What is Viadeo? What to choose between Viadeo or LinkedIn?

As you can imagine, LinkedIn is not the only professional social media sites in the world, there is also Viadeo. As old and yet, much less known than its competitor, Viadeo does not have much notoriety. In this article, we will explain :

  • What is viadeo ?
  • What has it become?
  • What to choose between LinkedIn and Viadeo?

Ready to learn more about this professional social-networking that seems “dead”? Let’s go ! 👀

Viadeo: the French social network

Initially called “Viaduc”, this French social media platform created in 2003 by Dan Serfaty and Thierry Lunati is quickly becoming a competitor of LinkedIn, created in 2002. It allows you to build and expand your networking platform of contacts, in order to facilitate dialogue between professionals, but it also allows you to improve your personal marketing strategy. 😇 It is mainly used for:

  • Creating and managing a professional profile ➡️ adding a resume with skills, training, soft skills and positions).
  • Creation and management of a professional networking site ➡️ search and get in touch with other members, recommend users.

If we analyze the features more closely, we have the groups that are actually discussion spaces that allow the different members of it to debate on certain topics, business sector, professional fields. Also, a mobile application that allows members to take a look 👀 at any time at their account. If you search for viadeo on Google, you will quickly realize that it is alongside journal du net, and that’s what we will see below. 👇🏼

JDN partners with viadeo

Following a receivership in 2016, this professional social network app was acquired by the Figaro Group and became the number 1 platform for business reviews. 🌍

In June 2020, Viadeo joins forces with the site Le journal du Net (JDN) and becomes one.

logo viadeo

As you can see, the social media networking is still accessible and usable. 💡

Presentation of Viadeo emploi

Since the takeover of the latter, job offers, employee reviews left on recruiters and information on companies are now grouped on Figaro Emploi, a site dedicated to companies and jobs. Small novelty, since the redesign of the website, all the features are now free, which is a big plus! 🥰

Inside, you have several sections, including news, the list of its contacts and find contacts, we will return later to this part. Let’s move on to the pros and cons of Viadeo.

You must surely wonder, how to access his account? Don’t panic, we’ll talk about it right now! ⬇️

Viadeo connection: how to connect with?

To do this, nothing could be easier, type on Google “Viadeo” and click on the first link, you should arrive on this page social networks.

Here, you have a choice. For our part, we have already created an account, so we go to the “Login” section on the left and we enter our information. If you don’t have an account, just follow the form on the right.

And since we like to make it easy for you, click on the button below and you’ll be taken directly to the Viadeo site, it’s a gift. 🎁

Login to Viadeo JDN website

How do I set up my Viadeo account?

Once you are logged in, this is what your home page looks like. ⬇️

As you can see, you have several sections:

  • Welcome ➡️ This is a page that tells you that Viadeo has evolved, it has no added value regarding prospecting for future clients or anything else.
  • My news ➡️ In the form of a news feed, this is your latest activities, such as adding a profile photo or your first post.
  • My contacts ➡️This section shows all of your connections.
  • Find Contacts ➡️ In the form of an advanced search, you can search for a person or institution via a form.
  • Messages 💌 ➡️ This is an inbox with your sent, archived and trash messages.
  • Received Invitations 🔔➡️ Inside is all your received and sent requests.

If you ever want to edit your profile, just go to your profile icon and click on “Edit my profile”.

You can now change all your personal information as well as your professional background and current company name.

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Introducing LinkedIn

Let’s move on to the ultimate competitor, drum roll please… LinkedIn! 🥁 How can we talk to you about social networking sites without talking about the number 1 in the market.

logo linkedin

With more than 850 million other users, LinkedIn has become one of the leading B2B platforms. On this social media, you will be able to :

  • Gain visibility,
  • Find your future prospects,
  • Share content,
  • Apply to different job offers,
  • Prospect in btob and btoc,
  • Expand your professional networking,
  • Promote a product or service.

Let’s now move on to the pros and cons of it.

Similar to Viadeo, we’ll briefly explain how to access LinkedIn! ⬇️

How do you get connected to LinkedIn?

To do this, nothing could be easier, type in one of your LinkedIn search engines and click on the first link that comes up.

