The complete guide to LinkedIn Ads

Welcome to this article that will help you discover a lot of things about LinkedIn Ads! 🔥 My goal is to help you choose the best tools based on your strategy on LinkedIn.  🎯 You will see that you have several options and the ideal one will depend on your needs. I’ll take you behind the scenes on LinkedIn to help you understand and take advantage of advertising on LinkedIn. 🤑 Let’s go!

Part 1: Theory – Formats, pricing, bidding

What are the advertising formats of LinkedIn Ads?

I’m not telling you anything new by saying that LinkedIn is THE professional social network

  • LinkedIn has 700 million members worldwide in 2020.
  • The network has the best free BtoB database.
  • It allows you to get qualified leads and to develop your notoriety.

Because of its success, LinkedIn has a great interest in using advertising as a way to make money, and it’s in your interest to use LinkedIn to do the same 😉 there are 4 paid options:

  • Sponsored messaging,
  • Text ads,
  • Dynamic ads,
  • Sponsored content.

linkedin ads types

LinkedIn’s algorithm is designed more or less the same way as other networks. That is, its goal is to keep users connected and engaged. This allows, among other things, to make them consume ads bought by advertisers.

LinkedIn has therefore bet on the optimization of the user experience, both for the advertiser (the one who offers the advertisement) and for the users (targets for which the advertisement is dedicated). As a result, LinkedIn focuses on quality ads, before quantity. This is where the Campaign Manager comes into play.

Knowing LinkedIn Ads Manager

The Campaign Manager is like the Swiss Army knife assistant for advertisers. It makes the whole process easier, so even a novice can get started with LinkedIn Ads. What’s pretty cool is that you can customize your data according to your goals with the Campaign manager.

It also allows you to launch your campaigns and track your results.

Let me explain how it works and what those famous options are 😏

1 – Sponsored content

2 – Text Ads

What is Text Ads according to LinkedIn? It is a version of sponsored content with a title, a short text and an image, on which you add a call to action (a button to visit your site, your landing page …). It appears in the news feed of your target.

3 – Sponsored messages

This is a short text sent to your target’s email in order to arouse their curiosity and encourage them to find out more about the content. Generally, the format proposed by LinkedIn is not very popular, because your messages have the sponsored mention. The user knows that it is an advertisement sent automatically, which is not in line with the development of the network and the current social codes. LinkedIn users are looking for more authenticity and personalization of exchanges.

Should I use sponsored messages?

As I said, if you use LinkedIn you are obliged to have the sponsored mention on your message. Honestly, we have all received these messages in our LinkedIn messaging box and it would be a lie to say that we pay attention to them. Did you also not even read their messages because you just felt like you were being spammed? Admit it. 😜 Nevertheless, sponsored messages can be great tools to get in touch directly with the prospect and meet a growing demand from the network, that of having more personal exchanges.

Of course you need to know how to write your prospecting messages, but also have the right tool. If you are interested in sponsored messages, I am not going to tell you that you that you absolutely must use ProspectIn, it is up to you to choose the tool you prefer. However, I will tell you to not use LinkedIn sponsored messaging and to compare the tools on the market to find out which one suits you best.

4 – Dynamic Ads

How to advertise on LinkedIn Ads?

  • Choose your format: sponsored posts, text ads, dynamic ads or sponsored content.
  • Go to LinkedIn and click on the “advertise” tab.
  • Start bidding.
  • Follow the steps of the campaign manager.
  • Analyze your performance and test.
  • Repeat.

How to set up LinkedIn Ads?

First of all, you need to define your objectives on LinkedIn, your budget and your target via the Campaign manager. Then, you just have to understand the 4 different offers on LinkedIn to select the one that best meets your needs, or find another tool that allows you to make the most of the network. That’s how you’ll win the auction so that LinkedIn publishes your ad and not your competitors’.

Which ad is more effective on LinkedIn?

Again, this will depend on your target audience and your goals. For example, the video format of the sponsored content can be useful to develop your brand image. Some features like the sponsored message are to be avoided. In this article, I explained how you can use an automated tool to create highly personalized prospecting messages, without going through LinkedIn’s sponsored message feature.

How much does it cost to advertise on LinkedIn (LinkedIn Ads)?

Several factors will determine the price of your ad. First, the budget you decide to allocate to it. Then, the maximum cost per click (CPC) or cost per thousand (CPM) you want to invest. Then, you will make a bid and you will be put in competition with other advertisers. The price you will pay if you win the auction is not what you originally bid. It is a pro rata between the score of the second place advertiser and yours. There you go, you now know everything about LinkedIn Ads! 🚀

Conclusion of the article

There are 4 types of LinkedIn Ads:

  • Sponsored messages (sponsored messaging),
  • Text ads,
  • Dynamic ads,
  • Sponsored content.

You can use them to build awareness or get leads. These ads are paid by bids. In this article you were able to see the advantages and disadvantages of the different option, how to win the bids to advertise on LinkedIn, as well as our tips to make the most of LinkedIn through automation tools. Ready to launch your first LinkedIn Ads campaign? 🔥

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