How to automate your LinkedIn prospecting?

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You’re wondering how to automate linkedin prospecting? Well, there is a few tools on the market, but first, let me show you how it works!

Well, let’s be serious 5 minutes, door to door, it was more like the 70s, and cold calls, unless you are a telephone operator, that is also a thing of the past.

Season 5 Episode 24 GIF by The Big Bang Theory

So we’re left with emailing and LinkedIn prospecting. E-mailing can be automated but requires the purchase of large and expensive databases, LinkedIn IS the database, and is, therefore, free; but did you know that LinkedIn prospecting can also be automated? 😜

In this article, I show you how to do LinkedIn Automation, step by step.

LinkedIn: the free qualified database

In general, when you want to prospect, the first step is to create a prospect file containing the email addresses of the prospects, as well as a certain amount of information allowing you to qualify them: region, industry, age, etc.
To constitute this file, there is an incalculable number of methods, collection of information upon registration on a newsletter, data scrapping, purchase of database… In any case, this will require considerable time and energy, or a large amount of money.

With LinkedIn, it’s simple, you have access to a database of more than 600 million users who provide a tremendous amount of free and public information about them (first name, last name, position, seniority in the position, industry, school, company, area of ​​interest… This makes it the largest qualified database in the world. It is up to you to make the most of it and find new clients.

Automate LinkedIn Prospecting: where to begin?

If you are just starting on LinkedIn, you can already check our article to optimize your profile.

Once your profile is polished, you can start setting up your B2B prospecting. Start by asking yourself the right questions:

Once you have the answer to these questions, you can move on to the next step: automating your prospecting with ProspectIn.

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Automate your prospecting with ProspectIn

ProspectIn is a tool that allows you to put your LinkedIn prospecting in autopilot. In just 10 minutes a day, you will be able to generate dozens of leads per week. Follow the guide 😉

Step 1: export your prospect

With ProspectIn, the first step is to export leads from a LinkedIn search page. We recommend that you use LinkedIn’s premium “Sales Navigator” option, which will provide you with infinitely more precise search results.

If you can’t afford a Sales Navigator subscription, no worries, we’ve written an article on how to use Sales Navigator for free 🔥

To export leads from a search page, all you need to do is:

  • Click on the extension icon at the top right of your screen,
  • Click on “create campaign”,
  • Select the number of prospects you want to export,
  • Then click on “validate”.

Exporter des prospects depuis LinkedIn

Step 2: choose your prospecting sequence

Once your prospects have been exported to ProspectIn, you will have to choose the prospecting scenario you want to set up.

Don’t panic: we have prepared templates for you. 👆

  • Access the ProspectIn CRM interface by clicking on “CRM” in the small ProspectIn window.
  • Click on “campaign”, select the campaign that you created previously, then click on the “scenario” tab.

Créer un scénario avec ProspectIn

Perfect, you will now be able to choose your scenario. We are going to start with a “classic” scenario that sends a connection request, then a message, followed by a follow-up message.

  • Click on “new scenario” then select the “Sherlock” scenario;

Step 3: Set up messages and launch your campaign

Third and last step: Enter the content of the invitation note to be sent (you can also leave the field blank, in which case no note will be sent, see our case study).
As well as the content of your first message and the content of your second message.

Select the prospects to contact, and click on “save and start”.

Actions will be sent automatically and gradually, respecting deadlines (in order to simulate human behavior). Learn more about the tool safety.

There you go, you have just launched your first LinkedIn prospecting automation scenario.

Now, you know how to automate your LinkedIn prospecting, you can start your free trial. 🚀

Try Now For Free

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