How to write a professional thank you email? 13 templates with concrete examples

Want to know how to write a professional thank you email? But you don’t know what to say… 🙈
Indeed, “saying thank you” isn’t always easy, especially since it depends so much on who you’re talking to.

In this article, we help you find inspiration depending on the situation, thanks to thank-you email templates and our expert advice! 🤓

How to write a professional thank you email ?

A thank-you e-mail, as the name suggests, enables you to express your gratitude to a person or organization that has helped you, supported you, offered a gift or provided a service.

A thank-you e-mail is much more than just a polite message. 🤝

Indeed, the primary aim is to express your gratitude to those who have taken the time to welcome you, whether for a business meeting, a collaboration, a business prospecting exchange, or even, a job interview. 👀


However, too few candidates or companies take the time to send thank-you emails.

To be well received, your “thank you” must be sincere. 🧐 What’s more, thank-you emails serve to reiterate points discussed with your interviewer and reaffirm your motivation. Summarize your conversation, repeat key points, provide additional information and follow up if necessary.

Example of a job interview thank-you e-mail

If your internship or job interview went well, why not send an interview thank-you email? 🧐

This type of initiative is always much appreciated by recruiters. For an internship, it will reinforce your position as a future professional and, after the job interview, it will only strengthen your motivation to join the company and boost your application in a subtle way. 🚀

1) Job interview thank-you letter

Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview for the position [title]. The tasks and duties described match my profile perfectly and interest me greatly.
I remain at your disposal in the hope of having the opportunity to join your company.

Yours faithfully

2) Thank you for your internship

Dear Madam / Dear Sir,
I’d like to thank you for the warm welcome and the time you gave me during my internship with your company. This experience is very important to me.

The quests I had the opportunity to do were each more interesting than the last. Thanks to them, I was able to consolidate my knowledge and develop new ones.

Please accept my warmest regards.

3) Thank-you letter for work-study interview

Hello Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your welcome yesterday.Thanks to our conversation and your information about the (insert title) position, I was able to better understand your expectations.I think I’ve already acquired certain skills, such as (name them), in my previous job.
Also, the job description is in line with the direction I’d like to take with my work-study project at school X.

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time.

Best regards.


If your interview went well, turn it by sending “inappropriate ” emails that can do a lot of damage… 🙈

The best practices for sending professional thank-you emails are simple: ⏬

  • Don’t use an over-enthusiastic tone (e.g. “I’ve never been more motivated to work in my life “).
  • Don’t be dry either 😨 (e.g. “Good morning, thanks for yesterday and have a nice day”).
  • If you’ve already emailed, and you didn’t get a response, don’t send another one. You run the risk of being perceived as too insistent!
  • Finally, proofread it. Receiving an email without any mistakes is encouraging for recruiters. ✅

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Example of a professional thank-you email

Here are a few sample e-mails if one of your colleagues (whom you like) is coming to the end of their contract, or if they’re leaving the company for X or Y reason. It’s always nice to send them a little thank-you note before they leave. 🥲
On the other hand, it’s going to be a slightly longer message if you’re retiring.

Let’s have a look! 🔎

4) Departure thank-you mail

Hello {{FirstName}},
Today is your last day, and although we’re sad to see you go, we wish you all the best for the future!
I’m sure you’ll find some great opportunities in the future.
I’d also like to thank you on behalf of all your colleagues for your collaboration during our time together.
Let’s keep in touch via LinkedIn if you like.

Here are my contact details too: (phone + e-mail).

Love you and see you soon!

5) Retirement thank-you e-mail

Dear {{FirstName}},

This is the day of your retirement, and it is with the greatest emotion that I take the liberty of sending you this message for all these years of good and loyal service.
After starting out as a simple administrative assistant, you climbed the corporate ladder to become Human Resources Manager.
Your quality of work and your daily commitment have made you a senior manager appreciated by all your colleagues, which is no mean feat these days.

So, on behalf of everyone in the company, I’d like to thank you for all you’ve done over the last thirty years, always in good humour.

I wish you the best possible retirement and join the whole team in presenting you with the gift you’ll find enclosed.

Yours sincerely.

Sample thank-you letter for a recruitment manager

Sending a thank-you e-mail to a recruiter after the interview is almost a must. It’s almost as important as the job interview itself. 😰
Thank-you emails allow you to increase your chances of getting a job, show your professionalism, demonstrate your seriousness and writing skills, prove your motivation, etc. to your recruiter!

Showing your motivation is one of the keys to success in the hiring process. Not sending a thank-you email can work against you. Employers will think you’re passive, on hold, and ultimately not that interested in the vacancy. 😮

However, sending a bland, stereotyped thank-you email, which you may have just copy/pasted, isn’t the best way to stand out from your competitors.

