25 examples of prospecting emails to make your campaigns successful (Templates)

Are you looking for the best example of a prospecting email? You are at the right place! What is the difference between a sales email that works and a prospecting email that flops? 🤔 Well, the sales email meets very specific marketing rules, that’s why we give you our 32 best cold email B2b templates here. Let’s go ! ⚡

The definition of a prospecting email

There are several types of emails:

  • Marketing email = generally, it is a newsletter to which the prospect has subscribed.
  • Transactional emails = when the prospect fills in a form or downloads a white paper, he receives several transactional emails intended to make him buy the product or service.
  • Prospecting emails. In this case, you get a list of professional email addresses, you will contact this list while they have not subscribed or filled out a form, it is an email that aims to create a first contact to break the ice, and sell quickly.

💡 To put it simply: The term ” emailing ” refers to the practice of sending an email message to a target business prospect without having had any prior contact or engagement with them and without them having requested it. It is frequently used in B2b prospecting strategies. However, it should not be confused with other cold rich practices, such as cold calling. 📞 Emailing, in a nutshell, is sending an email to a person with the aim of creating a connection with them.

The purpose of these emails is to build a relationship with the prospect. 🤝 So try not to scare them away, haha! 😂

Scared Boy Meets World GIF

🚒 = When used incorrectly, emailing causes marketing pressure and could lead to deliverability issues.

Examples of prospecting emails

Now let’s see 30 more templates that you can copy/paste from this article to improve your B2b prospecting email sales. We will show you the best cold email B2b templates and prospecting email that our Waalaxy team uses in order to find new customers. 👽 This is top secret, ok?? 🤫 So make good use of this sample prospecting email presented here….

Top Secret Whatever GIF by TRT

Get your first customers this week

Take advantage of the power of Waalaxy to generate leads every day. Start prospecting for free, today.

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How to write a prospecting mailing?

We’ll take a look at 10 templates for lead generation, and explain the key points to keep in mind, in order to write successful prospecting emails 👇 1. Use a catchy subject line. 👀 Since the subject line is the first one your prospect will read, you should spend half of your email time writing and A/B testing alternative subject lines.

You want to create an intriguing subject line, but avoid sounding too spammy or salesy. 2. Add an enticing offer. 🤑 Give your customers a reason to respond and a direct call to action. For example, “Find out how to get 100% of your customers via inbound marketing,” who wouldn’t want to know that? 3. Write copy that is as personal and natural as possible. 🌱 Use personalized emails and give suggestions to the reader, instead of sounding too pushy.

Proofread your writing before sending your email to ensure it has a natural, casual tone. 4. Back up your words with social proof. 🌟 Remember, no one wants to be the first user of a product/service that lacks reputation…. 😓 Mentioning your social media, contact information and if possible a link to your online reviews reduces the risk of scaring away potential customers. Without further ado, here are the best sample prospecting emails I promised you! 🤗

Excited Happy Birthday GIF

25 Examples of prospecting emails

There are several methods to succeed in your approaches, some are more direct than others, we let you choose the one that speaks to you best! Of course, you will have to adapt the message according to the solution you have to offer on the market.

1) Talk about the problem + the solution

💡 The approach is very direct, it’s easier to use when you are in Beta test or have a free product.

2) The problem + the explanation

💡 The goal here is to educate the user on good practices by offering him more information about the problem. We help him to understand why he encounters such a problem and in a second message, we will provide him with the solution.

3) The added value thanks to the Newsletter in a prospecting email

💡 Here, we’re not selling a tool, but a Newsletter, which keeps the prospect in a “lead nurturing” process, meaning we’ll keep feeding the prospect with high value-added content.

4) Talk to your core target

💡 With prospect research segmentation, you can create ultra-personalized emails like this one. The more you talk to your target, the more divisive you can be. There, the little “PS” at the end reminds the reader that it’s in their best interest to learn more, because it’s part of their pro goals.

5) The recovered prospect

💡 Thanks to some tools like Waalaxy, you can create sales campaigns, in which you get the email addresses of people who commented on a post on LinkedIn, and you contact them automatically, it gives ultra precise emails, like this one (we give you the method a little bit below.)

