LinkedIn for Prospecting: The Complete Guide!

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LinkedIn is one of the professional social networks for cold messaging. Long considered as a directory, this platform allows you to generate qualified traffic to your site and contributes to your branding by showing your expertise.

Here is how to use LinkedIn for prospecting. 👇

Mastering LinkedIn for prospecting

Prospect on LinkedIn ? The ideal place! First, it is essential to create an optimized profile by detailing your activity, your expertise, your field. The more information you give, the more you will generate contacts. Imagine your profile as your showcase!

The idea of LinkedIn is also to create interaction since it is possible to publish articles, posts, comment, share. By editing quality content, you position yourself as an expert in your field. By being active on other people’s publications, you show them an interest, you can also provide additional information or simply exchange on a topic.

Finally, creating interaction also involves networking, and that’s the whole principle of LinkedIn: making your contacts grow, generating leads, attracting new prospects. It’s a network you need to be proactive in. If you don’t have time to publish content on a daily basis or if you don’t dare, you can participate in groups dedicated to your interests or also via private messaging.

LinkedIn is a powerful tool that adapts to your personality, your goals if you are regular and know how to take advantage of its many features. By staying hidden, it will be difficult to stand out and your prospects will not know you! Prospecting on LinkedIn is all about being active!

Knowing how your target likes to interact and where to find them will save you a lot of time. Take the time to observe the habits, to analyze the behaviors to adapt your communication.


Be efficient – Think strategy to prospect on LinkedIn

Before you start using LinkedIn, think about your strategy. It goes through different steps such as :

  • Identify your objectives: increase your mailing list, develop traffic to your website, cultivate your branding…
  • Clearly define your offer: what do you have to sell? What is the added value of your products or services?
  • Identify your target: who do you want to stand out from the crowd, and what do you have to offer them?
  • Set up a content strategy to be more visible.
  • How to get in touch and how to obtain the contact details of your target, in particular via the connection request and private messaging.

Once you know how to answer these questions, you will better determine your actions on LinkedIn and gain efficiency. This means developing a communication strategy, adapting it to this network.

There are two ways to get in touch.

  • The open question principle allows you to show a real interest in your audience while quickly engaging in discussion. This qualitative approach method is excellent for getting more commitment and reactions, but can be time-consuming since it is essential to keep the discussions going. However, this method is good for selling a service activity for example. This method is also splendid for your personal branding!
  • The quantitative method: the idea is to generate a maximum number of connections without falling into spamming. If time saving and optimization are the main motivations of this method, it can represent a loss of quality. It can be appropriate if your site converts easily, if you want to multiply your prospecting. It is the method least used on LinkedIn and that we do not recommend.


Get your first customers this week

Take advantage of the power of Waalaxy to generate leads every day. Start prospecting for free, today.

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Save time with the power of Waalaxy

Waalaxy is the ideal tool for your canvassing since it allows you to access all LinkedIn functionalities in an automated way. This Chrome extension works by leaving your LinkedIn tab open in your browser, but you are free to use your computer as you wish.

save time with prospectin

From the free version, you can automate :

  • Visiting profiles.
  • Their follow-up.
  • Connection requests.
  • The messages.

You can generate up to 15 actions per day for each of these activities. The chargeable version is a good addition since you can create scenarios for each action. Ideal to target each of your actions. It allows you to generate more targeted actions and to refine your prospect on LinkedIn.

Waalaxy has the advantage of simulating human behavior. The goal is to protect your account from LinkedIn restrictions and generates randomly :

  • Between 80 and 100 connection requests.
  • 120 and 150 messages.
  • 160 and 200 visits.

If the threshold of these actions is reached, Waalaxy stops its activity for the day and resumes the next day so as not to penalize you according to the LinkedIn rules. The advantage of Waalaxy is that the automation of basic tasks saves you time. Your prospecting campaigns are optimized and profitable.

Waalaxy doesn’t stop there since you can create “scenarios” to automate your marketing. You target your actions according to your objectives, your offer, and your prospects by personalizing the content. For example, you can :

  • Target the people you want to send a connection request.
  • Customize the notes so that they don’t look like a robot.
  • Relaunching someone who hasn’t read your message.

No less than 14 templates are available to get started with this option while having the possibility to customize the actions for a communication that suits you.

Of course, there are other features that will become essential to make your prospecting process as easy as possible, such as Triggers. You can then measure their impact from the Waalaxy dashboard.

There you will find all the statistics related to your LinkedIn activity: number of visits to your profile, the number of actions generated by type of action, campaign, or other… Everything is centralized to measure the impact of your prospecting at a glance and adjust your future actions accordingly.

Now you know how to use LinkedIn for prospecting. As you can see, Waalaxy will quickly become your best ally!


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