+12 Free Follow Up Email Templates to Boost Conversions!

We are going to tell you all about follow-up emails, but we’re also going to provide you, not only one free follow up email template… but much more!  

Follow-up email are far from outdated. On the contrary, they can make all the difference in getting a fast, effective response. Now is the time to make the most of it!

Want to know more? Here’s the program to make the best follow-up emails:

  • +12 free follow-up email templates.
  • How to make a dunning email effective?
  • How to write a professional follow-up email?
  • The best practices for followup emails.

Forward, we’ve got our work cut out for us. 🪓

What is a Professional Follow-up Email?

A professional follow-up email is an email that you send to a prospect that you have already contacted. 🤓

Sales teams use this marketing tool at key moments in a prospect’s sales funnel, whether it is to gather information, prompt a call to action, or simply because it is the next logical step for the customer to make a purchase. 🛒

A good follow-up email can be transactional or informational, and does not necessarily have to include an express marketing message. 👉 For example, a follow-up email should be sent after a purchase, can include the summary and more detailed shipping information.

However, many examples of follow-up emails can also be commercial in nature. In other words, it contains a marketing message and verbally communicates the benefits of a product or service. 🧲 The main goal is to attract the attention of potential customers and encourage them to make a purchase.

Regardless of the type of message, a well-written follow-up email will help you build trust more quickly with your contacts. 🤩 It also helps build customer loyalty if sales have already been made.

+12 Follow Up Email Templates Free

Now, let’s cut right to the chase and discover, not only one follow-up email template but +12 free follow up email template! 👇

When you’re in the business world, and particularly in the B2B sector, you sometimes need to send out follow-up sales emails (and we’d rather do that than make follow-up phone calls, believe me).

Sometimes, we’ll get back to you, and that’s great. Other times, however, nothing happens. Maybe an oversight. 😲

In any case, we’ll let them know we’re here. 👀

There are a number of ways to get back in touch with your target, but let’s take a look at the different scenarios you may encounter.

#1 Follow Up Email Template For Job Application


Sales Representative (W/M) : Follow-up on Application without Response

Dear {{firstName}},

I am writing to you in response to the application for the position of sales representative that I sent you on [when you sent your application].

First, I’d like to make sure that you have received my CV and cover letter, as I’m very interested in joining your organization.

I’m also convinced that my analytical skills, active listening and prospecting techniques will be a big plus in your company {{company}}.

I would like to have the opportunity of an interview with you to demonstrate my motivation and suitability for the position.

Yours sincerely
[Your Full Name].
[Your Telephone Number].

You’ve found a job offer that sounds incredible, and you’ve sent your CV and cover letter 📨 with a very nice accompanying email. Maybe you’ve even undertaken to contact the recruiter on LinkedIn too (great idea).

But you haven’t received a reply yet? As a bonus, this follow up email after job application template will show your enthusiasm for this company.

Follow Up Email Template for job application.

👉🏼 Our tips (valid for internship, work-study, fixed-term and open-ended contract applications, etc.)

When you send a message to a recruiter, you need to pay attention to several things:

  • Your language: when speaking to a recruiter or hiring manager, write with as few mistakes as possible (zero is always better).
  • The response time: don’t send the recruiter a follow-up email if it’s the day after you first sent it.
  • Be clear and concise: give your reader everything they need to know, including the day you send your application.
  • Put forward your skills and key achievements.
  • Schedule a meeting if you can.

#2 Follow Up Email Template After Interview


Follow-up to our meeting on [date].

Hello {{firstName}},

I would like to thank you for taking the time to interview me about [put the reason why you interviewed me] on [date of interview].

For my part, the exchange was particularly enriching, and I was able to find out more about [subject], which reinforces my decision to fully support this project.

I’d like to know what’s next and when we’ll be able to set it up.

Yours faithfully

[Your name].
[Your telephone number].

You’ve landed an interview with a prospect, a customer or a recruiter. Congratulations, that’s a big step. 👟

Now, perhaps you didn’t get a response after the interview… In that case, here’s an example of an interview follow-up email to apply:

Follow Up Template Email After Interview

👉🏼 Our Tips (to complement follow-up email after interview template):

It’s great to have had an interview, but don’t leave too much time to get back to the person (without overwhelming them again). As usual, you’ll need to:

  • Watch the tone of your follow-up emails according to the person you’re writing to. 🖋️
  • Continue to show you’re interested in the person you’re writing to.
  • You can also suggest an appointment by phone.

