The best free tool for LinkedIn

LinkedIn, we know, and if you have been with us for a while, you probably know this great professional social network. But today is a special day because we decided to tell you about the best free tool on LinkedIn to start your prospecting campaigns. Come on, it’s this way 👇 that it happens.

Free 😮? We did say free, yes!

What is a LinkedIn automation tool?

Since we know that LinkedIn is the perfect professional network to get qualified leads, b2b leads and so on, lots of new tools have emerged on the net to help you prospect.

Why have these tools ⛏️ come into existence? Well, as you know, staying active on social networks requires a lot of time. You have to think about sharing posts (like on Facebook and other), think about commenting, think about inviting people, sending messages etc… When we are Sales or marketers, we are sorely lacking time ⏱️.

Indeed, we can’t improvise ourselves as a community manager when we have all kinds of other tasks waiting for us. It is precisely in these cases that automation comes in. It is going to allow you to automate certain activities that you usually do manually ✍️ and optimize them.

We’re mostly talking about automation tools that will allow you to:

  • Send multiple invitations togrow your network, and do so completely automatically.
  • Be able to send messages to as many people as possible while managing to hyper-personalize them ❤️🔥.
  • Send emails to your potential customers.
  • Create prospecting sequences.
  • Follow up on your actions to gain new customers.

The perfect free tool for LinkedIn: Waalaxy

If you don’t know about our awesome 🤩 tool. We’ll be happy to let you know about it.

Découvrir Waalaxy 🪐

Have you started your crazy LinkedIn adventure, and you don’t plan to stop there? You’d be right! LinkedIn is the biggest professional social network present on the Internet. It has over 800 million users 🤯! For all marketers, entrepreneurs, recruiters or others, it is a colossal prospecting database 🦛.

Indeed, LinkedIn, it’s the best 💡 qualified BtoB prospecting database in the world. So it’s in everyone’s interest to use it. And it’s good timing, since to help you leverage this database, we have a tool with a free plan to offer you: Waalaxy 💥.

By the way, to date, Waalaxy is the only prospecting tool on LinkedIn that is completely free. How crazy is that?

What can I do with a free plan at Waalaxy?

You’re going to be very surprised but thanks to the free plan, you’re already “in the game” 🎶. Indeed, you can:

  • Make visits.
  • Invite potential leads to join your network.
  • Send messages with automatic follow-ups.
  • Import your leads in CSV into Waalaxy.

This gives you a plan that allows you to have 100 quotas per week and of course access to our fabulous ❤️ support team.

Also, you can send 100 messages per week, well, that we know about. But did you know that you can fully customize all of them? It will only take you 10 minutes a day to start prospecting like a pro 🥳. You’ll also have access to some sequences that will help you get started.

Most important thing? Waalaxy is so very easy-to-use.

Example of how to use a sequence with Waalaxy

There are a lot of sequences on Waalaxy, all you have to do is choose the one that fits you best 😍. If you’re a novice, we’ll show you how to use one of our sequences, the one that allows you to :

  • Visit a profile.
  • Invite them.
  • Send them a message.

The steps you will have to go through are:

  • Connect to your LinkedIn account.
  • Do a search for your target audience 🎯 by double-clicking on the magnifying glass in the search bar to access all available contacts.
  • Then, filter by “People” and access advanced search filters to add a keyword (such as the job title, here Fullstack Developer).

This method is much more effective than a simple keyword search directly typed into the search bar (and even more so if you use Boolean operators).

  • Import your leads with Waalaxy (you can create a new list of leads or add your import to an existing list 😛).

  • Access the application.
  • Once you are on the dashboard, click on “Campaigns” and then “Create a campaign”.

  • Go to the “Beginner” use case, you should find the sequence: Visit + invitation + message.
  • Select the sequence and “Choose this template”.
  • Add your leads in the sequence.
  • You may decide to put a note in the invitation 💌. If you decide to do this, know that your copywriting must be perfect. If not, it’s better to do an invitation without a note.
  • Write your message after your invitation is accepted.

  • Once everything looks perfect, click on “Create Template”.
  • Start your campaign.
  • Let the magic happen.

