Sales Email : 4 Steps To Be Impactful

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📩 Email has been a mainstay of communication since its inception in 1971. And today, in 2024, 65% of the population say they can’t do without email (according to Mindbaz). 🫢

📌 It’s fair to say, then, that sales mail remains essential and manages to hold its own (particularly in the face of social networks, advertising, podcasts, webinars…) :

  • It’s clearly a fast and effective way to boost your revenues. 🤑
  • You can easily combine email with other acquisition channels. ⚙️

👉🏼 So, if you’re not exploiting this channel and/or don’t know how to write a good prospecting email, it’s time to get started! 🚨

Here’s the detailed program for this article ⬇️ :

  • Understanding the prospecting email
  • Frameworks to help you write.
  • Setting up your mailbox and tips to avoid ending up in spam.
  • Automating an email campaign with Waalaxy.

🎯 Our goal is for you to achieve much better results with your email campaign. 😎

What Is A Sales Email?

🔥 In this first part of the guide, we’ll focus on the essential basics you need to know before starting an emailing campaign:

  • The recipe for a successful prospecting email 👨🏻‍🍳,
  • Best practices for a successful sales email. ✅

What Is A (Good) Sales Email?

📣 A sales email (or prospecting email) is a form of commercial communication sent to people who have shown an interest in your offer. 🎁

These are targeted with the aim of initiating a relationship and promoting a product, service or offer. 🧐 It must therefore be carefully designed to capture the target’s attention, right from the start!

Here are the elements to include in your sales email to make it effective 👇🏼 :

  1. Subject ℹ️: Start your prospecting mail with a striking, unique, original and captivating subject (without spamwords). Short, poorly optimized titles are very effective. 💡 There’s so much spam in users’ mailboxes, that the best way to avoid ending up in the trash is to adapt to your target (of course) and write to them as if you were a friend.
  2. Introduction or teaser🪝: This should immediately grab the recipient’s attention and clearly present your company and/or solution. They need to know who you are & what you do in just a few words.
  3. Identify the need 🔍: Briefly describe the problem or need your product or service addresses. This helps contextualize your offer.
  4. Value proposition 💎: Highlight the specific advantages and benefits of your offering. Explain how it can meet the prospect’s needs or solve their problems.
  5. Social proof (optional) 🤝: Include customer testimonials, case studies or key figures in your sales email to reinforce credibility.
  6. Call to action (CTA) 🕹️: Provide a clear and specific directive on what you want the prospect to do next (example: visit a website, schedule a demo, or reply directly to the email).
  7. Personalize 🎨 the content based on the information you have about the prospect (industry or specific interests), to make it more relevant and engaging.

NB – Clarity and conciseness ⭐️ : Keep text concise and easy to read. Use short paragraphs and bulleted lists (if necessary) for better readability.

➡️ You’ll also be provided with a template to build on and adapt to your own situation 😉 :

Sales email: the framework to use.

In short, to be effective, a prospecting email needs to be targeted, relevant and persuasive, to encourage the recipient to take the next step in the conversion or sales process. 💸

How Do You Make A Success Of A Sales Email?

Now that you know what a prospecting email is and what it should contain… 👇🏼 Here are our top 6 tips for getting it right. 🏆

Re-Learn How To Introduce Yourself

Every company wants to “facilitate the business of…” ❌ Instead, you should say your company is ✅ :

  • “The industry leader in prospecting campaign automation, offering innovative solutions to save time and generate leads by the thousands.”
  • “A revolution in the way companies capture and convert qualified leads through email prospecting campaign automation.”
  • “Recognized in prospecting campaign automation thanks to proven expertise in maximizing efficiency and results in digital marketing.”
  • Etc.

With these examples, we hope you’ll have understood that you mustn’t be too boring, nor use a discourse that’s too corporate and/or “boilerplate”. ☄️ You need to stand out from the crowd.

