Your ideal LinkedIn thank you message

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Time to send your best thank you message on LinkedIn. 💌 In this tutorial you’ll figure it out:

  • What are the benefits of a good thank you message on the network.
  • How to write your thank you messages: what to do and what not to do.
  • Examples of successful LinkedIn messages.
  • How to automate your thank you messages on LinkedIn. 😱

What is a LinkedIn Thank You Message?

So the answer is in the question. 😂

It’s a message you send via your LinkedIn messenger, or your enhanced messaging CRM, when you thank people for whatever reason. So far, nothing complicated. They can be very beneficial to your career or business, as you improve your B2b professional and sales strategy. Thank you messages on LinkedIn, while sincere, are also strategic, which is why you need to know how to write them well. Here are some examples of when you can send them:

  • When someone accepts your request to connect.
  • After an interview for a job, a meeting with a client.
  • After reading their content on LinkedIn. This is a great way to contact someone by showing them that you are interested in what they do.
  • To express your admiration for their work, within their company.

You’re going to need to draft each of these messages a little bit differently, as the objective with each one is not exactly the same. 🎯

Why should you send a thank you message?

Writing a thank you message on LinkedIn has many benefits.

  • To show your gratitude.
  • To establish new professional relationships.
  • To improve your professional relationships.
  • To improve your visibility by standing out.
  • Get sales, if that’s your goal.

Saying thank you is bound to strengthen the connection between two individuals. A little psychology:

Gratitude is feeling favored by what we have received or what has been offered.

We can feel it for an individual or a situation. This feeling activates happiness hormones in our brain, when we give it, as much as when we receive it. We develop a sense of belonging, a feeling of fulfillment when we are complimented or thanked. We are social species that “feed” on our interactions. In short, the more you thank someone, the more they feel useful and the more they will be led to do the same for you while developing a certain sympathy towards you. By sending a thank you note, you never lose out. 😊


How to send a thank you message on LinkedIn?

There are two ways to send a thank you message on LinkedIn. You can manually search for people to contact and create different messages for each of them, or like us, you can use an automation tool that allows you to send these messages out automatically. 👽

By Typing on Your Keyboard

All you have to do is search for the person in question in your LinkedIn search bar and send them a message. This method is convenient and free and is useful if you don’t want to grow your network or brand, but just want to thank a particular person.

Using an Automation Tool

If you want to send thank you messages on a large scale, having an automation tool is really going to come in handy. 🤓

  • With Triggers, you can send a personalized message to everyone who adds you to their network.
  • You can use our campaigns to send 100 automated connection requests per day. Once the connection request is accepted, an automatic message that you will have personalized will be sent to your 100 new contacts, which will be the beginning of a conversation between you and your new connection.

What’s the point of automating your LinkedIn messages?

  • You save 10 times more time.
  • You can contact more people, every day, with little effort.
  • You will develop your network ultra quickly.
  • You will make yourself more likeable and boost your visibility.

How do I automate my LinkedIn messages?

To do this, you just need to use an automation tool.

There are a few on the market, the most recent in terms of design and technology being Waalaxy.

Watch The Demo 🪐
  • Download the chrome extension to access the CRM.
  • You will be able to build your database using LinkedIn’s standard search bar or Sales Navigator.
  • You then enter your prospects in an automated prospecting campaign.
  • You create the message template.
  • You then reply to the prospects on your free email CRM. 💌
  • You can also nurture your prospects and eventually convert them by embarking on a content strategy on LinkedIn.

prospecting plan linkedin

Tips on Writing the Best Thank You Message

  • Be clear. Use the right keywords – the ones that will speak to your contact.
  • Be specific. Explain the topic that leads you to thank this person, in a concise way.
  • Use emojis. 😁 They’ll liven up a stuffy conversation and allow you to convey emotions.
  • It’s not about quantity, but quality. Avoid overdoing it.
  • If you want to keep the conversation open, ask a question at the end of your thank you.
  • Finally, don’t sign. It doesn’t help, your name is already on the screen, and it often breaks up conversations weirdly – the person you’re talking to may think you’re not expecting a response.

LinkedIn message Template: part 1

Here are some examples to copy and adapt to your needs:

1. If you are sending a connection request


Then add a fact about your company or you that explains your reaching out. Finally, add a closing question.

💡Here’s what all that looks like:

Hi {{firstname}}. Thank you for adding me to your network. 😁 I was very happy to see that you accepted my request. I look forward to learning more about Bing web development. I think we could both learn a lot from each other in a chat where we  discuss our SEO expertise. I often post on the subject. At Waalaxy, we went from 20 keywords in the top 3 to 200 in a few months. 😍 We use a tool called Semantik. Do you know it?

2. An Automated Thank You Message on LinkedIn

Of course, if you’re sending thank you messages every day, you might want to spend less time on them and optimize your approach. You can do this by writing a message that is both personalized and automated. Here’s how it looks:

LinkedIn message Examples: part 2

There’s nothing better than connecting with your prospect when they add you. This is the best case scenario. They have taken the first step towards you, so the exchange will just flow. You shouldn’t just say “Thank you for connecting with me”, but rather start a real conversation. If you are invited to connect or join a group, opt for something like this:


(Feel free to ask an open-ended question about the topic at hand). For example, whilst talking to a “content manager” you could ask: do you prefer to post articles or regular posts on LinkedIn? I have my own ideas on which format is better, but I would love to hear from an expert.

