How to Get a Response on LinkedIn?

In this article, we will see the techniques implemented at Waalaxy to learn How to Get a Response on LinkedIn and increase your response rate fast. Some of them didn’t exceed 7% response rate before, so we’ll show you how we did to exceed 38% response rate with automated marketing campaigns. 🤖

How to Get a Response on LinkedIn? 4 Tips to Use our Free Automation Tool!

To increase your response rate in the professional social network LinkedIn, we advise you to use our secret weapon to automate LinkedIn messages! 🔫 Why? 🤔 We explain everything in this case study, carried out on 2 prospecting campaigns, using the same sequence: 👇

  • Visit relevant profiles,
  • Invite new people,
  • Then, Send-out x2 follow-up messages.

1. Choose the right sequence for your drip messaging campaign

The first campaign I ran had a 46.3% acceptance rate, which is very decent. 👌 That is, almost every other person accepted my invitations. So, getting a good acceptance rate turns out to be very simple. First of all, you just need to have an optimized profile on LinkedIn. We have an article on this subject! 👈 But for despite a good acceptance rate, our response rate, it turned out to be very low with only 7%. 👎 In this campaign, we understand directly that the problem that affects the response rate is the message content or “copywriting.” ✍️ So here is the first message we sent:

💡 Despite the fact that in this message, there are similarities with the AIDA method (inbound marketing):

  • Warning,
  • Interest,
  • Desire,
  • Action.

The message has many “missteps”. 🙊

  1. Too direct an approach in the “Attention” part.
  2. Two questions asked in the same message.
  3. A value proposition that was not precise enough.

Therefore, these 3 errors lead us to a low response open rate. 😓

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2. Always send a follow-up message if there is no response

Indeed, this campaign was supported by the following second follow up message:

This second message, as attractive as it is with the additional value proposition details, does not in any way seek a response from the reader. 🤔 Moreover, this second message, offers additional insights into the Waalaxy tool, but does not convey any emotion in the reading. The idea of conveying emotions is very important in copywriting. 👀 Curiosity or fear of missing something (“FOMO“) are emotions that one should try to convey in the message to keep the reader’s attention. ⚡

3. Writing the teaser message of your campaign well

In contrast to the first Waalaxy campaign, this second sales prospecting campaign had a 38.1% response rate! 🎊 All thanks to the message content that was, this time, more relevant. ✅ 💡 The messages in this second campaign have a very different approach, let’s see:

👉 First, we decided to use an “Icebreaker” or humor-based catchphrase, with the intentional use of a mishandling of the {{firstName}} variable. 😂 Indeed, this“ice-breaker” is an excellent way to attract the attention of the reader. 🧲 Once the attention is captured, we seek to bring interest to the targets. For this, we decided to personalize our automated message, so that they feel 100% involved in reading. 🤓 For this, we decided to highlight the current position held as well as his LinkedIn company page thanks to the variable {{companyName}}, for example. 👉 The objective is to show, that we are not addressing the recipients by chance, on the contrary, we chose to target his professional profile among many others. The interest being aroused, it is now time to stir up the desire. 😏 For this, we simply sought to convey curiosity and as well as the feeling of “fear of missing out”. 😨 Indeed, with the question “Have you had the opportunity to test Multi-channel prospecting?” if the active users answer no, they will be afraid of missing something good, and therefore they will wish to discover more.

4. Use a call-to-action at the end of your message

For the last part of the message, we’re looking to capture leads with a good call to action. 🔥 The goal of the message is to get the lead/prospect to visit our website and download the Waalaxy extension. 👽 To do this, use a lead magnet a.k.a. a “Call To Action” or “CTA”, to go to your website via a URL link, like the one we sent below. 👇

This second message is a reminder message, as seen with the first campaign. One is enough. 🤚 At Waalaxy, we don’t advise opting for campaigns with more than 5 consecutive reminders. This follow up message, by the first sentence “I didn’t get a return to my message”, seeks to get a response or a return to the first message sent. We take the opportunity to bring again the value proposition in this message which is to introduce Waalaxy, as well as the interest of the tool and the CTA (link) to get it. 🤗 Finally, the two messages used in this last campaign, resulted in a 6x higher response rate than the previous campaign. We go from a 7% response rate for the first, to a 38.1% response rate for the second! 💥 👉 It’s just huge what message content can do, so this is a very important issue to consider when launching your first B2B prospecting campaigns.

