Come posso attirare l’attenzione dei miei potenziali clienti su LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is the network to find your BtoB customers. While some like the direct approach with a “pitch” to sell their products or services, others prefer the “softer” approach.t
The two are not incompatible, here are 5 tips to get seen by your prospects on LinkedIn. Without trying to sell them your product at all costs.

Publish on LinkedIn

Posting on LinkedIn is the royal road to getting seen by a targeted audience on a large scale. The algorithm is lenient, so the potential to reach large volumes of audience (we’re talking tens of thousands of views for free) is very high.

You can share your news (don’t abuse it, it’s not very well seen) but especially content on your expertise, the problems your service/product is dealing with, the market trends, the big news of the sector…

A godsend because the investment of time/span and efficiency is really very very interesting. I invite you to read our latest article on how to get 75k views per week in 30mn per day.

Visit and follow profiles

It seems trivial, and yet! When you visit profiles on LinkedIn or use the “Follow” feature, a significant portion of users are notified. The follow up function gives a higher notification rate than the visit function, but the maximum recommended volumes are slightly lower.

When the prospect is notified that he has been visited or followed, his curiosity may be aroused. He will then go to your profile. If it is well optimized you have a unique opportunity to convert him or he adds you by himself.

On “follow” campaigns, I get between 5% and 10% of add in return (people I followed ask me in connection on LinkedIn)

Obviously, you can do this manually (very time consuming) or define your lead lists via LinkedIn searches and use a tool like Waalaxy to automate this process.

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Comment on posts

If your prospect communicates regularly on LinkedIn, interacting with him/her via relevant comments on his/her LinkedIn posts is a unique opportunity to arouse his/her interest. Be careful, avoid “Super post” comments that don’t really put you forward (so avoid automating this task as well). Likewise, “likes” do not make you visible.

Bonus: identify the person by replying to their comment with “@prospectname” to notify them that you have replied to one of their posts.

Send value-added content

A really effective way to prospect in a “light” way. Make contact with your prospects without sending an invitation note. This already gets your prospects’ attention on LinkedIn and often results in a profile visit. Once they accept you, share with them 2 or 3 articles on one of your topics of expertise that should resonate with them.

For example, I did a campaign aimed at co-founders of companies with less than 50 employees with this message:


It’s very difficult to determine if I’m getting a lot of qualified leads. But it’s an opportunity to engage without being “blunt” and get seen by prospects.

Be careful: choose articles with real added value. Otherwise you’ll just look like someone who wants to distribute his articles (my message already looks like that).

If you know of other ways to get the attention of your prospects, contact me on LinkedIn to make suggestions. I thought about the skills recommendation but it’s too “SPAM” to me so I didn’t put it in



Per andare oltre:

Un portafoglio clienti​ è molto più di un semplice elenco di contatti, è il cuore della vostra strategia di vendita.


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