Formatting LinkedIn post

Are you also tired of long, bland, emotionless, bulleted list, sentimentless LinkedIn posts? Well, so are we! That’s why today we’re going to teach you everything about formatting a  LinkedIn post. Onward to make the most beautiful posts of your career 🪐! Whether it’s bold styling, underlined, italicized, capitalized or otherwise, your posts are going to look great!

Formatting a LinkedIn post: what formats?

We’re not going to lie, with 810 million users 🔥 on LinkedIn worldwide, it can happen that your content drowns in the mass. So you’re going to have to play it smart (or not) to stand out.

Bold text LinkedIn

Among all the formatting options, there is one we like particularly: bold.

You are probably wondering why to put bold text? Well, bold text is used to draw attention to a particular element, to emphasize a specific word for example. Especially useful if you want to capture your readers’ interest on targeted 🔑 keywords. In fact, this is exactly the same principle as when you do SEO content writing:

  • You will write your text.
  • You will highlight the words you want your users to beinterested in (by the way, you may have noticed that we do this in all our articles? Yes, it’s called optimization).

How to bold on LinkedIn?

We get why to bold, but in actuality…. How do you do it 🤔? Personally, I went for the simplest and decided to use Unicode. Let’s go for a little step by step.

  • Go to the site mentioned above (Unicode).

  • Type in your text or keyword.
  • Copy the font you need.


Pretty simple to use, right 😍 ? Then, make it bold!

Thanks to this text formatting, the words that need to be seen will be emphasized.

Underline a text

It’s not very common to find underlining in a LinkedIn post. In fact, it is mostly likened to a link. Therefore, it’s not a very relevant practice for styling your text 💡. If you still want to test, you should know that you can use FancyFonts. On the same principle as Unicode, you will be able to:

  • Enter your text on the site.
  • Choose the font you need (in this case it’s underlining your text)
  • Copy and paste onto your LinkedIn post.


You now know how to underline to highlight a word on your LinkedIn post. Is that enough? Not yet, we have more techniques up our sleeve to teach you. In fact, we’re now going to tell you about… Emojis 😌(OH YES, our favorite part).

Putting emojis in a LinkedIn post

In case this word doesn’t ring a bell (even if we have a slight doubt), an emoji is a small image (or a kind of these colourful icons), a small representation :

  • From an emotion.
  • From an animal 🦝.
  • From a feeling.

It’s an electronic pictogram. By the way, you must have come across quite a few as you read this article 💎. You use them once your text is formatted (but you can put them whenever you feel to).

On the LinkedIn social network, when you write a post, it is important to add emojis to emphasize the emotion 💖 you are trying to convey through your message.

How do you go about putting emojis in a LinkedIn post?

So to increase the view on your posts, you will need to add little emojis. How do you do it? Well, there are several solutions available to you:

  • Use sites that allow you to copy and paste emoticons.
  • Use a keyboard shortcut 🤔.

A shortcut-what? A keyboard shortcut. In fact, when you are going to type your post on LinkedIn, you are going to press simultaneously the Windows key (the key between Ctrl and Alt) and the semicolon in order to make appear 🎉 the small window where you will find emoticons, gifs, symbols or even kaomojis.

No matter which method you choose, the result will be the same. You just have to choose the one that suits you best.

What does □ mean in text ?

Some times this □ emoji appears on a LinkedIn post but you don’t know why? Well, it is simply a display bug, depending on the updates of your devices or well the application you are using, it may not be up to date and therefore, it does not recognize the emoji in question and turns it into a square.

Formatting a LinkedIn post: Using italics

Similar to using bold in text,italics in text are used to highlight 💡 something you want the user to notice. This can be:

  • A particular word.
  • A quote.
  • A dialogue.
  • A name…

Its use can be interesting to imagine an inner monologue on LinkedIn. Let’s give you an example:

“I’m crying internally.” When you realize that Google just de-indexed 1300 of our URLs. ❤️But even better when you analyze and understand that in fact all your URLs are in error 500.

Here we put the emphasis by putting the emotional side forward. We want to know what’s next and what the story is.

The use of capital letters

On social networks, we often see the use of capital letters. Especially in two specific cases:

  • When you want to show that you’re shouting 🤬.
  • For acronyms (such as CRM = Customer Relationship Management).

So we won’t see it that often, unless it’s to show displeasure or to abbreviate an overly long phrase. You can always try to use it to generate interest in your audience.

LinkedIn text formatter : Use these tools sparingly

Now that we’ve seen a bit of what we can use in a post, let’s see how to properly format it all. We want to grab the reader’s attention 👀 yes. One of the most valuable thing on the internet nowadays is the accessibility. Remember it : you can write a paragraph with special fonts, bold words, with an italic font and so on but your reader need to R-E-A-D, so it must be readable.

