How to find the right sequence on Waalaxy?

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You’ve just arrived on Waalaxy, and like everyone else, you find it really beautiful. 😇 So far it’s been an easy ride, and then you hit a roadblock… . You’ve arrived on the sequence templates page.

If you are a ProspectIn user, you are likely thinking “it was better before”. If you’re a new user (welcome!), you’re likely thinking “this is so messed up!”. 😅

And you’re somewhat right. We know it’s not the easiest thing in the world, trying to find your way around all these templates… Promise we’re working on making major improvements on that.

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In the meantime, here are some tips to find THE best sequence. NB: Don’t hesitate to share your feedback with us on the Facebook community and get the best tips from other users!

What is a Waalaxy sequence?

A sequence, model or template is the architecture of actions and conditions in which prospects will move forward. The combination of leads and a sequence is called a campaign. Currently, it is possible to perform these actions:

  • Send an invitation on LinkedIn, with or without a note,
  • Send a message,
  • Follow a profile,
  • Visit a profile,
  • Find a professional email address and send an email.
  • There is also a “delay” step where prospect must wait for a specified number of days before they can move on to the next step.

The available conditions are:

  • is connected or not connected (i.e. is part of your LinkedIn network or not),
  • is pending (you have sent them a connection request but they hav yet to accept or deny it),
  • has an email (either an email linked to their LinkedIn profile because you are connected with him, or a professional email found through the email search step),
  • has not replied.

Any prospect who responds automatically leaves the campaign. It is possible to define a “Response objective” which allows you to send details of the prospect to an external tool when they respond.

It will soon be possible to define different objectives (Failed, moved to step X etc… and to tag a prospect on these conditions as well).

Finally, the prospect can reach the “Fail”, “Success” or “End” stage. ✅

“Failed” often means that we couldn’t find the email to contact them (in case of a sequence with an email step), or that the prospect hadn’t responded (of fulfilled the condition) and had reached the final step of the sequence. 😅

“Success” means that the desired objective had been achieved. When the prospect responds, it is considered a success. 😎

“End” means that the prospect has reached a final branch of the campaign, without defining whether it is a failure or a success. Most often it is that they do not meet the criteria to enter the sequence. For example if looking to send messages to prospects with whom you are not connected. 👽


➡️ More information here : How does a campaign work ? 

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Can we create or modify a Waalaxy sequence?

At the moment, it is not possible to create your own sequence, nor to modify existing steps. ❌

There are several reasons for this. The first, quite simply, is that this is a complex feature to develop. Waalaxy has chosen to focus on other features over this one.

The second reason is that it is a complex feature to use. It requires a good understanding of what can and cannot be done on LinkedIn and how Waalaxy works.

We noticed that many of the sequences that were requested by users were not viable.

So we realized that creating such a sequence editor where they could create or modify a sequence would simply confuse a lot of novice users. Or they would simply create sequences that wouldn’t work in practise, or worse, end up pushing their prospects away.

Understand Schitts Creek GIF by CBC

What is the best Waalaxy sequence?

This is a question that comes up a lot. What is the best Waalaxy sequence?

Do you really think we would have made 190 different patterns if there was one better than the others? 😜

Season 2 Lol GIF by Friends

The sequences can be adapted to the different use cases. 👇

The use of the “tabs” to find your sequence is therefore strongly recommended! Here is a small tour of the different tabs:

Use sequence filters to build your own sequence

You can use the sequence filters to search for a specific sequence. You can include or exclude filters at will 😎

Here is a short video that explains how to use the sequence filters to find your ideal sequence.

Find the sequences that correspond to the specific actions you want

You can select the sequences only “Linkedin”, or “Linkedin + Email”, or “Beginners”. (sequences that have only one action) 👇


    Find the sequences according to your use case

    We have built sequences especially dedicated to certain use cases: Networking, Job application, Sales, Recruitment, Affiliation, Promotion or Other. These sequences are pre-filled, you just have to add the prospects and fill in the fields. 👇

    How to request a template?

    You can request a sequence template from Waalaxy chat support.

    Be as specific as possible in your request, by sending a diagram and/or explaining which template you want to draw inspiration from (and then remove or add steps).

