How To Become Famous on LinkedIn? 23 Tips & Tricks Here

One of the most important marketing goals on LinkedIn is to increase the number of people who follow your profile. 🔎 Increased organic reach and audience insights are crucial steps in growing your LinkedIn community. And you’re not alone if you’re wondering how to become famous on LinkedIn, to achieve this goal in the most efficient way possible. 🎯

Below, you’ll discover our a list of 23 LinkedIn follower-growth tips and tricks, which include beginner-level advice as well as expert advice for people wishing to take their accounts to the next level! 🚀

How to get noticed on LinkedIn?

You’ll always need a LinkedIn profile that stands out, no matter if you are in the job-search process, if you’re trying to attract qualified prospects for your business or if you want to become famous on LinkedIn. 👀

LinkedIn is the largest professional network on the planet, with over 770 million users worldwide. If you’re serious about your job and professional growth, you’ll need an optimized LinkedIn profile. ⚡ Your LinkedIn profile is your opportunity to get your name and face in front of hundreds (or even thousands) of industry experts.

That’s crucial if you’re seeking for work. 💼
Heidi Montag Job GIF by The Hills

However, simply having a LinkedIn page isn’t enough. You’ll need a fantastic LinkedIn profile that stands out, by posting the right things, and allowing you to connect with the people who can help you grow your business. 🔥

10 Tips to be successful on LinkedIn

Let’s have a look at the following tips to boost your visibility and become famous on LinkedIn! 👇

1) Add a good LinkedIn picture

The most easy thing you can do is to give a face to your name and upload a LinkedIn profile photo – and a decent one at that. If it fits with what you do or who you are, be creative, but keep in mind that this is the first impression visitors will get of your website. 🧐

If you don’t already have a professional headshot, it’s well worth the money. Those without a photo on LinkedIn are frequently overlooked due to the large number of users. 🙈 That’s why in our company we did a photoshoot to get nice photos, what do you think?

2) Use a catchy headline to become famous on LinkedIn

Your profile headline appears directly beneath your name on your LinkedIn page and is the first thing that visitors see. The default settings will fill in your current position, which is fine for now — but you can change it to whatever you want. 😉 With only 120 characters to work with, why not come up with something memorable? Consider it a mini-billboard promoting you and your business.

Instead of simply giving your LinkedIn job title, explain what you do and how it benefits your organization or consumers. Remember to keep your intended audience in mind. 🧲 Are you talking to other industry professionals, potential customers, or recruiters? Write for the people you want to reach. For example, in the case of our CEO, he wrote:

“CEO @Waalaxy👽 | Contact 100 people/week on LinkedIn. For €0/month. In just 10 mins per day. 🚀😱😱🤯 | Chief (Positive) Energy Officer 😁”.

PS: don’t be afraid to use emojis, like he did! In fact, we recommend using them in order to make your headline even more eye-catching. 🤩

3) Write an interesting summary

You have the option to do a bit of storytelling, in your LinkedIn summary. Your summary may be a lengthier version of your headline; you have 2,000 characters to use, so go into more detail. Don’t only think about your prior experience; think about what you’re good at and what you can offer a potential employer. 💥 Keep in mind that keywords are extremely important in this case; pick terms that you want to be associated with in your sector.

Because people’s attention spans are short these days, don’t utilize all 2,000 characters. Reduce it to less than half of that amount. 🤓 Use your imagination to create a picture of who you are as a professional.

Here’s an example of a LinkedIn summary that we like:

“More than 15 years of experience in project management including 10 agile methods. 🎯 Listening, collaboration, respect, solidarity, transparency, benevolence, meaning, autonomy, efficiency are for me essential values ​​for the success of a team and an organization. ✅  Today, I work as a professional coach. In connection with my rich experience in project management, people have always had a central place for me. Teach, share, support people and teams to fully develop their potential. 🌱 Are you interested in more? Contact me to talk about it.”

4) Highlight your work experience

Copying and pasting your resume to LinkedIn isn’t enough. Although there are no character restrictions in place here, you do have online viewers with short attention spans. 😅  Include any positions or volunteer experience that you believe are related to the direction you want your career to take, and utilize two to four engaging and impressive bullet points for each one.

Use strong action phrases to demonstrate not just what you did, but also what you accomplished in each position. 🥇 The goal is to show how much of an influence you’ve had, the changes you’ve implemented, the projects you’ve led, and the outcomes you’ve achieved.

