Why posting on LinkedIn? Discover 5 reasons to get started!

LinkedIn is the world’s leading professional social network. With more than 600 million users, it is the reference channel for recruitment. And on this social media platform, you can exist. So, let’s discover together the top 5 reasons and the best tips for posting on LinkedIn. 😏

Many people think LinkedIn is only a network for recruiters stalking resumes. 🤷Wrong. Today, LinkedIn is a network that brings together millions of people, from different sectors and backgrounds. It is a “social media” of professional news, all sectors included. 💯

Is it good to post on LinkedIn? Yes, LinkedIn is your best Feedback!

When someone searches for your name on a search engine, LinkedIn almost always comes up in the first 3 results. So it’s your professional (and personal) storefront on the internet. 👀

Spaceship Earth Hello GIF by NEON

When someone visits your profile on LinkedIn, they immediately see what your business is and the content you share. It is then a public showcase of your expertise, your “professional status”. It makes you credible to prospects or recruiters. 🤓

Even better: when you regularly publish content, you can position yourself as an expert in a specific field. Your audience will then consider that you master your subject and will be more likely to recommend you or call upon your services. 📲


Reason #1: There is little competition for posting on LinkedIn

Paradoxically, few people use LinkedIn today to create content, in proportion to the activity and number of users. 🤝

This means that each post has a higher probability of being seen, as the ratio of post to number of users is low (compared to other social networks).

By conducting a simple strategy with little time investment, it is possible to get thousands of views on LinkedIn. 🔥

There are probably fairly few people in your industry who post regularly on LinkedIn: so you have an open window to reach an incredible qualified audience with little effort. 🦾

Now do you understand the importance of posting on LinkedIn? 😉

Think About It Reaction GIF by Identity


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Reason #2: The LinkedIn algorithm is lenient

Unlike other social networks like Facebook or Instagram, which have hardened their algorithms in recent years to favor paid content, it is possible on LinkedIn to get thousands of views organically. 🌱

Organic means you get views without paying for advertising. We’re talking thousands of views by qualified professionals, for free! 🤑

This reason or tip alone is enough to commit to a content strategy on LinkedIn. Because understand: this El Dorado won’t last forever and LinkedIn will eventually harden its algorithm too, to favor paid publications (which are incredibly expensive on LinkedIn by the way).

Don’t wait any longer! ⌚

Seth Meyers Time GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers


Reason #3: In addition to a prospecting strategy, create a post on LinkedIn

Some may say, “I prefer to engage in a prospecting strategy on LinkedIn. It’s more direct, I choose my audience.” 🎯

True. And see who you are telling! We didn’t create Waalaxy for nothing. 🌌

But why would prospecting be exclusive to a content strategy?

On the contrary, they are totally complementary. We know to say today, when you add people on LinkedIn, and they accept you, that between 30% and 60% are never going to respond. Even if they are in your LinkedIn social network! 🤐

Of course, you can choose to pester these prospects until you get a response. But I don’t recommend it: you don’t give a good image to your prospect/connections and risk turning them off (cognitive bias of the “boomerang effect”). 🪃

Conversely, now that these people are in your network, they are more likely to see your LinkedIn posts. 🧐

This is called “lead nurturing” or “nurturing your prospects”: you get a new touchpoint with them by sharing content about your topic of expertise, the problem you solve. You are adding value to them for free. 😍

When it is said that it takes an average of “7 touchpoints with a prospect” to convert them, posting on LinkedIn seems like an indispensable strategy to reach your prospects, whether they respond to you in prospecting or not.

stratégie de contenu LinkedIn


Reason #4: The social proof effect

Another fundamental point in creating content on LinkedIn (on social networks in general) is the social proof effect. 🔍 A cognitive bias that causes us to conform to the belief of a majority, or to think that the more people do an action, the more valid the reason for that action must be. 👌

Yet, by using pods on LinkedIn, you get comments and likes, which suggest to your audience that you are “popular”, that people love your content or adore you. 💗And so they, too, will tend to feel sympathy for you, engage on your content, consider you an expert. 💯

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Reason #5: Familiarity bias

Because when it comes to marketing, you have to understand psychology, you also have to understand another cognitive bias: the familiarity bias. 🪞

Everyone says, “I never buy since I saw a commercial on TV, that’s stupid”. 🙊 And yet, if you are confronted with a box of Chocapic in the store and an equivalent product in terms of nutritional value, packaging and price, but you have never heard of it, you are probably going to choose Chocapic. 🍫

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The familiarity bias consists in trusting more what is familiar or close to us, what we know best, even hastily, and favoring it over other options. It’s believing that we understand better what is close and familiar to us. 🤗

So I don’t need to explain to you why being visible to your prospects on LinkedIn will increase the chances of someone calling on your products or services, compared to a competitor. 😜


Conclusion: What are the rules for posting on LinkedIn? 5 Reasons & Tips to do it!