    ⚠️⚠️ As mentioned in the introduction of this article, there are already more than 190 sequences, which makes the search a bit complicated and an infinite number of sequences are yet to be created. We therefore choose sparingly the ones we create, checking their relevance and the fact that they correspond to good prospecting practices. ⚠️⚠️

    So you can forget about the 7 message, 12 email sequence. 😜

    Generally, you go through the requested sequences once a week and then add them.

    My ideal template doesn’t exist. What to do

    It’s possible that your ideal pattern doesn’t exist and you need it right away or it was just never added. In this case, there are a few solutions to get you to do what you want.

    There is a similar sequence, but with one too many LinkedIn messages

    Let’s say you want an Invitation-Message-Message and it doesn’t exist (in this case it does exist, the template is named after the actions that make it up) but there is an Invitation-Message-Message.

    Chef’s tip: use the last message to make a “PS” or Erratum on a spelling mistake and then add a delay of 0 days.

    Between 0 minutes and a maximum of two hours after the message is sent, by the time the algorithm detects that the first message has been sent, the second will be queued and executed. This way, you can avoid sending an nth reminder and potentially reinforce the “natural” aspect of your approach 😉

    There is one “visit” too many or too few than my ideal sequence

    Visiting a profile has only one purpose: to complete the prospect’s profile to do an email search after the “Email finder” step. It doesn’t increase the acceptance rate (very few people look at who visits their profile and even if they do, it doesn’t change anything for the rest of the campaign).

    It doesn’t look “more natural” to LinkedIn, because LinkedIn itself allows you to send invitations from a search page, without opening the profile.

    So if your ideal sequence exists without a visit and you want one or the other, well, choose it, it doesn’t change much.

    Combine two sequences on Waalaxy

    There are many times when we are asked for sequences, which are the combination of two existing sequences. For example, I was once asked to add an email search step in the middle of a LinkedIn sequence.

    It doesn’t make sense. None. Zilch. Nada. But there’s nothing to stop you from choosing your ideal LinkedIn sequence, then using an email search sequence, then putting your leads back into another campaign.

    Be careful though: a prospect can’t be in two campaigns at once. Even if the campaign is paused. ⚠️

    Some examples of use cases

    Here are some example use cases and the ideal sequence for them .

    I want to send content to people who comment on my post

    There’s an ideal sequence for this: Elysium.

    Combined with an auto-import on your post (see our video on auto-imports), this sequence will send an invitation (with the note of your choice) to prospects who you are not connected with and a message to the people who are already in your network. 👇

    I want to contact my contacts on LinkedIn only

    It often happens that users want to recontact their base to promote an event, a webinar or simply to communicate the latest news.

    Although we don’t recommend you contact ALL your contacts in the same way, because it is very “spammy”, this technique can be very effective. If you want to send a single message, the template “Message” is the right sequence for you. 👇


    If you want to send two messages, the template named “Message – Message” is the right sequence for you. 👇

    I won’t recommend a sequence with more than 2 messages because you don’t want to be a nuisance, but these sequences do exist. 😁

    Get emails from people on LinkedIn to populate my CRM

    Not everyone wants to run campaigns on LinkedIn (although it’s very effective). This is despite LinkedIn being the best database in the world for BtoB.

    It would be a shame to deprive yourself of it. However, with a sequence like Visit – Email Finder – CRM Sync you can simply find the emails of your prospects, then automatically export them to your CRM or other tool, via Zapier.

    It is important to clarify that you will always have to visit the profile before on LinkedIn, as this is what allows us to retrieve the information about the prospect’s company and increase the percentage of emails found.

    I start in LinkedIn prospecting and I want something simple and effective

    Simple and effective. That’s our niche! I recommend “Invitation – Message – Message”. An invitation with or without a note (I recommend without) and two follow-up messages afterwards. Knowing that 90% of responses take place in the first two reminders, this scenario ideal if you want to run a successful campaign without the risk of being reported for spam.

    I want to launch my first multi-channel campaign

    Very good choice. To use a multi-channel approach, I recommend something simple. “Saturn” harnasses the power of a multi-channel approach, while still keeping things simple. An invitation then a message if the prospect accepts, followed by an email if they don’t see the message and a message if they see the message on LinkedIn. 😄

    If the prospect remains pending after X days, email search and send an email. The screenshot below isn’t the clearest, but a simple search of the sequence directly on the app will enlighten you.


    This article does not meet your expectations? Still have questions? Contact us on via the support chat! 😄

    Want to share information with the community and get recommendations from other users, join our group on Facebook.

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