5) Add visual elements to become famous on LinkedIn

Did you know that, like Twitter and Facebook, you can use a background banner on LinkedIn too? Choose a theme that reflects your job or personality. It’s simple to do and will help your LinkedIn profile stand out. ✨

You may also link additional assets to your LinkedIn portfolio, such as YouTube videos, infographics, and so on. Make your page pop off the screen and attract visitors by using relevant media. 🥰

6) Personalize your URL

The URL for your LinkedIn profile is your web address. Your name and some random digits will appear in the default URL. Why not change it to something more appropriate? 😏

The option to update your public LinkedIn URL may be found on the right side of your profile. Use that option to make your URL more simple and clear – it just takes a few minutes and may greatly improve your URL’s rememberability. 👻

7) Send connection requests

It may seem self-evident, yet it is all too easy to overlook. Because of LinkedIn’s structure of first, second, and third-degree connections, you’ll need to maintain building your connections as you meet new people; having a large number of connections keeps you visible to others. 😮

While it is possible to connect with people you don’t know, at the beginning, it is better to connect with people you know personally, have worked with, or met in a professional position. 👷‍♀️

If you decide to connect with someone you’ve never met or don’t have a direct relationship with, include a short message describing who you are and why you’d like to connect, like this one:

Hello {{firstname}},
I came across your profile and was very interested in your experience in SEO copywriting.

How about we get in touch? I share a lot of content related to prospecting on LinkedIn that I think you might find useful.

8) Ask and give recommendations

This is an important one. Consider those with whom you’ve already formed a positive working connection. 💯 When you change your profile, there is a link labeled “Ask for Recommendations” that you may click. Select it by clicking on it. You get to pick what you want to be suggested for, as well as a list of individuals from your network. After that, send it out and hope for positive response.

Making your profile stand out requires a lot of LinkedIn recommendations. Employers want to know that your work has been endorsed by others. 😌

In exchange, help your good karma by writing recommendations for some of your relationships as well. 🙏 Let’s have a look at mine, for instance.

9) Regularly update your page

LinkedIn is a networking social media platform, not just an online CV. That implies you must be active in order to get the most out of it. 🌈 Examine what others are saying, respond with insightful comments, and like and share those that you find useful.

You may also participate in LinkedIn groups or join “engagement pods”. There will be groups discussing whatever professional interests you have, from marketing to accountancy. Join one or two of them and interact with them. It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and exchange ideas. 💡

10) Assess your profile

There is an Analytics section below your profile header that provides you a “Profile Strength” measurement. 💫 This basically tells you how thorough you’ve been in filling up your profile. Continue to add more and use the site’s advice until the gauge says “All-Star.” It’s a simple trick that can assist you figure out whether you’ve missed something. 🤗

LinkedIn is a great tool that is also quite simple to use and benefit from. Make the most of it by customizing your profile to stand out in a sea of applicants, promote your skills, and prove your achievements. 🏆 Visitors should be able to quickly get a sense of who you are and what you do by looking at your page. 

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How to become a thought leader on LinkedIn?

Most people conceive of social media influencers as people who are enthusiastic about a topic. This topic might be the profession they do, a cause they support, or a personal interest or pastime for the majority of social networks. 💅 As a result, most influencers on other networks talk about things other than their “nine to five” job, at least until sponsorships start piling up, and they no longer need to work. 🙌
Game Show Selfie GIF by ABC Network

LinkedIn, on the other hand, is a professional network, not a personal or leisure site. To that end, LinkedIn influencers are frequently industry thought leaders who also provide information on LinkedIn to a big, engaged audience on a regular basis. 🗣️ They publish material that is relevant to their business, but it may also be useful to others.

PS: It’s worth noting that LinkedIn has its own LinkedIn Influencer program, which is solely “invite-only”. This program provides a platform for key thought leaders to discuss issues that are important to them, and share them with the world. 🌌

10 Tips to become influencer on LinkedIn

Now, let’s find out the tips and tricks in order to become noticeable and become famous on LinkedIn! 👇

1) Determine your target audience

To stand out and be recognized, focus on a certain niche. It’s vital that people see you as an authoritative figure. 💪 For example, a SaaS executive will select a specialization within that industry. If the softwares are used for B2B prospecting, this expert may discuss the most up-to-date technologies. It probably doesn’t make sense if he wants to talk about travel or the food industry. 🥗

In this scenario, the worst blunder you can make is picking an overly broad target audience. Due of the enormous amount of keywords and subject matter experts, there is a lot more competition when you do this. Instead, you’ll have more room if you concentrate on one industry only. 👌
Lets Go Win GIF by Rosanna Pansino