Convincing Your Recipient

And what’s the only way to convince your target audience through an e-mail? The text, the words, the copy! ✍🏼 To do this, your content must be :

  • Personalized 🎨: You need to know and adapt to your interlocutor (vocabulary used, information and details sought, level of complexity and/or mastery…), to speak their language, all the time. 😉
  • Structured🫸🏼 🫷🏼: You can use well-known (or more original), tried-and-tested methods that work for your sector.

🛟 To help you out, we’ll give you a few techniques and writing frameworks to use (AIDA, PAS, STAR…), a little further on in the article. 👽

Quality And Adding Value

Add value to your e-mail. 💎 Give your interlocutor what he’s looking for and can’t find elsewhere.

🗣️ Use the following words to respond concretely to the problems encountered by your target (an absolute must) ⬇️ :

  • “tips,
  • “advice,
  • “study,
  • “research,
  • “tools,
  • “alternatives,
  • “solutions

⚠️ Always choose quality over quantity. Don’t write to your prospect every day, and don’t write to say nothing. If you have nothing to contribute, skip it. 💁🏻‍♀️

Don’t send aggressive sales emails, only support in understanding the market, thanks to your solution 😉

Knowing How To Conclude

To end your sales email, you should always make sure of the following 🧐 :

  • You’ve added a call to action. 🕹️
  • You’ve left your contact details clear. 🔗
  • Company details (if necessary): logo, address, contact details, etc.
  • You didn’t close the discussion. ❌

Reread And Test

This is a step that is too often botched or “skipped” for lack of time. 🤦🏻‍♀️ But ALWAYS reread your e-mail before sending, to check: clarity, conciseness and absence of errors.

You can also do test mailings 🧪, to :

  • Choose between different subjects and formulations,
  • Fix any technical bugs (hello junk folder and layout errors),
  • Optimize your response rate. ⚙️

🤝 Don’t hesitate to get help from members of your team, company, relatives, experts, etc.

Analyze Sent Emails

Make sure you follow all the best practices, and then analyze your results 📊: open rates, click rates, responses/interactions, ROI, downloads or purchases linked to your campaigns…

By the way, we can offer you plenty of email marketing kpis to keep an eye on for the success of your campaigns. 👀

These indicators are available on most tools, via an integrated dashboard (like the one below). 👇🏼

Prospecting mail : Dashboard Waalaxy.

Interpret your results : follow-up at the right time (if necessary) and/or adapt your approach to continually improve your prospecting campaigns. ⚙️


To improve your campaigns, you can also : 1️⃣ Look at what the best in your sector have implemented as a strategy. 2️⃣ Install personalized tracking links on your emails.

Mistakes Not To Make

To sum up, here are the mistakes not to make in a prospecting and sales email and that we come across most often in our mailboxes ❌ :

Formatting loaded.Overwrite (maximum 30 characters).Use wrong tool.
Copywriting too advertising.Lying words (Ex : “earn 10 times more by reading this”).No customization (or badly one).
Language of the text.Useless words or not very powerful.Template that depersonalizes communication.
No questions/ interaction.Be too vague/theoretical.Single channel (no interest).
Absence : storytelling, context or signature.Capitalize all words. (It’s very boring to read).No variety (always the same sequences of actions).
Présence of spamwords.Bo too aggressive (ex : “You must read this or you will regret it”). I have already received this. I have not clicked and I have never regretted. 😅Without integration with third-party tool (ex : CRM tools).

💥 Then, to help you even more, we’ll (as promised) explain how to go about building and writing your prospection emails.

Writing A Prospecting Email

When it comes to writing content for sales, there are several effective frameworks to structure a text and maximize engagement. 👩🏻‍💻

Here are some to inspire you, along with a focus of follow-up. ✨

Top 5 Writing Frameworks For Your Sales Emails

As mentioned above, these are essentials and will help you 👇🏼 :

  • Write while maintaining consistency between your different messages. 💬
  • Go straight to the point to convince the recipient. 🥅
  • Create automatism and save time. 🦾
  • Improve your average email open rate and engagement rates.🔥

⚙️ They can be applied in:

  • A single sales email: all elements are included in a single text.
  • A sequence of emails (automated or not): Each email (4 in total) declines a specific element/ objective of the method concerned.