So you have full automation of the visit, the invitation and then the message. And all this will have taken you very little time ⌚. So with Waalaxy’s free plan, you can prospect up to 100 people per week. Which is really a great start to get started.

Découvrir Waalaxy 🪐

Get your first customers this week

Take advantage of the power of Waalaxy to generate leads every day. Start prospecting for free, today.

waalaxy dashboard

How to search for a person on LinkedIn for free?

When you log into your LinkedIn page, looking for new marketing leads, you’re going to have to do some research 🤓.

If you have a person’s first and last name, you can type them directly into the search bar at the top of the LinkedIn homepage.

All you’ll have to do is add it later if that’s what you want. If you just want to spy on him 🕵️, you can too. It’s up to you whether you want that person to know about the fact that you’ve been on their profile or not.

We strongly advise against spying on your ex on LinkedIn, but that’s just friendly advice 😊.

Search for multiple people on LinkedIn

You can totally do a multi-person search. To be more specific, you can search for prospects. What to do? Like a regular search, you enter your keywords in the search bar at the top of the LinkedIn homepage.

Try to target them well if you want to sell 💰 a product or service. It is imperative that you set up your persona before any sales attempt. If from the start, your persona is not set up with relevant criteria and you haven’t done any segmentation, then you might not get any results 📉.

You can also quite easily type in the name of a company. This way you will have the names of the people working in the company coming up first like in the example below with Waalaxy ❤️.

Remember that in digital prospecting, it all starts with good targeting. Once you’ve nailed this step, once you’ve mastered the art of copywriting ✍️ in your invitations and messages, you’ll move on to the next step.

The next step is that of attracting the customer to you or what is more commonly known as Inbound Marketing. You’re going to start publishing on this 🕸️ social network in order to stand out from your competitors and maybe succeed in qualifying your leads.

By the way, we’re going to tell you about a tool to publish on LinkedIn.

How to prospect with LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is not free. However, you can try it out for free and if you like it, you can then take out a subscription 💰. You’re probably wondering why you should use LinkedIn Sales Navigator? We’ll give you the lowdown right now!


One of the first advantages of using Sales Nav is of course the fact that you can contact people on the network without necessarily being connected ❤️ to them. But that’s not all since you can :

  • Access LinkedIn Learning.
  • Do unlimited research and see who has viewed your profile in the last 90 days.
  • Refine your targeting options (you can exclude certain traits you don’t want in your persona).
  • Integrate with your business tools.
  • Synchronize your CRM.
  • Optimize leads with content aggregation and engagement tracking.

There are several plans that you can choose from depending on your needs but most importantly, before you commit, you will be able to test for free.

Indeed, LinkedIn Sales Navigator allows you to test their main features for free for a month so that you can make your own opinion.

In addition, Sales Navigator can be a complementary tool to help 😇 you in your prospecting.

Tool for publishing on LinkedIn

We wanted to tell you about a great tool for LinkedIn. A tool that will allow you to publish on LinkedIn. We see you coming, and you’re probably wondering why ❓ publish on LinkedIn when you’re just looking to acquire new customers?

Well, posting regularly on this professional network will help you gain credibility in the eyes 👀 of your future clients. So yes, we agree, starting to write your posts on LinkedIn itself won’t cost you a dime (and thankfully so).

But it’s not about price, it’s really about functionality. We are talking about being able to schedule your posts. You’re probably wondering: “well yeah, well, what for?”. Scheduling your posts will bring you a number of significant benefits.

Why schedule your posts on LinkedIn?

If you too are trying to sell your products or services on LinkedIn, or simply to get yourself known and thus improve your personal branding, you may have noticed that the task was time consuming ⌚.

Scheduling your posts will save you time later on. What you need to do first is to find your favorite topics and create your funnel, with the famous TOFU-MOFU-BOFU. Incidentally, we talk about LinkedIn posts and content strategy ❤️ in more detail in this article.

Once you have decided on your different topics, it will then start writing your own posts. Any ideas you may have are good to take.

