Boost Your LinkedIn Profile = Content Strategy!

Perhaps you’re wondering how to get started on LinkedIn? How to write the first post that will be a hit? And most importantly, how to boost your LinkedIn profile? 🤔

We’ve just released an updated version with 6 applicable tips, so go check it out!

Break through on LinkedIn

In this article, you’ll find the summary of our Waake Up #8 webinar with Baptiste Piocelle (“BP”) and our CEO, Toinon Georget (“TG”). 👽

In which they talk about how to grow your audience and create an impact on LinkedIn (which is a real gold mine)! ⚡

To watch the replay on YouTube, come this way: 🤩

Expert tips on how to boost your LinkedIn profile

Baptiste Piocelle is a creator of quality content on LinkedIn, he coaches companies and “solopreneurs” to create a well-honed LinkedIn strategy! 🐎

He distributes a newsletter in which he often talks about entrepreneurship, “lead generation”, among others. 😉

Let’s check out this hyper-enriching exchange between him and our CEO: 👇

TG: So, tell us to start with, how often do you post on LinkedIn?

BP: I used to post once a week at first, but now I’ve challenged myself to post 4 times a day! I kind of decide what to post to get more or less views. In total, I have about 4M views on his LinkedIn account. And I average about 10K views per post! 💥

TG: So, people contact you for various reasons: coaching, to know how to add value to their content…

BP: Yes, my target audience contacts me to get more awareness, to have a content strategy, a recycling strategy to get leads. Basically, there are 4 reasons why they contact me: 👌

1) To ease their need to share their professional experience, to know how to speak in a professional network.

2) To improve their employer brand for recruitment.

3) For training in copywriting and content creation.

4) For solo-preneur support and coaching on business creation. 💼

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How to set up a strategy to improve your LinkedIn profile? What is effective advice for publishing?

BP: It all depends on your goals, but first you have to have the will to publish! You have to have measurable goals and want to showcase your brand. You have to “have the DNA” to speak on LinkedIn, 🧬 it’s a personality type that is looking to want to share, not to do business. You have to ask yourself, “What are the values I want to convey to my audience?”

As you know by now, LinkedIn is a B2B platform that is used to generate leads. 🧲 But the purpose of posting is first and foremost, to increase your visibility and have a presence on LinkedIn, in the long run, instead of purely looking for lead acquisition. 🤫

Thanks to LinkedIn, you can improve your brand image, your personal branding, and become “Top voice of your market! The publishing strategy on LinkedIn is not focused on creating advertising content, like LinkedIn Ads or Facebook ads are. But rather, on creating a community that will subsequently generate leads on its own. 🥰

ROI results are not instantaneous like on an advertising campaign, publishing on LinkedIn is a slow business prospecting, but bears fruit over time! 🍇

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How to break through to boost your LinkedIn profile?

The exchange continues like this: 🤓

TG: Okay. So after you’ve defined the goals with your clients, how do you proceed?

BP: The next step is to define a strong “personal branding” that is authentic, compelling, etc. Coaching is about defining your intentions, what tone to use, how to have a clear positioning according to your content strategy.

TG: So it’s about building your strategy in relation to who you are, and not just making content to please your target and wanting to adapt your positioning. You have to consider your personality first, and align your strategy afterwards. ✍️

BP: Yes, absolutely! The greatest LinkedIn influencers are the most authentic, there’s no point in not being authentic. You have to define who you are, and who you want to talk to. You have to refine your target well and make the difference between your business target and your audience. Let me explain: 👇

IAP = “Ideal Audience Profile” vs ICP = “Ideal Customer Profile” are 2 different notions. People who will like and see your posts may not buy anything, while those who don’t engage with your posts may become new customers. 👀

🚀 The goal is to successfully target both!

TG: You have to start with the person and not with a business goal. I.e. avoid posting from the company page, for example. Because it’s not a human interaction. 🤖 Of course you can keep your company page as a showcase page, for SEO content, official communication, website, etc. But not focus your content strategy on that!

BP: Yes, you need to divide your content strategy first into 4 main topics, then in the 2nd step, you can talk about unlimited amount of sub-topics. You have to brainstorm and write down your ideas, this is the first step during the 1st week of coaching.

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How to make your best LinkedIn profile stand out?

Here is how to become famous on LinkedIn: 🤩

TG: Do you have any good practices in particular to start this creative process? How to take notes, etc? 🪶

BP: I recommend using written or voice notes on the phone. Or message your coach (if you have one), to get feedback and receive ideas/tips on how to post better and boost your LinkedIn profile. 👌

Create your soft skills to boost your LinkedIn profile 🧨

TG asks: Do you advise jumping right into writing or waiting a bit? How do you get your clients to write posts? 😮

BP: First, you have to help them overcome the imposter syndrome, you have to assume that everyone goes through this (unpleasant 😅) situation. When you pay a coach, you have more pressure to post. It’s true that personal coaching is a key factor in successful publishing.