#1. The A.I.D.A Method, To Build A Series Of (Automated) Emails

This writing framework is the best of all 🏆, but also the most used…  We decode with you the elements that characterize the A.I.D.A method 💎 :

  • “A” : Think about topics that interest the target. 💭 The goal is not yet to provide solutions, but to show that you have the information/knowledge they want. 😉
  • “I”: Demonstrate that you understand and know your target and its issues. You will even soon offer him the miracle solution to all his problems. 🤫
  • “D”: Demonstrate how the turnkey solution you offer will transform the lives of users. 🤩
  • “A”: This is where you encourage him to click (to buy, make an appointment), not before. 🖱️

Prospecting email: Writing framework, AIDA model.

Here is a copy/paste example to get you started 🚀 :

Prospecting mail example with AIDA.

You can also find variations of this method with: AIDAS, AIDCA, AIDAP…

NB: At Waalaxy, we do in the original and the shifted 👽 because it works in our industry. 🤗 I leave you all the pleasure to inspire and modify according to suit your business.

Discover Waalaxy 🪐


#2. Alternatives To The A.I.D.A Method

Maybe you are looking to stand out in your communication/writing of prospecting email. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And, not easy to do it using the most popular and recognizable method.

We therefore offer several frameworks (in 3 or 4 steps), alternative to the A.I.D.A model, but equally effective to convince your prospects. 😎

➡️ PAS Method:

  • Problem ❌ : Identify the problem or need of the target.
  • Aggravate 😈 : “Stir” this problem to arouse emotion and show the negative impact.
  • Solution 💡 : Present your product or service as the solution to the problem.

➡️ 4U Method :

  • Useful💡: Describe how your content or offering is useful to the reader.
  • Urgent 🚨: Create a sense of urgency to prompt immediate action.
  • Unique 💎 : Highlight what makes your offer unique compared to the competition (to be identified through a benchmark).
  • Ultra-specific 🔬 : Be precise and concrete in what you propose.

➡️ STAR Method:

  • Situation 📍 : Describe the current situation of the customer or market.
  • Task ☑️ : Identify the challenge or task.
  • Action 🕹️ : Present your value proposition or action(s).
  • Result 🎁 : Show the positive results achieved with your solution.

➡️ IDCA Method:

  • Interest 🪝 : Capture the reader’s interest from the beginning.
  • Detail 👀 : Provide specific and relevant details about your offer.
  • Conviction ⭐️ : Reinforce the reader’s conviction by using evidence, testimonials or case studies.
  • Action 🕹️ : Encourage final action in a clear and persuasive way.

Each of these frameworks can/should be tailored to your target audience, product or service, or context. 💬

🧪 Experiment with them to see which one resonates best with your writing strategy and the reactions of your recipients. 👀

Want access to more sample of prospecting messages? 🎁 We made a selection of +25 cold email b2b templates that rely on what worked best for us. 😉

Finally, we give you some tips to manage your sales email follow-up.

Follow Up A Prospect By Email

Ah… the follow-up! 🏏 It’s often complicated to know how to follow up a contact without it feeling assaulted. 😩 To do this, you have three solutions:

  • The introductory emailing to prepare the follow-up.
  • The emailing follow up.
  • The recapture emailing if the follow-up went down. 🤷🏻‍♀️

👉🏼 If prospects do not open this last email either, we advise you to let a little time pass before contacting those who haven’t responded via a new campaign.

Of course, if you want to avoid looking like a spammer 🗑️, you will need:

  • Adapt vocabulary and act as if you were having a normal conversation with an individual,
  • Customize exchanges and include expressions that create links,
  • Conclusion serving as an introduction for the rest of the emails and repeat where you left off.

💡 As a reminder, the more you are reported as spam, the more your deliverability will drop. 📉 Be careful!