In this example:

  • You’re highlighting your common ground.
  • You’re offering an exchange, not a direct sale.
  • You show that you have some expertise or experience.
  • You develop a relationship of trust between you and your prospect.

As I told you, aggressive selling doesn’t work very well. The more you ask the prospect to do something right away to “buy” from you, “download” from you, “give you some of their time”, the more likely you are to rush them and drive them away. You need to provide material and quality content first before you ask them to take action.

Automate Your Connection Request Responses

With Waalaxy, you can automatically accept connection requests and thank your prospects the minute you receive their LinkedIn connection request. To do so, you just need to set up an easy and personalized campaign. It takes 2 seconds.

Here is how it looks like from the inside. 🪐

linkedin automated message If you’re interested in learning more about Waalaxy, here’s a short tutorial video on LinkedIn’s automated prospecting. 👉

Watch The Demo 🪐

3. LinkedIn Thank you Message After Interview

Want to make a good impression and make sure the recruiter after the interview, doesn’t forget about you?

Writing a private, personalized message on LinkedIn is the best thing you can do. It’s not too pushy or over-the-top. Avoid calling them back to thank them as some recruiters might take this as pushy behavior. You should always enviar uma mensagem ao recrutador for their time, remind them that you enjoyed the interview and that you are still very much interested in the role. Here’s a “friendly” example, for dynamic young executive companies.


Here’s a slightly more formal thank you message if you applied for a role at a more traditional, for example:

The annoying thing about boring companies is that the interactions are boring.

But if this is the type of company you like, it’s best to stay within their codes and not shock them too much with informal expressions.

4. Example of a thank you on LinkedIn: After Reading their content on LinkedIn

Sending a thank you message after coming across content from your leads is another great way to connect with them. It shows them that you are interested in their content and that you value their expertise. No matter why you contact them: if you agree, disagree, have a question or want to discuss a topic, you can try these methods:

  • Introduce yourself (name of your profession/expertise and why not that of your company).
  • Mention the post you have read and compliment an aspect of their post: copywriting, idea…
  • Explain “the reason why”: why did you feel like sending them a message?
  • Develop your opinion on the subject.
  • Make sure you ask a question at the end to start the conversation.
  • Avoid “have a nice day” or “goodbye” at the end which tends to make the message cold and close the interaction.

By following these steps, you are sure to succeed in your approach.

5. LinkedIn connection message example: Thanking a client after a meeting

Whether it’s a past client, a new client or a soon-to-be client, it’s important to end on a high note. Simply explain to your client that you enjoyed your exchange, thank them for their time, and wish for a good working relationship. That’s all.

Then for the form, it depends completely on the relationship you have established. When you find new clients, I really encourage you to create a warm atmosphere from the beginning.

You can use :

  • “I wanted to sincerely thank you for“.
  • “I much appreciated our meeting today”.
  • “Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to chat with me today”.
  • “I really appreciate you taking the time to chat with me today”.

And you can talk about something specific:

  • “I appreciate your kindness“.
  • Thank you for your business offer”.

Thank you message for connecting on LinkedIn: Conclusion

To conclude, what should we remember from all this?

Remember one thing: Expressing gratitude doesn’t cost much, and it makes people happy.

LinkedIn is a professional social network that encourages meaningful interactions. It frowns upon purely business-like interactions. You can work towards it. Of course, it is very useful to communicate and find clients on LinkedIn, but on LinkedIn you don’t do it in the same fashion, as you would at a trade show.

You have to be a tad bit more subtle and build a relationship with the people who read your messages. On LinkedIn, there is an incredible amount of spam messages, so to get ahead, you have to think outside of the box. We hope that our example messages on LinkedIn will help you and that you will find a LinkedIn thank you message made for you. Feel free to rework them to your liking.


Ps: Thank you very much for reading this article. 🧡

FAQ Saying Thank you on LinkedIn

There are several ways to warmly thank your leads on LinkedIn. You don’t have to send a message, you can make an appreciation post, send a connection note or even a thank you email!

Thank you post on LinkedIn

Thank you messages aren’t solely reserved for leads. You can very well decide to make a thank you post on LinkedIn to thank your staff, your managers, your collaborators, customers etc.

These types of posts are very engaging, because they convey emotions: joy, gratitude, well-being and are  quite trendy – right now it’s all about “putting people at the center of everything.” We see this trend growing, especially with the explosion of soft skills and well-being at work. Moreover, you show your network that you are caring and grateful, which increases your likability factor.

LinkedIn Thank you note

Send a note to show your appreciation.

The notes are dedicated to people who are not in your LinkedIn network, i.e., you can send thank you notes to people who have not yet accepted you, it allows you to personalize your connection requests.

message note linkedin

How to Thank Someone for Adding you on LinkedIn by email

Why should you be sending an email to your LinkedIn prospects?

  • LinkedIn’s database is huge and free.
  • You can contact your prospects on different channels. (emails + LinkedIn).
  • You can automate your cross-channel actions to multiply your chances of finding customers and making sales with LinkedIn.

For example: You write a message on LinkedIn to your prospect and you send a follow-up message 2 days later by email. 🚀

How does it work?

It’s actually very straightforward.  All you need is a multi-channel CRM.

Here’s a little preview of how it works with Waalaxy.

It really just takes a few clicks. 👽

email message linkedin contact


Try Waalaxy Now 👩‍🚀



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