Learn how to recover profiles on LinkedIn, here!

6) The student > mentor email

💡 The goal here is to break the ice, create a bond, but most importantly to learn more about the future client’s issues, so you can better respond. Even if you’re not a student, it’s always a good fit. 😁

7) Ask for your target’s expertise in your prospecting email

💡 In this email, we clearly express that we’ll end up proposing a solution to our target, we “prepare” it. But we also ask him for expert information, and that often works!

8) The Direct Meeting

💡 This email is more for headhunters or people who want to offer professional partnerships.

9) Best cold email B2b templates : The prospecting email test

💡 Nothing like getting a response and getting to know your target better.

10) “Thank you in advance.”

💡 Nothing like accompanying the prospect to answer you, than to tell him thank you in advance for his time. Moreover, in this complete email, you explained the problem, the solution and offer to discuss it, so it is complete.

11) Propose a “Cold Calling” call

💡 Proposing a call is always perilous, like a parachute jump. In these cases, it is better to add a short time notion (10 min max). Moreover, we advise you to wait for 2 or 3 messages before proposing the call.

12) The search for partnerships

💡 The two digital channels that are recommended to look for partnerships, are emailing and LinkedIn. Still, give preference to LinkedIn, as the potential partner has access to information about your company very easily.

13) The search for providers for an agency

💡 Sometimes, you need a helping hand to launch a project. In order to find the right profiles, do a search via LinkedIn, then scrape the email addresses or contact them directly on the network in an automated way (we explain how below!)

14) The personalization of the prospecting email by the business

💡 Nothing better than identifying the target’s profession directly at the entrance of the email, it proves that you are talking to the right person!

15) Best cold email B2b templates: A quantifiable objective in your prospecting email

💡 In this email, you tell the prospect what they will gain quantitatively: those first 10 customers. In the same way, you can say “100 euros per day”, “+10% turnover”. Be careful though, to have proof of what you are saying.

16) Prove your value in an email

💡 Proving your added value is essential. Especially for someone who knows you neither from Eve nor Adam. So: testimonials, reviews, articles, will be your allies.

17) Know how to seize your chance

💡 You didn’t get his contact from a tepid person but you know he uses a competing product. So why not act like someone told you. It’s easy to find out the first name of a college or a service provider. If you don’t even want to bother, use a generic first name like “Paul” or “Sarah” and it will go over just fine 😉

18) Golden argument

💡 Find the main information, look for the hardest argument to counter, and you get this type of prospecting may from it. You’ve posed the problem and you answer it, simply.

19) Spark curiosity

💡 Turn the problem into a riddle or question to get your reader’s curiosity, this type of format works great for direct messages on LinkedIn too.

20) Take the temperature in an initial email

💡 A few times, it’s best to let the prospect come to you, learn about their plans and build rapport before offering a solution.

21) Build on commonalities

💡 Commonalities are the easiest way to bond. In the pro, it’s kind of like in the personal. If you prove to the other person that you understand each other, then they are more likely to listen to you.

22) The list of benefits

💡 Sometimes, depending on what you’re selling and to whom, a list of benefits is enough to tip the scales in your favor.

23) Contact recovery via an event

💡 With Waalaxy, you can retrieve contacts who have participated in events on LinkedIn, are part of groups or have commented on posts. Great for learning about your prospects’ needs quickly.

24) The give and take

💡 Sometimes you have to give to get. This is often the case with executive profiles or busy people. Offer them a mutual exchange.

25) Best cold email B2b templates: Engage the prospect with an open-ended question

💡 Open-ended questions are a salesperson’s friend. The more the prospect talks, the more they engage with you.

Bonus: The email subject line and signature

After reading these 25 prospecting email examples, I bet you’re thinking “umm, there’s still something missing…” 🧐 Well, I’ll tell you what it is! It’s missing a killer email subject line and a custom email signature of course. 👈 Now you have all the elements to create the best Btob prospecting email templates for yourself. You can thank me later! 😜

How do I create a database for my prospecting emails?