And, above all, stay with us! 🫶🏼 We immediately share with you some techniques to secure your mailbox during your prospecting campaigns. 🔐

Prepare The Sending Of Your Sales Emails

The success of your prospecting emails also depends on sending your campaigns 🚀, which must also be prepared to boost deliverability. 💥

Set Up Your Mailbox For Prospecting

First, you will need to set up your mailbox. ⚙️

📬 This will allow you to obtain better deliverability and promote the trust of ISPs (Internet Service Provider), towards your email address and your emails. 📩

You can find all the instructions in our article ☝🏼, with:

  • How, and why use a “Warmer” to improve the deliverability of your emails?
  • How to do the DNS programming of your mailbox? This is what all the emails you will send pass through. Some kind of ID.
  • How to program the DKIM? Which is used to identify you as the owner of the email you use.
  • How do I set up DMARC? That is, redirect emails that fail to a company email.

➡️ Then, you will have to prepare the sending of your prospecting emails (including via an automation tool 🤖) and take other measures to not end up in spam!

⚡️ We explain everything! 👇🏼

Techniques To Avoid Spamming

🗑️ To make sure your prospecting mails don’t end up in spam, you’ll need to look various performance indicators. 📊

Understanding Your Sender Score

The Sender Score ⚙️ is used to determine whether your IP address is trust-worthy according to email services (Gmail, Outlook…).

It applies to all mailings that originate from the same IP address. It’s more or less what we call your “reputation”. 💎

❌ Here’s what can happen if you have a bad reputation:

  • 🟢 Your email is sent to the inbox of your interlocutor, purely and simply.
  • 🟠 Your email is placed in spam.
  • 🔴 Your email is blocked & the recipient will never receive it.

With an aggressive mailing tactic, you will have a bad reputation and your sales emails will automatically end up in spam.

To find out where you stand, we recommend a few tools:

  •, to evaluate the sending reputation of IP addresses, as well as to check/improve their reputation score and optimize the deliverability of emails.
  • IP Alyzer, to analyze and provide detailed information about a specific IP address (its reputation in terms of security, spam and other relevant criteria).

🧠 To understand your score, the last step is to check if your email is not blacklisted. 🏴 It happens very quickly to be on a blacklist. So make no mistake, it doesn’t just happen to others. 😉


What if your mails are blacklisted? 🏴
👉🏼 Once you have arranged things on your side, you can return to the site of the blacklist of which you are a victim. On some sites, you can manually request the removal of your IP after reviewing your situation.
👉🏼It might be refused, but it is tempting! If this is the case, change your email address for your prospecting emails, and follow best practices this time. 🙃

Improve Spam Score

According to Statista, the share of spam in total email traffic was 45.2% worldwide at the end of 2022. 😳

We also know that about 90% of emails are filtered upstream by anti-spam messaging tools. 🗑️ So, they never appear according to Internet users (not even in the Unwanted folder).

If you don’t want to be part of it, your spam level score must be good. ✅ And to evaluate and calculate it, you can use Mail-tester (free online tool).

⚙️ If your score is below 7, it means that some of your emails will go directly into spam. We will have to analyze them and identify what is not working. 🔍

For this, we recommend the SendForensics tool, to evaluate the spam level of emails according to different criteria (text analysis, headers and technical characteristics). 👀

Test The Deliverability Of Your Emails

Email deliverability is the ability of your messages to be delivered to the recipients‘ inbox. 📥

❌ As an indication, on average, in Europe, 51% of emails never arrive in the inbox.

  • 26% go to spam, where spam folders,
  • 25% are never delivered.

And, again, to avoid being part of it and measure your deliverability rate, we recommend 10 mail tester tools. 🧪 They will allow you to see 👇🏼:

  • If your server has sufficient confidence,
  • Where do your emails go,
  • Why they are not delivered (for example, some errors may be bounced emails).

⚡️ We anticipate the following advice, but we also recommend the GlockApps tool to send a test to many addresses with different server settings. 🧪

With a simple test, it will provide you with a complete performance audit with a list of recommendations and adequate solutions to improve deliverability. ✨

A/B Testing Of Your Sales Emails

Tests are crucial to your digital strategy. 📲 Don’t underestimate their importance to maximize your results.

