How to make a catchphrase LinkedIn? +20 Examples here!

On LinkedIn, the first opportunity to captivate, intrigue and show what makes you unique is the catchphrase LinkedIn. 🥹

In today’s hyper-connected world, your online presence is often the first impression you leave with professionals around the world. 🌍

Whether you’re looking to attract recruiters, expand your network or attract recruiters, expand your network, or attract potential customers, now’s the time to give your posts a boost!

In this article, we’re going to reveal all the secrets about that famous catchphrase and how it can become your best ally in the online professional world. 👀

So fasten your seatbelts, and stay hooked. 😏

What is a catchphrase LinkedIn?

In the professional world, you’re probably familiar with the number 1 professional social network… 🥁 LinkedIn!

This one can be differentiated in two ways:

  • 🥇 A LinkedIn post catchphrase.
  • 🥈 A catchphrase on your LinkedIn profile.

Let me explain the difference between the two.

The difference between a post tagline and a profile tagline

  1. Profile tagline

A catchphrase LinkedIn on your profile plays a crucial role in capturing visitors’ attention, as it’s a statement that sums up your professional identity, skills or career objective.

This short statement aims 🏹 to give people viewing your profile a positive first impression, highlighting what sets you apart. 💚

Here are two examples of how to optimize LinkedIn profile with catchphrases! ⬇️

2. The post’s catchphrase LinkedIn

This is a short sentence or paragraph that introduces and summarizes the content you’re sharing in a post.

Its purpose is to:

  • 🧲 Capture readers’ attention.
  • 👀 Encourage them to continue reading.
  • 😃 arouse their interest in the subject.

A good catchphrase on LinkedIn should be concise, relevant, and intriguing, while giving a glimpse of the content to come. 🔥

This can be a question, a hard-hitting statistic, an anecdote, an inspirational quote or anything else that piques the audience’s curiosity. 🙄

Here’s a quick example! 👇🏼

Don’t get too greedy, we’ll talk more about it below in this article with 20 sample catchphrases as a gift! 🎁

How to make a catchphrase LinkedIn in 5 steps?

Creating an effective catchphrase on LinkedIn is a bit of an art form 🎭 which can, fortunately or unfortunately (it’s up to you), influence the success of your content on this professional platform.

By following these 5 key steps 🗝️, you’ll be able to maximize the impact of your phrase to attract the attention of your target audience, generate engagement and, above all, effectively communicate your message! 🔥

All right, enough chit-chat, let’s get on with the steps! ⬇️

1) Identify the objective of your LinkedIn post

The first step is to clearly define the objective of your post! 👀

Why are you sharing this content? What do you hope to accomplish with this post?

This may vary depending on your professional role, field of activity, or even, your overall LinkedIn strategy. 🌎

Here are some goals depending on the type of position you may hold:

  • Entrepreneur ➡️ showcase your product or service, generate leads, establish your personal brand.
  • Recruiter ➡️ attract qualified candidates for a position or promote company culture.
  • Marketing professional ➡️ promote a campaign, raise awareness of a new offer, increase your company’s profile.
  • CEO ➡️ share strategic insights, build credibility, establish professional partnerships.

2) Know your target audience

Next, you need to understand your target audience. 🎯 To do this, ask yourself the following questions:

Who are the people you want to reach with your publication? What are their interests, needs and concerns?

In reality, knowing your target audience is crucial to tailoring your LinkedIn networking message so that it resonates 🔊 with them.

To reiterate what we said earlier, here’s an example based on your situation: 👇🏼

  • Entrepreneur ➡️ think about their problems or needs, and explain how your product or service can solve them.
  • Recruiter ➡️ identify the skills and qualifications required.
  • Marketing professional ➡️ find out what would appeal to your target audience and focus on it.
  • CEO ➡️ share a strategic perspective and make it relevant to your followers.

Remember to generate emotion ⏬

An effective catchphrase LinkedIn must evoke emotion.

However, human beings are by nature lazy, and will always seek to save themselves, beyond being relevant, so your LinkedIn teasers will have to arouse emotions yes, but primary emotions. 😬

There are 6 today: joy, anger, sadness, disgust, surprise, and fear.

Your teaser truly must tap a strong emotion (like curiosity) or press on your cognitive biases (FOMO) to capture users’ attention. 👀

3) Make users want to click

It’s time to create a phrase that makes LinkedIn users want to click on your publication to find out more, as if their lives depended on it and their fingers were burning with the urge to click. 🐭

Well, okay, I’m getting ahead of myself, but you get the idea. 🙄

To that end, here’s my little ⚜️ gold list to live by:

  • 🟣 Ask a question: questions spark curiosity and encourage engagement.
    • “Are you wondering how to increase your online sales?”.
  • 🔵 Use keywords: incorporate relevant keywords related to your content, so your post is easily found in LinkedIn Sales Navigator search results.
  • 🟣 Create a preview : give a taste 🤌🏼 of what your publication contains, by evoking an interesting statistic (not boring eh, interesting), an anecdote or even a relevant quote.
  • 🔵 Use numbers: it’s well known that numbers attract attention and give an idea of the value your content offers.

