Waalaxy vs Lemlist: Which tool to choose?

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You’re probably weighing up which tool to choose for prospecting: Waalaxy vs Lemlist?

Well, today we’re going to tell you about the features of both tools, their similarities and their differences, so you can find the one that’s right for you. 😇


  • Introducing Waalaxy.
  • Presentation of Lemlist.
  • Common features and differences :
    • Automate prospecting campaigns.
    • Message personalization and scripting.
    • Response management and commitment rate monitoring.
    • Integration and compatibility with other tools.
    • Ease of use and user interface.
    • Resource support for users.
    • User testimonials and market feedback.

We’re off! ⬇️

Introducing Waalaxy

Waalaxy is a tool for automating prospecting on LinkedIn and by e-mail. 👽

Also available as a chrome extension, this tool offers a secure, easy-to-use solution that requires neither a pre-existing database nor specific technical skills. 😇

💡 With Waalaxy, you have no restrictions: you can send 200 invitations a week, or around 800 invitations a month.

Most of the tools on the market are dedicated to technical profiles. The tools have a lot of features, and are therefore difficult to use. 😅

Waalaxy is positioned as the simplest solution on the market. 🛸

If you’re looking for an easy-to-use and effective tool, you’ve come to the right place! 😇

waalaxy vs lemlist

Here are some of Waalaxy’s key features:

  • 🟣 Integrations with third-party tools such as HubSpot, Salesforce, NoCRM, Zoho, etc.
  • 🟣 LinkedIn messaging that simplifies and streamlines the management of your conversations.
  • 🟣 Retrieve professional emails from prospects with “Email Finder”.
  • 🟣 Cold email automation.
  • 🟣 Finding prospects with AI.
  • 🟣 Launch campaigns.
  • 🟣 Auto-import leads.

Waalaxy is for salespeople, marketers, managers, recruiters and freelancers. 😇

If you’d like to see what it looks like, go here, young astronaut! 👇🏼

Discover Waalaxy 🚀

Introducing Lemlist

Lemlist is a French startup created in 2018. It is an e-mailing software tool that helps companies and entrepreneurs automate their commercial prospecting actions by e-mail. 📧

The tool specializes in cold e-mail, which involves publishing a message to an audience with whom there has been no interaction yet. 🥶

Here are the main features:

  • 🔵 Personalize messages with text, image or video variables.
  • 🔵 Multi-channel prospecting (cold emails, LinkedIn messages, profile visits, calls).
  • 🔵 Integrations with third-party tools like HubSpot, Pipedrive, Salesforce, Zapier etc.
  • 🔵 Dashboard for tracking prospects and teams.
  • 🔵 Automated follow-up and reminder scenario.

Lemlist is designed for sales professionals and companies of all sizes.

Get your first customers this week

Take advantage of the power of Waalaxy to generate leads every day. Start prospecting for free, today.

waalaxy dashboard

What are the similarities and differences in functionality?

Before you can decide which tool is best suited to your strategy, you need to be familiar with the different interfaces and know which one speaks to you the most! ⬇️

1) Automated prospecting campaigns

What better way to start this comparison than to run a campaign on both tools? Let’s get started! 👇🏼

How do I use Waalaxy?

By clicking on “Create a campaign”, you’ll land in the ship of possibilities 🛸 , where you’ll be able to pilot your campaign, choosing the destination of your leads.

waalaxy vs lemlist

You have several choices:

  • 1️⃣ “Beginner sequences”: easy-to-use sequences for beginners (invitation, message, visit, etc.).
  • 2️⃣ Sequences “LinkedIn”: sequences with LinkedIn actions (visit + invitation + message…).
  • 3️⃣ Sequences “LinkedIn + Email”: sequences with LinkedIn actions, enrichment and/or emailing (visit + invitation + emailing…).

Each sequence is arranged and Waalaxy guides you through your choice: 👇🏼

  • Each sequence is annotated with a difficulty level to help you avoid venturing too far too quickly.
  • The sequences are arranged by “Use cases” (Promotion, recruitment, networking, affiliation…).
  • You can see at a glance the number of sequences available for each category.

You can also add or exclude filters to quickly find your favorite campaign!

For this example, we have chosen the sequence “Invitation + 2 messages”.

