Best LinkedIn Headlines to Stand Out of the Crowd !

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Your Linkedin Headline is going to shine! ✨🤩

At Waalaxy, we support the idea that it is better to teach a man how to fish than to give a man a fish. That is why we are providing in this article all the information you need to know on how to create the best LinkedIn headline. We will also provide a few examples to help you understand better what we are talking about.

linkedin headline

How do we know what is the best LinkedIn Headline?

Firstly, Waalaxy is a tool that helps you to automate your LinkedIn actions. We are specialized in LinkedIn so we run efficiency tests every day and we find out all news related to LinkedIn before anybody else. Our income is directly related to LinkedIn, so, we know how to use it well. 😜

Secondly,  we performed a study about LinkedIn job Titles and why they are important for your LinkedIn profile. We found out that with the right title and the same target, you can have a minimal increase of 8% for your connection request (the acceptance rate) and response rate to your messages.

Create your own LinkedIn Headline

Copywriting is an amazing skill to have. Not just if you work in communication, but in your entire life you’ll always have to sell something : yourself, a product, a company… You need to know some techniques. Don’t worry, we’re here to teach you them.

Here you’ll find:

  • Information on out how to get more credibly on LinkedIn with 5 tips that are super easy to follow!
  • A list of Powerful and Emotive Words that will help you to stand out, (you’ll use them for all your content marketing!)
  • Two free online tools to check out the impact of your headline.
  • Statistics and practical methods to make sure you’re creating an Awesome Headline and grow your business with LinkedIn’s best practices.

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Sparkle your Headline with Power Words

Powerful words will make your headline more impactful.

Create Impatience:

  • Kickstart.
  • Launch.
  • Quick Start.
  • Supercharge.

Create Memorability:

  • Captivate.
  • Genius.
  • Memorable.
  • Unforgettable.
  • Impressive.

Create Happiness:

  • Heartwarming.
  • Inspiring.
  • Profound.
  • Alive.
  • Lightening.

Create Prestige:

  • Prestigious.
  • Luxurious.

Create Beauty:

  • Awe-Inspiring.
  • Breathtaking.
  • Gorgeous.
  • Stunning.

Create Novelty:

  • Challenge.
  • Discover.
  • Extraordinary.
  • Hack.
  • Latest.
  • Life-changing.
  • Miraculous.
  • Sensational.
  • Revolutionary.
  • Remarkable.

Create Simplicity:

  • Easy.
  • Effortless.
  • Painless.
  • Simple.
  • Step-by-step.
  • Stupidly simple.

Create Completeness:

  • Essential.
  • Extremely.
  • Best/Better.
  • Complete.
  • Practical.
  • Master.

Create Authority:

  • Absolute.
  • Authentic.
  • Expert.
  • Final.
  • Genuine.
  • Proven.
  • Solution.
  • Studies.
  • Strategy.
  • Results.
  • Validate.
  • Honest.
  • Guaranteed.

Create Exclusivity:

  • Breaking.
  • Confess.
  • Elite.
  • Emerging.
  • First.
  • Truth.
  • Trend.
  • Unique.
  • New.
  • Popular.
  • Special.

Create safety:

  • Exactly.
  • Lifetime.
  • Protect.
  • Proven.
  • Practical.
  • Verified.
  • Process.

Create Mind-blowing:

  • Astonishing.
  • Amazing.
  • Astounding.
  • Awesome.
  • Bomb.
  • Badass.
  • Catapult.
  • Delightful.
  • Epic.
  • Explosive.
  • Great.
  • Jaw-dropping.
  • Mesmerizing.
  • Triumph.
  • Unbelievable.
  • Unleashed.
  • Polarizing.
  • Nailed.

Create your LinkedIn Headline by adding Emotional words

Emotional words are even more important than work experience. They are strictly connected with powerful words. You need to understand them and use them for your communication. You need to ask yourself:

What is the message that I want to make people feel while they are reading my headline?