On the other hand, we want him to stop and read our post. If he notices you just because he can’t read you, we can’t say that was an expected result. It’s not putting emojis everywhere that will make you more visible either. So OK, how do we do it? Simple, basic.

  • You already start by typing your idea.
  • You’ll have to proofread it.
  • We think about what kind of emotions we want to transmit to our target.
  • We put one or more emoticons.
  • Choose the keywords of your message and put them in bold.

Come on, here’s an example:


In this screenshot, you can see that to grab attention, I bolded the words “Job Offer”. I then used ✨ emojis to make my post more lively and dynamic.

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Writing content on LinkedIn

Whether you’re trying to sell 💰 a product, implement your content strategy, or just want to talk about otters on LinkedIn, there’s one simple rule: write content. Of course it’s not the only one out there, that would be way too easy. First, you need to know that writing content on LinkedIn will get you in front of your audience. You’re going to get your name out there to show that :

  • You are looking for a person for your organization 🏬.
  • Your field, you master it from A to Z.
  • You have a story to tell.

But then, what are the benefits of doing content on LinkedIn? I’m glad you asked, it will allow you to :

  • Build your brand awareness with your audience.
  • Improve your personal branding.
  • Increase your visibility.
  • Be able to engage in conversation with people who have interacted with your content.

This should potentially convince you to start writing, right?

How to put bullet points in LinkedIn ?

Writing a post with a bulleted list is possible, thanks to some little techniques! Would you like to know them? It’s a gift. 🎁

All you have to do is copy and paste the following:

  • Use of symbols : ◦ • ▫ ▪▹▸﹘.
  • Use of symbols : ○ ● ◻ ■ ▷ ▶ ✔ ☑ ✘ ☒.

It’s up to you to choose which one you like best! 🥰

What size for a LinkedIn post?

There is no such thing as the ideal size 🍆 for a LinkedIn post. We often hear that less is often more, especially on social media. But really, it’s going to depend on the content you’re going to want to share with your targets. You can make a short post to share a good idea, a good practice, an image or even a site.

Also, you can even put a little content to “troll”. You don’t need to do tons if you don’t have much to say.


Just be aware that you will be limited to 3000 characters (actually that’s a pretty large quota) per post on LinkedIn. When you do share a long post, it will be to talk about your area of expertise. You have the space to fully express yourself on a particular topic.

Feel free to write your posts ahead of time and let them decant 🧪 so that you have some perspective on your post. Once you’re past this stage, add your emoticons, bold your keywords and italicize some of your passages if needed.

Formatting post LinkedIn : which size to choose ?

Did you know that there are two types of formats on LinkedIn for publications? Indeed, the best known is the carousel in 1080 x 1080 pixels, but it is not the only one, it also exists in vertical, with dimensions 1080 x 1920 pixels. Here is a small illustration to illustrate what I mean.

Linkedin boosted posts

The dimensions we just gave you above are not the only ones for a LinkedIn publication. Sometimes you may sponsor a publication, in which case the formats change, and here are the new ones! ⬇️

How to stand out on LinkedIn?

With such a large volume of users on this professional network, it can be difficult to make a name for yourself 🔥 and stand out from the crowd.

There are not 36 solutions to do this. You will of course need to have a top notch profile, that’s the first step. Then you’re going to have to start writing your content, selling yourself, setting up an ironclad personal branding.

When you write a post, it will be displayed in the news feed. It is thanks to this that your activity will be boosted 😍 on the network. Namely, when someone interacts with your content, your post becomes visible in the news feed of the target who commented, liked or shared the post (well that one seemed obvious).

So when you generate interaction, your content is pushed into the news feed of other people (who may not be part of your network) and make a web effect. Okay, let’s get down to some practice. How do you make a post on LinkedIn stand out? Here are the steps ✅:

  • Prepare a catchy title in your publication.


Here, we have the urge to learn more. What is the story? You need to make your targets want to click on “see more” to find out what you are going to tell in your publication.

  • Tell your story.
  • Put some well-placed emojis.


Be aware that you can also mention 👋 people in your post. Just make sure they’re okay with you doing it first.

  • Skip lines, you need space in your post so your reader can breathe 💨.

Content strategy on LinkedIn

A content strategy on LinkedIn needs to be cleverly thought out 🧠 and prepared. Don’t hesitate to create a document with which you write down all your post ideas as well as your different contents. Put yourself in your readers’ shoes. What would they like to have in terms of posts? You can categorize your topic ideas like this:

  • Ideas for posts on what concerns us all like wellness 🤗 at work, little professional woes (how you got through them).
  • A more personal theme about what you like to do, what you are passionate about.
  • Ideas on your area of skills and expertise.