The 2nd tip is to write down your ideas on a daily basis, reflect on your background, past, etc. To overcome the fear of speaking, you have to write and start writing without fear of judgment. 🙏

🚀 You have to get past the 1st post! Even if you feel like it sucks, you have to give it your best shot!

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Why is it important to have an online presence on LinkedIn?

Now, let’s find out how to build a killer content strategy! 🧱

TG: How do you build your strategy to post regularly? 🤔

BP: Before setting up a long-term strategy, you need to define the limits and go at a slow, but sure pace. Having fun sharing is the most important thing! 🙂

After that, you can set up the frameworks of the strategy, Baptiste advocates publishing 2-3 times a week, to use the following “TOFU-MOFU-BOFU” content funnel strategy: 💥

  • TOFU (“Top Of the FUnnel”): these are posts to talk to a large audience, to find subscribers, get known, go viral, use buzzwords. 🦠
  • MOFU (“Middle Of the FUnnel”): goal to evangelize its audience, to keep them a little closer.
  • BOFU (“Bottom Of the FUnnel”): position yourself as an expert in your industry, and generate very qualitative views that can convert into leads. Talk to your core target audience, even if it means fewer views.

TG: The higher you are in the funnel, the less value you bring. The more views you generate, and the lower you are in the funnel, the more value you bring and the less views you generate. 🤷

🚀 At the end of the day, it’s the BOFU that’s going to bring in revenue. ⚡ However, TOFU is general concepts and BOFU is tangible actions that your leads can apply to their industry!

How do you know which topics will appeal most to your audience?

TG: You need to test the content and define the topics that are relevant to your business. Analyze your news feed: “What are the most liked and commented posts?”

🚀 Think about engaging your audience, not selling. You have to post about topics you like, because inevitably it will have interested people too, and avoid talking about topics that are too “trendy” or overrated. 🙊

What metrics should you look at on your LinkedIn profile?

BP: It depends on the goals of each post. For TOFU posts = looking at the number of views and interactions of the post. For MOFU/BOFU posts = looking at LinkedIn profile views, number of clients contacting you through the posts, tracking links in the posts, tracking the email address book, etc. 📈

How to make a good post on LinkedIn?

TG: You need to compare yourself to your past posts, not other people’s posts, because we all have different audiences. And aim for quality of audience over quantity. 💡

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BP: There are 3 key words to remember: 1) Look at the comments to get feedback from your audience, 2) Be proud of your content and see your own evolution, 3) See if you have growth, use apps like ShieldApp to track your metrics on LinkedIn. 🧐

How to use “content recycling” to optimize your LinkedIn visibility?

TG: Content recycling can be a replay of a webinar, like this one, in an our blog post. Or the other way around, publishing posts on LinkedIn to share our blog posts, for example. What would your recomendations be? 🤔

Recycling is a key element, as the themes (4) are reduced, so we need to have a recycling method of several options: 👇

  • A “mindset” approach: Learn to say the same thing 100 different ways! You know what you are talking about, and you become an expert. It’s an influence approach: be the reference on a specific topic. 💯
  • Have a “Content factory” method: Consume rich content for your own publications, have a method of scoring ideas according to the TOFU-MOFU-BOFU strategy. Don’t go into hyper-categorization, the important thing is to filter your content according to your writing style. 👌
  • Every idea should be in every level of the funnel: an “A” idea can become a “B” post and finally a hyper-targeted “C” post! The main thing is to adapt the content to each stage of the funnel. 🚀
  • Adapt the form of the content: the same topic can have the same background, but it can be in the form of a LinkedIn post, a YouTube video, TikTok, etc. An idea should be able to be broken down into multiple types of content. 🍡

TG: I advise starting with one channel and trying to evoke an idea in multiple ways, in multiple posts. Only to be able to duplicate it in other formats once your content multiplication process is broken in! 🔔 It makes it possible to be regular in your posts, and not have to think of new ideas every time you want to post.

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Conclusion: How to use posts to supercharge your LinkedIn profile?

Best practices here !

To summarize, here are the things you need to remember to learn how to boost your LinkedIn profile: ⭐

  • Define your positioning,
  • Define its strategy and funnel,
  • Get started with publishing,
  • Regularly write down its ideas,
  • Recycle your content,
  • Multiply your interactions,
  • Grow your brand and your customer base.