For example, if you’re doing lead generation on LinkedIn, you must build trust. 🤝

If you’re job hunting on LinkedIn, you need to show your passion to find the right talent for the right company. 🔍

Do I want them to feel optimistic, feel loved and cared for, feel surprised or in awe?

the emotion that you want to create and powerful words will help you for your LinkedIn headline but also for all your copywriting tasks.

Find out more about emotional marketing. 

3 Examples to guide you creating your own Headline with Powerful Impact

To create a successful headline, please make sure you’re only using powerful words.

  • For a recruiter or hiring manager: Want to join an inspiring company? Discover Awsome Career Opportunities at @{CompanyName}. 
  • For Communication/Media: Find yourself captivated by our Unleashed Media and discover the latest news -True and Verified!
  • For Sales Professionals : Wanna be a Badass Sales Expert? Discover my 5 Stupidly Simple Tips to Nail It! 

Sensory words

Do you want people to feel (Kinesthetic), to see (Visual) or to hear (Auditory)?

It’s more important than you think, and I am going to show you why.

Let’s say you work for a Radio Channel:

  • You’re going to write – I am The Explosive Voice that speaks about all things True. Listen to me on @{CompanyName}. ✅
  • You’re not gonna write – I help people to see the truth, Find me on @{CompanyName}. ❌

The professional network that you’re creating read your headline and feel your environment, understand your area of work and your values. It’s almost like you’re creating a world around your lexical field, a word in which you’re bringing people in when they read about you.

Professional networking is the art of creating your personal brand, it is something you work on, as much as your social media marketing strategy!

 LinkedIn Headline Generator

Most of the time we ask our family and friends if what we have written is correct. In business, it can sometimes be awkward to ask your social networks if your LinkedIn title sounds good and catchy, so we have tested different free and online headline analyzers (most of them are crap and you need to subscribe and give your info, or the results are simply lacklustre).

So here are 2 free tools that are not so bad. The first one is OptinMonster’s Headline Analyzer. 

It will tell you if your words are catchy if it’s too long or not structured well. They explain that 6 words are better, but you can go up to 12 easily on LinkedIn.

The second one is  Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer. This tool is specialized in emotive words. It will tell you what emotions the reader feels while reading your headline. I ran a few tests and I found the results quite interesting.

What is a good LinkedIn headline?

So, let’s talk about headlines in general. What attracts people the most are numbers.

Numbers are better than words.

(I don’t remember who said that, but it’s a marketer) 😂

It’s pretty similar to your LinkedIn headline, you can talk about the number of customers you have, the % of progress in something, the 3 ways you found to save businesses from bankruptcy… You can definitely add numbers to your job title.

linkedin headline study case

Here is a list of 4 methods to define your own title.

  • Number: Job Title | Specific Accomplishments.
    • Sales Expert | +31% ROI At {CompanyName}. Want to Know How? 🤯
  • Reader Addressing + Number : Job Title | Years of Experience in Industry | Icebreaker.
    • Customer care manager | +5 Years Experience at {Name of your company} and not replaced by a robot yet. 🤖
  • How to: Job Title | Unique Value You Bring.
    • Brand Content Expert | Teaching individuals how to create amazing creative content. 🎨
  • Reader Addressing + Number : I help ___ (type of client) achieve ___ (desired result)
    • I help freelancers to get over 10 clients to kickstart their business.

To get 10 more examples to help you to write headlines, you just need to click here.

Do you want to be found on LinkedIn?

If you want to be found on the LinkedIn search and on search engines, you need to put your actual job title. It’s nice to write that you’re changing the world but if you don’t write “recruiter” or “sales”, it will be harder to find you, and then to contact you.

Some people don’t want to be easily found, so I’ll let you decide what you think is best for you!

 7 profiles with a great LinkedIn headline

Best LinkedIn Headline for job seekers

The first thing you need to have in mind is that you’re not “looking for a job” or worse “Unemployed”, you’re “offering your skills”.

