Waalaxy is the best alternative to Dripify

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Dripify is a SaaS software for B2B prospecting on LinkedIn. It claims to be the #1 tool in France. In reality, it’s very far from being #1 and barely competes with its competitors. 😄

Because the #1 solution is the one that has been used by the largest number of people. Which is the case for Waalaxy (Ex-ProspectIn, a Google Chrome extension that was downloaded over 50,000 times), its best alternative. 😉

In this article, you will discover how our tool is better in every way.

Waalaxy outperforms Dripify in terms of functionality offered

Dripify offers 5 main features, which are still very basic:

  1. Create automatic sequences on LinkedIn (send an invitation, a message, view a profile, recommend skills, follow a person, like a post).
  2. Manage your team by assigning roles for each sales person (manager, owner, user): only with the most expensive plan.
  3. Analyze data with a dashboard.
  4. Respond to prospects with a dedicated inbox.
  5. Export data in CSV: only with the medium plan.

There are also a few other possibilities, but only accessible from the most expensive access plan: Zapier integration, personal account management.

However, thanks to our Waalaxy tool you will be able to go much further (in addition to Dripify features):

The huge advantage of Waalaxy that Dripify does not have

The big plus of Waalaxy is that you can contact your prospects where they are.

That is, via :

  • LinkedIn.
  • Emailing.

And you can create campaigns using the two types of channels. For example, you can:

  • Send an invitation on LinkedIn on day 0.
  • Send a personalized LinkedIn message on day 1.
  • Send an email on day 2.
  • Etc.

Dripify doesn’t offer this possibility, as it is only operational on LinkedIn. Our tool has a super-accurate and ultra-graphical performance dashboard.

Everything is optimized for an unforgettable user experience (no no we’re not exaggerating, test it 😉).

You can drive and view your KPIs like your open rate or response rate for example. The best part of all this? You can sort this data by campaign and periodicity to segment the visualization of your results.

Also, you have access to many statistics such as:

  1. The number of active and pending LinkedIn connections.
  2. The number of visits to your LinkedIn profile.
  3. The exact reach of your last post.

And much more…

Your activity of the week by marketing action is also present on our dashboard, with the possibility of using filters to precisely compare the data.

Also, we have a tag system, much more efficient than the old system of lists used by some CRMs. The tags allow you to associate one or more groups per user, in order to classify and identify your prospects easily.

Another thing Dripify doesn’t have (just like LeadIn) is a system that allows you to delete requests received 7, 14, 21, 30 or 90 days ago.

Get your first customers this week

Take advantage of the power of Waalaxy to generate leads every day. Start prospecting for free, today.

waalaxy dashboard

Opt for ease of use with Waalaxy

logo waalaxy

With Waalaxy, everything is much prettier and faster because :

With Waalaxy, it’s much faster and much more fun to use.

Dripify is too expensive for what it can do on LinkedIn

The main problem with Dripify is that you don’t know how long the trial period is. Do you have to sign up blindly to test a tool, and see how long the trial period is? That’s not our vision at Waalaxy.

We think it’s important to be able to use the tool and know in advance how long it will be free for. We no only offer a free 7-day trial (renewable for 7 days), but also a lifetime freemium option, where you can use the basic LinkedIn features, for free.

Next, let’s talk about pricing. Here they are for Dripify: les tarifs de dripify

  • Basic: 39 dollars per month (€32.95/month).
  • Pro: 59 dollars per month (€49.85/month).
  • Advanced: 79 dollars per month (or €66.75/month).

Here is the pricing for Waalaxy:

See Waalaxy’s pricing! + A Free option. 🎁

Quite a difference, wouldn’t you say?

There’s no doubt which one to choose.

The Freemium version allows you to start launching your first campaigns in a few clicks!

Moreover, with Waalaxy you don’t need to enter your bank details or even your e-mail address to test us, in just a few clicks you can get started! Just download our extension from the Chrome Store.

Waalaxy has much more elaborate and advanced features. Cheaper yet so much better.

Your LinkedIn account could be vulnerable to Dripify

Here’s something you don’t want: to get banned from LinkedIn or have your LinkedIn account restricted. Unfortunately, this is extremely likely when you use Dripify. Why? The reason is that they don’t set daily quota limits when automating actions.

Additionally, Dripify is not “undetectable” by LinkedIn. This is the case with tool developed that aren’t in extension-format – the risk of being detected is simply greater. And that’s a lot of prospecting time that can be squandered in an instant.

Choose a 100% secure solution where you know that even if you schedule too many actions, your tool will automatically take over to keep your account safe. This is the case with Waalaxy.

dripify est un danger

The best alternative to Dripify – what should you remember?

Finally, the real question is “should you use Dripify for your BtoB prospecting on LinkedIn?”. The answer: no. Here are the reasons why:

  • This is a solution with very few features for the most basic version.
  • It’s too expensive for what it can do.
  • It’s less convenient, because you have to create an account.
  • It’s less beautiful.
  • It poses a potential threat to your LinkedIn account.

On the other hand, we encourage you to test our Waalaxy tool for free. We trust our cross-channel prospecting tool because:

  • We offer advanced prospecting power for a high ROI.
  • We offer a 7-day free trial so you can test it out. (renewable if you needed.❤️)
  • We put a lot of emphasis on the user experience (UX).
  • It’s totally safe for your LinkedIn account.
  • You can exceed LinkedIn’s 100 weekly invitations in total security.
  • Plus: we have a super-speedy chat support team!

Basically, forget about Dripify! 🚀

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