#3 Follow Up Email Template For Unpaid Invoice


Reminder for unpaid invoices – [Product name] [Invoice number]

Dear Mr/Mrs {{lastName}},

Unless there is an error or omission on our part, we have noted that invoice no. [invoice number] dated [insert date] has not yet been paid.

We are still awaiting your payment.

We kindly ask you to settle this invoice. Otherwise, we will be obliged to terminate your premium services such as [name of services].

If your payment was sent prior to receiving this e-mail, please disregard it.

The [Name of service] or [Your First and Last Name].

This one isn’t much fun 💀, but if you’ve offered a subscription, maybe you’ve still got an unpaid bill from one (or more) prospects. So he’s overdue on an invoice.

Here’s a professional email follow-up template that we suggest you use in the case of unpaid invoices or inactive prospects/customers:

Follow Up Email Template for Unpaid Invoice

👉🏼 Our Tips (to complement follow-up email template):

The best way to write a successful professional thank you email or payment email is to remember to:

  • Give as much information as possible about the unpaid invoice (date, invoice number).
  • The amount of the invoice your customers must pay.
  • If you apply late payment penalties, you’ll need to specify this in your email. The same goes for formal notice or collection actions.
  • You must include an attachment reminding the user of your bank details 💳 or redirect the user to the payment platform.

#4 Professional Follow Up Email Template


Reminder on [Name or File No.].

Hello {{firstName}},

I’m coming back to you following our last exchanges about [put file name].
Have you had time to think about possible solutions?

I’ve been brainstorming with [Name of the other collaborator] and we’ve come up with several ideas.

Could we arrange a meeting for early next week?

[Your Name].

Here, we’re not going to dun prospects/customers (phew) but a colleague you work with. Maybe it’s a colleague from another department or agency (in which case, you don’t know him).

If you’re going to get back in touch with a colleague, you’ll need to think about the relationship you have with them. Here’s a free follow up email template you can use again and again. 👇🏼

Professional Follow Up Email Template

👉🏼 Our Tips (to complement to follow up email template):

There’s no average waiting time when you’re going to send an e-mail to a colleague. Once again, it all depends on the type of relationship you have and whether you know the person.

Sometimes you may be working on a project with a colleague from another region, in which case you’ll need to adapt your approach. But keep in mind:

  • Be clear: your colleague needs to understand what you’re talking about.
  • To include important elements 💡 from your last exchange.

Sometimes, don’t hesitate to start your professional reminder email with “allow me to relaunch” or “I would like to raise”, if you don’t have a friendly relationship with the collaborator.

#5 Follow-Up Email Template After Unsuccessful Job Application


Follow-up regarding application for [job title].

Hello, {{firstName}}.

I am writing to you in response to my application for the position of [job title] which I submitted on [date].

I am excited about the opportunity to join {{company}} and contribute to [position specific].

I understand that the hiring process may take some time, but I wanted to follow the progress.

If you require any further information or additional documentation, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have and arrange an interview.

Yours sincerely
[Your Name].
[Your Contact Details].

Writing a follow-up email after your application has gone unanswered can be tricky, but here are some key elements and one follow up email template to help. 👇

Key points to remember for your follow-up emails for application:

  • Courtesy and professionalism: keep your tone polite and professional.
  • Reminder: please indicate the position you are applying for and the date.
  • Interest in the position: briefly reiterate you’re interested in the position and the company.
  • File update: politely ask if a file update is available.
  • Availability of additional information: indicate whether additional information can be provided if required.
  • Conclusion and gratitude: conclude with words of gratitude and a positive conclusion, to increase your chances of getting a professional meeting request.
Follow Up Email Template for Unsuccessful Job Application

👉🏼 Our Tips (to complement follow up email template):

To show your continued enthusiasm for the job in your follow-up email, while remaining respectful, remember to: ⏬

  • Personalization: tailor your email to the company or person you’re sending it to.
  • Timing: after your initial request, wait at least 1-2 weeks before taking the next step.
  • Proofreading: reread your e-mail and check for spelling and grammatical errors to correct them.