In conclusion, you only have advantages when it comes to publishing on LinkedIn! ✅

Your prospects will see your business on this professional network, and they will take you as an expert in your field. 👏

All the same, instead of having to constantly go out and get new leads, they will come all by themselves to your LinkedIn profile (= the showcase of your product/service). 🪟

That means they’ll almost be in your pocket already, thanks to this sales funnel strategy! 😏

Here’s what you need to remember from this article:

  • Posting on LinkedIn gives you a competitive advantage,
  • Learn to master theLinkedIn algorithm to better convert,
  • Be consistent in your posting to attract potential customers,
  • Take care of your e-reputation to assert your social proof,
  • The more visible you are, the more prospects will come to you. 💥


Is it better to post article or post on LinkedIn?

If you want the quick answer, the post will give you more visibility and notoriety! While the article will be less visible, but you will be able to publish quality content. 🤓

The post is the shortest format you can use on LinkedIn, since it has a character limit. 👐

It is not possible to format your LinkedIn posts, but you are free to insert hashtags by topics, emojis, or visuals. By the way, we advise you to accompany your posts with a photo, a video, or a carousel. 😜

Seth Meyers Weighing Options GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers


Bonus: LinkedIn Posting Best Practices for Enterprise Content

On the other hand, if you’re wondering whether you should post with your LinkedIn Company Page, yes or no? 💁

Unfortunately, the answer is NO. 🥶

LinkedIn is a professional social network. Who says social says human, not Company page, personal brand, products, etc. 💼 It’s a platform to connect with other people in B2B, not necessarily have “corporate” info all the time. 😒

Also, the highest engagement rate will come from a personal profile, whereas with a corporate profile it will be lower. 👎

Rather, you need to think about what types of content to post on LinkedIn, depending on your chosen target. 👌


FAQ: Why publish on LinkedIn? C’mon post something on LinkedIn!

Kermit The Frog Reaction GIF by Muppet Wiki

How to create a post on LinkedIn?

You can write a “post” or publication from the news feed on LinkedIn. In fact, this is a great way to do it:

Alternatively, you can publish a post from your LinkedIn profile page, in the “Activity” Section and then click on “Start a post” like this:

Also, if you want more tips on how to create good LinkedIn posts, you can follow this article! ⚡


How to post on LinkedIn desktop? When you post on LinkedIn, who sees it?

Posting on LinkedIn on computer, tablet, or mobile app is always the same principle:

  • You need to go to “Start a post” either on the news feed or on your profile, as explained earlier.
  • Once the pop-up opens, you have several options, focus on these, write some text, then upload images, video, or document.
  • Then click on “Publish” and you’re done. Your post will be visible to all LinkedIn members by default.

In addition, here are 5 good ideas for writing an original post on LinkedIn! 🌈 Animated GIF


When to add a post to LinkedIn? What is the best day and time for posting on LinkedIn?

One thing is for sure, you need to post at least 2 to 3 times a week on LinkedIn in order to be visible in the long run! 🦾

Alas, there is no perfect answer on the preferred day and right time to post… 😣 Sorry Taylor Swift GIF

So the question would be more like: what slots fit MY target’s preferences? 🤔

On the other hand, here are some tips that can help you find a posting schedule that fits your target audience. 🎯

  • Establish numerous buyer personas and never forget who you are writing to.
  • We recommend 3 publications per week to develop your network.
  • Choose the days of the week, unless your target works at different times.
  • Use the TOFU-MOFU-BOFU method to post.


Can’t post a video on LinkedIn? How do you post a link on LinkedIn?

  • Then a pop-up will open to “Select a video to share” :

Also, if you want to insert a link or URL on your post, just copy/paste it on the text field and a preview will automatically appear at the bottom of the page. 👇

You can also shorten a link to personalize it or insert a link in a comment to make your readers go all the way through your post and interact with you! 😉

Posting on LinkedIn is obviously about giving voice to your expertise and generating qualified leads on a large scale. 🚀 Now you know all the reasons and tips to do it!


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