I know it’s a job search, but it shouldn’t look like one. It’s like flirting with someone, the more you show that you’re interested the more you make the recruiter run away from you. You need to look like the other want you not the opposite. Well, to get hired at your dream job it’s the same.

Don’t do this:

Do this:

I couldn’t quite find the perfect headline I was looking for to attract your potential employer. But here, you can see power words, emotive words and offering your skills and services instead of job searching.

Now, here are 2 more complete examples. ✅

  • You’ve got experience: Expert in (…) | I am offering my (…) years of experience in (sector).
  • You have no experience in the specific new job : Passionate about (…) I am offering my views, motivation and digital expertise to – (type of company you want to reach out to you).

Plus, make sure your first impression is the right one, upload your resume on your profile, check out job postings every day and apply for jobs via LinkedIn job searches.

Do you need LinkedIn Headline as a Project Manager?

Same here, I did not find a well-written title to show you the best example. It means one thing, not many LinkedIn profiles are well optimized which in turn means you can really stand out from the crowd when yours is.

The examples to follow. ✅

  • Say who you’ve worked for: Expert in Project Management | I have worked for Google, Salesforce and Dropbox in managing Scrum projects.
  • Talk to your target audience:  Project Manager | Working on a brand-new and efficient way to collect data –  wanna see our latest results?

Creative LinkedIn headline for recruiters

This one is very good one: there are emojis, the name of the company, powerful and emotive words. It’s relevant, it’s fresh, it’s a 9 out of 10.

I would only have changed it a bit that way : I recruit exciting candidates for passionate companies |Matchmaker @ – Check out our new offers ! 👇

The call-to-action can be interesting, mostly if you have a lot of job openings.

Best LinkedIn headline for a sale leader

Social selling is the key for improving your digital-marketing and prospecting results. You can even update your profile and customize your presentation with a video.

Here is a very good example of a fully optimized LinkedIn profile: Title, picture or video, the catchphrase in the headline… That’s a perfectly personalized profile. 10 out of 10.

If you work in personal branding, this is also a perfect example for you to follow.

Powerful LinkedIn headline for sales professionals

Thibault is a copywriter. It’s really the kind of job in which your tips for writing are what will get you noticed. His target audience needs to like the way he’s speaking to them: “I support…” (Target) by (value proposition). The other part of the headline could be a bit shorter to make it easy to read.

Example: Freelance | I support B2B executives and teams to speak on LinkedIn to attract customers | Newsletters and tips 👉 (link).

What kind of LinkedIn Headline for Software Engineer?

You know recruiters are crazy for IT engineers and developers in this case. It won’t be hard to get a job interview. All you need is your qualifications (front, back, HTML..) And if you can, whom you’ve worked for or where you’ve studied.

Great LinkedIn Headline for Students

Talking about students, here is how you can prepare yourself for the big step into your professional world. Using emotive words is your best shot. You’re a student so, you can only talk about your love, passion, and care for your career goals. Don’t forget to highlight your enthusiasm:

  • Free for side projects. 😁
  • Graduate in 4 months. 😍
  • Want to meet other passionate individuals. 💌

FAQs of the Article

How to write the best LinkedIn headline?

The recipe to build your best LinkedIn headline is to follow these 5 rules (you can change the order).

linkedin headline exemple

Why should you clearly write your title? Because you’ll make it easier to find you on search engines or on LinkedIn search results.


What is the best LinkedIn headline?

Three examples of people who succeeded in optimizing their profile:

What should I put for a LinkedIn headline?

  • Write your job title correctly.
  • Add a catchphrase or an ice breaker.
  • Use numbers. “I helped 150 satisfied clients to…”
  • Write “How” you’ll help your future clients.
  • Be real, don’t lie.
  • Add emojis.
  • Add the name of your company.

Well done! Social Networking has no secrets for you now! You’re now ready to write the best LinkedIn headline. 😜

Want to go further?

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