedIn account management and team collaboration.

How much does Meet Alfred cost?

Meet Alfred offers a free trial of 14 to familiarize yourself with the application. Thereafter, you have 3 offers available:

  • Personal: 45€/month,
  • Business: 75€/month,
  • Company: 450€/month.

To discover the details of the offers’ features, it’s here! ⬇️


#9. Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM is a platform dedicated to customer experience that provides a user experience unique.😄


By choosing Zoho CRM, you have access to the following features: ⬇️

  • Omnichannel engagement: enjoy a customer experience across all channels: (phone, email, surveys and social media). 📱
  • Team communication: access a shared database and real-time messaging tools. 🕰️
  • Business intelligence: gather information and generate insights from analysis. 📊

How much does Zoho CRM cost?

This tool offers a free 30-day trial version, ideal for getting an idea of the features.


If you are convinced, you can upgrade to the paid version for 69€/per user per month. ✨

#10. Kaspr

This software allows you to find a prospect’s contact information by browsing their LinkedIn/Sales Navigator profile. 🌐

This tool aims to:

  • Export your LinkedIn leads,
  • Enrich your CRM with valuable information about your potential customers,
  • Boost your customer acquisition,
  • Create a more immersive prospecting experience in addition to Waalaxy.

💡Little Extra: Kaspr boosts the use of Waalaxy! 🚀


Kaspr offers the following features:

  • 👻 Linkedin extension: find contact information for your prospects,
  • 👻 Sales Automation: automate your lead generation,
  • 👻 API for developers: massively enrich your data,
  • 👻 Identity Verification: verify the identity of your customers with real data.

As said before, Kaspr and Waalaxy can be the Batman and Robin of LinkedIn automation.🦇

Once you want to acquire leads and convert them into customers, you can :

  • Export leads from LinkedIn to Waalaxy CRM, 👽
  • Enrich those leads with Kaspr, 💰
  • Create cross-channel sequences (LinkedIn + emailing) with Waalaxy. 🪐

To summarize, Kaspr = email and phone scrapping and Waalaxy = automation of prospecting actions. ❤️

How much does Kaspr cost?

Kaspr works on a per credit basis, meaning that one credit equals one prospect ‘s contact information! 🤳🏼 You can choose between 4 offers:

  • Free plan 👉🏼 0€/month up to 50 credits,
  • Start-up 👉🏼 40€/month and 50 credits,
  • Enterprise 👉🏼 60€/month and 100 credits,
  • Custom 👉🏼 on quote and x credits.


#11. Zopto

The last one on our list, Zopto is a cloud-based LinkedIn automation tool that automates your LinkedIn prospecting campaigns. 🤖


Let’s discover together the features that Zopto offers:

  • Automated campaigns: designed for different audiences and market segments, 📊
  • Prospect research: find, identify and grow your network, 🔍
  • Integration system: works with marketing automation and CRM tools. 💻

How much does Zopto cost?

Zopto offers 3 different packages:

  • ⏹️ Personal: 215€/month for an account,
  • ⏹️ Grow: 395€/month for two accounts,
  • ⏹️ Agency & Corporate: €895/month for 5 or more accounts.

💡To know that these 3 offers all provide the same following features: ⬇️


Get your first customers this week

Take advantage of the power of Waalaxy to generate leads every day. Start prospecting for free, today.

waalaxy dashboard

Linkedin automation: definition

Automation is an IT term. An automation software will save you time by optimizing the tasks you need to undertake and allows you to get in touch with new prospects in a fully automated way, but that! 😎 You are also going to be able to:

  • Send personalized invitations to potential leads, 🥰
  • Send automatic reminders after a few days. 📆

Is it still blurry to you? Here’s an example to illustrate my point! ⬇️ You need to retrieve leads from LinkedIn. You are going to, with a sheet of paper and a pen, search for all the consultants on LinkedIn that you have found. Problem, you literally take a decade to copy everything down on your sheet of paper. That’s where automation software comes in. It will be able to retrieve in an automated way, all the profiles you are interested in, all in a minimum of time! ✨ Remember that LinkedIn automation can be present at every step of your funnel 👇🏼

  • ✅ Add contacts
  • ✅ Start a discussion,
  • ✅ Arrange a meeting,
  • ✅ Close a sale,
  • ✅ End a conversation.