To do the A/B test of your emails, you must send to an identical target, different versions of your prospecting email. 🎯

Be careful, “identical target” does not mean “the same people”, but rather “the same persona”. It’s totally different. 🛑

⬇️ Here is the procedure:

  • ⚙️ Choose tools (for example Appmaildev), to test the sending of emails through APIs to simulate and analyze their behaviors.
  • 📬 Send different approaches to similar personas, but don’t spam.
  • 🔬 Use a representative sample (about 100 people), such as managers of small French tertiary companies, for example.
  • ✌🏼 Make sure you don’t make duplicates, to not send both versions to the same person.
  • 👀 Compare the results of each approach to optimize based on frequency, open, response and click-through rates (if measurable) or unsubscribe (meaning your emails are too aggressive).

You now know what type of approach best suits your target, and you can increase your sample with confidence.


A slight 5% gain in the open rate can generate 500 additional qualified leads from 10,000 contacts. So, take the time to test!

Clean Up Your Database Regularly

And, yes, you must clean your database 🧽, every 6 months at least, to prevent your prospecting emails ending in spam. 🗑️

✅ Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of things to do:

  • Remove duplicates and “no answers” (you define from when a prospect will never respond and is simply not interested).
  • Identify soft bounces source emails and classify them.
  • Delete hard bounces source emails.
  • Update the information of your contacts.
  • Check compliance with GDPR regulations.
  • Re-sort existing lists and keep leads that really match your personas.
  • Prepare potential prospect lists already targeted and sorted for your future campaigns.

To do all this, you can, of course, use some tools. ⚙️ You can use Kickbox, a software that analyzes your lists, assigns them a deliverability score and sorts them for you. 😉

Unfortunately, this type of deliverability testing tools, cannot “automatically” complete all the above-mentioned steps to make a good cleaning. ❌

🔥 Fortunately, we know another tool that allows you to do everything very simply! This tool is Waalaxy. 👽

Moreover, we will take this opportunity to explain how Waalaxy can revolutionize the preparation of your prospecting campaigns and automate the sending of thousands of sales emails. 🤩

Use Waalaxy To Send Sales Emails

Waalaxy is really the tool you need to take off your B2B prospecting campaigns by Email (and, also, on LinkedIn)! 🚀

Automate the sending of prospecting emails with Waalaxy.

🤝 We explain how it can help you:

  • Put your emailing strategy into practice.
  • Create a database for sending prospecting emails.
  • Doing inbound marketing by mail.
  • Optimize your campaign with Waalaxy.

Let’s go! 🔥

The Email Marketing Strategy

To implement your email prospecting strategy ♟️, you will have to go through two essential and inseparable steps:

  • 🚩 The configuration and technical preparation of your mailbox, so that your emails do not go into spam. This step has already been explained previously. 😉
  • 🚩 Having good targeting and copywriting, without it your sales emails will be ineffective.

🎯 Targeting is the key. 🔑 And it can vary over time.

We therefore advise you to review it regularly, to know precisely who buys your products and who does not. 🔍 And, therefore, who are your personas and prospects to include in your databases.

❌ If, conversely, you have never really thought about making a buyer persona type, it would be really worrying… 😱 You will find many tools that can help you.

With a well-honed strategy and a perfect targeting of your persona, you are ready to search for leads and create your database. 🎉

Create A Database For Sending Prospecting Emails

Let’s say you never had a database. 📊 It’s empty, nothing.

How do you do that? 💡

  • Buy sales leads? No. ❌ Often illegal and expensive, can also be of very poor quality, and you will never be sure of its origin.
  • Inbound via a blog? No. ❌ It’s an excellent technique, but in the long run. When we start, we can not bet on that, you need quick results.
  • Enrichment thanks to tools that find lead data? No, but yes. ✅ If you have nothing and need to find professional email addresses to launch your campaign, this is a very effective way.

But, not through any tool and not at any price. 🚨 To retrieve and obtain a database of qualified prospects in reinforced concrete, use the Waalaxy Email AI Prospect Finder. 📩

Waalaxy’s Email Finder to create your database and <strong>automate</strong> your prospecting campaigns.