We’ve reached the halfway point! 📍We’ve already seen 6 follow-up email templates, ready to see 6 more? Let’s go to the next follow-up email template. 😎

#6 Follow Up Email Template To Supplier


Reminder for order confirmation [Order number]

Hello {{lastName}},

I hope you are well. I’m writing to update you on our order no. [Order number] placed on [Order date].

We have not yet received confirmation from you regarding product availability and estimated delivery date.

This information is crucial for us to be able to plan our activities accordingly.

Could you please confirm these details as soon as possible? If you need more time to check, or if there are any problems, please let us know.

Thank you in advance for your responsiveness. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or require further clarification.

Yours faithfully
[Professional signature]

In the course of running a business, you may find yourself writing a reminder or follow-up email to one of your suppliers.

Despite the irritation you may feel at the lack of response… We advise you to remain calm and include the following in your e-mail: 👇

  • Respectful tone: remain polite, factual and formal.
  • Reference to previous exchanges: please state clearly what the problem is and the full business context.
  • Express your desire for a response: show that you’re listening, and set a deadline for a reply if necessary.
  • Update request: ask for an update on the status of the request.
  • Availability: indicate whether further discussion or additional information is available.
  • Positive conclusion: thank the recipient for their time and attention, with a positive note or a polite greeting to end your email.
Follow Up Email Template To Supplier

#7 Follow-Up Email Template For Documentation


Contract relaunch [contract name]

Mr/Mrs {{lastName}},

We sent you a commercial proposal dated [insert date] concerning [insert type of solution or service].

I would like to know if you have received it and if this proposal still suits you?
If you need additional information about the project, I’m also available to clarify any unclear points.

Please e-mail me or call me on 06 00 00 00 00.
Best regards,

[Your Full Name].

Our prospecting habits have changed profoundly thanks to the advent of digital technology. Email has become an excellent means of acquiring new customers and facilitating the customer loyalty.

There will certainly come a time in your career when you have to sign a contract. If you don’t hear back after a while, here’s what you could send your target 🎯.

Follow-Up Email Template For Documentation

👉🏼 Our Tips:

For a contract signature follow up email, as for all your other emails, there are a few things to keep clearly in mind:

  • Be concise, precise and clear in your writing. Your contact needs to understand why you’re contacting him/her.
  • Remember the important elements of the contract agreement, such as the name and the date you sent it.
  • You can offer to talk by e-mail or telephone 📱.
  • Remember to schedule an appointment if necessary and specify this in your email.

#8 Follow Up Email Template After No Response


Follow-up on request from [date of first email].

Hello, {{firstName}}.

We would like to contact you again based on the e-mail of [date of last e-mail].

I haven’t received a reply yet, so I wanted to make sure my message was received and not ignored.

We understand that you are busy, but [please briefly explain why your response is important] and would appreciate any updates.

At your convenience, it would be a pleasure to provide you with further information or to speak to you by phone.

Thank you very much for taking your valuable time to listen to us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely
[Your Name].

Whether it’s a job application, a professional inquiry or any other situation, it’s important to remain polite when writing a follow-up email after no response. 🙊

Here’s a model that can be adapted to your specific situation:

  • Respectful interactions: maintain a polite tone.
  • Reference to previous communication: briefly mention your last inquiry or initial email.
  • Request a call-back: briefly summarize the line of your first e-mail.
  • Expression of interest: confirm you’re interested in answering or resolving your question.
  • Availability: indicate that you are available to provide further information or to discuss.
  • Positive conclusion: end with a positive message and thank the recipient for his or her attention.
Follow up email template after no response

This email should be respectful and professional, clearly indicating your expectations for a response. 👍

#9 Follow Up Email Template To Client


Join us live 🚀

Hi {{firstName}},

We’ve decided with part of the {{company}} team to surprise you.

We’re going to do a live show and give you the best tips on how to get your sales off the ground. You’ll find these tips in an E-book that you can download free of charge.

If you want to have some fun, join us at this link [put link name] on [put live date].

[Your First and Last Name].
[Your Company Name].

Granted, a professional sales follow-up email can be very generic.

Nevertheless, we’re going to suggest to copy-and-paste this follow-up email template that you can use to improve your open and response rates.