Adopt a LinkedIn automation strategy

A strategy should help you generate leads faster and easier and save you time. ⏲️ LinkedIn automation, should allow you to grow your b2b network quickly, position yourself as an expert in your field, in a targeted way. 🎯 Before you start developing your strategy, you should ask yourself the following questions: 👇🏼

  • 🔵 Who do you want to reach?
  • 🔵 Who are my targets?
  • 🔵 Should I develop my personal branding, for what purpose?
  • 🔵 In what format do I plan to publish?
  • 🔵 How often do I plan to publish?

Thanks to these questions, you will be able to adopt the best LinkedIn strategy and thus, define which actions you can automate !

LinkedIn automation: why use it?

With no less than 850 million users, LinkedIn is currently the largest free b2b database! With so many people, I am sure you will find your potential customers! ❤️ Automating on LinkedIn offers many benefits, let’s analyze these benefits more closely! 👀

Automate on LinkedIn to save time

The first (and not the least) reason to use automation on LinkedIn is to save time. 🕰️ Automating on LinkedIn will free your mind🧠 from certain constraints, such as:

  • Visiting profiles, 👀
  • The research of potential prospects, 🔎
  • The sending of messages, 📱
  • Prospecting by email, 📧
  • Personalizing your messages, 💟
  • The analysis of the results of your prospecting. 📊

Afterwards, your LinkedIn automation tool will take care of these assignments, while you will be busy with more strategic things to increase your growth. ❤️

Improve your prospecting on LinkedIn

The goal of your automation campaigns is to increase your performance, namely:

  • 🥇 Getting more leads,
  • 🥈 Finding new potential prospects,
  • 🥉 Sell your product or service.

If you manage to achieve this, your conversion rate will increase and you will get more and more customers. 🔥

Send personalized messages

The difference between email marketing and automation on LinkedIn is personalization! 🥰 Your prospect is going to prefer to receive a message and speak to a person directly, rather than a bot sending a raw message, without any personalization. Remember, you’re sending a message to a prospect as you would in a face-to-face exchange. 🧑🏻🤝🧑🏾 PS: Thanks to the Linkedin automation tools I introduced earlier in this article, you’ll be able to do all of this, automatically, and without a headache! 🥰

Waalaxy, the essential software for your LinkedIn automation

Now let’s talk about our little nugget: Waalaxy. 🤌🏼 In the form of a chrome extension, using multichannel campaigns has never been easier or more accessible! 🥰 Our tool allows you to:

  • 👽 Import your contacts,
  • 👽 Send automatic invitations to your prospects,
  • 👽 Find their emails,
  • 👽 Launch campaigns (depending on your positioning according to your prospecting funnel, you will choose an adapted scenario),
  • 👽 Synchronize your data with the CRM you use,
  • 👽 Templates and message personalization,
  • 👽 Analyses and statistics of your different campaigns.

Still not convinced? Check out our tool with this short video. ⬇️

How do you launch a LinkedIn automation campaign?

In order to set up an automation campaign, you need to create automated scenarios.

Each lead is evaluated, based on the data you have collected. According to the information, it will be placed in the appropriate scenario. Let’s do an example to make it clearer! ✨ You are trying to get in touch with an influential person in order to offer them one of your products, but before that, you need to create a scenario, with three different responses:

  • ✅ Your prospect is interested in your product: they will receive an automatic response, with a link to your website, with all the information needed to purchase your product.
  • ❌ Your prospect is not interested in your product: you will send an automated message stating that you understand their position and that they can contact you on LinkedIn if they ever change their mind.
  • 👀 Your prospect doesn’t respond: after 4 days without a response, your prospect will receive a LinkedIn reminder, to ensure they received your message.

