Emailing Campaign : How to Succeed in 11 Easy Steps !

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In this guide, we’ve put together 11 steps to send a quality Emailing campaign and maximize their potential. ⚡ By following these tips, you’ll have all the keys to send campaigns effectively and succeed in your B2B prospecting. 👏 Are you ready? Good thing we are, too! 🚀

Email campaign : the definition

Let’s get straight to the heart of the matter 🔥 an emailing campaign or “email marketing” consists in sending promotional emails to large lists of prospects or customers, for promotional, loyalty, or simply informational purposes. 🧐

Nowadays, emailing is an essential channel to attract, retain and generate revenue from potential customers. 🎯

However, consumers are increasingly attracted to emails that convey brand values, thus consumer loyalty becomes a valuable resource. 💎

For this reason, sending emails is an ever-evolving means of communication. 🍃 Over the years, it has evolved in a more qualitative way based on user permissions and increasingly targeted content. (By the way, with the RGPD coming into effect in Europe, this quality requirement has become the norm for all companies). 📋

The advantages and disadvantages of emailing campaign

A good email marketing campaign should have the main objectives of making you gain visibility, establishing you as an expert and allowing you to sell your products and services. 🛍️

For this reason, emails allow you to carry out marketing campaigns in a simple and cost-effective way, let’s see the benefits in more detail below : ⏬

Don’t get me wrong, there are also some disadvantages, here they are 👇🏼

So, if your goal is to convert your prospects into customers, promote your product or even launch an event, your email campaigns can be simple, inexpensive and customizable! 💥

What are the 8 different types of email campaigns?

There are 8 different types of email marketing, here is a summary table to list them below: 👇

Type of emailing Objective 👀 Target 🎯 Frequency of sending 📆
Newsletter Inform, maintain a relationship, build traffic. Prospects, current customers, subscribers. Daily, weekly, bi-monthly frequency..
Prospecting email Acquire new customers. Targeted prospects according to profile. According to opportunities.
Promotional email Prospect, build loyalty, boost sales. Precise targeting of certain types of customers/prospects. According to the company’s news.
Loyalty email Build loyalty, boost sales. Loyal customers. After x orders placed or x amount spent.
Transactional email Important information about orders and payments. New customers, existing customers. Upon account opening, order, shipping, delivery, etc.
Reminder email (old customers) Remind inactive customers. Not having ordered for x time. After x time (life cycle).
Invitation email Publicize and animate an event. Depending on the type of event. Between 1 and 2 months before the event.
Notification email (trigger emails) Notify, build loyalty. New customers/users, existing customers. Depending on the customer’s actions and journey (welcome email, birthday, abandoned cart, etc.).

As you can see, there are many themes to create your campaign. The most common emails are newsletters that provide information about new products, for example. 🤓

However, we can also send promotional emails to highlight products and services. You can send a prospecting email, using a prospecting database. ✅

Now all you have to do is choose the type of campaign that best fits your current goal! 🏹

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11 steps to create a successful campaign email

To run your email campaigns successfully, 💯 you need to follow these 11 easy steps:

  • 🟦 Set your own goals.
  • 🟪 Define a qualified database.
  • 🟦 Configure your mailbox settings.
  • 🟪 Take care of your email subject line.
  • 🟦 Change the name of the sender.
  • 🟪 Customize your header.
  • 🟦 Write relevant content.
  • 🟪 Prepare your emailing sequence.
  • 🟦 Schedule your email sending.
  • 🟪 Test your email campaigns.
  • 🟦 Analyze your results with KPIs.

Let’s go through each step in detail, below ! ✨

1) Set your own goals

To get off to a good start, you need to keep your campaign goals in mind. 🏹Maybe you want to increase your sales, build loyalty among your customers or build trust with your audience.

You need to prepare your email sequences according to the main objectives. When you launch a campaign from collecting email addresses , the first thing to send is often a welcome message (this is a sample message on LinkedIn, however you can adapt it to your emails as well). 👌

You should save promotionaloffer emails for the end of your sequence, for example. 😏 Your goal framework should include specific information about the total number of emails to send, the calls to action you’ll use, and the content of each email.

This work requires a lot of knowledge about your buyer personas and also, you need to be creative to engage your readers. 🤓 buyer persona marketing Also, your sequences can be optimized by testing to better achieve the set goals. We’ll take a look at all of this, below! 🚀

2) Define a qualified database

Creating a good mailing campaign also requires a good database of databases with qualified prospects. 🏅

Actually, youremails can’t target everyone, and that’s okay… In fact, that’s even the point, because not everyone can be your ideal customer!

For example, you can create lists by age, gender, location , profession or field of activity , etc. The more criteria you have on your list,the more prospects qualified prospects in your list. 🥰

Quality should always take precedence over quantity. 🪙 Keep your end goal in mind ! It is important to sort yourcontact list, so you can optimize yourleads in a targeted way.