Follow Up Email Template to Customer

You can adopt a friendlier tone with emojis (again, you can do this if your brand and communication lend themselves to it).

👉🏼 Our Tips:

When we talk about customer relaunch, we’re talking about promoting a new commercial proposition (product or service), offering them a discount or asking them to take part in a LinkedIn live event that could provide them with relevant and useful information.

In all cases, here’s what you need to do in your prospecting emails: ⬇️

  • Add value to your e-mail.
  • Take care with the tone you use.
  • Explain why you’re sending an email like this.

#10 Quotation Follow Up Email Sample


Quotation reminder no. [quotation number] concerning [name of product or service].

Hello Mr/Mrs {{lastName}},

I’m contacting you again regarding your project [project name]. I sent you a quotation on [insert date quotation sent] and would like to know if you have received it.

I’d like to arrange a telephone conversation with you, depending on your availability, so that I can answer any questions you may have.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information.
Yours faithfully

[Your Full Name]

You’re walking a tightrope here. You need to succeed in getting your prospect (or future customer) to sign your quote without pestering them too much. 🤫 It’s up to you to find the right balance.

Once you’ve sent the quotation email, you’ll need to wait a few days before sending your follow-up email (yes, be patient). You can also try a reminder via phone call. 📞

Follow Up Email Template For Quotation

👉🏼 Our Tips:

As we said earlier, you don’t want your prospect to feel harassed by your networking message. You need to give them time to gather all the information they need, and to weigh up the pros and cons if you have a project in common.

But, in the email, it’s imperative to : ⬇️

  • Remind them of the quotation number.
  • Give the name of the project/solution/service.
  • Suggest a phone call.

#11 Follow Up Email Template After Unsolicited Application


Follow-up on my unsolicited application from [date].

Hello, {{firstName}}.

I am writing this letter in response to your unsolicited application for a position with {{company}} on [date].

I am very interested in the opportunity to contribute to [please mention the specific aspects of the company or industry in which you are interested].

I understand that unsolicited applications can take some time to process, but I wanted to know the status of my application. I’m still very excited about joining your team and would be happy to provide you with further information or an interview.

Thank you for taking the time to read me. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my application.


[Your Name].

Since you’re not responding to a specific job offer, writing a follow-up e-mail for a spontaneous application requires a slightly different approach.

Here’s a follow-up email template you can use for your application: 👇

Follow Up Email Template For Unsolicited Application

👉🏼 Our Tips:

This email follow up template is designed to reiterate your enthusiasm and show that you’re proactive and serious while remaining respectful.

#12 Follow Up Email Template For Prospecting


Your [product name] awaits you.

Hello {{firstName}},

I’m contacting you again following the first message I sent you on [date] about [name of solution].

I don’t think I’ve heard from you yet. Perhaps you have some questions about the product?

It would be a pleasure to help you. Could we arrange a meeting?

Kind regards,

[Your Full Name].
[Position in the Company].

Maybe you’ve emailed a prospect, but he’s never replied. How can you make them understand that you’re there for them? How to start your email? 🤔 We’ll show you right away.

You may need to send several professionals follow-up emails, but we’re going to focus on the first one you send. 👇

Follow Up Email Template For Prospecting

👉🏼 Our Tips

When contacting a prospect, please keep the following in mind:

  • The tone: speak as you express yourself in your communication strategy, so that people know who you are.
  • As with an email sent to a recruiter or hiring manager, keep in mind that you shouldn’t overwhelm your prospect with your emails, especially if you’re trying to sell 🤑 something.

🏁 It’s done, we have no more email templates to show you! Of course, it’s up to you to adapt them to your situation. And, to help you do that, we’re going to tell you how to make your follow-up emails REALLY effective.

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6 Best Tips To Write An Effective Follow Up Email

So that you don’t miss a single opportunity (or almost any opportunity), let’s discover together the little tricks that will make all the difference when you send an e-mail to your targets.

Follow Up Emails : Tips to make it effective

Incidentally, the word “target” is particularly important, as you’ll need to know it inside out to perform the right actions. 🤌

#1 Know your target

This is the most important step in your digital strategy and for your follow up emails. 💻 You need to know who you’re going to address, who you’re going to sell to, how you’re going to market your product or service…

And there are no 30,000 ways of doing this: you need to create your buyer persona, a portrait of your ideal customers.