2) Create solid content

It’s time to start developing content once you’ve accumulated enough LinkedIn connections to have your work seen. 👁️ Be careful to upload unique, high-quality stuff, but you may also share content from other users as long as you acknowledge them. In addittion, you should respond to their comments or you should usually be reacting to their posts. 💭

This demonstrates your ability to think creatively and critically. Furthermore, sharing and commenting aids in the discovery of your profile by those who do not follow you yet. 😉
Cat Freaking Out GIF

Are you looking for article ideas? Videos and livestreams have the biggest effect and can help you gain influence more quickly, but photographs, text, and links may also go viral if done correctly. 🤯

What matters here is that you exhibit your degree of expertise. Make sure your material reflects your industry-leading thought leadership. People will be less likely to follow you or share your content if you don’t do so. 🤫

3) Be consistent to become famous on LinkedIn

Make a distribution timetable for your material. To begin, you must first determine when your target audience is on LinkedIn. 👂 You may use an automation tool to plan your LinkedIn posts ahead of time, but you should also make time to connect with your LinkedIn network. 👐

I’ve discovered that you can use LinkedIn to make contacts and expand your network in as little as 15 minutes, by posting three times a week. Set the date on your calendar, just as you would for any other meeting, and stick to it. ⌚

If you want more details on how to plan your content, then follow this playbook on the “TOFU-MOFU-BOFU” posting technique by Scalezia digital strategy agency! 🧨

4) Consider your unique perspective

Do you know what makes you and your brand unique? You ought to. If you don’t know what your top customers like about you, ask them to assist you figure out what your “secret sauce” is. 🍝

As a point of reference, Toinon Georget our dear CEO, insists on presenting himself as a person who is approachable and laid-back. 😎

He wants to make it apparent that he knows what he’s talking about, and that he’s up to date on his field. He recognizes that presenting himself with the job title “CEO” can be a little bit threathening. 🙊 As a result, he strives hard to present himself in a non-chalant, non-boring, and highly performant way. 💥

And, it’s working great for him! 😜

It’s one of the reasons why he continues to be invited to several interviews about business growth and entrepreneurship, by well-known digital agencies like Pilot’in. 🪐

👉 Therefore, determine what makes you special, and then make sure the content you post reflects your entire brand and point of view!

5) Brainstorm your content ideas

Spend some time exploring themes that match with your objectives and reinforce your expertise once you’ve clarified your audience and distinct perspective. 🏹

Opinion articles, industry data analysis, case studies, AMAs (Ask Me Anything), and interviews are some of the sorts of content that tend to do well on Linkedin. 👌
Happy Justin Bieber GIF by TimHortons

You can start using LinkedIn AMAs (through LinkedIn Live) as a tool for assisting potential clients in their hunt, and directing them to your premium services. Some of the findings will be really encouraging for your business. 🤝

That’s why 87 percent of individuals who use LinkedIn video for marketing feel it’s effective after only a few minutes of weaving video material into their marketing campaigns. 🤔

Make a list of your greatest ideas as you brainstorm and draw from it over the course of a few weeks or months. We’re all so busy, that knowing what you’ll post (and when) on LinkedIn can help you remain on track. 🏃‍♀️

6) Highlight your strengths

The feared “impostor syndrome” appears to be the source of the most anxiety among entrepreneurs as they plot a path to thought leadership. They think, “I’m not a writer,” or “I’m afraid to talk on camera.” 😣

The good news is that you don’t have to write unique material if you don’t want to. Perhaps blogging or giving Q&As on LinkedIn Live is a better option. 🤷‍♀️

Besides, if you’re not a brilliant writer or not feel at ease in front of the camera, guess what? As a content curator, you can still develop thought leadership. 💪Work Queen GIF by Ryn Dean

“Curators” are those magical folks who appear to always find the most fascinating items, trends, and information in our LinkedIn feeds. They ask inquiries in response to what they’ve read. They ask us to participate. They elicit intelligent discussion. They’ve earned a reputation as thinking leaders. 🔮

7) Be yourself to become famous on LinkedIn

On LinkedIn, you’ll undoubtedly agree that there are plenty of people showing what not to do, and many profiles that attempt to be influencers. They’re all over the place 😵‍💫 (I’m looking at all those “coach” profiles out there).

