Synchronize Waalaxy with Hubspot (Zapier)

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You’ve all been waiting for it. And it’s coming. 💃

Waalaxy synchronization with Hubspot (Zapier) is slightly more complex than with other CRMs. But once in place, you’ll be able to launch the best marketing automation strategy on the market. 🚀

Once in place, you will be able to launch the best marketing automation strategy on the market. 🚀

So sit back in your chair, have a green tea, and let’s get started.

What is Zapier?

For a quick refresher, please read the first part of this article. 😁

What is Hubspot?

Perhaps it’s still necessary to introduce Hubspot… Hubspot develops and distributes a series of software solutions for marketing and salesteams. These solutions help improve the effectiveness of online marketing campaigns, particularly through the personalization of site content according to visitors, as well as by improving the acquisition of new leads or prospects. Hubspot is :

  • Hub CRM is a complete CRM software that allows you to organize, track and develop real quality relationships with your prospects and customers. The advantage of this CRM is that it is 100% free.
  • Hub Marketing which is a marketing software that aims to increase traffic to your website or blog, convert visitors into leads and execute complete personalized inbound marketing campaigns.
  • Hub Sales which is an effective sales software that allows you to contact leads with all their information,automate time-consuming and repetitive tasks, in order to close more deals efficiently.

Do I need a paid subscription to create Zapier Webhooks?

No. You will need a paid subscription to Zapier, or the trial version to be able to create Webhooks.

➡️ Zapier pricing

You will also need a paid subscription, Advanced or Business on Waalaxy to create Webhooks.

➡️ Waalaxy Pricing

Link of the Waalaxy x Hubspot

I’ve prepared the Zaps for you that you’ll just have to copy / paste into your browser to automatically resume the pre-completed Zap.

So happy?

➡️ Zap Synchronization Waalaxy x Hubspot

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waalaxy dashboard

Step 1. Go to Zapier

  • Click on “Create a Zap”,
  • Search for “Webhook by Zapier”,
  • Under “Event”, select “Catch Hook”,
  • Click “Continue” twice, skipping the “Pick off a Child Key” part,
  • Copy the webhook URL.

Step 2. Go to Waalaxy

  • Click on “Campaign” and “Create a campaign”,
  • Filter by the action “CRM Sync” to see all sequences that include this action,
  • Select the sequence,
  • Fill in the various fields (action, deadline, message content),

In the “CRM Sync” section :

  • Select the CRM that you are going to configure,
  • Paste the link of the Webhook previously copied,
  • Click on “Test”, then “Validate”,
  • Launch the campaign. 🚀

Step 3. Launch the Webhook

  • Go back to Zapier, and pick up where you left off.

Now that the campaign has been launched, you can “Validate the Webhook” on Zapier.


  • Click on “Continue”,

Step 4. Synchronise Hubspot

  • Click on the small “+” and look for “Hubspot”.
  • In “Event”, look for “Find Contact” and click “Continue”. (not “Create a Contact”, we will select it below)
  • Connect your Hubspot account.
  • Check the option at the bottom “Create Hubspot contact if it doesn’t exist yet?” (This option allows you to create the prospect with his information if he doesn’t exist yet on Hubspot).
  • In “Action” > “First search property name” -> Search for the value “Contact Information Email” :

In the “Action” section, you can fill in all the data you wish to synchronize, for example:

  • “Contact Information: FirstName”: Select the variable “FirstName”:
  • Do this for all the data you wish to synchronise,
  • Click on “Continue”, and “Test Action”,
  • You should get a success message:

View on Hubspot

Go to Hubspot, “Contacts” section, where you will have a dashboard where your data will appear.

(You will normally have “John Doe” to sync, which is our example data in the sync).


You did it !


FAQ of the article

When and how is Waalaxy data sent to Zapier?

We send the data one by one.

Do I need a premium subscription on Hubspot?

Hubspot has 3 subscriptions: the Starter, the Pro, and the Enterprise. The subscriptions differ depending on the number of contacts you will have on the tool.

Hubspot has set up evolving prices, you can for each type of subscription, select the number of “marketing contacts” that will be able to be on the tool, the price will adjust.

➡️ Hubspot pricing

Can I add steps in the Zap?

You can add steps in the Zap wherever you want in the Zap. For example, you can add a “Dropcontact” step between the “Google Sheets” and “Hubspot” actions, this would allow for some additional data enrichment such as business email.

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