How to use filters with Waalaxy?

This article aims to quickly replay filters with Waalaxy. 🌌

Prospect lists: filters with Waalaxy

There are several types of filters in the list. They’re there to help you segment your list as best you can. Let’s take a look at two types: basic filters and advanced filters.

Basic filters

Here are the 5 basic Waalaxy list filters:

  • Status:

There are three types of status on LinkedIn: connected, not connected, and pending. On Waalaxy, you’ll find a fourth status, “Unknown” 🔍.

  1. Not connected: this person is not part of your network; you can send them an invitation, but you can’t send them messages.
  2. Connected : this person is part of your network, you can send them a message 💌.
  3. Pending: a connection request has been sent, and the prospect has not yet accepted it.
  4. Unknown : this status means that at the time of import, we were unable to retrieve the prospect’s status (this happens especially when you import via a CSV file). A visit campaign or a refresh of the prospect’s data will update the status:
  • Tags (include, exclude) :

You can list prospects who have tag X (“include”) or want to display prospects who don’t have tag X (“exclude”). ✔️

  • LinkedIn Visits / Follow (profile visited, profile not visited, profile followed, profile not followed) :

With Waalaxy, these filters enable you to view the profiles of prospects you’ve already visited or followed up, and those for whom you haven’t yet done so.

  • LinkedIn messages (message sent, no message sent, replied, did not reply) :

This filter allows you to view prospects to whom you’ve sent a message via Waalaxy, those who haven’t received one yet, those who’ve replied to your messages, or those who haven’t replied.

⚠️ Only messages sent via Waalaxy as part of a prospecting campaign are counted. Anything you do or have done manually on LinkedIn is not counted here.

  • LinkedIn message requests (message request sent, no message request sent, replied, did not reply) :

Like messages, this filter allows you to view prospects who have or have not received a message request. Unfortunately, this feature, which enabled you to contact prospects with whom you are not connected, provided you have a common group/event, has been withdrawn by LinkedIn.

  • Email (has LinkedIn email, has pro email, doesn’t have LinkedIn email, doesn’t have pro email) :

This filter lets you know which prospects you have the email for, and which ones don’t. You can obtain the email in several ways thanks to Waalaxy, I invite you to consult this dedicated article.

  • AI Prospect Finder: lets you know which prospects have been imported by Waalaxy’s AI.
  • Invitation sent (invitation sent / not sent): find out which prospects you’ve already sent an invitation to (via a Waalaxy campaign).

💡You can select multiple filters. In this case, Waalaxy works on a system of “AND” and not “OR”. So if you select the « connected status filter » and the « visited profile filter », you’ll get all the people you’re connected with AND those who’ve been visited.

Advanced filters

Advanced filters can be accessed by clicking on “ More filters”:

more filters with waalaxy

Let’s take a closer look at these filters:

  • Phone number :

Although we don’t have a feature that retrieves the phone number, Waalaxy can retrieve it if you’re connected to your prospect, and they’ve made their number public. Think of it as bonus information 💝.

  • Email actions (email sent, no email sent, replied, did not reply):

These filters let you know who you’ve sent an email to, who’s replied, or those, to whom you haven’t sent emails and who haven’t replied. 📩

  • Company (include, exclude):

Allows you to search for prospects who are in company A and/or B, or those who are not in company A and/or B. ⚖️

  • Occupation:

You can search by position using keywords that can be added together. 🏅

  • Location:

This filter allows you to search by location, city and/or country, for example « France » and « Montpellier ». 📍

  • LinkedIn groups (is in the same group as me, is not in the same group as me) :

This filter was originally implemented to get around LinkedIn’s limitation by allowing you to make message requests to people who share the same group and/or event as you. 👫 Unfortunately, as seen above, this feature is no longer available.

  • LinkedIn events (is in the same event as me, is not in the same event as me) :

In the same way, you can have a list of all the people who share the same event as you, or not. 🗣

  • Profile (complete profile, partial profile):

When importing prospects in CSV or from LinkedIn, some data may be missing. Ah, IT… 😅

  • Profile picture (has profile picture, does not have profile picture) :

This filter lets you list prospects who have a profile picture, and those who don’t. 👀

  • Premium (is premium / is not premium) :

This filter lets you know which prospects have a paid subscription on LinkedIn.

  • Influencer (is an influencer / is not an influencer):

Find out if your prospect is known for creating content (creator profile).

  • Jobseeker:

Allows you to filter profiles that are looking for work, with the “open to work” badge, ideal for recruiters!

  • Is in a campaign :

This filter lets you know which prospects are already in a campaign, and which are not. Very useful for tracking your prospecting and knowing who can be added to a new campaign. 🎯

Campaigns: filters with Waalaxy

Campaign filters allow you to refine your prospect tracking as much as possible, making it as simple as possible.

  • The current step lets you know what stage of the campaign your prospect is at. You’ll have all the campaign actions listed, along with the various conditions and deadlines.
  • The import type lets you know which prospects have been added to the campaign via a list, via auto-import or directly during import.
  • The list is a useful filter if you’ve included prospects from several Waalaxy prospect lists in your campaign.
  • The state lets you see which prospects are in progress, paused, have finished or have replied to your messages (by default, prospects who have replied automatically exit the campaign). You also have the status “Blocked” (when you’ve added more than 5000 prospects to a campaign), and the status “Deferred” (when you’ve reached your weekly invitation quota).
  • The tag filter lets you select or exclude prospects to whom you’ve applied a tag.

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Queue: filters with Waalaxy

You can filter by two types of action: LinkedIn actions, or Email actions.

In each of these sections, you’ll have two types of filters: campaign and action type. 👌

  • Campaign:

If you have several campaigns underway, this filter will be very useful for finding out the status of actions in campaign A or campaign B.

  • Action type:

You can filter by all actions in the queue: invitation, message request, message, visit, follow.

Under « Email », you’ll find the sub-filter « Email », which lets you filter by the email account you’ve chosen. This is only possible if you have configured multiple email accounts in your settings.

FAQ – Filters with Waalaxy

Where can I find filters on Waalaxy?

You can access list filters, campaign filters and queue filters.

How do filters work with Waalaxy?

Filters work on a system of « AND » and not « OR ». If you set two filters, for example, « replied » and « connected », you’ll get all the people connected and, who replied.

Can I add the filters I want to Waalaxy?

You can’t add the filters you want to Waalaxy. However, you can send us feedback and suggestions to customer support so that we can take a look at them with our team!


Filters with Waalaxy are necessary to segment, find, disperse, organize and track your data. The aim is to be able to track the results of your prospecting strategy via your prospecting campaigns.

Now you know how to use filters with Waalaxy ! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at support. 🌞

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