Bring Value on LinkedIn: 10 Essential Tips!

In this article, we will summarize the main points of the webinar between our CEO Toinon Georget and Cedric Costa from James Inbound. They give us some tips to better understand how to bring value on LinkedIn, using inbound marketing techniques. ⚡


How to Bring Value on LinkedIn?

5 Tips to Bring Value Before Selling

In this webinar, Cedric Costa talks about several approach techniques to find the right “persona” when prospecting on LinkedIn. The goal of your approach should be to start a conversation to create a relationship with your lead, and then bring up the sale… not the other way around! 🙈

However, outbound prospecting is for finding new leads, so you can’t neglect it, especially if you’re selling products or services online. 🤑


Therefore, here are 5 tips to bring value before you sell. 👇

State the reason for the connection request:

  • At the beginning of your exchange, you can write a message like, “Here’s some content/product you might be interested in, accept this invitation to receive the blog link/demo, etc.” Remember to share content that adds value, not a Calendly link or advertising. 🚫


Inform the prospect about the automated side of the approach:

  • Even if you personalize your message, people who get a lot of requests on LinkedIn know it’s an automated message. 🤫 So, you can add a little note at the end, to show that this is indeed a human-to-human interaction: “PS: this is an automated message, but if you reply, I’ll be happy to chat with you!”


Providing value in your messages:

  • Adding value is all about engaging, entertaining and/or educating your leads. 🤓 You need to respect the discovery, evaluation, and purchase phases your lead goes through to become a warm lead (or not). If you try to create a sincere connection first, you will give off a positive image (your e-reputation) and generate positive emotion in return.


Define your target well:

  • In particular, you can use “Sales Navigator” to target a specific company or industry, for example. 🎯 However, beware of “false positives” in your search results. You need to check beyond the 10th LinkedIn page of results to make sure the profiles are a good match for your target.


Conduct human-sized prospecting sequences:

  • Meaning when you send automated campaigns to your prospects, avoid sending a million follow-ups. 😡 An invitation (with or without a note) + Message 1 + Message 2, is enough! Sometimes you have to accept the fact that people are not interested, no need to insist.

let it go GIF


How to Conduct a Marketing Strategy on LinkedIn?

5 Tips for Successful Prospecting Campaigns

Indeed, with automated prospecting, you can save more time and reach many more people!🌎 In this webinar, Cedric emphasizes that you need to define what the goal of your prospecting campaign is, before you even start.

Do you want more awareness/visibility (views), more performance/credibility (number of appointments), etc.? 🤔 Then you need to tailor your marketing strategy, based on that goal.

Besides, there are 2 types of prospecting: manual = hyper targeted, or automatic = wide scope but less precise. ⚖️ As well as 2 types of approach: “no time” = quite directive, or indirect in “inbound style” = Bring value, then sell!


Here are 5 tips to prevent your prospecting from being a dud. 👇

Don’t use “I” + “sale” from the beginning of the message:

  • Definitely don’t talk about yourself, instead, focus on your prospect, what their “pain points” are, what their needs are and how you can provide a solution to that problem. 💯 It’s better to send less qualified messages, than more random automated ones… You should rephrase your message according to the gender of the recipient, for example: “Are you interested {{FirstName}}”? Instead of “Are you interested Sir/Madam”?


Start with manual prospecting:

  • To understand the mechanisms of prospection, build a relevant message and THEN automate your sequences, once this system becomes a well-oiled machine. 💪 Automation campaigns can’t apply to all case studies or all businesses (if you have less than 1000 prospects, for example). Remember that without context, your message will be off the mark!


Use the right LinkedIn filters:

  • Using the LinkedIn filters is a little “hard work”, you need to do it upfront, in order to do a good research. The success of your prospecting campaign depends on the relevance of your targeting, even if your approach is good, it won’t be good enough if you send it to the wrong person! 😓 However, you have to accept the fact that there might be a “delta” in your targets, but you can remedy this by using the “tags” in your Waalaxy CRM, to identify qualified and unqualified prospects.


Avoid sending messages that are “too pushy”:

  • Or, messages without a CTA (call to action), also avoid messages that are too long: the ideal length is less than 300 characters, which gives twice the response rate than a message of more than 1000 characters. Instead, keep it short and efficient! 💥 Avoid sending too much commercial information and setting up a meeting from the first message. Don’t use the same template as everyone else, if you wish to stand out from the hundreds of messages your prospects receive per day. 😓


Move from a “Lead gen” to a “Demand gen” approach:

  • Focus on generating leads by implementing a relevant content strategy. 🙌 Also, outbound (attracting leads) can be complementary to inbound (being present, creating your brand image or personal branding). You can also use a “lead magnet” technique, like asking for a comment or a “like” = a free content share. 😏 This is a “less salesy” approach and brings more value to your prospects.


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Conclusion: How to Communicate to Bring Value on LinkedIn?

In conclusion, bringing value before selling, helps you prospect on LinkedIn effectively. 👏 The most important thing, according to Cedric, is to create a digital communication with common sense = “Don’t p**s off the world” + “Give before you take”, these are the 2 mantras to remember. 🧘

In addition, Toinon advises using this article for “A/B testingyour campaigns, to find out which campaigns are more outstanding and bring out the most value. 🔥 It’s simple, ask yourself the question: “If I were to receive this message, will I want to answer it?”. 🤔 Above all, don’t be aggressive and create a connection with your prospect, first and foremost…

Moreover, you can complete your campaigns on LinkedIn, with a multichannel prospecting strategy, and integrate emailing campaigns (if you do BtoB prospecting). But, prospecting on social networks like Facebook is a BIG NO, because they are personal profiles! 🙈 Also, you may want to avoid “voicenotes” on LinkedIn, unless it’s an ultra-targeted message, or you’ve had several exchanges beforehand.

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FAQ: How to Improve Your Profile Culture? Bring Value on LinkedIn For Your Company

Which Prospects to Contact on LinkedIn?

To know which prospects to contact on LinkedIn, you need to know your target audience first. “Should you be on first-name or last-name terms with them?”, for example. Ask yourself this question, to choose the right type of vocabulary and tone for your messages, the goal is to be original and create a connection with your contacts. 👂


What to Say to a LinkedIn Recruiter?

If you receive a recruitment offer, here is an article to teach you how to message a recruiter on LinkedIn. Also, you can send a thank-you email if you didn’t connect through LinkedIn, and if you want to learn what greeting phrases to use for your emails. 😌


How to use LinkedIn to Find a Freelance Job?

You can use LinkedIn to find a job in freelance, by filtering your job search with the word “freelance” or else, applying for full-time jobs, and offering to do a freelance contract instead. 😉 In this case, it’s better to do a manual campaign, to contact the recruiters who posted the job directly.


How to Make a Good LinkedIn Profile?

To make yourself look good, you need to optimize your LinkedIn profile well so that it is attractive and your targets will be interested when they visit your LinkedIn account. 👌

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Now you know how to bring value on LinkedIn! Follow our upcoming webinars on the Facebook group, for more tips on B2B prospecting.


Pour aller plus loin :

If you’re starting your business, you might be wondering which social media platform is better: LinkedIn vs Twitter? 🧐 In


You’ve found your prospects. Well, first step validated. You’ve chosen your Waalaxy sequence. Second step validated. You’ve reached the message-writing


One of the easiest ways to connect with potential customers, is to send them the best cold outreach LinkedIn message


Get the ultimate e-book for multi-channel prospecting 📨

Or How to go from 0 to +10 leads per week – No experience needed.