If you are looking for where to start your B2b prospecting, then let me give you a tip…. 💡 Use your LinkedIn connections, 👏 LinkedIn is your biggest ally when trying to connect with B2b clients, since it’s the biggest professional network out there, you need to make the most of it. 💰 To do this, you can start by “scraping” the emails of your LinkedIn connections to create a mailing list that you can grow little by little. 🐣 If you want the emails of your LinkedIn friends, the process is very simple! However, aren’t you a developer who knows how to scrape data? 😥 No problem, I will teach you how to scrape LinkedIn in a few simple steps using Waalaxy:

  • Start by downloading Waalaxy from this link, (if you haven’t already).
  • Go to LinkedIn and select “My Network” then “Connections.”
  • You have arrived at your relationship page. Click on the Waalaxy button in the upper right corner of your browser (it may be hidden when you first download it, so be sure to pin it using the puzzle icon),
  • Then click on “Create”, then select the “Number to import”, and finally “Submit”,

Once the profiles have been exported to Waalaxy, all you have to do is to download your contacts’ information in a CSV file from the Waalaxy CRM:

  • To access it, click on “Open Waalaxy” from your extension to connect to your CRM.
  • Select the newly created lead list by clicking on “Leads” in the left menu.
  • Click on the “Import” button, then “Import CSV file” to get the file containing their information.
  • You will get a CSV file containing first name, last name, email address, company, position, LinkedIn premium status (if applicable), region, LinkedIn profile link and phone number.

Told you this was an easy way to export emails, didn’t I! 😉

How to write a first professional contact email?

In these 10 sample emails, we use several marketing methods. 🤓 Like the AIDA method, which we will explain below : 👇

  • “A” for Attention, to get your target’s attention.
  • “I” for Interest, to relate to their interests and keep them engaged.
  • “D” for Desire, to create desire by showing how they will benefit from your offer/product.
  • And finally, “A” for Action, to ask them to click, respond or buy.

The ultimate goal is toget a response! 💥 It succinctly summarizes the sales process, outlining the path to get someone’s attention and prompt them to take action. 🦾 The AIDA formula is used in almost every prospecting email, landing page, or advertisement you’ve ever seen (in different variations).

Before And After GIF

You can also apply the BAB email formula below: 👇

  • “B” for “Before”, to describe the current problem your target is facing.
  • “A” for “After”, to illustrate the resolution of the problem or improvement of the situation.
  • “B” for Bridge, to show how your solution solves the problem and improves your prospect’s life.

Our motivations, as well as those of any potential client, stem from two overriding impulses 🏃

  • Pleasure seeking,
  • Or the avoidance of pain.

The before-and-after bridge method uses incentive to build engaging B2B emails that deliver results. It presents your product as a way to deliver the “pleasure” the customer is looking for. 😊 Take a look at the following sample prospecting emails, and apply them to your business! 💼

How to write a business prospecting letter?

To continue with the different email writing formulas you can use for your email prospecting templates, ❄️ here are a few more that can be very helpful in building new relationships and partnerships with your potential clients. Here is the PAS email formula: 👇

  • “P” for Problem, to emphasize a problem that gives your prospect a pain or irritation point.
  • “A” is for Agitate, to explain what would happen if the problem continued.
  • “S” is for Solution, to give a better way to alleviate/avoid the suffering caused by the situation.

The BAB formula we saw earlier takes a positive view, while the PAS formula takes the opposite approach. 🙃 The “avoid pain” impulse is then used to get a reaction from the prospect.

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Finally, we have the SAS email method 👇

  • “S” is for Star, to introduce the star of your story. This could be you, a customer, or other companies or individuals.
  • “A” is for Arch, to describe the star’s journey, which is – or should be – facing a similar problem to your lead.
  • “S” is for Success, to explain how the star does or does better in the end (referring to your own product/service, of course).

People like to be told stories. 🥰 We rely on stories to educate, caution and entertain us. All of our senses light up when we are immersed in a story, we are moved by the words we read and we identify with the characters we meet. Therefore, the SAS technique allows you to energize your prospecting email template by creating a story around your product.
It is especially effective with case studies and success stories of your buyers! 🚀 Below are 10 more sample prospecting emails, which you can use immediately for your B2b email prospecting. 🕺 Come on, to perfect your knowledge

7 cold emailing examples

Not hot 🔥 to do cold emailing 🧊 because you don’t know how? No problem, we’ll show you.