You’ll now be able to name your campaign (this step is optional, but necessary to avoid getting lost among all your future campaigns). 👀

Next, you can add prospects in several ways:

  • 🥇 From your lists (provided you’ve already filled it in).
  • 🥈 From an auto-import (a person who performs an action related to your LinkedIn account).
  • 🥉 From LinkedIn (via the Waalaxy Chrome extension).

Once your prospects have been imported, you can add a note (tip: invitations without notes are accepted 10% more often).

At this stage, you have the choice of modifying the waiting time before performing your next action, ranging from 0 to 28 days. 📆

We’ll continue campaign setup with message customization after campaign setup on Lemlist, no jealousy here! 👀

What to do with Lemlist?

To launch your campaign, go to the menu, click on the little “+” and you’ll be presented with 3 choices:

  • 1️⃣ Create a campaign with AI: provide information for your sequence and lemlist takes care of the rest.
  • 2️⃣ Create manually: select automatic actions (send email, visit, invitation, message).
  • 3️⃣ Campaign library: you can duplicate the campaign of your choice (based on your profile, intention, target, approach and desired performance).

For this example, we have chosen the sequence “Send a message on LinkedIn”.

You’ll be taken to a page where you can watch your sequence live.

💡 At this stage, you have the choice of modifying the waiting time before performing your next action, ranging from 1 to 365 days.

Then you can either leave the campaign as it is, or add further sequences.

For this example, we’ll leave it as is.

Next, you can add your prospects in several ways:

  • 🔵 From a CSV file.
  • 🔵 From a database.
  • 🔵 From LinkedIn
  • 🔵 From different CRM.
  • 🔵 Generate leads automatically with over 10 filters (country, job, school name, skills…).

Before moving on, here’s a quick comparison chart! 👇🏼

Features Waalaxy Lemlist
Automated email sending
Message personalization
Multi-channel prospecting
Integration with third-party tools
Automated email sequences
Email template library In progress
Automated follow-up and tracking
A/B testing
Prospect list creation
Import prospects from LinkedIn via Chrome extension
Sequence templates based on use case (sales, recruitment…)

2) Message personalization and scripting

Now that you’ve set up your campaigns to your liking, let’s move on to the messages. 👀

How do I use Waalaxy?

Let’s get back to our sheep. 🐏

Here you can write the message you want. 👇🏼

💡 You can rename your message template, so that it’s automatically added to the message templates. No more writing the same thing! 👀

You’ve got an 8,000-character limit, so knock yourself out, but in moderation. 🍾

You can also add several elements to your text:

  • *️⃣ Variables (first name, last name and company).
  • 📸 Images.
  • 🔗 Attachment.
  • 🎥 Gifs.
  • 🗣️ Voice notes (coming soon).

The little extra? You can preview your text on the same page. Handy for seeing if your variable works! 🤩

We appreciate the fact that there’s only our message on this page, we’re not polluted by our sequence. 👀

Finally, once you’ve validated your messages, you’ll be taken to a small summary of your campaign, so all you have to do is launch it. 🚀

What to do with Lemlist?

On Lemlist, you have on the same page, your sequence and your window to personalize your message.

Several options are available to personalize your text:

  • 🔵 Variables (last name, first name, company name, location, country…).
  • 🔵 Liquid syntax (today’s date, Mr. or Mrs., good morning or good evening…).
  • 🔵 AI (shorten text, correct mistakes, change tone).

Finally, you’ll arrive on the preview page, where you can check your message for each of your leads. 👀

Once you’ve completed this step, all you have to do is launch your campaign! 😇

We haven’t forgotten our little summary table. 👇🏼

Features Waalaxy Lemlist
Voice notes
Message templates
Liquid syntax
AI In progress

3) Response management and commitment rate monitoring

Once you’ve launched your campaigns, it’s vital to your strategy to analyze the results!

That’s what we’re going to do right now. 👀

How do I use Waalaxy?

When you’re on the home page, you have direct access to your campaign statistics. 😇

Two filters are available:

  • 1️⃣ Campaign dates.
  • 2️⃣ Choose the campaign you wish to display.

