How to Remove Connection on LinkedIn Easily?

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Have you ever considered giving your LinkedIn account a good cleaning? Why should you delete some connections from your network? How to remove a LinkedIn connection without them knowing? What are the outcomes of such a move? Read ahead and get all the answers!

Removing connections from your LinkedIn network: the right reasons

If you are annoyed by a contact’s irrelevant posts, you don’t need to remove them from your network: you can just hide their content. Click on the upper right-hand corner of an unwanted status, then choose « Unfollow ». Therefore, why should you remove any connection? There are 4 main reasons why you should delete LinkedIn connections:

  • A LinkedIn contact is too spammy;
  • If you have uploaded all your existing contacts to LinkedIn;
  • You suspect a fake account (report them before removing them);
  • If you changed of professional field: many of your current connections may not make you thrive in your new job.

How do I remove a LinkedIn connection? Two simples ways

Removing a LinkedIn connection is a lot easier than IRL! 

  • From your « Connections » page: On the top of your home page, click on the « Network » icon. Select « Connections » on the left rail and look for the person to delete from your list. Select the « More… » icon and « Remove connection ». Confirm your decision on the pop-up window.
  • From the connection’s profile: From the search bar at the top of your home page, type the name of the connection you’d like to remove, then go to their profile. From their introduction card, you can click « More… » and select « Remove connection » on the drop-down menu.

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What happens after removing a contact from your LinkedIn network?

Be aware that when you remove a LinkedIn connection, they won’t be notified. Unless you didn’t change your browsing mode beforehand: they might see your visit, and wonder why you are not connected any more.

  • To browse on private mode: click on your profile picture at the top right of your home page, then go to « Setting & Privacy » on the drop menu.
  • From the « Privacy » tab, go to the section « How others see your LinkedIn activity »: choose the « Private mode » and save the changes. 

Note that when you remove a LinkedIn connection, every recommendation and endorsement will be permanently deleted, even if you decide to connect with the member again. You won’t be 1st-degree connections any more and their profile won’t appear again in your contacts section.

Deleting LinkedIn contacts is a good first step to maximize your LinkedIn account

Deleting LinkedIn contacts from your network is the first step to optimize your account. You can now connect with key-people to unlock more opportunities. Finding the right people and building strong professional relationships can take time… Unless you have already installed Waalaxy on your Chrome browser.

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