How to Get 75K Views Per Week on LinkedIn?

Since mid-January, I have started a particularly intense LinkedIn content media strategy. Today, I’m doing between 50K and 100K views per week, spending only 30 minutes per day on it. Probably one of my tasks where the 20% marketing efforts for the 80% results is the most significant. In this LinkedIn content case study, there’s no magic formula. No hidden tricks to improve your engagement on LinkedIn. Just common sense and a well-tested process. Welcome to the behind-the-scenes look at my LinkedIn content creation! 😉


LinkedIn Content Case Study: 6 Easy Steps to Publish Your Posts!

1. Coming Up with the Ideas to Make a LinkedIn Post

Before I decided how often I would write a post, I asked myself 🤔

“With all the material I have in mind, how many posts, can I write? And so, How long, can I last with a frequency of 3 to 5 posts per week?”.

The idea was to have 3 months of specific content in front of me (the exact topics of the posts) and another 3 months of ideas to refine.

So, I started by creating a Google Doc with all my ideas in raw form. I had been wanting to publish on LinkedIn for a long time and being fairly creative, I quickly surpassed 50 or so topics, some of which could be covered in multiple posts.

I then asked the rest of the team if they had any ideas, and I got about 20 more topics. So, here I am with 100 publications to write.


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2. Writing LinkedIn Publications

Here we are in the second and most important phase of content creation on LinkedIn: writing the posts. 😁

Using the Right Publication Rate:


















I had to find a style for myself. A format that was readable and fairly quickly recognizable. So, I followed Benoit Dubos’ article on to the letter for the format of my posts. Something airy, with emojis and short sentences.

That’s it, I was ready to write. ✍️


Optimizing Your Time:

At Waalaxy, we’re a small team. 6 people as I write this. 🪶 So in my daily missions, I have to manage a bunch of things (administrative, product design, prospecting, potential customers and prospect follow-up…).

I wanted to run a good content strategy on LinkedIn that was my own and not delegate it to another person on the team. So, my time had to be optimized.

However, to be efficient in the variety of tasks we have, we got into the habit of doing work sprints by theme (X days to improve your website, X days to write articles, etc.). I then decided to spend 1 day every 3 weeks to write my content on LinkedIn and schedule it with an adapted tool (Hootsuite in this case, which gives me 30 scheduled posts for free).

1 day for tens of thousands of views, it’s clearly worth it.


3. Use Pods, in a Smart Way

I’m not hiding from it. The use of pods is controversial, but for me, it is perfectly assumed. I only use automated pods, because of time constraints. If you don’t know what a pod is, check this article. It’s a technique to consider in your social media engagement on LinkedIn. 🎯

Why deprive yourself of using analytics tools that can increase your impressions on this social media platform by 10 or even 50 times?

Like any automation, you have to use it wisely. Because no one wants to see 30 “Great article” on these posts (the basic comments offered by the current tools). So, I created a Google Sheet with upcoming posts.

For each one, I add: 👇

  • My first comment, with outgoing link for example (See “good practices to publish on LinkedIn”) or people identifications (that you can’t do with Hootsuite or a posteriori on a post).
  • The comments I want to receive.

This second point is quite time-consuming and requires a bit of imagination. I spend 2–3 hours writing credible comments for 15 posts, then ask the rest of the team to each add a few.

My ideal is to have 15 pre-written comments per post, 5 of which are very complete. These 5 comments provide real thought that goes along with my post, or the other way around.


4. Increase the Reach of LinkedIn Publications

This point is more of a parallel process than a real step. There are two essential best practices: ⏬

  • If you want natural engagement on your publications, be cleaver. Take sides, even if it means toning it down via comments afterward. When you touch on the audience’s beliefs, they are more readily willing to engage, to go against or with you. So, comment and increase your reach.
  • Publish at the right times. Personally, I publish every business day between 10 and 11 am. These are the hours known to have the “best” reach. I also schedule posts that I consider to have the best potential for Tuesdays and Thursdays, known as “the best days.”


5. Manage, Publish and Distribute

Once all the posts are written, scheduled and pre-commented, it’s time to manage the distribution.

That is: 👇

  • Manually start engagement on one’s post (because at the time of writing, Podawaa does not exist, and competing tools do not allow scheduling). That is, take the post link, put it on the pod tools, copy/paste the prepared comments, add the first comment with outgoing link.
  • Reply to comments. This part is essential, as it creates interaction with the audience (more comments therefore views, but also contact with real people, which is the goal in the end).


Tips Used in this LinkedIn Content Case Study:

  • I post every day 10 minutes later than the day before. The reason? Lempod doesn’t let me add a post every less than 24 hours (#active user experience). The time to add the link of the post, I then take a margin of 10 minutes each day to be able to engage from the publication the next day. (Another trick is to delete the post of the day before on Lempod)
  • I have an alarm at publication times, so I don’t miss adding my link to the pods. It’s the initial engagement that counts the most!