BP: LinkedIn is a social network, so you need to comment and like other creators to capture their audience as well. It’s a virtuous circle, as it’s a “win-win” situation of benefits, which helps reinforce the human side of interactions 😀 You need to chat with other experts to help each other.

TG: Also, I advise to have a buddy to publish and exchange content, it helps to have perspective on your ideas and gain confidence. It’s the principle of reciprocity, when you give something to someone, they feel indebted in the same way. 🤲

🚀 But also, it’s the reciprocity principle of LinkedIn’s algorithm: You’ll be more likely for people to see your content if you’re visible in other people’s posts. You’ll have a qualified news feed, so you can do your competitive intelligence and find inspiration more easily! 🔮 LinkedIn will show you other content that is similar to what you already like. 🥰

BP: Indeed, this is the “growth hacking” part on LinkedIn, that is you can go out and get an audience just by interacting on the content you’re interested in too. 👌

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How can I make my LinkedIn audience grow faster?

The ultimate goal of content creation on LinkedIn is to get your leads to keep your name, your product, your brand image in mind… So that they then come back to you as a reference in the market! 💯

👉 So, let them not go to the competition. Since your offering will be the one that resonates most with their needs. ✅

BP: By creating a presence on LinkedIn, in the long run, your customers will think of you whenever they have a problem and won’t go elsewhere for the solution.

TG: Also keep in mind that the quality of content is measured by it being entertaining, informative and inspiring, not overly “serious” or technical content all the time. It needs to be enjoyable to consume and varied! 🌈

BP: You have to cultivate your unique personality, instead of just thinking about the ROI it might bring in. Think about being present as much as possible first and foremost, so that your prospects keep you in mind. 🧠

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FAQ: Why use posts to boost your LinkedIn profile?

The TOFU-MOFU-BOFU strategy: How many times a week should you post?

BP answer: In this case, I recommend publishing 1 post per week from each of the TOFU-MOFU-BOFU categories, that is 1 TOFU post, 1 MOFU post and 1 BOFU post, this is the simpler rhythm. 😉

Is LinkedIn a good channel to acquire B2C customers?

BP: Yes, you can, because people on LinkedIn are humans who share. Plus, you’ll have less competition than on other social networks 🙂

TG: LinkedIn allows you to reach people outside your network, so potentially become more viral in B2C. However, you have to tailor your content, but it’s not inadvisable. 👌

How to use LinkedIn for your business page?

BP: Yes, even though the business page is still a storefront, you should always maintain it knowing that it’s probably not going to generate too many interactions. 🤐 So don’t dwell on it, instead focus on your LinkedIn profile page.

🚀 To give a good first impression of a polished LinkedIn profile, you can try URL customization and that way you will look a bit more professional to your prospects! Remember to fill in your current position, add your LinkedIn summary and your CV in your profile to optimize it. 💯

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Is video content relevant on LinkedIn?

BP: Yes, videos have become the norm on all social networks. Engagement and “Dwell Time” will be higher, so try using this format in your BOFU content to boost it! 🔥

TG: On the other hand, videos, images, LinkedIn banners or carousel posts take a lot of time. But sometimes they can have a viral impact! 😜

Do I have to comment only on posts in my niche?

BP: Not necessarily, you can comment and like posts from different audiences, as long as you like the content. You have to keep the notion of entertainment. 😁

TG: On the other hand, storytelling content is very popular and the form of the content matters a lot. Add a typo on purpose or a slightly offbeat “PS:” and it’ll generate engagement organically! 🍃 If you’re having fun posting, you’ll keep doing it. 🤟

Should you use posts in poll format?

BP: Indeed, quizz-like posts are a big “hack” for content creation on LinkedIn, because each vote counts as a post comment in the eyes of LinkedIn’s algorithm, so LinkedIn will boost it. 🧨 Unlike likes, which don’t make your content more widespread on the network. 🤫

However, it is necessary to remain qualitative, therefore advocate polls to have information for your business, and not to make only views without bringing any value. ❌

How do you find influencers when you are just starting out on LinkedIn?

BP: Unfortunately, LinkedIn is a network that poses a lot of barriers to entry, 😣 so I advocate starting to add a list of people who are part of your 1st level relationship join LinkedIn groups in your area of expertise. Then spend time on the network to find LinkedIn profiles that interest you.

Don’t hesitate to “unfollow”, if there is content that doesn’t interest you! And on the other hand, comment and like the content you like the most, so that the algorithm will suggest a news feed that you will like later. 🤗

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There you go, now you know everything about how to boost your LinkedIn profile, thanks to the quick tips in this webinar with Baptiste Piocelle and Toinon Georget! 🚀

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