Inactive or erroneous emails also affect your deliverability, so don’t hesitate to create a dedicated “blacklistto stop contacting them!

3) Configure your mailbox settings

In addition, you need to configure your email box to be ready to send your campaigns! 👍

As said before, delivery rate or deliverability is the percentage of emails that reach your recipients inbox.

This means :

  • 🥇 The email arrives in a valid email box.
  • 🥈 The email does not land in “spam.

The first point is directly related to the quality of youremail base. Don ‘t panic, you can use emails from your LinkedIn contacts (they are already verified by LinkedIn) or emails enriched by Dropcontact, which takes care of verifying them before d’sending emails. The second pointis another story. 🥲

Not all email providers have the same criteria for determining whether emails should be redirected to SPAM, so some are stricter than others. However, there are 3 main criteria that affect deliverability: 👀

  • Trustin your domain name .
  • The trust in the IP address that sends the emails.
  • The trust of the content of the email itself.

💡 If you want to know all the steps to set up your mailbox, then read this article on “cold mailing”! ❄️

4) Take care of your email subject line

Just like your prospects, you too probably get tons of cold emails every day that you rarely open. 👀 So, if you think that sending emails without personalization is acceptable, forget that thought right now. It s not easy to cold prospect, but it is possible to generate leads if youput all the chances on your side! ☘️

One element of your emails that should not be neglected is the personalization of the subject lines. 🤩

Writing objects d’emails is the basis to optimize the opening rate of your campaign.

It is the first thing the recipient will read, either it will make him want to open your email or not

However, you can personalize your emails with the name, the first name, the company, alsoplay on the tone, use calls toaction, and catch the attention with GIFs, oremojis... 🤓

In short, be original by making your message fun and easy to read!

5) Change the sender’s name

If you want your email campaign to stand out from the crowd, you need to pay attention to every little detail, including the sender’s name. Why would you tell me? 🤔

Well, here are some reasons among others:

  • Avoiding being considered spam ➡️ emails sent from a generic email address or an unfamiliar email address are more likely to be considered spam. However, if you use a familiar sender name, you can help prevent your emails from being filtered as spam.
  • Increase brand recognition ➡️ by using your company or brand name, you can help your customers recognize you immediately in their inbox.
  • Improve open rates ➡️ people are more likely to open emails from people they know and trust. By using a familiar name, you increase your chances of having your email opened.

As you can see, the sender’s name may seem like a minor detail, but it can have a significant impact on the success of your emaling campaign!

6) Customize your header

The header is kind of like the hat on an outfit, it’s the first thing people see and, it can make all the difference. 👒

When you personalize your header, you can make your brand stand out and differentiate yourself from the mass of other emails flooding your customers’ inboxes.

Let’s use our hat example again, we’re wearing a colorful hat in a crowd of black and white hats. ✨

On a more serious note, a custom header can help build trust. If they see an image that is professional and consistent with your brand, it can make them think that you are a serious and trustworthy company. However, if your header is drab or unprofessional, it can give the impression that you are sloppy. Don’t worry, you can let your creativity run wild and add a touch of humor if it fits your brand image. 🥰

7) Write relevant content

This step is perhaps the most time-consuming, ⌚ but also the most qualitative of all. Firstof all, its important to create content that focuses on your Call to Action (CTA).

This way, you can write posts that get right to the point! ⚽ Next, you need to choose your approach. 🎯

Storytelling that touches the reader ‘s emotions , persuasive techniques that call to action , and testimonials that provide a evidence social. It all depends on what you want to achieve with each email. Likewise, you need to choose the social media that can better reach your audience. 📣 réseau-social-professionnel Email format options range from text to video, you can also use infographics, PDF documentsand links to your social networks. Again , choose the one that best suits the purpose of your communication (informational, promotional, etc.) Also, the design of your email is important.

Your entirecampaign must follow a graphic charter consistent with the companys positioning. 🎨

So, think about innovating your approach to stand out from the competition and follow trends like sweepstakes or Black Friday promos! 🖤

It’s not over, its important to make sure your emails match your image of brand and highlight the most important aspects of your business. 👌 In this article, you’ll discover how to use the right greetings to finish your emails and improve your inbound marketing ! 🔥

8) Prepare your emailing sequence

Now, that you have segmented your contacts and determined the type of campaign to do according to each segment, it is time for theautomation comes into play. 🕹️

Unlike traditional email marketing campaigns, automated campaigns are a more targeted form of email triggered by actions taken by your prospects (called “triggers“).

For example, if you can trigger these triggers when you have new subscribers, following anabandoned shopping cart or to offer discounts based on X number of orders placed. 🤑

👉 Automation has 3 key benefits for your campaigns email marketing:

  • 📈 It you allow improve the communication with your customers and prospects.
  • ⏱️ Win a time valuable and concentrate on the creation of content.
  • 💌 Send from emails marketing automated highly targeted.