What’s more, you have two boxes, one for LinkedIn (in blue, of course), and the other for Email (purple to comply with the graphic charter).

waalaxy vs lemlist

On each box, Waalaxy has decided to highlight two indicators, the number and the response rate. ✨

Then, you have the follow-up of your LinkedIn campaigns with 3 different boxes (according to the choice of your campaign :

  • 1️⃣ Invitations accepted and acceptance rate.
  • 2️⃣ Messages answered with response rate.
  • 3️⃣ Details of actions sent in graph form (you can download this data in CSV format).

For your mailing campaigns, you have other indicators: 👇🏼

  • Deliveries and deliverability rates.
  • Responses and response rates.
  • Undelivered and bounce rate.

💡 As an alternative, you can view the statistics for each of your campaigns in the “statistics” section.

waalaxy vs lemlist

If you’re a statistics buff, you’ll also find the “Staff” section of interest. 👀

Inside, you have an overview of your campaign with : ⬇️

  • Prospect details by level.
  • The name of each prospect with :
    • The stage.
    • State.
    • The prospect list.
    • Import type.
    • The tag.
  • Filters according to import type, stage, status or tags.

What we like best about Waalaxy is its ease of use. You don’t need to be a statistics expert to decipher our campaigns, just a simple notion of certain KPIs and it’s done! 😇

Now you can see the results of your Waalaxy campaign. 🤫

What to do with Lemlist?

On Lemlist, go to “Reports” to access your campaign statistics!

At this point, you have two choices.

1️⃣ First, you’ll access an overview of your campaigns with different graphs and leads, where you can modify the widgets as you see fit.

On Lemlist, you can create a statistics page and customize it (this allows you to create a page for each campaign, for example).

Inside, you’ll find over 10 graphic templates to choose from, so you can select the one best suited to your needs.

💡 Creating your own page with your own graphics requires a minimum of knowledge. If you’re a beginner, you’ll quickly lose the plot.

2️⃣ For the second, you have a page “Analytics of campaign” where you can choose the campaign you wish to analyze.

Inside, you’ll find :

  • The return on your prospecting investment.
  • The status of your campaign.
  • The percentage of prospects contacted, unsubscribed or who replied to you.
  • Details of your campaign by level.
  • Details of your sequence.

At first glance, this page can be complex and requires some understanding. 👀

You know the drill, here’s a quick summary! 👇🏼

Features Waalaxy Lemlist
Homepage statistics
Filters on the homepage
Multiple KPIs available
Customization of a page with chosen statistics
Separate statistics for LinkedIn and email
Suitable for beginners

4) Integration and compatibility with other tools

To get the most out of both tools, you can link your software to a CRM.

That’s what we’re going to see right now. 👀

How do I use Waalaxy?

You can link Waalaxy to the following CRMs: 👇🏼

  • Hubspot.
  • NoCRM.
  • Pipedrive.
  • Salesforce.
  • Zoho.

But that’s not all: directly from your campaigns, you can integrate the following tools: 👇🏼

  • Airtable.
  • Sendiblue.
  • Sellsy.
  • Axonaut.
  • Google Sheets.

💡 Synchronization is fairly simple and intuitive, and we’ll show you how to use it in a dedicated article.

All you have to do is let yourself be tempted! 😇

What to do with Lemlist?

On Lemlist, here is the list of available CRM integrations:

  • Salesforce.
  • Pipedrive.
  • Hubspot.

But that’s not all. Here is a non-exhaustive list of other integrations: ⬇️

  • Aircall.
  • Zapier.
  • Slack.
  • Trello.
  • Asana.

💡When you click on “Connect”, you’ll be taken to the software in question, where you’ll need to enter your credentials.

5) Ease of use and user interface

Now we’re going to talk design and user interface, here we go! 💟

For Waalaxy

From the outset, we were charmed by Waalaxy’s clean, intuitive interface. The graphic charter is respected, the colors are coherent and harmonious, and we quickly understand where we want to go. 😇

For example, you can select the campaign you want to display, and you’ll immediately see the key performance indicators (response rate and number of responses).

waalaxy vs lemlist

One little detail we liked was the fact that the menu closes when you navigate through the pages, to leave more room! 👀

Next, it’s easy to see that Waalaxy puts a premium on visual consistency. 💟

For example, on one of our LinkedIn campaigns, we can see that there is a color scheme:

  • 🩶 Gray: not connected.
  • 🧡 Orange: waiting.
  • 💙 Blue: connected.