The one you had while picking up your dog 🦮? Write it down. The one you had during your swimming lessons? Write it down. The one you had while taking your shower? Again, write it down. Write them all down, you can sort them out later.

Take a moment to start writing down all your publications. Let them settle and come back to refine them. Once all that is done, schedule your posts. You’ll please LinkedIn’s algorithm, post regularly, and get more exposure as a result 👁️.

What are some ways to schedule your posts on LinkedIn?

One of the essential elements for planning posts is of course the editorial calendar. This is the tool par excellence ❤️ of bloggers, community managers and web writers. It’s THE document you’ll use to define beforehand what to publish based on the platforms you work on. Setting up an editorial calendar will allow you to:

  • Save time.
  • Structure your content.
  • Define your objectives.
  • Have a global vision 👀 on your communication strategy.
  • Understand the expectations of your users.
  • Improve your digital communication.

Now that we have explained all the advantages, we will get into the hard part and talk about the tool: Podawaa.

Free tool LinkedIn: schedule on LinkedIn with Podawaa

Well, on LinkedIn, it’s impossible to schedule a post. The platform itself does not allow it. On the other hand, we have just what you need 😎 Podawaa. And what is Podawaa? It’s a tool to generate qualified engagement while pleasing LinkedIn’s algorithm.

How does it work? The tool is an intelligent automated pod. A pod is a group of people who will organize themselves in an automated way to comment and/or like the publications of other group members.

The way Podawaa works is extremely simple 👌. You won’t need to go through LinkedIn Learning to learn all the secrets of it.

How do you go about programming with Podawaa?

You can choose to write from within the app (if you’ve been listening to us, you’ll just copy and paste your text into the extension) and then you can either:

  • Choose a date ✍️ to schedule your publication.

  • Or decide to publish directly.

But that’s not all Podawaa offers. Indeed, in order to accompany users in their journey, you can find all the tips on Youtube to understand how to use our tool well 💓.

Tester Podawaa 🚀

Okay, you’ve decided to program or publish, great! Now we need to move to the next gear: generating qualified lead. We want our publication to be shown to as many people as possible so we want :

  • Comments.
  • Likes.
  • Shares.

If you’ve joined a pod, you’ll be able to create that engagement on your post and give your publication a boost 🤩. Most importantly, don’t bite off more than you can chew. Podawaa will help you in the beginning to boost your visibility but you need to make sure that as you go along, this tool will only be used to schedule posts and that’s it.

Price of Podawaa

We announce it now, Podawaa has a price that adapts to your use. You only pay for what you use and you can opt out at any time without any conditions 🤯.

podawaa-outil-linkedin-publication More concretely, Podawaa works with credits. So that you can understand, know that 1 like obtained on your publication thanks to Podawaa represents therefore 1 credit.

Where the credits are the highest is for the number of comments since 1 comment costs 5 credits. If you have not used your credits during the month, it is automatically carried over to the next month. If you run out, you can totally buy 💰 credits.

Top 3 useful free tools for LinkedIn

Since LinkedIn has been known to have millions of members, many tools have emerged to help marketers prospect. Today, we’re going to talk about the ones on the market that can help you.


Surprising? Not so much. In the free version of Canva, you’ll find all the features you need to create a polished LinkedIn profile. It’s one of the flagship ❤️ tools of the Community Manager and you’ll be able to create small visuals quickly.


You can totally create a banner for your profile on LinkedIn and highlight what you do as an activity. Because yes, the banner is important for a profile as well as the profile picture. When you are prospecting 🥸 your LinkedIn page is your storefront. So you need to make a good impression the second someone comes to see your profile.

Pfp maker

This little tool will allow you to make great profile pictures, with colorful backgrounds or a background you like. pfp-outil-gratuit Pfp Maker will allow you to upload banners that fit well with your new profile picture. This will allow you to match 😇 your entire LinkedIn profile. And it’s free, and that’s really so cool.

The Fancy Text

This one will help you format a post on LinkedIn (and anywhere else).


It will allow you to format text on LinkedIn. In fact, it comes in handy when you want to bold, underline or italicize a particular keyword (or keywords).