🤖 This lead collection tool works with Dropcontact and thanks to AI, it is also completely GDPR. 🔒

Thanks to it, you will not need to send prospecting email to the whole world, to have no results. No manual search, no CSV file and no need to worry about duplicates (totally secure). 🔥

🔍 With the “Email Finder” option directly integrated into the CRM, you can 👇🏼 :

  • Delete the stage where your prospect is a simple visitor/reader who provides his contact details to receive communications from you. 😎
  • Automatically generate and obtain a database containing the business email addresses of LinkedIn users corresponding to your targets (most people leave their email address accessible on the network). 🤩
  • Clean it and form lead lists to segment your targets. 🎯
  • Add one or more lists to your prospecting campaigns, and write your message or messages. ✍🏼
  • Then launch them to effectively turn them into qualified leads… without spam or disappointing opening rates! 🚀

For the B2B, LinkedIn is a wealth of information where you can search, identify and qualify effectively. 💎
This is why the Waalaxy Email Finder is so powerful, it simply allows finding prospects (so new potential customers) and write to them in the process. 😎

⚙️ Use our detailed guide that shows you the manipulation to do a good search on LinkedIn and gives you secret techniques to find even more leads. 🤫

Finally, we will see together what type of prospecting email model is to use and how to configure your campaign to get crazy results with Waalaxy. 🤯

Use Inbound Marketing For Your Sales Emails

🧊 “Cold Emailing” is a simple and classic approach. It is an email that you send to a prospect to whom you have never spoken. 🙊

How? 💎 In particular, by offering them interesting and quality content, to attract them and arouse their interest. 👀 Not just by sending them promotions.

This is called inbound marketing (the customer comes to you). Opposed to outbound marketing (we go towards the customer), a more traditional, direct and aggressive method. 🤬 But, less and less effective due to competition and spam, growing in the market. 🤷🏻‍♀️

So we use inbound, not to get leads, but in the message 💬, to overcome two major challenges 🦾 :

  • 🪝 Capture attention, create link by email and demonstrate expertise.
  • 🏗️ Build a database of qualified prospects interested in your products (that you will contact by mail thanks to the database obtained on LinkedIn, with the Waalaxy Email Finder).

We give you some ideas of formats to propose: social networks, webinars, videos, white papers, blog, podcasts, useful information, practical tools, industry news and decryption, numerical case study, success/failure story, tutorials, examples, infographics… 🌌

Here, we must 👇🏼 :

  • Find the channel corresponding to your target (here the Email). 📩
  • Find topics and formats that interest your leads. 👀
  • Play your creativity and your copywriters skills. 👨‍🎨

👽 Waalaxy also has some tips to help you write prospecting emails that convert, and will allow you to optimize your campaigns in no time! 🤑

Automate Your Prospecting Email Campaign

🖱️ At the top of the home page, click “Create Campaign”.

Start a sales email campaign on Waalaxy.

🤖 Then, you will have to choose from the sequences of automated actions available on Waalaxy, which will allow you to communicate with your target. 🎯

Selection Of The Sequence

You can choose from several sequences ✅ :

  • 1️⃣ “Beginner”: ideal to start with and easy to use.
  • 2️⃣ “LinkedIn”: more elaborate sequences involving several actions on LinkedIn only.
  • 3️⃣ “LinkedIn + Email”: these are sequences with several multichannel actions, on LinkedIn and by Email.

The sequence storage is used to guide your choices during the course: 👇🏼

  • A difficulty level is assigned to each sequence.
  • A storage by theme according to «Use cases».
  • And finally, an overview by theme and level.

Choose a campaign automation sequence on Waalaxy.


