Where to start on Waalaxy?

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You have just landed on planet Waalaxy, and for the moment, you’re strugglingto see things clearly? That’s n.or.m.a.l! ☁️ However, by following this article, you’ll be able to quickly & easily get to grips with Waalaxy. No need to simply wonder: but where should I start on Waalaxy?


Importing leads on Waalaxy

To do anything with Waalaxy, you need to have leads, targets, customers in the tool. There are several possibilities. If you are coming from ProspectIn, you will probably have been recommended to export your leads to a CSV file and then import them into Waalaxy or clicked the button on Waalaxy to perform a ProspectIn to Waalaxy data transfer.

How to import my leads from a CSV file?

Go to the “Prospects” tab, where you can have an overview of all your prospects, and lists of prospects depending on how you want to group them together.

  • On the “Prospects” tab, click on “Import” and on “Import via CSV file”:

How to import from a LinkedIn search?

You want to mine prospects from a list of Sales Managers in Lyon, then import them into a list of prospects created for just these prospects?

Go to LinkedIn ➡️

  • Search for “Sales Managers”,
  • Enter “Lyon” in the location filter,
  • And don’t forget to filter by “People”:

You can import to Waalaxy in other ways, so if you want the full list of options available to you, just click on the little bubble at the bottom right-hand corner of our site and say hi to our support team. They are always happy to help! 😬

Choosing and preparing your Waalaxy campaign

There are many campaigns (formerly called “scenarios”) on Waalaxy. Depending on the subscription you have, you can access certain prospecting campaigns.

Automated LinkedIn sequences


Automated LinkedIn Sequences + Emails

In addition to all these features, The Business subscription also allows you to access multi-channel campaigns, which allow you to integrate the search for prospects emails and subsequently send emails in a campaign via DropContact.

You can follow this article to learn more about subscriptions & features. 😄

How to choose my Waalaxy sequence?

Sure, it’s nice to have several dozen sequences available, but how do you choose the one that will make your heart beat? 🤐

Well, there are a few things we’ve put in place to help you along the way:

Use sequence filters

You can use the sequence filters to search for a specific sequence. You can include or exclude filters at will 😎

Here is a short video that explains how to use the sequence filters to find your ideal sequence.

Get your first customers this week

Take advantage of the power of Waalaxy to generate leads every day. Start prospecting for free, today.

waalaxy dashboard

Steps to launch your Waalaxy campaign

Once you have chosen your campaign, you can then get started on launching it.

There are three main steps:

1. Adding leads to your campaign

There are two ways to do this. You can select your list of leads, or choose to populate your campaign automatically by setting up a trigger. This is referred to as an auto-import. This might sound familiar to ProspectIn users. The triggers feature, of course!

Here’s a video and an article to show you how it works 😉

2. Define the delays between actions

Between the “Connect” step and the “Message” step of your campaign, you can set a delay, between 0 and ♾️.

Do the same each time you can set the delay in the campaign. As a reminder, the delay starts from the moment when the condition to go to the next step is met.

👉 Click here to understand how campaigns work. 👈

3. Fill in the different fields

The “Invitation” field:

This step allows you to be able to add an invitation note. A small message of 299 characters that accompanies your invitation request. This note opens in full when the prospect accepts the invitation request. PS: if you have no idea how to entice your prospect to accept your connection request in under 300 characters, I suggest you have a look at this article right here.

The invitation note is optional, if you don’t want to put one:

  • Click on “Invitation”,
  • Confirm the empty note, without content.

The “Message” field

You must fill in the “Message” field. Contrary to the invitation note, you must fill in this field. You can personalize your message by inserting the variables: {{firstName}}, {{lastName}} and {{company}}.

The “Email” field:

You must fill in this field if your multi-channel campaign includes one. You can personalize your email with variables, and with layout tools:

⚠️ The option to add attachments to emails will be available soon. ⚠️

Launch and track your Waalaxy campaign

Once all these steps are done, you will be able to launch the campaign by clicking on “Start Campaign”. The actions will start to be placed in the queue. You can follow the progress of your campaign from the “Campaign” tab, by clicking on your campaign of choice:

Congratulations, you have successfully imported your leads and launched your first campaign. 🥳 Now you know how to get started on Waalaxy!

Now you can launch as many as you want, interpret your results, get your hot leads, find new targets, and this is just the beginning!

See you next time! ✌️

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