In fact, thank-you emails help to optimize your professional profile with recruiters, so remember to take good care with spelling/grammar and personalize them. Here’s a sample thank-you email for your inspiration 🎁.

6) Mail to thank a recruiter

Dear Madam / Dear Sir,
I’m sending you this message to thank you for the way you recruited me. Indeed, throughout the process, you enabled me to show you my skills in complete confidence.

I am therefore convinced that your company will provide me with an exceptionally caring working environment, where I will quickly be able to adapt.

I remain available for any further information.

Very cordially,

Letter of thanks for collaboration

Here are some sample thank-you messages following a partnership or professional collaboration. 🤝 This gesture shows your partners or customers that you have a real interest in collaborating with them.

7) Thank-you message for a business partner

Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for taking the time for my team to introduce you to our services. I particularly appreciate your interest in our future cooperation. The quality of our exchanges testifies to our shared commitment to the success of our projects.

I’m sure that our partnership will be highly beneficial, and I’d like to assure you that my entire team is available to help us achieve our goals. The values we share will help us on this path.

I would like to thank you once again, and I remain yours sincerely.


8) Professional thank-you email for a customer

Hello Sir/Madam,
You are one of our most loyal customers, and we would like to thank you in particular for the trust you have placed in us.
We would also like to thank you for your active contribution to the development of our business.

We hope that our collaboration will continue.


Example of a professional thank-you e-mail for services rendered

Have you received a gift from a relative or colleague for your birthday? 🎂 Were you touched by the presence of friends at your wedding, or would you like to thank someone for looking after your cat while you were on vacation? 😻 Here’s how:

9) Thank-you email for a business gift

Hi {{FirstName}},
I’d like to thank you for this wonderful birthday gift I discovered on my desk this morning! I’m so touched by your thoughtfulness. You always know how to find the perfect gift for me.

I’m so lucky to have a colleague like you, thank you so much!

10) Wedding thank-you letter

Hello {{FirstName}},
Thank you for being at our wedding, it was a great day thanks to your presence. Thank you for the expressions of affection that filled our hearts with happiness and made this day a real fairy tale.

We are so lucky to have you in our lives. I am very grateful for your friendship. We won’t soon forget the good times we’ve had together.

Big kisses and thanks again!

Example of a “thank you in advance” e-mail

Have you ever needed to ask a colleague for help with an important report? Or perhaps you’ve had to ask a supplier for crucial information? 🤔 In these situations, using the expression “thank you in advance” can greatly facilitate communication by showing your anticipated gratitude.

11) Mail requesting a report from a colleague

Hello {{FirstName}},
I hope you’re well. I’d like the monthly sales report for May. Could you send it to me before the end of the week so that I can prepare for next Monday’s meeting?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Have a nice day.

12) Mail requesting information from a supplier

Hello Mrs {{LastName}},
I am writing to request information on the availability of your products. We are planning to place a large order and would like to know if you have sufficient stock for prompt delivery.
Thank you in advance for your reply.

Kind regards.

13) Mail inviting a superior to a meeting

Hello Mr {{LastName}},
I hope you are well.
I would like to invite you to a project meeting we are organizing this Friday at 2:00 pm. Your presence would be much appreciated, as we’d like to discuss the next steps and benefit from your expertise.

Thank you in advance for your availability.

Kind regards.

List of words to say thank you and show your appreciation

👉 Use these expressions of thanks, suitable for both personal and professional emails:

  • Thank you very much.
  • I appreciate your consideration.
  • I appreciate your advice.
  • I appreciate your help.
  • I appreciate your time.
  • I sincerely appreciate it.
  • My sincere gratitude.
  • My sincere gratitude.
  • My sincere thanks.
  • My thanks and appreciation.
  • Please accept my deepest thanks.
  • Thank you for your help.
  • Thank you for your consideration.
  • Thank you for your encouragement.
  • Thank you for your advice.
  • Thank you for your support.
  • Thank you for your attention.
  • Thank you for your time.
  • Thank you in advance for your availability.
  • Thank you in advance for your help.
  • Thank you in advance for your response.

Greetings and thanks by e-mail

Sending a thank-you note is not only a professional gesture, it also helps you build relationships with your business contacts:

  • I appreciate your help and hope you will continue to work on our account.
  • Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity.
  • Thank you for referring [name of person] for [services provided].
  • Thank you for recommending {{CompanyName}}.
  • Thank you very much for helping my business. I sincerely appreciate it.
  • Thank you in advance for your help and consideration.

And there you have it, now let’s take a look at these 5 tips for writing the best thank you emails at work! 🤠

5 Tips for a successful professional thank-you email.

1) Be yourself!

The golden rule for all your customer thank-you emails is to be yourself. 🥇 Without overdoing it, a simple message is enough to demonstrate your motivation and confirm your interest in working for a company, or collaborating with a partner.

