Use filters with Waalaxy

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This article is to quickly replay the filters for you with Waalaxy. 🌌


Filters in the list

There are several types of filters in the list. They are there to allow you to segment your list in the best possible way. We will see the two types, basic filters and advanced filters.

Basic filters

Here are the 5 basic filters for Waalaxy lists:

  • Status (connected, not connected, pending, unknown):

You can only send connection requests to people who have the status “not connected”. You can only send messages to people who have the status “connected”, in fact LinkedIn requires you to be part of someone’s network and vice versa in order to chat with them. 👄
If the status of the lead is “pending”, it means that a connection request has been sent, and the person has not yet accepted it. You will be able to contact these people only through the “Sputnik”, “Uranus” and “Laika” sequences. 🐕


  • Tags (include, exclude):

You can list prospects that have tag X (“include”) or want to show prospects that do not have tag X (“exclude”). ✔️


  • LinkedIn Actions (visited profile, unvisited profile, followed profile, unfollowed profile):

These filters, with Waalaxy, allow you to view prospects to whom you have already sent a visit action or a “follow up” action or, conversely, not yet. 🧐


  • LinkedIn Messages (sent message, no sent message, replied, did not reply):

This filter allows you to view the prospects to whom you have sent a message via Waalaxy, those who have never received one yet, those who have responded to your messages, or who have not responded.

⚠️ Only counted are messages sent via Waalaxy as part of prospecting campaigns. Anything you do or have done manually on LinkedIn is not counted here.

  • Email (has email, has no email):

This filter allows you to know which prospects you have the email for, and which ones don’t.


You can get the email in several ways through Waalaxy:

➡️ How to get email for free through Waalaxy? 🚀

Advanced filters

The filter system works on an “AND” system, not “OR”. 🙌

That is, if you select the “connected” status filter and the “visited profile” filter, you will have all the people you are connected with AND those who have been visited.


The first screenshot shows the basic filters, so I won’t go over them again. 😬


  • Email actions (email sent, no email sent, replied, did not reply):

These filters, with Waalaxy, allow you to know who you emailed, who replied to it, or those, to whom you didn’t send emails and who didn’t reply. 📩


  • Company (include, exclude):

This filter allows you to search for prospects who are in company A and/or B, or those who on the contrary would not be part of company A and/or B. ⚖️


  • Occupation:

You can search by position via keywords that can add to each other. 🏅


  • Location:

This filter allows you to search by location, city and/or country, for example “France” and “Montpellier”. 📍


  • LinkedIn Groups (is in same group as me, is not in same group as me):

This filter was put in place to get around LinkedIn’s limitation by allowing you to make message requests to people who share the same group and/or event as you. 👫


  • LinkedIn Events (is in the same event as me, is not in the same event as me):

In the same way, you’ll be able to have a list of all the people who share the same event as you, or not. 🗣


  • Profile (full profile, partial profile):

It may happen in the import of leads in CSV or from LinkedIn, that some data is missing. Ah, computer science… 😅 Anyway, you will have access to all these profiles by applying these filters with Waalaxy.


  • Profile picture (has a profile picture, does not have a profile picture):

This filter allows you to list the prospects who have a profile picture, and those who don’t. 👀


  • Is in a campaign (is active in a campaign, is not active in a campaign):

This filter, freshly landed on Waalaxy allows you to know which leads are already running in a campaign, or which ones are not. Very useful to track your prospecting and know who can be added to a new campaign. 🎯


  • LinkedIn Restrictions (can be invited if I am restricted, cannot be invited if I am restricted):

You can use this filter to have a list of people you can invite while being restricted by LinkedIn.



Campaign Filters

The campaign filters allow you to refine your lead tracking as much as possible to make it as easy as possible.

Basic filters

  • Dashboard: This tab provides you with statistical data about your campaign. 📈

You have a “dashboard” in which you will be able to see the number of daily sends per action: invitation, message request, message, visit, follow-up, email. 💌

You will also have access to the Performance of your campaign, namely the acceptance rate and the response rate of your prospects.

To learn more about this data:➡️ Performance calculations, details on the dashboard.

  • Prospects:

This tab allows you to track the progress of your leads within the campaign, they are listed in a table with several columns that give you tracking details. 👇


The tracking filters

  • Origin allows you to filter leads based on where they came from: a lead list or via auto-import.
  • The list is a useful filter if you have put prospects from several lists in the campaign.
  • The step allows you to know at what stage of the campaign your lead is. You will have all the actions of the campaign listed, the different conditions and the deadlines.
  • The status allows you to see which actions have been completed, are in progress, have been paused or which prospects have responded to your messages. Since, by default, prospects who have responded, automatically exit the campaign.



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waalaxy dashboard

Queue filters

You can filter by two types of actions: LinkedIn actions, or Email actions.

In each of these, you will have two types of filters: campaign and action type. 👌

  • The campaign:

If you have multiple campaigns going on, this filter will be very useful to know where the actions of campaign A or campaign B are at.


  • Action type:

You can filter by all actions in the queue: invitation, message request, message, visit, follow-up. For the “Email” section, you will have the “Email” sub-filter, which allows you to filter by the chosen email account. This is only possible if you have configured multiple email accounts in your settings.



FAQ filters with Waalaxy

Where can I find filters on Waalaxy?

You can access list filters, campaign filters, queue filters.

What system do the filters work on?

Filters work on an “AND” system, not an “OR” system. If you put two filters, for example, “responded” and “logged in”, you will get all the people who are logged in and, who responded.

Can we add the filters we want on Waalaxy?

You can’t add the filters you want on Waalaxy. However, you can send us feedback and proposals to the customer support team so that we can look into it!


In conclusion

Filters are necessary to segment, find, disperse, organize and track your data. The goal is to be able to follow the results of your prospecting strategy through your prospecting campaigns.



You know everything about how to use the different filters with Waalaxy! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at support. 🌞


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