Nowadays, even “The Tinder Swindler” 💍 is giving out business advice, look him up if you don’t know what I’m talking about, hahaha! The majority of those sketchy profiles are missing an essential component: genuineness. 🤐

People identify with—and purchase from—those they know, like, and trust. So, if you get too caught up in appearing all polished on LinkedIn (or any other social networking site), you risk losing sight of who you actually are as an entrepreneur and a person. 💯

Definitely be strategic. However, if you’re serious about using LinkedIn to build a digital content strategy and confirm your thought leadership, you’ll need to present yourself as an authentic individual and I’m sure at the end, you’ll be glad you did. 😊

8) Develop cross-promotional content

Consider generating content with other LinkedIn thought leaders or businesses and tagging each other in your articles if you work with or have formed a connection with them. 🥳

These cross-promotional methods will not only help you grow your network and reach prospects online, but they will also assist the audience of the other person or company learn about you, while you tell your audience about their work. ❤️‍🔥

For example, here’s a video of the collaboration made by our CEO with another influencer:

👉 Like explained before, it’s critical to make oneself memorable by using a multi-channel strategy, in addition to making your material useful and authoritative!

One method to accomplish this is to display some personality, which motivates individuals to read the full piece of information. On the contrary, if everything you do is dry and dull, people are more likely to overlook your content. 😪

9) Bring your network to LinkedIn

Make friends with people you meet on other social media and encourage them to join your LinkedIn network. People who have formed personal bonds with you in other settings may be delighted to “meet” you in a professional role. 👩‍🎓  This is especially true for specialists in your field, though others may be interested as well. 👍

Similarly, don’t keep all of your stuff in one place. Share LinkedIn events and content on other social media platforms. Twitter, in particular, is an excellent place for people to locate links to your material. For example, urge folks to send you a LinkedIn message instead of DMing you on Instagram. 📲 Bring the fun – and the power – to LinkedIn! 😋Instagram Reaction GIF by Salon Line

👉 The mix of network importing and high-quality content will solidify your position over time, here’s an article if you want to learn how to import your LinkedIn contacts easily.

10) Expand your horizons

As you might know, LinkedIn has developed “LinkedIn Learning” that has a wide range of video lessons and online training available on their online learning platform. 🥸  LinkedIn Learning offers you a certificate once you’ve finished the virtual program. You may then share your achievement on LinkedIn’s news feed. 🎖️

Furthermore, here’s the link to follow their online course to “Become a Thought Leader” inside and outside their platform, as explained briefly in this description:

“Do you hope to build lasting change and a legacy that matters? Then maybe it’s time for you to become a thought leader. Thought leaders are recognized for their ideas and their contributions to the world. They share their expertise and engage a community of followers—while enhancing their own reputations in their fields. In this course, thought leadership consultant and author Denise Brosseau defines exactly what a thought leader is and explains the risks and rewards that come with this unique position. She describes how to plan your strategy, develop a compelling message, build influence, maximize your visibility, and track your impact. She also shares tips to scale your ideas to reach the widest possible audience—online and off.”

It’s always nice to keep learning new skills in order to apply them to your business, and improve your personal branding! 🔥

1Ok followers on LinkedIn: How to become famous on LinkedIn?

Discover my top 3 tips for growing your LinkedIn following organically in 2022, including how to go from 0 to 10K followers in no time! 🚀

However, make sure you read the entire article from beginning to end. Otherwise, you won’t get the results you want if you merely use one or two of these suggestions. You must learn how to master them all. 😜

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3 Tips to Get LinkedIn followers free

Finally, let’s see these tips to help you get more followers easily and become famous on LinkedIn! 👇

1) Use hashtags & tags to become famous on LinkedIn

Use hashtags now and then on LinkedIn. People frequently use hashtags to track their progress or create new trending topics on social media. 📈

I recommend using no more than three hashtag per post. You allow people to find your content naturally by using one of the hashtags they use. So before you begin, I recommend that you investigate the popular hashtags on LinkedIn. 👈

Discover which hashtags on LinkedIn have the most followers and which have relevant info so you can find the correct prospects to connect with. 🔗 jimmy fallon nbc GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Furthermore, on your LinkedIn posts, you can tag individuals and companies. All you have to do is press the @ key on your keyboard, then gently type out either the person’s or the company’s name. 🏢

Sometimes, you need to be linked to the individuals in order to be able to tag them. Alternatively, the individual must be a second-level LinkedIn connection of yours. Often, LinkedIn members will receive an immediate notification. 🔔

