Launch a prospecting campaign from a LinkedIn search

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It’s time to launch a Waalaxy prospecting campaign from a LinkedIn search. 🤓

A new feature has landed on Waalaxy: import your LinkedIn leads directly into a Waalaxy campaign. No middleman. Magic, isn’t it?

Let’s see how it works together in this article. ❤️

What is a prospecting campaign with Waalaxy?

You already knew that Waalaxy is a B2B automation tool on LinkedIn. But how exactly do you automate your prospecting?

The action campaign.

A campaign is the execution of one or more actions on a list of prospects.

Example: You want to send a prospecting message to all your LinkedIn contacts.

You’ll need to create a “Message” campaign and add all your contacts to it so that they receive this action.

Simple. Basic. 👌

➡️ How does a campaign work on Waalaxy?

What exactly has changed

Before, you had to do your research on LinkedIn, import prospects into a prospect list, then from the prospect list, launch an action campaign.

Now, to save you even more time, you can launch an action campaign directly from the LinkedIn import.

How do I do it?

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How do I import leads from LinkedIn directly into Waalaxy to launch a prospecting campaign?

Once you’ve started your import, you’ll be able to choose between two options:

  • Add to an existing campaign.
  • Launch a prospecting campaign you’re about to create.

I add my prospects to an existing campaign

Simply select the campaign to which you wish to add your prospects from the drop-down list. That’s all there is to it! You’re already done 🥳.

I add my leads to a new campaign

Step 1: Select the sequence you want to use

The sequence, or template, is the architecture of actions and conditions in which prospects will progress.

You can perform 6 actions today via a sequence: invitation, message, profile follow-up, profile visit, email finder and email send.

To help you find the sequence you want to use to launch a prospecting campaign, you can consult this article (How to find the right sequence?), or be guided by the pre-populated use cases offered by Waalaxy. 🤠

If you can’t find the sequence you want in this drop-down list, simply click on “Browse sequences”, and you’ll be redirected to the app to do your campaign search.

Step 2: Preparing the campaign

You can now start setting up your campaign. First, you’ll need to name it:

Then click on “Next”. From here on, the steps will differ depending on the sequence chosen: if it’s an invitation campaign, depending on your LinkedIn subscription, you may or may not add an invitation note. If the sequence includes sending messages, you’ll need to write your LinkedIn messages. This is also the time to set delays, if your campaign involves several stages.

Step 3: Launch a prospecting campaign

Once you’ve set the various stages, you can move on to launching your campaign, by clicking on “Launch my campaign”, quite simply 🤓.

Launch a prospecting campaign

Step 4: Import in progress

Your campaign is launched, and gradually populates as the import progresses:

And that’s it, you’ve just launched a prospecting campaign. 👌

FAQ of the article to launch your prospecting campaign

Are there any limits not to be exceeded in Waalaxy?

There are indeed limits in the Waalaxy application.

  • Business and Advanced subscriptions:

In the application: 50,000 prospects.

In a prospect list: No limit of prospects per list.

In a campaign: 5,000 prospects.

  • Freemium subscription :

In the application: 10,000 leads.

In a list of prospects: 1,000 prospects.

In a campaign: 2,500 leads.

➡️ If you need more information on this subject, please consult our dedicated article – Prospecting actions: Limits in Waalaxy.

Does my computer have to be open for Waalaxy to work?

With Advanced and Business subscriptions, your account is connected to the Waalaxy Cloud, so you don’t need to keep your computer open for campaigns to work ✅.

With the Freemium subscription, you need to have a LinkedIn tab open and your computer must remain on for actions to run. This allows us to send requests from your LinkedIn account with the same IP address without putting your account at risk.

On the other hand, you don’t need to have a Waalaxy tab open (but be sure to have the extension active) 😉

What is Success / Error / Duplicates / False positives?

Here are the reasons why you have a difference between the number of leads you wanted to import and the number of leads that were actually imported:

  • Some prospects were already present in your interface (we automatically sort out duplicates).

  • Some people in your search were outside your network (relationship beyond the 3ᵉ degree): in this case, on LinkedIn, you see them appear as “LinkedIn Member”, and Waalaxy can’t import them, they come out as “error” on the import report.

  • Your search contained more than 1,000 results for a standard LinkedIn search, or more than 2,500 results for a LinkedIn Sales Navigator search. LinkedIn allows the display of 100 pages of 10 results (25 for Sales Navigator), so Waalaxy can’t go beyond that, and neither can you 😅.

  • False positives are prospects that don’t match the keywords you used in your search. If you wish to import these leads, simply deactivate the “Clean up my import” option, directly in the import window settings.

Can I edit the lead time once the campaign has been launched?

It is not possible to edit a lead time once the campaign has been launched.

How can I track the progress of my prospects in the campaign?

Once the campaign has been launched, you have two ways of tracking the progress of your prospects.

You’ll be able to see the number of actions launched, and the dates in graphical form.

  • From the “prospects” sub-tab of your campaign. 👇

You’ll be able to track the stage and status the prospect has reached:

  • Entered: you’ve just launched your campaign, actions are queuing up, the action should be created shortly.
  • In progress: the prospect has an action in progress in the queue.
  • Paused: you’ve paused the prospect, no action will be sent, and he won’t move on to the next step until you call him again.
  • Exited: the prospect has replied to your invitation, message or email, or has been manually exited.
  • Completed: the contact has reached a « step » failure or a « step » exit in the sequence.

➡️ To understand how a campaign works, you can follow this guide – How a campaign works.


And that’s it! You now know how to launch a prospecting campaign, directly from a LinkedIn search.

Whether you prefer to add leads manually to a campaign, or as described in this article, the key is to choose the way that gives you the best understanding of what you’re doing, and how best to track the progress of your prospecting campaign.

If you have any further questions on this subject, don’t hesitate to come and see us at Customer Support – we’d be delighted to help you launch a prospecting campaign ! ❤️

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