Cold emailing example 1: Prospecting for a business

#2 Cold emailing example for a dunning email

Here we have 2 examples of cold emailing, which you can copy and paste and are ready to be used 👇

  • Template 1: Follow up on a topic that has already been talked about.
  • Model 2 : “Renew contact” with a quick email.

#3 Example cold email to introduce yourself

To introduce yourself, you can use this type of email.

#4 Product launch cold email template

👉 Use this personalization template to gently introduce your product by asking for their feedback, while stroking their ego! You’ll kill two birds with one stone as they test your product and build a connection with you.

#5 Free content email template

👉 Use this template if you know your contact has already downloaded your tool, and you want to keep them interested by giving them free advice on their multichannel strategy, for example. It’s a win-win situation!

#6 Cold email template for VIP content

👉 Use this template to nurture the relationship with your subscribers, so they know the benefits of being part of your community! They will feel appreciated, especially if the offer is addressed to them personally.

Example 7: Prospecting email template for automation tool

👉 Use this template as an “Elevator Pitch“, to quickly introduce your product and the benefits of using it! Get to the point and try to be as brief as possible, no one wants to spend time reading a big speech for nothing.

Conclusion : best cold email B2b templates

It can be difficult to write the perfect prospecting email, but I hope these guidelines and 30 templates can help you achieve your prospecting goals. 🔥

Before anything else, remember to stay direct and have a clear intention.
You’ll manage to break through the clutter in your prospect’s inbox and truly stand out as a solution-oriented business partner if you avoid making these mistakes in your sales email 👌

  • Filling the email with too many ideas and CTAs.
  • Making it too long (no one has time for that!).
  • Instead of celebrating the consumer, only talk about your company.
  • Don’t use personalization.
  • Use too much jargon.
  • Write like you’re a robot.
  • Use an excessive number of emojis and other special characters.
  • Make multiple grammar and spelling errors.

Take note of these tips, and be sure to add a personal touch to the templates to make them the best B2b prospecting email templates for you! 😍

Bonuses for your digital prospecting

I have more good news for you…. Ready 😁 You can now use Waalaxy to send email and LinkedIn automatically, so you can to both campaigns using the same tool! 🎉 Amazing, right? 🥳 Go ahead and test our Waalaxy tool now, I’m sure your life will be changed for the better! En savoir plus 🔥

On the other hand, if you need a little more inspiration and want to check out our template directory, then follow these 2 articles 🙏

There, now you have no excuses if you don’t know how to write your first prospecting emails! ✍️

You Got It Youre Welcome GIF by Ramsey Solutions

FAQ : best cold email B2b templates

What are the characteristics of a good prospecting email?

Here are the key practices for writing the best B2b prospecting emails 💫

  • Instead of using your company name, prospecting emails should come from a person. Cold emails are all about building human relationships with prospects, and the “from” address is one of the first pieces of contact information you give. 🤲
  • Again, the subject line of the email should be catchy. Subject lines are your biggest chance of getting someone to read or even respond to your email, so think about it carefully. ✍️
  • You should add a brief body content inside the email, this is essentially your“elevator pitch“. Like I said, no one has time to read a book. You should be able to simply express the benefits of your offer/product without too much blah blah blah! 😖
  • You can build trust with your prospect by listing all the big customers you have that your prospect might know about, in addition to really caring about their goals. You can also mention having a large number of buyers. 🎯
  • Make sure your email has a clear call to action. Tell your prospect exactly what to do next, and make it as simple as possible for him. Want them to test a product? Provide them with a direct link to your app. 📣
  • Finally, remember that having only one CTA is part of a clear CTA. Don’t expect someone to test a product, then fill out a quiz for you…. You need to pick one. 🥇 Having only one call to action will help keep your email brief and clear.

I hope you’ll apply the best practices shown in this sample prospecting email, from now on! 🤩

Emma Stone Thumbs Up GIF

Can you send out bulk prospecting emails for B2B?

Of course! 😏 You can use an automation tool like Waalaxy, to send mass emails for your B2B prospecting. The cool thing about reaching out to prospects online, especially with automation technologies, is that you can do multi-channel marketing.