Remember to follow a “Postulate – Agitation – Call-to-click” logic:

Which is a variant of the PAS framework: Problem / Agitation / Solution. ⤵️

  • Problem: establish a simple, cleaver statement. 💥

Shock, shock, surprise, give your clear opinion on a subject; the aim of this postulate is twofold: you create a space of common understanding with your reader, and you engage them with your content.

  • Agitation: at this stage, you’ve captured your reader’s attention; intensify their interest in developing your initial premise, to amplify their engagement. 🧨

Agitation should arouse strong emotions and create a feeling of {urgency}, {need}.

  • Call-to-click: once your reader’s attention has been captured and intensified, it’s time to convert their interest into to-do action. The call-to-click must be clear, concise, and persuasive. ⚡

For example:

This is a framework designed to follow a purely emotional logic that guides your readers from initial emotion to a final action. 👌

4) Highlight the added value of the catchphrase LinkedIn

Last but not least, make sure your tagline highlights the added value your publication brings to your target audience. Here are some basic questions to ask yourself:

What will readers gain from reading your content? How will it help or inspire them?

Here goes my little “tier list”, remastered for LinkedIn:

  • 🔲 Empathy: don’t hesitate to show that you understand your audience’s needs or problems by using phrases like “if you’re wondering how to solve…”.
  • 🔲 Impact: explain how your content can have a positive impact on your readers’ professional or personal lives (they love that).
  • 🔲 Specific: avoid generalities, we want the real thing! More seriously, highlight the concrete benefits your content offers.

Normally, if you follow these steps well, you’re finally ready to create powerful catchphrases 🥊 that contribute to the success of your LinkedIn presence.

Remember to write 10 different catchphrases: 👇

→ 80% of views come from the teaser, so spend 80% of your time on it.

The best way to write good teasers is to write teasers.

  • Create 10 variations of a teaser for your post. 🎯
  • Let it sit for at least 1 hour.
  • Choose your favorite or top 3.
  • Ask someone neutral to choose.

5) Talking with pictures.

Finally, when a post is illustrated by an image, it’s the image that becomes the “hook” (i.e., the element that makes the scroller stop). 🎣

The hook then determines whether the user clicks on “See more”.

And since humans love visuals and images, it works. (A post with a well-chosen image means x2 views on average)

Two types of images to use: 👇

  • Human photos (90% of posts): we’re seeing them everywhere these days, it’s tending to “facebookize” LinkedIn, choose your photo carefully, it has to link to your post for it to be relevant.
  • “Constructed” photos: like YouTube thumbnails or tweets, they give an ultra-powerful “hook” effect.

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+20 Catchphrase LinkedIn Examples

Now that you’ve understood the importance of catchphrases on LinkedIn and our 5 steps to follow, it’s time to give you +20 examples of catchphrases you can use!

Here we go, it’s on the house. 🎁

For sales professionals:

In your case, your presence on LinkedIn offers you a unique opportunity to stand out from the crowd (I hope you already have a LinkedIn account, if not, go here to create a new account).

It’s also a great way to pique the interest of prospects and reinforce 💪🏼 your credibility as a sales professional.

It’s time for examples!

Here, Clémentine outlines a problem. We want to know what’s next, what tool she’s talking about, and bim, our finger clicks on “see more”.

As promised, here are 3 catchphrases for your sales strategy. 👇🏼

For General Managers (CEOs):

As the head of a company (CEO for short), your presence on the professional social network is more than necessary. Why, you might ask? 🤔

Well, it’s an opportunity to showcase your leadership, share your vision and strengthen your company’s reputation. 🦋

What better way to illustrate our point than with an example from our famous CEO, Toinon Georget. 😇

We can see 🔎 that he starts with a simple observation and tries to give advice on how he intends to avoid the problem.

Just for your viewing pleasure, let’s discover 3 more catchphrases. 👇🏼

For marketing professionals:

In the vast and constantly evolving world of company reputation, the ability to stand out from the crowd is becoming increasingly complicated.

Nevertheless, when you publish on LinkedIn, all the spotlight is on you, and it’s your opportunity to shine, communicate your expertise and demonstrate your passion for marketing.

As previously stated, marketing is a broad universe, and there are many branches 🌴 of the trade.

For recruiters:

As you know, when you’re a recruitment professional, having a presence on LinkedIn is almost indispensable if you want to identify, attract and recruit exceptional talent.

