How to make the most out of LinkedIn for 2022?

LinkedIn is THE social network for BtoB interactions. It is 277% times more effective than Twitter and Instagram at finding prospects and expanding your network. It’s therefore high time to look into the matter. In this article, we’ll take a look at 3 simple steps to learn how to make the most out of LinkedIn. 😉

gif start to do the best with LinkedIn

How to make the most out of LinkedIn by optimizing your profile?

Many users neglect to take care of their LinkedIn profile, which is key to your success on LinkedIn.

It’s useful if you are looking for a job, want connect with people, highlight your work-experience, interviewing influencers, start your new career, etc.

Your profile is the mirror of your business. It must make the user want to talk to you. It’s a bit like a pastry shop window, if the cakes are not appetizing, no one is going to come in to buy them.

Some key figures

  • A pro profile photo = 36 times more chance of being contacted in private message.
  • A complete profile (list 5 skills) = 17 times more views on your profile.

4 tips for optimizing your LinkedIn profile

How to make the most out of LinkedIn

  1. Add a professional photo: It should be reassuring and welcoming. Bonus: personalize your photo with a tool like Canva for example. At ProspectIn, we have opted for the tricolor circle.
  2. Then, highlight your expertise: Make sure that your title is not too long and that it contains the name of the company as well as the “@”, this will encourage your interlocutor to find out about your company. 😜
  3. Then add a background photo: This should change to reflect significant updates in the company. At ProspectIn, we are Hiring 😉.
  4. Finally, make sure you have completed your profile: (education, current position, missions, skills). The user should know who you are and what you are selling.

Want more advice? Read our article about the LinkedIn profile optimization.

How to be active on LinkedIn?

We cannot repeat it enough, LinkedIn is essential for your marketing strategy. There are 575 million people on the network. You have to know how to stand out and show that you are active and involved in the community. For that, do not hesitate to:

  1. Comment on posts.
  2. Follow other users.

be active to make the most of out of LinkedIn

Of course, it will have to be done intelligently. Users can access your history by viewing your profile. Make sure you respond professionally to topics that are directly related to your business as well as your business values.

By subscribing to potential prospects, it is more likely that they notice you. When you use the “follow” feature, you notify the user. Using the follow feature means a large number of users can notice you.

Good news: You don’t have to do it manually, with ProspectIn you can automatically follow up to 100 qualified prospects per day, without any risk to your account.

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How to communicate on LinkedIn?

Only 1% of users post content on LinkedIn, while the rest comment or consume information.

It simply means 2 things:

  1. Your competitors are not all active on the network.
  2. Your future customers are waiting for content to consume.

Time to get ahead of the game. 😉

how to communicate on linkedin

Publish content on LinkedIn

In the age of social networking and content consumption (6 hours and 43 minutes a day per person according to Hootsuite), you need to think about a content strategy on this social network.

First of all, you need to know 3 marketing points

  • What added value will you bring to your prospects?

Firstly, LinkedIn is a social network, not a sales platform. Once you have defined your target, you will have to make sure that you position yourself as an expert, who is there to advise/support his/her readers and not sell products. To do this, offer quality content.

  • How are you going to structure your LinkedIn post?

Secondly, and to quote Aristotle, you will need 3 key points in each of your posts: The 1st is credibility – your expertise/know-how. The second is logic – data and concrete facts. And the final point is emotion – show your passion for the subject. 😍

Once you’ve paired these 3 pillars with a good copywriting technique, you’re well on your way. 😉

  • How often will you post?

Finally, you have to be regular and organized. It is not enough for you to post once a month. The key is to be consistent. Once a week is a minimum.

Imagine you are a small mammal in the LinkedIn jungle and your only chance of survival is to roar louder than the lions. In short, we must hear from you!

If you don’t know which schedule works best in your industry, then my advice is to run tests at different hours and monitor the results closely.

do the best with linkedin

Bonus: Set up routines on the same principle as a newsletter and give these publications a catchy title such as: MondayBrief or {Company name} Weekly News.

Join engagement groups

LinkedIn’s algorithm is very easy to understand. It is a social network, its goal is therefore to make users consume information.

To do this, it is based on the simple idea that the more likes and comments a post has, the more engaging it is. Therefore LinkedIn will promote it and show it to more people.

It is very important to understand this, to know how to make the most out of LinkedIn.

We decided to take advantage of this easily manipulated algorithm to create Podawaa. It is a Chrome extension which allows you to boost your visibility on LinkedIn by joining or creating pods.

An engagement group or a pod is a group of people, often with common interests, who commit to liking and commenting on members’ posts, automatically or manually.

Here is a little overview of Podawaa:

podawaa screenshot

There are several options available to you, such as joining an existing pod or creating your own.