You will be taken to the next page and you will have two choices, registration or connection. On our end, it will be login. However, if you want to register, just follow the steps above. 👆🏼 As we like to make you happy, in this article, we tell you all about how to create a new LinkedIn account, it’s a gift! 🥰

How to edit your profile on LinkedIn?

You are now on your LinkedIn account, this is a good thing. If you want to change the information present on your LinkedIn profile, nothing could be easier, just :

  • Click on the “you” icon present on the top right,
  • Click on “view profile”.
  • Click on the little pencil ✏️ present below your LinkedIn banner.

And there, a window opens with different fields, such as name, first name, current position or your education.

You are free to modify the information of your choice. 🦋

Using a tool for your prospecting on LinkedIn

Remember, in the disadvantages of LinkedIn, we cited the fact that if you want to quickly develop your networking social and find prospects, you will have to arm yourself with patience because it takes time. Nevertheless, we are not going to leave you in the vegetable garden, we advise you to use a prospecting tool on LinkedIn called Waalaxy. 🪐 What can I do with this automation tool? 🧐

  • 🥇Synchronize your CRMs with Waalaxy.
  • 🥈Import and export your leads.
  • 🥉Contact up to 700 leads per week.
  • 🏅Launch campaigns with over 99 LinkedIn script templates.

🆕 Small new feature, we’ve taken out the LinkedIn messaging, but better. To access it, click on the button! ⬇️

Discover Waalaxy's LinkedIn messaging 👽

Viadeo or LinkedIn?

Like Batman vs. the Joker, should we use Viadeo or LinkedIn? Come on, let’s break out the little chart for the occasion. 😇

Features LinkedIn Viadeo
Active users
Share content
Expanding your social media network
Leave reviews on the recruiter
Join groups
Send messages to contacts
Have subscribers
Promote your product/service
Using prospecting tools
Sales Forces Compatibility
Job Search

As you can see, LinkedIn fills in all the blanks and will allow you to social networking application, find a job, enrich your major social network, develop contacts, and advance your goals faster. In terms of numbers, Viadeo has just under 7 million users compared to 850 million for LinkedIn… so if you want to access a database full of prospects, you now know which professional social network to turn to. 👀

How to delete your viadeo account

Now that we’ve shown you by A + B that LinkedIn is the most used and better performing media platform than Viadeo, you have the option (if you want to, no one’s forcing you 💟 ) to delete your viadeo account. Here’s how to do it ⬇️

  • Go to your “My Profile” icon and then “Manage My Preferences”.

  • Scroll to the very bottom of the page and then click on “Delete Your Account”.

You will be asked to confirm your manipulation and your account will be deleted.

Conclusion of the article: what is Viadeo?

Viadeo is one of the social media marketing that allows you to develop a professional network site. All you have to do is create a profile on the site, get in touch with the people of your choice, leave a review on the employer brand and improve your profile by refining your branding. A quick reminder of what we saw in this article:

  • Explanations and history of Viadeo,
  • Presentation of it with a tutorial on how to create an account and how to modify it,
  • Presentation of its competitor LinkedIn with a tutorial on how to create and modify an account.
  • The Viadeo versus LinkedIn battle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s now move on to the most frequently asked questions about Viadeo! Here we go! 🚀

Who uses viadeo?

Viadeo is designed for people who want to get in touch and be present in a social media networks of professionals. Thanks to this one, you can prospect new customers with the business search, but, this media is quite limited. 👀 That’s why, we advise you to use LinkedIn if you want to develop your social networking site or promote your product/service, because this one has much more users and therefore, more potential prospects! 🔥

What is the purpose of viadeo?

As said before, Viadeo by JDN was basically a professional social network competitor to LinkedIn, but, with the different stories that happened, namely the receivership, the buyout of it and the association with Journal du Net, users didn’t know where to turn and went to the competitor LinkedIn which offered better features and was more reliable. Nevertheless, it still remains a competitor, especially with the fact that all its features are free. 💰

Does viadeo still exist?

At the moment, few people use Viadeo because, between the receivership and the absence of it for a few years, the LinkedIn popular social media has had time to make its place with these numerous features such as the LinkedIn group, the LinkedIn company page or the LinkedIn training. To this day, if you had to choose between Viadeo and LinkedIn, the choice is clear, the LinkedIn best social network wins. 🏅

We’re done with this article, if you have any questions about Viadeo or anything else, don’t hesitate to contact us! See you. 👋🏼

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