LinkedIn Warning: Understanding and Working Around

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Did you receive a warning from LinkedIn? 😱

No need to panic. 😌

We have the solution. 🎁

Waalaxy is no exception to the rule… LinkedIn doesn’t like automation tools, nor robots. Waalaxy is a tool that is nevertheless ultra-secure and does everything possible to protect your Linkedin account. If despite these security measures, your account is temporarily restricted. You will probably ask yourself: What should I do now? Waalaxy delivers small keys in this article.


Why does Linkedin restrict my account?

LinkedIn may restrict your account for several reasons. 👇

  • If you have continued to use a prohibited automation tool.
  • If LinkedIn considers your account not to be a real identity.
  • If you have shared content that has been reported multiple times.
  • Any other systematic violation of their TOS.

How does Waalaxy protect my Linkedin account?

Source code

Some automation tools modify the HTML code of Linkedin pages, making them easily detectable. We choose to leave the Linkedin source code alone to avoid being seen. 🚩 We simulate Linkedin queries to simulate human behavior.

Daily quotas

To prevent you from spam restrictions, we set daily quotas. This way, you can only send a maximum number of actions per day, and never the same number, making it virtually undetectable. 🙈

On each action quota, a 20% variable is applied every day. So you never send the same number. ( 82 on Monday, 93 on Tuesday, 80 on Wednesday…) Once your daily quotas are reached, they are updated 24 hours later.


We block the Linkedin banned extensions detection script, we additionally send a request, exactly as this script does, which says “All is good, no extensions detected”. 🤠

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I received a first warning from Linkedin

You have received the first warning from Linkedin. Typically, the message tells you that there is abnormal activity on your account, which includes a high number of actions.

🔑 We recommend that you stop using Waalaxy for a day after this warning, then take a fairly low activity.

You can do this by lowering your daily share quotas on Waalaxy. 👇

You will be able to increase your quotas little by little, 20 by 20.

I received my second Linkedin warning

You have received a second warning from Linkedin, still questioning your account activity. 🔑

We have a little tip to deliver here. It is possible to create a new Linkedin account, and, to merge two Linkedin accounts together.

This resets the warnings from Linkedin. So you will find all your old relationships on the new account.


Linkedin controls and you will only be able to merge two accounts if you are the owner of these accounts. (same emails).

How to create a new Linkedin account?

To create a new Linkedin account, go to Linkedin in the “Sign up” tab. You will have to fill in a number of fields concerning your Identity, your education, your Experience etc…

You will then have to optimize your Linkedin profile. To do so, I recommend you to follow this guide.

Warm up your new Linkedin account

LinkedIn is very suspicious of new accounts. They’re looking at you. 👀

Before using any automation tool, whatever it is, you’ll need to warm up your Linkedin account. Make it ready for what’s next. 🏋️

Merge your Linkedin accounts

To merge your Linkedin accounts, you need to 👇

  • Click on“Profile“.
  • Click on “Preferences & Privacy.”
  • Under “Account Preferences”, click on “Account Management”.
  • Click on “Merge Accounts”.


⚠️ When you merge your old and new account, you are limited to a maximum of 5000 relationships.

FAQ: LinkedIn warning

How to avoid being banned by Linkedin?

You must respect the Linkedin Terms and Conditions to avoid being banned. To have more details about this, I invite you to read this guide. 🤡

How to lower my activity on Waalaxy?

To lower your activity on Waalaxy, you will be able to go to your settings and “Account Activities”. 👇

Can I pause my Waalaxy subscription?

It is not technically possible to pause a subscription. However, you can go to Waalaxy chat support and ask for an alternative.

How do I know when my quotas update?

Your quotas are reset every 24 hours on a rolling basis. You can see the refresh time from “Queue” by clicking on one of the quotas. 👇

Will my Waalaxy subscription be refunded if my account is restricted?

We can indeed refund your Waalaxy subscription on a pro-rata basis. It depends on when you discovered your restriction.

You can request details from the chat support and ask to see our Cancellation and Refund Policy.

Conclusion: The LinkedIn warning, is it serious doctor?

LinkedIn doesn’t ban you for fun, if they do it’s because you haven’t complied with Linkedin’s terms and conditions.

However, Linkedin never tells you the exact reason why you are restricted, so it’s up to you to take certain measures so that these LinkedIn warnings don’t happen again.

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