This tool also allows you to schedule your LinkedIn posts by indicating precisely what comments you want to receive from members.

Tip: Be sure to respond to every comment to show LinkedIn that you’re active.

That way LinkedIn will judge your post as very engaging and therefore boost its visibility on the network.

You’ve done it – you’re a winner! Now all you gotta do is sit an admire your work. 👌

boost visibility of linkedin

How to find leads easily on LinkedIn?

Here is the last step on how to make the most of LinkedIn. Prospecting!

As previously indicated, LinkedIn is THE BtoB social network. It is therefore essential for you to answer 2 questions before you start:

  • Is your target on LinkedIn?
  • How to find your target on the network?

First of all, if you are selling colored pencils for preschools or baking for individuals, you are going to have a hard time finding your target on the network. LinkedIn prospecting isn’t for everyone, it’s up to you to determine if your target is a LinkedIn user.

Second, to find your target on LinkedIn you can use the basic search function (free but limited) or the Sales Navigator (paid but powerful).

To use the basic search function:

You type what you are looking for in the bar intended for this purpose, and you select “People”.

easily prospect on linkedin

Then, you choose, according to your target, your selection criteria: (the country, the company, the sector of activity …)

How to make the most out of LinkedIn

Once this step is completed, LinkedIn will give you a list of people matching your criteria. You will then be able to send them a connection request and start your prospecting.

How to automate your prospecting?

Here is how to create the big change in your business by automating your marketing actions…

The Sales Navigator: To boost your prospect research.

The LinkedIn Sales Navigator allows you to have access to a much larger number of qualified prospects and therefore refine your prospecting search.

This is a paid option offered by LinkedIn for € 59.49 per month. You benefit from a free month to test it before you have to decide if you want to switch to a paid plan.

It has many more advanced features than the classic search function.

A few of my favorites include: the company type, the sector of activity and the number of employees.

sales navigator linkedin company linkedin

But you have plenty of other options that I invite you to discover. It’s up to you to see which options allow you to best find your target. 😉

Then you can save your searches automatically every week and save your preferences.

lead generation linkedin

Bonus: We advise you to segment your prospecting to a maximum of 2500 people per search, in order to combine the strengths of the Sales Navigator and those of ProspectIn.

ProspectIn : a must for LinkedIn prospecting

ProspectIn is our prospecting automation tool for LinkedIn. We are very proud to offer it to you and we use it every day. Even today, it is our only prospecting tool.

It allows you to set up your prospecting campaigns, personalize your messages and it saves you a lot of time on your sales process. 🤑

It is a Chrome extension that is super easy to set up.

Thanks to ProspectIn you can:

  • Export up to 2,500 prospects per search
  • Choose your favorite campaigns from a wide choice

prospectin google chrome linkedin

scenarios prospectin

  • Monitor your statistics (acceptance rate, response rate…)
  • Track your weekly activities to get to know your targets better
  • Create automatic triggers

How to make the most out of LinkedIn

  • Learn to play the guitar or to speak Mandarin while your account is prospecting for you

How to make the most out of LinkedIn

Conclusion about how to make the most out of LinkedIn

To conclude, in order to get the most out of LinkedIn you need to focus on these 6 points 💪:

  1. Pay special attention to (even pamper) your LinkedIn profile as if it were your business website.
  2. Stay active on the network; follow your prospects and your competitors, be curious about recent happenings.
  3. Communicate on LinkedIn; set up a long-term content strategy and publish quality content.
  4. Continue your momentum by boosting your posts; test Podawaa’s engagement groups to make the most out of LinkedIn’s algorithm.
  5. Find your prospects on the network and think about the best approach; personalize your messages.
  6. Automate your prospecting; use ProspectIn to take advantage of LinkedIn.

Now, you know how to make the most out of LinkedIn ! 😉


How can I improve my LinkedIn profile?

First, you will have to find the right profile photo by following our expert advice, then detail all your professional experiences and training. Next, consider staying active on LinkedIn by joining groups and following your prospects on the platform. Finally, comment on posts based on your interests and target your audience as described in the article.

How should I organize my content strategy on LinkedIn?

First of all, you need to understand the codes of LinkedIn and those of your target. Then identify how you will bring a real value proposition. Once these two pieces of information have been identified, structure your message using good copywriting and define a publication frequency. To boost your posts, join engagement groups and monitor your statistics.

How to prospect on LinkedIn?

In order to prospect on LinkedIn, you need to know how to find your target on the network. To do this, several tools are available, including the classic search or Sales Navigator. Finally, automate your prospecting with ProspectIn in order to boost your efficiency and your sales as much as possible.

Pour aller plus loin :

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