In your case, we advise you to choose the following sequence : 1️⃣ Automated LinkedIn Login request 2️⃣ A search for the prospect’s email address. 3️⃣ One or two automatic emails sent immediately. 👉🏼 All this in a fully automated way and sent to hundreds of prospects at the same time. 💥

Finally, all you have to do is 🎁 :

  • Write and optimize your message(s). ⚙️
  • Then, you will have to indicate delays and quotas between your actions (from 0 to 28 days) if there are several. 📆

Message Optimization

You are free to optimize the message, thanks to various elements to include in your text:

  • *️⃣ Variables (first name, last name and company).
  • 📸 Images.
  • 🔗 Attachment.
  • 🎥 Gifs.
  • 🗣️ Vocal notes.
Optimize a prospecting email with Waalaxy.

You also have the possibility to automatically add your own message template to those already proposed on the space, and therefore reuse it later.👀

🛟 To help you in your project:

  • A checklist of elements to include and/ or respect to write your email correctly. ✍🏼
  • Preview the text, to check the rendering and the proper functioning of your variables. 🔍
  • Our editorial AI assistant: Waami, to write the perfect message. 🤖

Then you can validate, to access the summary of the campaign. All you have to do is launch it. 🚀

Summary before launching an automated campaign on Waalaxy.

Then? 🤔 You have nothing more to do…! 🤩

If not manage the responses and control the performance of your campaigns from a complete sales dashboard, located in the home of your space. 📊

ℹ️ All information will be centralized, and you can choose where and how to direct your prospects! 💁🏻‍♀️

Finally, we also advise you to make a report to optimize the next shipments. 🔗 This is quite feasible by integrating a third-party tool with Waalaxy (several integration modes available). 

Unfortunately, this is the end of this article, I’m almost sad to leave you so early! 💔

Conclusion – Recap of the ultimate guide about prospecting email 

📩 The prospecting email is a strategic step to convert leads into loyal customers. 💸

🧠 We taught you to understand it, to know what a good prospecting email is and the elements it must contain to be effective (with an example of structure to reuse). 🚀

Then, we gave you tips to succeed your prospecting emails and some mistakes not to make. 🎁

Then, we discussed in detail the writing of the prospecting email with 5 writing frameworks to use (AIDA, PAS, STAR, 4U, IDCA) and a focus on email follow-up. ✍🏼

🎉 Finally, we saw that the prospecting email had evolved into a more subtle and personalized approach 🎨, using inbound marketing to: 

  • Convince, attract, capture attention in an authentic way. 👀
  • Build lasting relationships, based on trust, through quality content that brings a lot of added value. 💎

⚙️ This is thanks to the rise of automation tools and marketing techniques. 🤖 The latter have also made it more efficient to find/contact qualified leads and send prospecting emails. 📩

We advised you to use Waalaxy 👽, to: implement your strategy, create a database with the Email Finder, automate the sending of mail for your prospecting campaigns. 🔥

We hope you enjoyed it and that our advice will be useful. 🫶🏼

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Did you think it was over? 🫢 We still have the answers to the most frequently asked questions to share with you. 😇

The limit of commercial prospecting models

Think about it. 💭 A prospecting message that worked a lot will be used a lot. 🤷🏻‍♀️

What works best is creativity and innovation. 🎨 So change them as often as possible and always test new ones!

Moreover, we recommend that you make A/B testing 🧪, the engine of success of your sales marketing policy.

Cold mailing VS Mail marketing: 3 fundamental differences 

Cold EmailStart a relationship, create a link with the prospect.Sent to a contact who has already registered (for example, via a newsletter or a lead magnet).Almost like an email to a friend.
Email marketingGet the prospect to buy.Sent to someone you never contacted beforehand.Less flexible in terms of writing, worked a bit like an ads poster or a sales page.

What are the advantages of email in a digital prospecting strategy?

  • The rate very reasonable. 🤑
  • No need for technical knowledge.
  • Basic knowledge to succeed your emails.
  • A good way to boost your brand image. 😇
  • Perfect for getting to know your prospects and analyzing their reactions.
  • Personalized communication through marketing targeting
  • Campaigns that are easy to automate. 🦾
  • A technology in constant evolution. 

Here you are, ready to prospect new customers, write your first prospecting mail and launch your campaign. 🚀 See you soon. 👽

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