This is your opportunity to show that you’re an experienced recruiter, attentive 👀 and determined to create perfect matches between talents and opportunities.

For auto-entrepreneurs:

This time, it’s the freelancers’ turn. For you, LinkedIn is a showcase for your personal brand, a way to develop your business and build valuable relationships 💟.

The catchphrase can attract the attention of potential customers, business partners and collaborative opportunities.

Here’s an example of a catchphrase from a self-employed business.

And now, 2 sample LinkedIn catchphrases for freelancers:

For technology professionals:

As you know, on LinkedIn, your first catchphrase lets you show off your expertise, connect with other technology enthusiasts 🤖 and, above all, highlight your know-how.

For the vocational training sector:

Your online presence should reflect 🪞 your passion for learning and invite your audience to discover what you have to offer.

Enough chit-chat, let’s get on with the catchphrases! 👇🏼

For wellness professionals:

We come to the end of this list of wellness professionals. ✨

Whether you’re a personal development coach, a health expert, or a practitioner of alternative medicine.

You’ll be able to show your commitment to health and happiness ⚖️, attract wellness-minded customers, and create a community of followers of your unique approach.

If you’re still craving more inspiration, here’s the link to our Supernova Newsletter, where we reveal even more expert secrets for successful LinkedIn hooks! ✨

3 Rules to follow for a successful LinkedIn catchphrase

Well, now that you know the steps for creating a catchphrase that will stick in your readers’ minds, I’ve got to tell you…

In fact, it’s essential to consider other crucial elements to create an effective catchphrase and, it goes by 3 rules, here they are. ⬇️

1. Use the right number of words

Yes, we don’t talk about it enough. However, the length of your sentence is important because it must be concise enough to be quickly read and understood.

Nevertheless, there isn’t really a specific word count to respect because it varies according to the content strategy (AI) you want to communicate.

In general, we recommend a length of 120 to 220 characters, as this guarantees its visibility and avoids cuts 🔪, like this example.

The reality is that a sentence that’s too long risks being ignored or losing the reader‘s attention.

On the other hand, if it’s too short, it won’t have enough impact, and it won’t touch your reader’s 🫀 little heart fast enough.

That’s why you need to find the right balance ⚖️ between brevity and relevance (a bit like in our lives, after all…).

2. Choosing your LinkedIn tagline

There are no rules when it comes to LinkedIn catchphrases. It can vary according to your objective and personal style.

But there are a few steps and rules to follow. Overall, it’s all about making it your own. 🍜

3. CTAs in the form of emojis

Finally, we recommend using LinkedIn emoji. Why? 🤔

Well, they can be used to create subtle and attractive calls-to-action (aka CTAs), to encourage people to click.

Okay, let’s get to the examples:

  • “👇🏼” emoji.
  • “⬇️” emoji.
  • “👀” emoji.

The list goes on, but you get the idea! 🦋

🎁 Bonus:

Numbers are essential to catchphrases!

On Toinon’s 20 posts with 100k views in 2023,

3/4 contained at least 1 number, and half contained at least 3.


  • they play on social proof.
  • they make things concrete.
  • they give information in fewer characters.

Now it’s your turn! ⛹️‍♂️

Conclusion: How to create a catchphrase LinkedIn?

If you follow the steps we’ve explored 🐾 you’ll be able to create a catchphrase that:

  • 🪞 Reflects your expertise.
  • 🤔 Arouses curiosity.
  • 🧲 Attracts attention.
  • 💭 Communicates the value you bring to your field.

However, keep in mind that this may evolve in line with your professional goals.
In that case, don’t hesitate to continually come up with new, relevant phrases. 💟

FAQ : Catchphrase LinkedIn

Thought that was the end of the article? Well, no, we’ve got a few resources to pass on to you. 😇

What catchphrase should you put on your CV?

Quite tricky, the catchphrase on a CV is a key element 🔑 to grab recruiters’ attention right from the start.
It must be concise, to the point and highlight your skills and professional objectives.

Here, because we like to spoil you, are some tips for creating an effective sentence:

  • 🔵 Be concise.
  • 🟣 Highlight your key sales skills.
  • 🔵 Show your added value.
  • 🟣 Be adaptive.
  • 🔵 Be specific.

Where to put your tagline in your LinkedIn profile?

If you remember from the beginning of the article, we told you that there were two types of catchphrases, for the LinkedIn headlines post and for the LinkedIn profile.

Well, that’s what we’re talking about.

Adding it is simple:

  • 🔲 Go to your profile.
  • 🔲 Add or edit your summary.
  • 🔲 Write your catchphrase.
  • 🔲 Save your changes.

Here’s what it should look like: ⬇️

And that’s the end of this article. You now know everything about the catchphrase LinkedIn. See you soon! 👋🏽

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