How to add an image in LinkedIn post ?

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Add an image in LinkedIn post helps to attract the attention of people who will come across your post. 👀

Do you want to illustrate your LinkedIn post to make it more engaging, clear and in your image and/or “personal branding”? Or do you just have a beautiful illustration to share? This is a more technical topic than it sounds! 🤔

Find all the possibilities available to you here. 🤲

How to create or edit a LinkedIn post photo?

To do so, when creating the post, simply click on the camera/video icons and then select the image in the folder it is saved on. 💻

You can share photos and videos with your social network using the share area at the top of your LinkedIn homepage, company page, profile page or group. 🤗

👉 Here are the steps to share a photo or video:

  • Create a LinkedIn post.
  • Click on the Photo or Video icon in the sharing area at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  • Select the files to upload an image (you can choose up to 9 images).
  • After downloading a photo, you can :
    • Edit: Click Edit to crop, straighten, apply filters or adjust the photo. The option to edit multiple photos is not currently available.
    • Tag: Click Tag to tag another member or organization.
    • Alt.text: Click Alt.text to add alternative text for members using voice screen readers.
  • After uploading multiple photos, you can:
    • Tag: Click Tag to tag another member or organization.
    • Alt.text: Click Alt.text to add alt text for members using voice-over screen readers.
  • After uploading a video, you can:
    • Select Thumbnail to upload a thumbnail for your video.
    • Select Caption to upload a video caption file for your video.
  • Click Done.
    • Click the Edit icon on the photo to further edit the photo/video.
    • Click the Close icon on the photo to delete the photo/video.

To go further, you can read this article to learn how to format a LinkedIn post! 🔥


How to add multiple photos to LinkedIn post?

You can only add one photo per post… 😔 (when you are on a computer).

However, in order to post multiple photos, you must post through the LinkedIn app! 🤳 If you want to add multiple images, you can also create a LinkedIn carousel, and you won’t have any restrictions on the number of images. 🎠


Examples of LinkedIn posts with images:

  • This is a carousel:

Carrousel LinkedIn


  • This is an image:

image dans post <strong>linkedin</strong>


How do I add an image in LinkedIn post?

It is also important to know that the image will not be integrated into the body of the post, but as visuals, like an attachment. If you want the image to be placed in the middle of your text, then you will need to create a LinkedIn article. 👈

Finally, be aware that it is not possible to add a picture to a post that is already published, only the background cover photo. The only changes allowed are to the text, for example, if you want to change a sentence. ✍️

Of course, it is recommended to choose an image that is related to the content strategy you are releasing. An image is not enough to create engagement, unless you are leveraging a viral news story and have a community that reacts to your content. So remember to accompany your image with a well-constructed text, in which you develop your idea and think about inciting a reaction. 😜

Although I’ve seen posts with cat and unicorn pictures get thousands of views with no connection to the text. It’s up to you to pick your side. 🦄

Kitten Gifsthatkeepongiving <strong>GIF</strong> by swerk


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Podawaa: To schedule and publish a post on LinkedIn

Podawaa, in addition to giving you a larger audience through engagement groups, allows you to schedule your posts on LinkedIn! ⌚

In addition, you can edit the text, schedule the broadcast time and of course add an image in a LinkedIn post. For added efficiency, you can also broadcast it to the pods you are a part of. 😜

The idea of “pods” is to share publications around a common theme. Each member is free to react to the publications in a manual or automated way. 🤖

In addition, by using LinkedIn engagement pods, you will be able to:

  • Launch your brand and build your visibility on this social network
  • Save time to generate reactions on other members’ posts
  • Grow your audience faster (more followers).
  • Generate more leads.
  • Increase your notoriety and credibility.
  • Improve your web marketing strategy with SMO (Search Engine Optimization).

It’s important to remember that a well-used pod won’t penalize you against LinkedIn’s algorithm, as long as you’re not trying to generate thousands of likes just to stroke your ego… 🥴

If you want to understand more about the features of pods using Podawaa, then I invite you to read this article! 👈


Conclusion: How to add an image in LinkedIn post?

Here are some points to summarize this article: 👇

  • No need to add images, only to add images if most of your message is text.
  • Prioritize the quality of your image.
  • From your company page (not your personal profile) you can configure a thumbnail image of the links you publish in your posts.
  • You can only add multiple images to your posts from the LinkedIn application…
  • … But on the computer, you can deliver a carousel via a PDF document, which often has the advantage of a high engagement rate, as it increases the “Dwell Time” of the publication.

👉 The photo requirements are as follows:

  • The image size limit for a single upload is 5 MB.
  • LinkedIn recommends that the post pictures measure at least 552 (width) x 276 (height) pixel.
  • The aspect ratio is between 3:1 and 2:3 (width and height). If the ratio is larger, the image will be centered and cropped.
  • The uploaded photo cannot be resized.
  • Uploaded photos/videos cannot be edited.
  • Small, blurry and low resolution photos may appear in the poor quality category.

Shut It Down <strong>GIF</strong> by Matt Cutshall


FAQ of the article

How to make a post or article on LinkedIn?

If you want a quick answer, choose the post over the article because it will give you more visibility and notoriety! 🤩

Although articles will get fewer views, you will still be able to publish quality content. 💯

Posts are the shortest format you can use on LinkedIn due to the limited number of characters. So feel free to insert hashtags, emojis, or images. We recommend including GIFs or carousel as well to lighten up your posts. 🌬️


How can you post videos on LinkedIn?

  • Then, a pop-up will open, so you can “Select video to share”:

👉 The video requirements are as follows:

  • Maximum image file size: 5 GB.
  • Minimum file size: 75 KB.
  • Maximum video length: 15 minutes when uploading from a computer and 10 minutes when uploading from the LinkedIn mobile app.
  • Minimum video length: 3 seconds.
  • Resolution range: 256 × 144 to, 4096 × 2304 pixels wide.
  • Aspect ratio: 1:2.4 – 2.4:1.
  • Frame rate: 10 to 60 fps (frames per second).
  • Speed: from 192 kbit/s to 30 Mbit/s.


How to attach a link to a LinkedIn post?

Note on a mobile device: You can share and customize URLs or an image in a post, but you can’t share both at the same time. 💡 For links URL links, LinkedIn will create a link preview image, extracted from the web page shared.

There you go, you know everything about how to add an image in LinkedIn post. Now it’s up to you to play! 😏


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