Waalaxy is the best alternative to LinkedAutomate

LinkedAutomate is a new tool on the B2B prospecting market on LinkedIn.

With a name inspired by Linked Helper, and“marketing automation“, this tool is very far from rivaling its competitors and especially its best alternative: Waalaxy 😉

In this spicy article, you’ll discover how our tool is (largely) better in every way.

Features: Waalaxy far surpasses LinkedAutomate

LinkedAutomate offers 3 main features, which are very basic:

  • Send automated connection requests.
  • Send automated messages and InMails.
  • Visit and accept invitations automatically.

There are also a few other features, but they are not very useful and not very developed.

On the other hand, thanks to our software Waalaxy you will be able to do much more than the functions of LinkedAutomate:

  • Conduct multi-channel prospecting (LinkedIn + emailing).
  • Safely exceed the 100 weekly invitation limit.
  • Track people without having to connect with them.
  • Create scenarios to sequence basic actions (connection, messages, etc…) and get a better ROI.
  • Deploy action triggers (for example: trigger a specific message as soon as a person opens one of your previous messages).
  • A pre-integrated CRM so you don’t have to pay for another CRM (examples: Hubspot, Pipedrive, etc.).

prospectin est un incroyable outil pour la prospection b2b

The big plus of Waalaxy, and that LinkedAutomate doesn’t have

Our tool has a super-accurate and ultra-graphical performance visualization.

Thanks to a dashboard, you can monitor and visualize your KPIs like your open rate or response rate.

The best part?

You can sort this data by campaign and by periodicity. Also, you have access to a large number of statistics such as :

  1. Your number of established and pending connections.
  2. The number of views on your LinkedIn profile.
  3. The reach on your latest post.
  4. And much more.

Your weekly activity by marketing action is also present on our dashboard, with the possibility to use filters to get precision in the comparison of the data.

Moreover, we have a tag system, much more efficient than the old system of lists used by some CRM (long live emailing).

The tags allow you to associate one or more groups per user, in order to classify and identify your prospects easily.

Another thing that LinkedAutomate doesn’t have: a system that allows you to delete requests received 7, 14, 21, 30 or 90 days ago.

Get your first customers this week

Take advantage of the power of Waalaxy to generate leads every day. Start prospecting for free, today.

waalaxy dashboard

Make the choice of simplicity of use with Waalaxy

logo waalaxy

Our developers have thought of everything, especially the experience of its 20,000 users. For example, it is possible to edit your current campaigns, transfer your leads from one list to another, tag your leads, or delete your pending invitations. All this is available in the Freemium version of Waalaxy. 🔥

With Waalaxy, it’s much clearer and much more pleasant to use.

LinkedAutomate is too expensive for basic functions

The main problem with LinkedAutomate is that it doesn’t offer a freemium account. Do you have to pay to test a tool, and see if it suits you?

This is not our vision at Waalaxy.

We think it’s important to be able to use the tool to fit all types of people. For example, sole proprietors don’t want to spend hundreds of euros on a tool. Especially not immediately.

LinkedAutomate does offer a trial period, just like Waalaxy, but here is why we are the best alternative (again):

  • 7 days free trial for LinkedAutomate.
  • 7 days free trial for Waalaxy for the premium version. (renewable if you needed.❤️)
  • A free version of Waalaxy : for life. 🎁🥰

Here are Waalaxy’s prices:

See Waalaxy’s pricing! + A Free option. 🎁

See the difference?

There’s no doubt which one to choose.

Moreover, with Waalaxy you don’t need to enter your bank details to test us, in a few clicks you can already start!

A danger for your LinkedIn account

Here’s something you don’t want: getting banned from LinkedIn. Unfortunately, this is extremely likely after using LinkedAutomate.


The reason is that they don’t use daily quotas when automating actions. Even though LinkedAutomate’s Chrome extension claims to be “undetectable” by LinkedIn (like Waalaxy), it is clear that the social network, on the other hand, detects spam actions with your account.

And that’s a lot of prospecting time that can be squandered in an instant.

Choose a safe solution where you know that even if you schedule 1000x too many actions, your tool will take over automatically to secure you.

This is the case with Waalaxy.

The best alternative to LinkedAutomate – what should you remember?

In the end, the real question is “should you use LinkedAutomate for your B2B prospecting on LinkedIn?”. The answer: no. Here are the reasons that prove this:

  • It’s a solution with too few features.
  • It’s too expensive for what it brings (too basic).
  • It’s complicated to use.
  • It’s less beautiful.
  • It’s a real threat to your LinkedIn account.

On the other hand, we encourage you to test our Waalaxy tool for free. We trust our software because:

  • We offer advanced prospecting for maximum ROI.
  • We offer a freemium version to test serenely.
  • We put a lot of emphasis on the user experience (UX).
  • It’s totally secure for your LinkedIn.
  • Plus: we have a chat support!

So forget about LinkedAutomate! 🚀

Pour aller plus loin :

If you’re starting your business, you might be wondering which social media platform is better: LinkedIn vs Twitter? 🧐 In


You’ve found your prospects. Well, first step validated. You’ve chosen your Waalaxy sequence. Second step validated. You’ve reached the message-writing


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Get the ultimate e-book for multi-channel prospecting 📨

Or How to go from 0 to +10 leads per week – No experience needed.