Show them that you share their vision, whether it’s a partnership, a job interview or a business meeting. It’s important to be on the same wavelength for a good collaboration. 🌈

So be honest and sincere. If you really want to work with someone, just express that desire in the simplest way possible.

Of course, you’ll need to respect certain polite formulas and take inspiration from thank-you e-mail templates, such as those shown above, to structure your marketing e-mails properly. ✍️

2) Add a clear subject line

Make sure your subject line is simple and to the point! You need to remain cordial while reiterating the reason for your message.
For example, use phrases like :

  • To follow up on our business meeting.
  • Thank-you mail following the job interview.

If you want to stand out, use with a bit of humor for your message. 😝
However, make sure it still fits the setting and the person you’re exchanging with.

3) Confirm your interest

Don’t hesitate to show your interviewer that you really want to get a job or sign a partnership. If you want the person in front of you to keep your CV in mind following an interview, then remind them that you’ve heard their proposals by recapping them. ⚡

Not only does this show your motivation, it also shows that you’re thorough and can retain information quickly. 💡


This applies to recruitment, as well as to collaboration between companies.

To recap, summarize all the points you’ve discussed, and provide your perspective for each. Be an active listener! 👂

4) Show your motivation

A thank-you email is the best way to end an exchange. If you’ve recently had a job interview, the purpose of the email is to reaffirm your motivation. 😃

Show them that you’re the ideal candidate, as you fit the profile perfectly for a number of reasons that need to be mentioned. 🪶

In the event of a business exchange, you need to talk again about the shared motivations for this partnership.

5) Put in your contact details

Whether it’s a thank-you e-mail or a follow-up e-mail, never forget to mention the name of the person who interviewed you and the date of the interview. 🗓️

As well as signing with your full name and contact details(phone number/fixed line).

This way, potential employers, collaborators or customers have the opportunity to call you back quickly. 📞 A professional thank-you email can make a big difference between many candidates.

It won’t take you more than 15 minutes to write it. You’ll also increase your chances of landing your dream job, a beneficial partnership, etc. 🤩

So don’t hesitate, be creative, short and to the point, but above all… Be yourself!

How about a recap?

Here’s a recap of the 5 thank you email templates we’ve seen in this article: 👇

  • Thank-you mail after interview.
  • Professional departure thank-you mail.
  • Thank-you mail for a recruiter.
  • Mail thanking you for a professional collaboration.
  • Thank-you mail for help/service rendered.

👉 Don’t forget our 5 tips for writing thank-you emails:

  1. Be yourself,
  2. Add a clear subject line,
  3. Confirm your interest,
  4. Show your motivation,
  5. Include your contact details.

And there you have it! ✨

Frequently asked questions

How do I write a simple thank-you email?

In conclusion, it’s essential to adapt your message to the person or company you’re talking to. You absolutely must choose your words carefully according to the recipient. 📨

Indeed, addressing an employer after an interview or during an internship is not the same as thanking a friend for a birthday present or sending condolences to an acquaintance.

Adjust your polite formulas according to your level of intimacy. 🤗

Start your email with “Hi” for a friend or “Hello” or “Dear Sir/Dear Madam” for a professional relationship.

Remember to take care when writing your prospecting message, and if necessary, ask someone close to you to proofread it for you so that there are no mistakes when you’re ready to send it! 💯

How to say thank you in a professional e-mail?

We recommend sending a thank-you email after a job interview, collaboration or business meeting. 💼

To do this, write an e-mail thanking your interlocutor for the exchange you had.

Speak sincerely to the person concerned, using a professional tone.

Express your gratitude with a simple phrase like “Thank you for your time”. ⌚ Don’t forget to mention their name at the beginning of the message and include a subject line like ” Thank you for our interview on 10/08/22″ in your thank-you email.

How do you thank someone for their prompt return mail?

First, repeat your thanks, as you’ve probably already thanked in advance when you requested the first exchange, for example, “I thank you in advance for your help”. 😊

Mention what service was rendered or what type of interview you had with this person, then express enthusiastically and in a personalized way the benefit you derived from this prompt response. 💥

How and when to send a thank-you e-mail?

Now that your professional thank-you e-mail is written, all you have to do is send it. Why not use our Waalaxy automation tool to do just that? 👽

With our online e-mail service, all you need to do is set up your e-mail address and choose the recipients of your e-mail!

Above all, don’t wait too long to send your e-mail, or other candidates or companies may do so before you! For example, a week is too long. 🥱

On the other hand, don’t send your thank-you messages too soon. It doesn’t have to be sent on the same day, either.

Allow 1 to 2-3 days maximum to send your e-mail 😉

Now you know how to write a professional thank you email. Bye.⚡

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