Conclusion of the article on the best free tool on LinkedIn

We are coming to the end of this article about free tool LinkedIn and we could see :

  • What automation software was on LinkedIn.
  • How to use Waalaxy.
  • That Waalaxy had a free version.
  • How to search for people on LinkedIn.
  • Which publication scheduling tool to use on LinkedIn.
  • How to use Podawaa.
  • What are the best tools on LinkedIn.

FAQ of the article the best free tool to prospect on LinkedIn.

As explained to you during this article, LinkedIn is among the social media that has the biggest 🦛 b2b database in the world. You need to be there if you want to sell products, services, to find a job or to gain visibility.

Free LinkedIn tool: Waalaxy

Waalaxy is an amazing tool. It is made for your marketing automation and it has great features on it.

Do you like to have great features without having to pay a single euro 🤑? Well, we’ve thought of you. Waalaxy is totally free for :

  • Sending connection requests.
  • Contacting your prospects in 10 minutes a day.
  • Reaching 100 people per week.
  • Have 90% of the chrome extension features included in the free plan.
  • Make 100 visits to profiles.
  • Auto-replicate as long as your prospect does not respond.
  • Optimizing your time.
  • Allowing you personalization for all of your messages.

And at the risk of repeating it, Waalaxy is the only marketing software on the market that walks you through your first few prospectings for absolutely 0€.

All Waalaxy plans

It’s true that Waalaxy has a free plan to help you take your first steps ❤️🔥 into the world of prospecting. But there are also other plans (this time paid) that will help you become a real sales machine.

“Why pay when it’s free?”. It’s true, this is a question that comes up very often. We will answer that:

  • The quotas are not the same, with a free plan, you contact 100 🤯 people per week while the other plans will allow you to increase this quota up to 300 (first tier) and then up to 700.
  • By going through a paid plan, you will be able to do imports into your CRM softwares as well as auto-imports of LinkedIn profiles.
  • With the Business plan, you will be able to find the emails of your contacts in addition to doing your prospecting on LinkedIn. This is what we call multi-channel acquisition.

How to prospect on LinkedIn?

To reach your targets, there is no secret, you will have to set up what is called a persona. The persona is an essential step if you want your prospecting to be successful and you want to sell your products or services.

In digital-marketing, the buyer persona refers to the ideal customer ❤️🔥 responding to your offer. This allows you to better visualize the issues that your potential customer may face and therefore allows you to provide tailored solutions.

Analysis tools on LinkedIn

It’s good to post, to prospect on LinkedIn but we also need to know if our actions have an impact. You can analyze your actions with :

  • Waalaxy: the tool has a dashboard summarizing your actions. It will also give you the percentage of response you received with your campaigns, your open rates and many more. And on top of that, you can access these statistics for free 💰.
  • Resume Worded: it will allow you to give your profile a little boost and know how those who come to your profile perceive it.
  • SSI LinkedIn: Allows you to know your performance index on four points:
    • The relevance of your content.
    • The development of your network.
    • Your visibility (if you are active).
    • The relevance of your targeting (if you managed to find the right people).

Why make daily use of LinkedIn?

Whether you’re trying to sell a product/service, looking for a job, or simply want to become an influencer on social networks and especially LinkedIn, it’s in your best interest to show your presence 🖖. Daily use of LinkedIn will help you gain:

  • Legitimacy with your audience (you will be able to show that you are an expert in your field).
  • Boost your sales, especially if you are assiduous.
  • Get hired if you are looking for a job.

There are only benefits to using LinkedIn in your daily life if you use it correctly. And we know you’ll kick ass if you take our advice.

With all this, you’re ready to take on the whole LinkedIn network and conquer it. With Waalaxy, you’ll have an incredible free tool on LinkedIn to help you 🤩 in your prospecting.


Pour aller plus loin :

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You’ve found your prospects. Well, first step validated. You’ve chosen your Waalaxy sequence. Second step validated. You’ve reached the message-writing


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Get the ultimate e-book for multi-channel prospecting 📨

Or How to go from 0 to +10 leads per week – No experience needed.