Conclusion: How to Get a Response on LinkedIn?

In conclusion, in this article, we’ve seen 4 tips for increasing your response rate by using the Waalaxy tool, in order to automate LinkedIn messages: 💯

  1. Choose the right sequence for your prospecting campaign.
  2. Always send a follow-up message if there is no response.
  3. Write the messages of your prospecting campaign well.
  4. Use and develop a call to action for each message.

Discover Waalaxy 🪐 This case study was conducted by our sales team with a real lead file, using the same scenario, but changing the content of the messages for each of the two campaigns sent to about 1000 leads. 📈 The results are sharp 🔪, if your copywriting is not really targeted to your “buyer persona“, you will have poor results, like 5-10% for example. 😖 However, if you send personalized emails as much as possible, using variables like your first and last name, company, etc. 🎯 So that your plain-text attracts the attention of your prospects easily. Then, you’ll have great results in the 35-50% response rate range, as we saw in this case study! 🧨

FAQ: How to Get a Response on LinkedIn?

How do you improve the response rate of your InMails?

First of all, what is a LinkedIn InMail? 🤔 It’s simply promotional messages, via LinkedIn Ads, that you make based on the segmentation of LinkedIn members. InMails can help you connect with experts in a specific field of activity, and prospect in BtoB/BtoC. However, we don’t recommend sending LinkedIn InMails because they have the “sponsored message” at the top of the inbox, which instantly removes the personalization of the approach, which further reduces your chances of getting a good response rate... So, it’s up to you to decide how to use this messaging, at your own risk.😬

What is a good engagement rate on LinkedIn?

On the other hand, the engagement rate on your LinkedIn profile is a great performance metric and one of the statistics in the algorithm, which is used to know if your digital content strategy is working. 💁 If you have a presence on social networks, this data will let you know where your target audience is, i.e. the one who is most receptive to your digital communication. 👂 Some studies say good engagement rates are 2-5%, while others say it’s great from 1% up. 🤔 So, the truth is that there is no truth. 🤯 Only YOU can decide if your rates are good or not! But how do you create your metric to find out? 👉 By monitoring both your goals and your results. Is the goal achievable? If it’s visibility, will the number of views of your posts increase? If it’slead-generation, how many new customers have signed up? Will conversion rates increase? Are your interactions with your audience becoming more qualitative? Are your articles becoming more engaging? 🤨 You can also ask yourself what is the best publication and try to duplicate the format to share new content: Maybe your audiences are more responsive to carousels, videos, testimonials…? Testing is the only and best way to increase engagement and boost your content’s response rate! 🔔

How do you respond to a LinkedIn message from a recruiter?

This is the perfect time to talk about your response when a recruiter wants to chat with you on LinkedIn or via email campaigns. 😮 If the employer responds to your application that’s already good news! 🙌 So keep the conversation casual and natural. Don’t be awkward by sending them a 500 character message about your life and your added value.😂 Instead, ask her questions too, but don’t be intrusive. Continue the conversation by answering their questions clearly but simply: not too much information, just the basics. Always adapt to the situation: Here is the tip I give you, even though I know you can land your dream job 🌈 but if you feel enviar uma mensagem ao recrutador is not very talkative or open, then don’t ask too many questions! 🙊 However, if you feel comfortable enough, feel free to be yourself. 🥰 Either way, you need to be authentic and true to who you are and how you like to work. France Flirting GIF by Robert E Blackmon There you go, now you know exactly How to Get a Response on LinkedIn and Increase your Response Rate in several situations, right? 🤭

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You’ve found your prospects. Well, first step validated. You’ve chosen your Waalaxy sequence. Second step validated. You’ve reached the message-writing


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