Do you now understand why it’s important to take the time to create quality scripts? 😊 Here is a tutorial, made by Karine, our Head of Content, that allows you to make your LinkedIn automation campaign from A to Z. 😇

Podawaa, the complementary tool for LinkedIn automation?


Podawaa is a great tool to generate more engagement around your content and automate your reactions and comments! 🥰

Okay but, how does it work more exactly? 🤔 You can embed or create pods (engagement groups) that look like you, and you have 15 criteria to choose from to target your audience. One of the biggest advantages is its“Podawaan social index“.

No, it’s not another Star Wars Jedi apprentice (although that would be super cool 🔥 ), but rather a feature that assigns a score to each user. We can blacklist users who don’t engage much, or have a history of what our account has commented and liked! ❤️

Conclusion of the article: LinkedIn automation tools: the comparative guide!

Through this article, you were able to understand a little more about what automation was, why you should use it. 😊 As a reminder, automation allows in your digital prospecting to:

  • Save time,
  • Personalize your automatic messages,
  • Launch follow-up campaigns,
  • View profiles.

These tasks, you can do them thanks to the different LinkedIn automation tools we presented above! 😇

FAQ of the article : LinkedIn automation tools

Can we automate invitations on LinkedIn?

Yes. You can automate your messages, and you can automate your connection requests. To do this, you need a tool like Waalaxy. 🪐 Then, you need to target the audience you want to invite to your network, and insert the keywords in the search bar. Once this step is done, you can import your leads and choose the “invite” sequence, which allows you to send mass connection requests!


Easy, right? 😋

What is a prospecting tool?

Prospecting allows you to find new businesses or else new clients! To carry out your business prospecting successfully, you need to follow its steps:

  • 🔳 Find prospects,
  • 🔳 Be visible,
  • 🔳 Get in touch,
  • 🔳 Exchange,
  • 🔳 Suggest a meeting,
  • 🔳 Present your solution,
  • 🔳 Relay,
  • 🔳 Conclude,
  • 🔳 Build loyalty.

You can carry out your prospecting manually, but you will lose a considerable amount of time. To lighten your load, there are prospecting tools that allow you to boost your prospecting and perform certain tasks, such as :

  • ✅ Target your prospects,
  • Segment your contact base,
  • ✅ Track your sales prospecting campaigns,
  • ✅ Send personalized messages,
  • ✅ Generate qualified leads.

What are the different LinkedIn subscriptions?

Although LinkedIn is free, you can subscribe to a LinkedIn premium membership. There are 4 different subscription offers:

  • Career ➡️ to help you find a job,
  • Business ➡️ to grow your network,
  • Sales Navigator ➡️ to boost your B2B sales,
  • Recruiter Lite ➡️ for your recruiting efforts.


Find out more about the price of subscriptions in this article. 👈🏼

What is the best prospecting tool?

It is difficult to answer this question because, the tool you choose will depend on the features it offers. In this article, we have suggested 11 LinkedIn automation software, I think you will find your happiness in this list! 🥰

Which advertising is the most effective on LinkedIn?

It all depends on your target audience and your goals. For example, the video format can be useful if you want to build your brand image. 😇 If you want to know more, we explain everything you need to know about LinkedIn Ads in this article! 📖

LinkedIn Automation Tools : Why choose Waalaxy for your automation ?

The must-have tool for your prospecting on LinkedIn and by mail is Waalaxy!

Its strong points? Here they are:

  • 👽 Automated profile visits.
  • 👽 Customized message sending.
  • 👽 Ergonomic and functional dashboard.
  • 👽 Converting leads faster with scenarios.

Plus, our tool is a chrome extension that doesn’t affect coding and doesn’t exceed the number of actions set by LinkedIn, awesome right? 🥰

There you go, now you have all the keys in hand to choose the best one among Linkedin automation tools.

See you soon! 🥰

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