Best Cold Outreach LinkedIn Message for Seeking Advice

One of the easiest ways to connect with potential customers, is to send them the best cold outreach LinkedIn message for seeking advice. But, why? 🧐

Well, because people love to show their expertise on LinkedIn, since it’s the widest B2B network there is, and they want to connect with people they feel related to. 🌎

LinkedIn Cold Outreach Message Template

There might be many reasons why you would like to send cold outreach messages on LinkedIn, right? 🤓 Maybe to need to talk to an expert about starting a new business, or you wish to know their recipe for success! 💫

Whatever the reason is, sending cold messages might be a little bit intimidating! 🙊

Don’t worry, though, we’re here to help you get you started on your networking. Furthermore, here are some quick message templates to help you ask for advice on LinkedIn, and hopefully get the answers you are seeking. 👇

Example #1: Request Advice for Your Business

Best Cold Outreach LinkedIn Message for Seeking Advice

Template Advice for Business: “Hi LinkedIn friend, I’m navigating the exciting (and slightly scary!) waters of my new jewelry business, which showcases the craftsmanship of Latin artisans. 💍 I’d love to hear from anyone who’s ridden these waves before. What advice would you wish you’d received when starting your business? ⛵️”


Why it Works: This template is personal and relatable, using metaphors of riding waves to the entrepreneurial journey. It invites experienced professionals to share their insights in a way that feels like they’re helping a friend, rather than just giving advice.

Example #2: Advice to find Product-Market Fit

Best Cold Outreach LinkedIn Message for Seeking Advice

Template Advice for Product: “Hi [First_Name], I see you have found the ideal product-market fit for [Their Product/Service]. I am working on my new product, [Your Product], to better meet the needs of the market. 🛒 Can you please share some ideas or strategies with me, that helped you identify and meet your market needs?”


Why it Works: Seeking advice on product-market fit from someone with a proven track record in the field shows that you value their expertise. This model makes the conversation specific to your current needs, making it easier for them to give you advice.

Example #3: Ask Advice to find Automation Tools

Best Cold Outreach LinkedIn Message for Seeking Advice

Template Advice for Automation Tools: “Looking for a tech wizard! Is that you? 🧙‍♂️ As I grow my jewelry empire, I’m looking to automate some of our processes to keep the party running smoothly. What LinkedIn automation tools have saved your day? 🤖 Bonus points for affordability and ease of use, thanks!”


Why it Works: Using fun, light-hearted language and expressing enthusiasm is a great way to draw on the expertise of tech-savvy professionals. It encourages recommendations based on personal experience, with an emphasis on user-friendly and cost-effective tools.

Example #4: Advice to Understand your Target Audience

Best Cold Outreach LinkedIn Message for Seeking Advice

Template Advice for Target Audience: “Hi [First_Name], I admire the way [Their Company] engages with your audience. 📣 As I work to improve my own engagement rate on LinkedIn, I was wondering if you could share any tips or lessons learned about understanding and connecting with your audience? Thanks in advance!”


Why it Works: This template is ideal because it highlights the recipient’s success in an important area: audience engagement. It’s a great way of asking for their expertise in understanding and connecting with people, which is essential to business success.

Example #5: Request Advice to Design your Product

Best Cold Outreach LinkedIn Message for Seeking Advice

Template Advice for Design: “Dear Product Designer, I need your brilliant mind’s advice! ✨ We’re brainstorming the next big thing in jewelry design and want to make sure it’s a success. What design principles or marketing trends are you loving right now that could inspire our new creations? 🎈”


Why It Works: This template directly engages with a creative person, encouraging them to share trends and principles that are exciting for them. It’s framed in a way that invites them to be part of your creative process, making their advice feel more valued.

I hope these examples of cold LinkedIn messages give you some inspiration on how to tackle this task. 🌈 Reaching out to people you don’t know personally shouldn’t be embarrassing…

In fact, I believe many people feel very flattered when somebody they barely know looks up to them, and asks for their advice, 🧠 whether it’s in real life or in a professional social network like LinkedIn!

So go ahead and create your own templates to get started on the prospecting journey. You’ll probably need some tools to achieve this, so keep reading to discover our best tips and tricks. 😉

LinkedIn Cold Outreach Message Best Practices for Seeking Advice

Before you start sending LinkedIn outreach messages, you need to make sure you have the basics set up. ⌛ Investing time to prepare up front, will pay off later!