By creating this portrait, you need to know how to meet their needs, how to get there, and what you’ll need to do in your emails to convert this potential prospect into a customer.

You’ll need to obtain all the following socio-demographic information:

  • First and last name.
  • Age.
  • Where he lives.
  • Marital status 💒.
  • Number of children (if this affects your offer, product or service).
  • His or her needs.
  • Pain points. 🩸
  • Her favorite means of communication.
  • Incomes.

All this data is likely to be important in moving your lead to action and in your commercial exchanges.

Of course, others will emerge from the LinkedIn profile you draw up. So you’ll need to do some segmentation.

#2 Segmenting

If this term doesn’t ring a bell, segmenting simply means dividing your persona into subgroups based on certain market segmentation criteria.

Criteria such as:

  • Geographical location.
  • Language.
  • Buying behavior.
  • Gender 🔞.
  • Etc.

Based on these differences, you’ll make your marketing targeting to fit your emailing perfectly. ⚡

#3 Follow-Up Email Subject Line

It may sound strange, but if your follow up email subject line doesn’t look like anything, you can be sure that your prospect won’t open your email. 😭

The catchphrase needs to speak to him, to make him want to click on it. 🖲️

#4 Copywriting

Learning how to persuade is quite an art, especially when it comes to selling a product or service to prospects/customers. In our case, we do it through copywriting.

We have to ask ourselves how we can reach our target 🎯 by email, just with words, and how to make your text easy to read.

That’s why the persona is so important. It will give you an indication of what to write in the content of the prospecting email, what actions to take to sell your commercial proposition (product/service) and increase your response rate, etc.

👇🏼 Here’s a final example of an effective follow-up e-mail, directly optimized on Waalaxy:

follow up email example

This won’t happen overnight, of course. However, you can set up A/B tests on several versions of the same email, to find out what works best.

In this example, you can see that there’s a third possibility for A/B testing: the more tests you run, the more letters you add.

So it can become an A/B/C test and much more. Now all that’s left is to find out which of these email message works best. 🤑

#5 Personalization

We’re not going to repeat what’s been said above. However, it’s important that you pay attention ⚡ to how you’re going to write the content of your email and/or business proposal.

Personalize it as much as possible with his first and last name already. If you know he’s already visited your site, you can mention it.

When you personalize your email messages, your user feels privileged, and that’s what keeps them coming back to buy from you. Personalization will go a long way towards prospect retention.

#6 Automation

When it comes to emailing, you can (and should) surround yourself with good marketing automation tools. Writing good e-mails is time-consuming, so it’s best to automate everything.

To that end, here’s a short list of automation tools you can use:

  • Waalaxy. 👽
  • Drip.
  • Autopilot.
  • Sendinblue.
  • Mailchimp 📩.

Automation is really cool because you’ll be able to save time on thousands of emails sent.

There’ll be a bit of configuration to do at first, but after that, it’s all about the benefits (and even more so if they’re combined with a CRM).

Best Practices To Send A Follow-Up Email

You don’t have to rack your brains to create a professional follow-up e-mail. What was your sales strategy in the first place? 🚩 If you’ve created your persona and thought about your product communication, you should know how to proceed.

Don’t worry, we’re not going to leave you like that. 😇

To make a good e-mail, you’re already going to have to think about the situation. Is it a follow-up email for a payment? Is it a follow-up email for a job application?

Here’s a list of things to think about the structure of your follow-up email:

Mail subject lineFollow-up X
CopywritingApproach to attract your target’s attention
Reminder of important elementsInvoice number, day of interview…
Call-to-actionMake a clear request (include link, attachment etc.)
SalutationPlease accept, Madam, Sir…
The signatureYour first and last name or company name

🎁 And, of course, you can take inspiration from our professional follow-up email templates to get moving!

When & How To Follow Up?

We’re not going to teach you the definition of an email, we think you already know it very well. However, do you know how long to wait before sending a professional dunning e-mail? 🤨

We’re bound to disappoint you, but there’s no ideal time. What you need to keep in mind is that you need to choose the right timing, so this will depend on your target.

The main thing you should bear in mind is that if your contact is going to reply to you, he or she will usually do so the same day they receive your email in inbox.