6. Take the Feedback and Iterate

Once you have your first few posts published and your social media strategy is up and running, you need to adjust it. To each his own, but remember to take audience feedback and see which posts worked best to analyze the “patterns” and reuse them. 🤩

I’m only at the beginning of my content strategy (3 months of posts is pretty short) but the best results are already there! Contact me on LinkedIn if you want to discuss this or follow my content on LinkedIn! 😊


So, How Do you Post on LinkedIn and Get 75K Views Per Week?

At Waalaxy, we’ve adopted an “Avengers strategy”. 🦹 The goal was to tame LinkedIn’s algorithm to appear in our target audience’s news feed ALL THE TIME. 👇

If you want some examples of this method, here is a sneak peek of our top results in 2022:

  • In this publication, we had 277,476 impressions. That’s just insane! 🤯 this is due to several reasons, interesting piece of content: principles of “growth hacking”, “inbound marketing” techniques of big brands. A universal topic: fitness as a new year’s goal, for example. Plus, an attractive visual and a well-structured copywriting, using the principle of telling a “success story”.


  • In this example, we can see the evolution we had in terms of number of views: from 57 K to 111,389 views per post! 👀 Isn’t that amazing? So, here’s the secret recipe behind this success: Publish regularly, if possible a rhythm of 2–3 times a week is ideal. Create a quality content strategy based on a series of posts, such as “SEO (natural search) Received Idea #1, 2, 3, etc.” This way, your audience will be intrigued and want to follow along as you post. 😉


  • Finally, consider posting using “tags” and “hashtags” to boost the visibility and awareness of your posts! ✨ This is a huge “hack” that can help you multiply your views on LinkedIn, very easily. Also, consider adding images, carousels, native video content, etc. to make your post have high engagement levels.


Statistics from our LinkedIn Content Case Study:

To conclude, here is an example of the statistics we collected in December 2022, in our team in terms of number of views, using our content strategy and thanks to our Podawaa tool: 🚀

  • Last month, the team’s posts recorded on Podawaa totaled:
    929,164 total views (37.88%).
    16,894 average views (130.64%).
    7,766 median views (116.26%).
  • 25% of posts are below 3,126 views, while 75% of posts are below 12,846 views.
    Q1: 39.87%.
    Q3: 87.51%.
  • Ranking of the best performances:
     :couronne:: Toinon with 268,482 views.
     :médaille_argent:: Toinon with 148,851 views.
     :médaille_bronze:: Toinon with 53,999 views.
     :applaudissements:: Violette with 51,268 views.
     :chocolat_plaquette:: Toinon with 49,881 views.
  • Cumulative views since 12/01/2022:
     :couronne:: Toinon with 620,087 views.
     :médaille_argent:: Amandine with 219,885 views.
     :médaille_bronze:: Violette with 56,892 views.
     :applaudissements:: Ophélie with 32,300 views.



👉 If you want more info, check out this webinar with our CEO, on the “Avengers strategy” that we use to achieve a huge number of views on LinkedIn!


Conclusion of LinkedIn Content Case Study: What is a Good Engagement on LinkedIn?

Developing a strategy for content engagement on LinkedIn  is different from other social networks such as Twitter and Instagram. So book some professional content on LinkedIn ! 🏆
Repeat content and test multiple formats to stand out from the crowd. Differentiate yourself and take risks when going public to reach your goals faster. 🏹
If you want to know how to boost your visibility on LinkedIn, so read this article + unedited webinar! 😉
Try Podawaa Now 🚀


FAQ LinkedIn Content Case Study: How to Increase Impressions?

What Type of Digital Content Should I Publish on LinkedIn?

As mentioned throughout of this LinkedIn content case study, the best publications on LinkedIn pages  are the following : ✅
  • Cleavers: Attract attention with your target audiences,
  • Tutorials : they teach of things in  your niche audience,
  • Emotional : Emotion is the key to the best messaging  on social networks ( including B2B).
What must be avoided  at all cost in creating content-marketing on LinkedIn: ❌
  • Always try to sell your product.
  • Talk about topics without related with your objectives.
  • Talk about topics too personal or too taboo, such as o pinions of political issues.
  • Write without formatting .
  • No strategy of social media marketing established.


What Corporate Marketing Strategy Should You Adopt on LinkedIn?

Here are some good practices/tactics to use LinkedIn and boost your company’s digital marketing strategy :
  • Know how to identify your target audiences,
  • Publish regularly on this social network,
  • Optimize your profile LinkedIn profile,
  • Use automation, but without do too much,
  • Provide quality, instead of quantity, for your audience.


Chess Strategy GIF by Jasmine Star

There you have it, 💥 now you know how to improve your engagement rates thanks to our LinkedIn content case study!

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