So, here are some tips to make sure your messages seeking for advice get a reply: 👇

  1. Make a great first impression. Just like in life, you only have a few seconds to make a great first impression, so put some thought into choosing the perfect introduction. 🤝 Then, use all the knowledge you have of their expertise. Also, make sure that your LinkedIn profile is fully optimized to create an inviting environment for communication.
  2. Choose your words wisely. Your message should be clear, catchy, and engaging. You need to grab their attention in order to get a reply, try asking them open-ended questions. 👄 You want to give them a reason to know more about you and want to give you free advice.
  3. Recommendations and referrals. It’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know. 😏 This can’t be said enough. Make sure you tap into the power of your existing relationships to support you and give others a reason to connect with you.
  4. Provide engaging interactions. Give people a reason to come back for more. 👀 Keep your request for advice short and interesting, don’t over do it by flattering them too much or asking for too much information at once. Make the conversation as natural as possible to entice a response within your LinkedIn network.
  5. Remember to always be polite. No matter the outcome of your request, remember to always be polite by thanking them in advance for their help, 💖 and also acknowledging that it’s okay if they would rather not respond. Moreover, keep them updated whether their advice helped you or not!

Sending LinkedIn cold outreach messages is the perfect way to start building solid cold email campaigns, and grow your business from there. So don’t be afraid to try it out! 💪

Best Automation Tool to Send Your Cold Outreach LinkedIn Messages

Now, that you know several examples of what cold outreach messages to send and also, the best practices to use them, you might be wondering if there’s any automation tool out there to help you achieve this task? 🤔

Well, I have the answer for you: yes, there’s the best automation tool to send your cold outreach LinkedIn messages, and it’s called Waalaxy! 🥳

In fact, with Waalaxy you can create cold outreach campaigns on LinkedIn and send messages seeking for advice to your new or existing connections.

Furthermore, if you don’t know exactly how to write those messages, you can benefit from our AI feature, Waami. 👽 This functionality allows you to create personalized and targeted messages with 0 efforts!

Waami send cold outreach LinkedIn messages

If you want to know more about how Waalaxy and Waami can help you send the best cold outreach LinkedIn message for seeking advice, then follow this video tutorial. 😉

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To recap: How to Write the Best Cold Outreach LinkedIn Message for Seeking Advice?

Writing an effective LinkedIn cold message asking for advice involves a combination of personalization, clarity, and respect for the recipient’s time. 🙏

Start by briefly introducing yourself and explaining why you’ve chosen to reach out to them specifically. It could be their expertise in a field, a mutual connection, or something you admire about their career. 🤩

Make sure your advice request is clear and specific to ensure they understand exactly what you’re asking for. For example, instead of asking vaguely for “career advice”, you might ask for information about how they overcame a specific challenge or transition. 🏃

Keep your message brief and respectful, acknowledging that their time is valuable and expressing gratitude for any information they may give you. 😌 It’s also helpful to mention that you understand if they’re too busy to respond, which shows respect for their time.

Finally, a gentle closing with an invitation to follow up, such as suggesting a quick phone call or meeting if they’re up for it, 📞 can be a good step toward successful engagement. This approach helps create a connection and increases the likelihood of a positive response.

FAQ of the Article

How Do You Write a Cold DM on LinkedIn?

Writing a cold direct message (DM) on LinkedIn involves being personal and clear about your goal. 🎯 Start with a friendly greeting and briefly introduce yourself, highlighting your connection or shared interests.

Be specific about why you’re contacting them: mention a piece of their work that you admire or a shared career interest. 💡 State your request or reason for sending the message, whether it’s to ask for advice, discuss a job opportunity, or propose a partnership.

Keep your message brief, usually a few sentences, to respect their time. ⌚ End your message or email with a polite tone, expressing your appreciation for their interest and your openness to further communication.

Personalization is key: show that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in them as an individual, not just a contact to check off your list. ✅ Make sure you to use the right variables, if you’re using an automation tool, like the Waalaxy Inbox!

How to Cold Message for a Referral on LinkedIn?

To send a cold message on LinkedIn asking for a referral, start by clearly introducing yourself and explaining how you found the person you’re contacting, perhaps mentioning a mutual connection or their role at the company. 🌟

Briefly explain your interest in the position at their company and why you feel you align with their values ​​or goals. ⚡ Politely ask if they’d be willing to refer you or advise you on your application.

Be specific about your qualifications and what you bring to the table. 🧲 Express your appreciation for their time and interest, and end the message gently to invite further conversation while respecting their decision.

Attach your CV or link to your LinkedIn profile to make it easy for them to assess your qualifications. 👍 Personalize each message to show genuine interest and increase the likelihood of a positive response.

Now, you know how to use the best cold outreach LinkedIn message for seeking advice. Good luck! 🍀

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