So don’t wait too long, you’ll need to follow up quickly with your prospects and deploy client retention efforts.

💡This is why it’s critical to know your persona well (and incidentally to spend time getting it right).

With that, we’re not very far along… 🤷🏻‍♀️

How to follow up on an Unanswered Email?

If you follow up on an unanswered email, be concise and polite. 🤝

Here are some tips for following up:

  • Start with a greeting and briefly recall the previous email.
  • Let them know that you understand the potential delays, but would like to hear back soon.
  • Offer to help clarify any questions they may have. 🤔
  • Make open-ended questions that require a response, such as “Can you please update me on this?” and end with a note thanking the person for their help.

What is the recommended waiting time before sending a reminder?

When you send out reminder emails, you should do one of this follow-up sequence:

  • D+2 for your first follow-up email.
  • D+4 for your second follow-up email.
  • D+6 for your third follow-up email.
  • D+10 for your fourth follow-up email.

For the rest, you can very well add D+1, but remember to let your target breathe.


❌ In the case of recruitment, the last thing you want to do is pester the recruiter or hiring manager the day after you’ve applied. Unless your goal is not to be hired!
✅ In general, a professional follow-up email is advisable between two 7 and 15 days after a job interview or after sending an application.

What are the mistakes to avoid in your follow-up emails?

Avoid these mistakes in your follow-up emails to avoid getting in trouble: 🙈

  • Being rude or impatient can come across as aggressive. Don’t follow up too often to avoid upsetting the recipient.
  • Avoid long paragraphs: be concise for readability. Don’t blame or express dissatisfaction.
  • Avoid spelling and grammar mistakes that can harm your credibility.
  • Finally, don’t assume the recipient’s fault. 👀 Please consider the possibility that your first message was accidentally omitted.

Conclusion: What Is A Follow-Up Email?

That’s the end of this article! We’re sad to leave you too… But it’s time to wrap things up!

To do that, we’re going to recap everything we’ve said in this article about followup mails:

  • The best examples of mails.
  • Tips for success.
  • How long to wait for a follow-up email.
  • How to make follow-up emails.
  • Why you should personalize.
  • Tips 💡 for writing the perfect mail content.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When it comes to email campaigns, there are a few extra things to keep in mind. ✍️ That’s exactly what we’re going to do in this FAQ.

How do you end a professional follow-up e-mail?

Don’t be afraid to email politely to remind someone to do something. It happens all the time, and it shouldn’t be a taboo! 🤫

In your follow-up email, you can simply ask them: “Could you please have a look at X?”, “Did you finish X task?”, “Please remember to send X before (date)”, etc.

Of course, it depends on who and how you’re addressing the person, but for a professional goodbye, we encourage you to use a polite formula.

If you’re talking to customers, you can use:

  • Kind regards,
  • Yours sincerely,
  • Yours faithfully,
  • I remain at your disposal for any further information.
  • Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information.

How do I recall a follow-up email?

Did you make a mistake in your follow-up email, and it’s already been sent? 😱 Don’t panic!

👇🏼 Here’s how to recall an e-mail on the main e-mail address provider applications:

  • Gmail: Open the sent email message, click on “Cancel” in the notification that appears in the bottom left shortly after sending.
  • Outlook: go to “Sent items,” open the email and select “Actions” then “Recall this email message.” You can choose to delete unread copies or replace them.
  • On Apple Mail, this feature is not directly available.

How to say “following up” in an email?

In an email, you can say “following up” in several ways, depending on the context. Common phrases include: 👇

  1. I’m following up on…
  2. Just following up regarding…
  3. I wanted to follow up on…
  4. I’m following up on the below…
  5. Following up on this [request/question/assignment]…
  6. Following up on our previous conversation/email…

These can be used to politely remind someone about a previous discussion, email, or request. In these instances, reply to the thread—so that the original is easily referenced—and be direct and concise.


For example: “I’m following up on the value proposition I sent last week. Have you had a chance to review it?”

This approach keeps the tone professional and courteous, while ensuring the recipient knows the goal of your email message.

🏁 Now you know everything there is to know about follow-up emails. Now all you have to do is choose a Follow Up Email Template to adapt and get started! See you soon! 👽

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