Scenarios can be created and used to automate youremail campaigns.🤖 A scenario is a series of emails sent automatically with intervals between each message sent. Forexample : send a welcome email to your prospect and 3 days later, send them an email with a tutorial video, along with a promo code or 2 weeks free trial. A big advantage of automating your email campaigns is that once you set it up, it’ s done! 😏

The contacts you put in a list or campaign, will automatically receive the emails you set in the sequence. This is a huge time and efficiency saver . 💪

9) Schedule the sending of the emails

Once the sequences will be ready, you need to schedule theemail sending. 🗓️

You can create a communication plan for your email campaigns , taking into account special dates, such as back-to-school in September, holiday season, Valentine’s Day, etc, etc. 💘

The important thing is to think about the best time for send it, based on your business and the needs of your target market. Next, you need to think about the duration of your campaign, that is, the time between each message.

Avoid daily messages so you don’t come across as too pushy to contacts, but keep a steady pace so they have your name/brand in mind. 🧠

Finally,determining the best time to launch a campaign is more complicated, but ideally you should find a time when your target audience can check their emails, like early evening or Friday afternoon,for example.

10) Test your email campaigns

By the way, even if you write the perfectemail , it won’t do any good if no oneopens it. 😬

That ‘s why doing A/B testing is essential. Plus, setting it up is verysimple. 🙌

The idea is to test two or three different email templates , in a sample of yourprospect list, and see which ones have the rates open rates the highest open rates.

This method can be applied to several key elements of your message, such as the subject line, CTA buttons , graphic elements or body copy. 💪

Onlyone element needs to be changed in each test to isolate the element that works better than the others.

11) Analyze your results with KPIs

One of the most important aspects of any marketing strategy, analyzing the results of a campaign through KPIs.

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) allow you to measure the effectiveness of your email campaign.

By using these indicators, you can identify what is working and what is not. For example, if you see that the open rate of your emails are low, it may mean that your email subject line is not catchy enough or your recipient is not targeted enough. 🎯

Here, just for you, are some relevant KPIs: ⬇️

  • Open rate: percentage of recipients who opened your email.
  • Unsubscribe rate: percentage of recipients who unsubscribed from your email list.
  • Click-through rate: percentage of recipients who clicked on a link in your email.
  • Conversion rate: percentage of recipients who took a desired action after clicking on a link in your email.

However, this data does not tellyou what the contact did after clicking on the link in the email… 🧐
For this, you can also install custom “tracking” links on your emails.

Check out an easy tuto to do so. ⬅️ 💡

A good emailing strategy is perfected in the long run, by analyzing the campaign results and building trust with your contacts. 🙂

Email campaigns are a great way for marketers to maintain long-lasting relationships with their customers, attract new customers, and make e-commerce successful.

Conclusion: How to do an email marketing campaign?

In conclusion, an email marketing campaign is a sequence of emails that a company uses to communicate with its current and potential customers. They are used to convince customers to interact with the company. 🤝

With an email automation software like Waalaxy, you will be able to accurately determine the “ROI” (return on investment) and thus know whether your email campaign is successful or not. 🙏

Email marketing campaigns are an important part of inbound marketing. 🧲

If you are reading this article, you can confirm that you have at least one email address (or two, or three…). 😜
In fact, you’ve probably been sending and receiving email for years, and you’ve certainly received suspicious emails in your inbox.
Although emails have been around for years, many marketers still haven’t updated their prospecting strategy. 🙊

FAQ: Email Campaign

What is emailing?

Emailing is a means of communication which consists which in sending a batch of emails to a list of more or less qualified contacts. 🏹

Each message fits into a predefined framework and achieves a specific objective that guides the target audience through the stages of the sales funnel.

A campaign consists of a sequence of emails that can provide different content such as promotions, customer testimonials, contests, etc. 📩

How to make a good email campaign?

Email campaigns help you maintain quality relationships with your target audience. 📣

It’s a great way to grow your list of qualified leads, increase sales and build customer loyalty. 🥰

It’s also a way to distribute targeted content and implement “lead nurturing” strategies. Moreover, it is a cheap means of communication, quick to set up, and easy to update.

The KPIs are very accurate and offer the possibility to create detailed analytics throughout your marketing campaigns. ⚡

This allows you to get realistic estimates of your ROI and justify the resources used for your ca

What is the cost of an emailing campaign?

An emailing campaign can cost you between 80 euros and 700 euros per month, 👀 it’s up to you to choose the best tool that will be adapted to your needs and especially, to your budget 😉

Find out the price of a Waalaxy subscription, compared to other automation tools on the market. 👽 (Let me tell you, the choice is quickly made!)

Find out more 🔥

Where to find mailing “templates”?

Mailing is a great way to find hot prospects. 🔥

In this article, you have the best examples to create your email marketing campaigns. However, stay original and add the little touch that differentiates your brand from others!

Cool, now you know how to create an Emailing campaign from scratch. 😘

Want to go further?

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