💡 As you move your mouse over the elements, an explanatory window appears to guide you.

Waalaxy’s Email Finder works on a per-credit basis, and we found it handy to have details of our available credits directly available by clicking on our name, no need to dig through the settings.

Waalaxy’s big plus is simplicity. You don’t need a 5-year degree in prospecting to quickly create and analyze a campaign. 😅

For example, on a campaign, we have our response rate with a level scale from 0 to 3 with a small explanation, still in the atypical Waalaxy universe. 🛸

You feel guided and supported from start to finish, which is very pleasant. 😇

For Lemlist

The graphic charter is sober and uncluttered, with a mix of gray and light blue. 😇

The home page is well-organized and easy to understand. A small CTA to start a campaign would have been handy! 👀

The menu is organized in order of importance, and there’s a nice animation of the icons when you hover over them. It’s subtle, just the way we like it. 👍🏼

A small detail that annoyed us a little is the fact that some parts are grayed out, so you might think it’s the loading, but no, it’s just that there’s no information yet. 🤷🏻‍♀️

A little bonus is the video icon, which displays a video explaining what the feature is for, enhancing the human touch. 😇

Overall, we appreciate the respect for typologies, the minimalist style and the respect for the graphic charter, which remains coherent. 🙂

Feature Waalaxy Lemlist
Available in several languages
Clean interface
Consistent graphic charter
Campaign accessible from homepage
Smart menu
Ease of use
Menu animation

6) Resource support for users

As a user, we like to be autonomous and have all the resources we need quickly at our fingertips, without having to call on customer service.

That’s what we’re going to analyze. 🔎

What resources are available on Waalaxy?

Directly from the menu, you have several interesting resources:

  • 🔔 What’s new: this is Waalaxy news, mostly what’s new 👀.
  • ❓ FAQ: if you’re unsure about a campaign or feature, just type it into the search bar and Waalaxy will display the dedicated articles.

waalaxy vs lemlist

Of course, you’ll also find chat support open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 6pm. 📆

Nevertheless, before you call on support, you’ll find a section dedicated to the problems that some users have already encountered, with a clear and precise answer, accompanied by videos to guide you.

There are also hundreds of articles to help and guide you in using the tool, available on the blog and in the help center. 👇🏼

And if you still can’t find what you’re looking for, Waalaxy has created a Facebook group, open to all, with over 3,900 members. Inside, you can share the latest techniques, best practices and tools related to growth hacking, lead generation, and sales. 🤩

But that’s not all, Waalaxy also offers :

  • 📖 A daily newsletter.
  • 🎬 A YouTube channel.
  • 🎥 Webinars.
  • 👀 A blog with hundreds of articles (LinkedIn, marketing, prospecting, emailing, social networks, automation, recruitment…)
  • 📘 An e-book on successful prospecting.

Finally, one resource we loved was the public roadmap! 🤩

What is it? 🤔

It’s the Waalaxy product roadmap, accessible to everyone! Inside, you’ll find :

  • 🟣 The latest features.
  • 🟣 Features under development.
  • 🟣 The chance to vote for your favorite feature.

💡 It’s a great idea, as it allows us to get closer to our users while feeling useful in the development of Waalaxy. 🤩

What resources are available on Lemlist?

On Lemlist, next to your initials, you have a small square with various tools: 👇🏼

  • Lemwarm: keep your email away from spam.
  • Lemcal: simply book your appointments.
  • Taplio: create your personal brand on LinkedIn.
  • TweetHunter: create your personal brand on Twitter.
  • Outbound Experts: boost your results with certified experts.
  • Outbound Hub: join the top 1% of outbound experts.

With the exception of Lemwarm and Lemcal, we have no information on whether the other products are part of the Lemlist company or not. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Like Waalaxy, Lemlist has its own support and help center, where you can find various articles to guide you through your operations. 😇

The only drawback is that it’s only available in English. 👀

But that’s not all, it also offers :

  • 🔵 Courses on how to acquire customers.
  • 🔵 A newsletter.
  • 🔵 A white paper.
  • 🔵 A YouTube channel.
  • 🔵 A blog.
  • 🔵 Templates that you can duplicate in your Lemlist account.