These three types of topics will allow you to continually get ideas and post about what users are interested in.

Engagement will be strong on the first topic (it concerns us all, so we can all respond). There will be a little less on the second topic concerning the publications on what you like to do. Finally, posts about your area of expertise will attract less audience and you will have less engagement BUT you will have quality engagement since these readers are certainly in the same area of expertise as you. You may have the opportunity to make some great professional connections and have some lively discussions 💪.

LinkedIn job description formatting

You have understood the whole point of writing posts on LinkedIn. But you don’t just start it anytime ⏱️. Because yes, you’re going to need a little preparation before you start writing your content.

The first thing you need to do before you start writing your content is to have a near perfect profile 👌. What do we mean by that? Well you’re going to have to put :

  • A profile picture (a professional one we mean, not your Instagram profile picture).
  • Your cover photo or banner. You can customize yours by putting one that relates to your business, with the fact that you are looking for a job for example.

Your profile and cover photos will be the first visual elements that people will see on your profile. They should show your professionalism, your seriousness and that you are an expert 🔥 in your field. Don’t put poor quality photos, taken from a distance and where we can’t see anything, obviously.

  • Define your title, related to your profession or field of activity (whoever comes to your profile should instantly understand what you do).
  • Fill in your resume, the part that summarizes your background. An important piece of information, by the way, when you arrive on someone’s LinkedIn page, you will only see the first two lines of their summary. That means it’s the same for you. So you need to capture the attention of your target, prospect or recruiter with those first two lines to make them want to know more about you.
  • Complete your training and volunteer experience.
  • Don’t forget ✅ to mention your interests.

Conclusion of the article

Had a hard time following all the info in the article? We’ll do a big recap right here just for you. Don’t thank us 😉 it’s for us. Through this article, in order to bring a LinkedIn post to life to gain visibility, we’ve covered:

  • How to bold a word or phrase in a LinkedIn post.
  • Underline important elements in your LinkedIn post.
  • Putting in italics 🤌.
  • The use of capitalization in a post.
  • What tools you use to format your posts (Unicode, Coolsymbol, Yaytext…. You can choose the one you like the most).
  • How to insert emoticons in a LinkedIn post.
  • Type ⌨️ of content on the professional social network.
  • The size of a LinkedIn post.
  • How to stand out from the crowd with copywriting.
  • Prerequisites before tackling content writing.

Article FAQ formatting a LinkedIn post

To gain notoriety, there is no secret, you will have to post on LinkedIn. After your profile is properly set up, you’re going to be able to write content and potentially be able to exchange 💌 with people in your network. To get seen, you’re going to need to capture your audience with the formatting of a post on LinkedIn.

How do you format a post on LinkedIn?

Writing content is fun on LinkedIn. You build engagement 💍 you gain visibility and you gain new connections. The hard part is standing out from the crowd.

For that, you need quality content and beautiful formatting (without overdoing it of course). For this, you can use an online software that will allow you to put bold, italic, underline or insert special symbols. All you have to do is copy and paste the important keywords ⚡ into your LinkedIn post to have a nice presentation.

Don’t overdo the formatting

It was explained to you, you have to think about the readers. Putting too much bold, too much italics, too much underlining or too many emoticons will not make your text easier to read, quite the opposite. Use them sparingly 🎼!

One thing to keep in mind is that special characters on LinkedIn are very misunderstood by the algorithm. Indeed, when you transform your message, it is no longer text that is understood by LinkedIn (well, its algorithm) but symbols.

If you want to be referenced, don’t overdo it (keep it simple if you’re looking for a job and only use two or three words in bold ✔️).

Use formatting for your LinkedIn summary

One important thing is that you can totally do formatting for your LinkedIn summary. You could do this by highlighting some important words. Here, 0 limits (or close to it, because remember, you need your prospect or reader to be able to read and want to read you), make a summary that looks like you with :

  • Beautiful emojis.
  • Bold on keywords representing your field of activity or what you sell.
  • A quote that fits you in italics.
  • Etc…

Your summary, it is you who customize it so that it is shaped to your image so let your imagination speak 🌈 (thinking of your reader huh).

The benefits of publishing on LinkedIn

Still not sure if you should publish on LinkedIn? In fact, there are only benefits to writing content on this platform.

The fact that you put forth content on this social network will help you gain views, and simply keep that visibility with your audience 🎯. People will tend to go to you more easily if you show that you know your stuff. You are now armed and ready to write content on LinkedIn.

So, bold or italics, your words deserve to be shown to the world! You now know everything about formatting a LinkedIn post. Be the influencer on this hottest network 🚀.


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