🧨 Indeed, approaching someone only via LinkedIn or email increases your chances of getting a response, but beware of harassing your prospect! 🙊 You also need to leave room to breathe, so they have to do their own research on your product/service and don’t feel harassed by you. There is a fine line between being persistent and being annoying! 😬
What we want to do is make lots of contact with the right person to increase conversion opportunities. Actually, cold emailing is not quite the same as mass emailing.

You don’t have to send 10,000 emails a day, because there are limits if you want to avoid landing in spam all the time! 🔕 You need language to make your emails shorter and to the point, much like a sales pitch. In order to create effective prospecting email campaigns, you can automate things like 👇

  • Sending the same message to many people and creating custom emails (after creating the initial template, you’ll be able to send it to 100 people without having to create one for each).
  • You’ll be able to create campaigns, so you can send multiple sequences of emails to follow your prospect until you get a good response rate from them.

The more communication channels you use to introduce yourself and/or your product, the more likely you’ll get a response! 😘 Tester Waalaxy 👩‍🚀

What is the difference between a prospecting email and a cold email?

A prospecting email and a cold email are two terms that can be used to refer to the same type of communication, but there are some nuances that differentiate them. And a prospecting email is an email sent to a potential prospect who has shown a certain level of interest in your company or your products/services.

A cold email is an email sent to a recipient who has never shown any prior interest 😔 in your company or products/services. The recipient is a completely new contact with no history of relationship or interaction with your company.

Best cold email B2b templates: How do you contact prospects via email?

As explained above, you can use Waalaxy to implement email outreach in your B2b marketing strategy. ⛄ Email outreach allows you to show the benefits of your product in a simple way, just remember that the approach shouldn’t be too formal!

💼 You can use additional resources like automated LinkedIn messaging to make your prospecting even more effective. To summarize, sending these short, highly targeted emails to a certain group is an effective way to create new business partnerships and bring new leads to your company. When you combine it with a series of automated follow-ups, you have a powerful lead generation machine! 🤖 Find out what you can do with your leads after you launch your first campaign, in this blog post.

👈 PD: After reading all this, you may be wondering if prospecting email is legal…. 😨 Well, in theory, yes, if you use exclusively business email accounts…. ✅
On the other hand, sending these emails to personal addresses is prohibited! The sending of prospecting emails is most often done on rented, purchased or “scraped” email addresses, the collection technique being very variable. It can also be done from addresses collected by email enrichment and/or acquired manually. 👋
So it’s up to you to make sure your mailing list is as qualified as possible! 🏅

Chefs Kiss Reaction GIF by Nick Jonas

Recap cold email

Writing an effective cold email may seem complex but by following the examples we’ve discussed in this article, you should do royally well 👑. So we got to see 7 different examples on :

  • Prospecting for a business.
  • The follow up email.
  • Introducing yourself.
  • Launching a product or a service.
  • Promote free content.
  • Giving VIP content.
  • Inform about an automation tool.

Difference between cold emailing and prospecting email

A prospecting email is a message sent to a prospect or a potential customer in order to generate interest for a product or a service. This type of message is usually sent to contacts who have already expressed some interest in the company or in a similar product.
A cold email, on the other hand, is a message sent to a recipient who has never been in contact with the company before, without having expressed any prior interest in the company or its products. The purpose of a cold email is to present the company and its offers in an attractive way to encourage the recipient to become a potential customer.
The main difference between the two is that the prospecting email is sent to already committed contacts, while the cold email is sent to contacts without prior commitment.

Best cold email B2b templates – Little bonus: Integrate a gif into your templates

You can integrate GIFs to your cold emails if your communication allows it.

We used Mailchimp to be able to do this! It’s a great tool to help you set up your cold email templates.

Great guys, now you know how to write an excellent email. You know everything with these best cold email B2b templates email. ⚡ I know it’s a bit of work, but with automation and these template ideas, I’m sure you’ll get it right! 🤗

Pour aller plus loin :

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Get the ultimate e-book for multi-channel prospecting 📨

Or How to go from 0 to +10 leads per week – No experience needed.

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