Last but not least, Lemlist’s own customers can join a Slack called “Outbound Hub” where you’ll find :

  • 1️⃣ Weekly strategy calls.
  • 2️⃣ Collective growth.
  • 3️⃣ Tips and tricks.

Recap ⬇️.

Features Waalaxy Lemlist
YouTube Channel
Help Center
Customer Support
Public Roadmap
Email Templates

7) User testimonials and market feedback

We couldn’t finish this tool comparison without getting feedback from users.

Let’s find out what they think right away. 👀

Waalaxy reviews

Waalaxy’s biggest strength, according to its users, is its intuitive, easy-to-use platform.

Sequences and templates are available directly on the tool, arranged by category from beginner to expert. 💪🏼

We also appreciate that the tool is available in 11 languages, enabling us to reach more customers around the world. 🌍

Waalaxy has created a world of its own, transporting us into their Galaxy. 🚀

However, some customers say that there is no mobile application (few prospecting tools currently offer this for practical reasons), or that the plugin is only available on Chrome.

Lemlist reviews

Overall, users find Lemlist has good message personalization and easy landings page management. 😇

Effective anti-spam filters and a customizable statistics page are a big plus.

We also appreciate the ease of integration with Dropcontact or Sales Navigator. 👀

Last but not least, the many e-mail templates available are very practical (provided you go to the website and then duplicate them on the tool).

However, many customers report that the set-up is complex and not at all intuitive.

Also, some say that mail opening results and conversions are unsatisfactory.

💡 Of course, the results are unique to each individual.

Lemlist is a good tool for experts, but its complexity makes it unsuitable for all profiles. 👀

Conclusion: Waalaxy VS Lemlist, which one to choose?

Waalaxy and Lemlist are two powerful email marketing and prospecting tools. The choice depends on your objectives and personal preferences.

Waalaxy stands out for its intuitive interface and ease of use, with a variety of features to automate quickly and easily on LinkedIn, in addition to email management options.

We also like the fact that it works even when your computer is switched off, thanks to Cloud.

If you want to test Waalaxy and be part of the craziest galaxy ever known, go here! 👇🏼

Discover Waalaxy 🚀

On the other hand, Lemlist stands out for its advanced approach to e-mail, with features such as automated e-mail sequences and campaign performance analysis.

💡 Whatever platform you choose, the important thing is to make sure it aligns with your overall marketing and prospecting strategy.

To help you make up your own mind, we’ve compiled a table that summarizes the points and features mentioned in this article. 🤩

We’re off! ⬇️

Feature Waalaxy Lemlist
Automated campaign
Custom sequence
Email Finder
AI Prospect Finder
Speed 7.1 s 11.8 s
Email templates
Integrations with third-party tools
Cold mailing
Multi-channel prospecting
A/B testing
LinkedIn messaging
Detailed statistics
Ease of use
Customer support
Help center
Public roadmap

Frequently asked questions

Don’t rush off, we still have a few resources to share with you. 😇

How do I prospect on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn, aka the web’s best-known professional social network, brings together more than 600 million people today, and you’re still wondering why you should choose LinkedIn for your prospecting? 🤯

On a more serious note, here’s a little roadmap on how to prospect on LinkedIn :

  • Find your personas.
  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile.
  • Filter your prospects.
  • Take care with your prospecting approaches.
  • A/B testing.
  • Use prospecting software like Waalaxy to save time.
  • Launch your campaigns.
  • Analyze your results.

We’ve just given you the broad outlines, for more details, we have a dedicated article on LinkedIn prospecting. ⬅️

How does Lemwarm work?

Lemwarm is a Lemlist feature that « heats » your e-mail address while gradually and automatically increasing your domain’s reputation. 🔥

With this feature, goodbye spam!

How does it work? 🤔

Well, it works by simulating natural engagement with real accounts so that your emails are more likely to reach the inbox rather than spam, improving open rates!

💡 This guarantees an impeccable e-reputation and better derivability of emailing campaigns.

I think we’ve covered enough ground and you know all about Waalaxy vs Lemlist. See you soon! 🐉

Want to go further?

Looking to enhance customer engagement? You’re in the right place! 💡 Customer engagement is the driving force that powers your


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Get the ultimate e-book for multi-channel prospecting 📨

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