If you do, you’ll have a wonderful chance to expand your audience. 🤗

It’s a little more challenging with corporate pages since not every company page is watched and not every company page is interesting. Nonetheless, these 2 tips will boost your organic growth in 2022. ⚡

2) Change the button on your profile to “Follow”

Change your LinkedIn personal profile to a “Follow” profile. 😏

By default, LinkedIn will provide you with a “Connect” button. This is the primary call to action when someone clicks on your LinkedIn profile, then a connection request will be sent to you. 📨

However, after you’ve established a relationship with someone, they may send you messages. But when it comes to expanding your audience, this might not be so interesting. You only want to connect with people who are potential clients on a selected audience, so that you’re not constantly bombarded with spam. 🥵Santa Claus Christmas GIF by RiffTrax

People will have to jump through two hoops to send you a connection request if you change your settings and make your profile a “Follow” only profile. 🙏

A “Follow” button will replace the default “Connect” button. If they still wish to connect with you, they must select the “More” option. Then select “Connect” to initiate a connection request with you. 😋

This will ensure that your following continues to increase only with a qualified audience. 💯

3) Use automation tools to increase followers fast

You now understand what it takes to become an influencer, what your brand stands for, and how to find influencers to connect with on LinkedIn. 😊

But we aren’t finished yet. 👀

As useful as those tips are, you’ll also need certain LinkedIn growth hacking tools to help you network and expand your impact as an influencer. 🚀

Even though these tools aren’t required, they will help you save time and be more productive with your prospecting. 🔥Blast Off Space GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals

Let’s look at a couple of them: Waalaxy & Podawaa! 👽

🔵 Waalaxy is a “LinkedIn automation” tool, which refers to creating sequences for automating a variety of actions on LinkedIn, that would otherwise be completed by hand. 👋

You may, for example, look for contacts, visit profiles in your industry, add connections, send messages and so on. 📩

As a result, LinkedIn automation may keep you active on the social network, without having to spend too much time on it! 😍

🟣 Podawaa is the perfect complement to help you increase engagement and automate your comments and feedback. 👂

How does it work? You can integrate or build “pods” on LinkedIn, with a selected audience using more than 15 parameters, to create more engagement in your posts (comments, reactions, likes, etc). 🥰

The benefit is that Podawaa produces actions based on human behavior and provides you with a variety of comment forms. Plus, the “Podawaan Social Index” is this pod’s major benefit. Each user receives a score, so it’s completely safe! 👍

Conclusion: Become Famous on LinkedIn

LinkedIn’s emphasis on business is one of it’s favorite features. At the same time, LinkedIn’s value in B2B marketing and idea sharing is immeasurable. 🌌

There are also several possibilities for a prospective LinkedIn influencer to leave a lasting impression on others. You should be able to wield the influence you desire if you follow the tips and tricks provided in this article to become famous on LinkedIn. 🤩

Here’s the list of the 23 tips we discovered here:

  • 10 Tips to be successful on LinkedIn
    1) Add a good LinkedIn picture
    2) Use a catchy headline
    3) Write an interesting summary
    4) Highlight your work experience
    5) Add visual elements
    6) Personalize your URL
    7) Send connection requests
    8) Ask and give recommendations
    9) Regularly update your page
    10) Assess your profile
  • 10 Tips to become influencer on LinkedIn
    1) Determine your target audience
    2) Create solid content
    3) Be consistent
    4) Consider your unique perspective
    5) Brainstorm your content ideas
    6) Highlight your strengths
    7) Be yourself
    8) Develop cross-promotional content
    9) Bring your network to LinkedIn
    10) Expand your horizons
  • 3 Tips to get LinkedIn followers free
    1) Use hashtags and tags to become famous on LinkedIn
    2) Change the button in your profile to “Follow”
    3) Use automation tools to increase followers fast

In addition, some of the main advantages are that you could be featured on LinkedIn’s top voices and/or your LinkedIn posts could be showned as the editors picks for people outside your network, therefore increasing your reach exponentially! 💥

FAQ: Become famous on LinkedIn

How many LinkedIn followers do you need to be considered an influencer?

A set amount of followers is not necessary to be a LinkedIn influencer, according to LinkedIn. It’s more of a broad consensus based on existing influencer profiles. 🌟

They’re more concerned with a person’s relevance. They pay attention to people who routinely upload high-quality material and engage with their community’s content. 🚀
Jimmy Fallon Reaction GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

I hope you enjoyed this article on how to become famous on LinkedIn, and that you will expand your connections to reach the higher level on this social media platform! 👽

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