How To Write A Successful Professional Farewell Email? 10 Examples To Copy

When you leave or are about to leave a company, it is customary (or not) to leave a professional goodbye message. This can be an email, after a meeting, during a lunch break or on a group conversion with everyone in the company. 👀

We are aware that this task is not easy because, you surely have to ask yourself many questions regarding the length of the email, the turn of phrase, whether you should remain professional or not. 🤔

Well, that’s what we’re here for, so here’s an overview of what you’ll be able to find in this article :

  • 🥇 Why write an outgoing email?
  • 🥈 4 tips to achieve the perfect email.
  • 🥉 10 examples of professional goodbye messages.

Are you ready? Great, then we can get started. ✨

Why write a goodbye email?

Whatever the reason that involves a professional departure, it’s best to let the people around you know that you’re leaving. This could be your direct colleagues, your customers, your business partners or even staff from other departments.

This is a professional and polite way of leaving a company while preserving positive relationships and leaving a lasting impression.

What’s more, it shows your commitment to transparent communication and maintaining a professional network. 🌐

Now let’s find out 5 reasons why it’s advisable to write an exit email! ⬇️

#1. To maintain positive professional relationships

When leaving a company, it’s essential to maintain positive relationships with your colleagues, employers and staff. That’s why a well-written farewell email allows you to thank your colleagues for :

  • 🫱🏽‍🫲🏼 Their collaboration.
  • 🧠 Reminding them of the projects you worked on together.
  • 🚪 Leaving the door open to possible future collaborations.

This shows that you value your experience in the company but not only that, also the fact that you value the links you have forged. 🪢

#2. Pass on important information

Your departure may have an impact on current projects or on the tasks you are managing. That’s why an exit email gives you the opportunity to update your colleagues on the progress of your projects, provide clear instructions on how to take over 🪐 and, above all, share any crucial information to ensure a smooth transition. 🦋

#3. Preserve your professional image

The professional world is a small one. So consider that the people around you in a company could strongly play a role in your future career. 👀

That’s why, by writing a careful and respectful goodbye message, you show in this way that you are a professional person who cares about how you leave a company.

This delicate attention to detail and courtesy leaves a positive impression, which can be beneficial for future references or professional opportunities. 💪🏼

#4. Facilitate future networking

The contacts you make during your career are invaluable. 💎 You have the opportunity, through a professional goodbye message, to leave your professional contact details such as your personal email address or your professional social networks.

This would make it easier to maintain your future networking, which can be useful for future collaborations, job opportunities or even independent projects. 👀

#5. Respect company policies

Note that many companies have policies and procedures in place for leaving employees.

That’s why, by following these guidelines, you demonstrate your respect 🙏🏼 for company rules, which can enhance your professional reputation, even at the time of departure.

As you will have realised, this email can play a decisive role in how you leave a company and how you are perceived by your former colleagues and supervisors. 👀

4 tips for achieving the perfect email

Well, now that you know why it’s important to send a message before you leave a company, here, just for your lovely eyes 👁️, are 4 tips to improve your perfect email. 🌠

1) Be positive and grateful

When writing your farewell email, remember to keep a positive tone and express your gratitude towards the company, your colleagues or even your employers. Take the opportunity to recall positive experiences you’ve had and to show that you appreciate the opportunities the company has offered you.

Don’t hesitate to mention memorable moments or shared successes to illustrate your appreciation. 😇

However, avoid criticism or negative comments, as this could tarnish the image you leave behind when you leave.

2) Inform people about your departure and the transition

We advise you to make a smooth transition ☁️ with useful information for those who will take over from you, for example:

  • 🔵 Mention current projects.
  • 🟣 Important files.
  • 🔵 Important contacts with their posts.
  • 🟣 Project deadlines.
  • 🔵 Any details that might make it easier to keep working.

Don’t hesitate in your message to indicate who will be the person to contact for any questions or follow-up after you leave. 👋🏽

3) Provide your professional contact details

As previously stipulated, we advise you to include your current and up-to-date professional contact details, such as your personal email address, business telephone number or professional social networking accounts.

This will enable your former colleagues to keep in touch with you for future collaborations or simply to maintain your professional network.

However, be careful to share only the contact details you want! 📱

4) End on a polite note

We all appreciate receiving a thoughtful and delicate note, don’t we? 😇

That’s why don’t hesitate to end your email by thanking the team again and expressing your best wishes for the company and colleagues to come. ✨ Also, don’t hesitate to show your enthusiasm at the idea of staying in touch. 🥳

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How do you write a professional goodbye message? 10 examples depending on the recipient

I think this is what you’ve been waiting for the most, the famous professional goodbye message templates!

As we like to spoil you 🎁, we’ve decided to make two versions:

  • 1️⃣ Formal message.
  • 2️⃣ Informal and funny message.

You’ll have the choice then, to copy and paste, as you wish and modify the message you want depending on the recipients, here’s the list:

  • 👀 Direct colleagues.
  • 🫂 Human resources.
  • 🫱🏽‍🫲🏼 Business partners and customers.
  • 🎸 Internal groups.
  • 🏘️ Staff in other departments.

If you would also like to send professional thank you messages, we have 10 templates on this article that should appeal to you. 👀

1) Direct colleagues

Formal message

Informal message

2) Human Resources (HR)

Formal message

Informal message

3) Clients and business partners

Formal message

Informal message

4) Internal groups

Formal message

Informal message

5) Employees in other departments

Formal message

Informal message

How about a recap?

Oh, it’s already the end of this article! Microsummary of the 5 different recipients we’ve seen in this article: 👇🏼

  • 🔲 Direct colleagues.
  • 🔲 Human Resources (HR).
  • 🔲 Clients and professional partners.
  • 🔲 Internal groups.
  • 🔲 Staff from other departments.

Remember our tips for achieving your perfect goodbye message ✨ :

  • 🔳 Be positive and grateful.
  • 🔳 Inform about your departure and the transition.
  • 🔳 Provide your professional contact details.
  • 🔳 End with a polite note.

Frequently asked questions

Did you think we were done? Not yet, we have a few more resources. 🌞

How do you end an email warmly?

We advise you to use expressions that reflect your appreciation, cordiality and desire to stay in touch. Here are a few examples:

  • 🔵 Sincerely.
  • 🟣 With all my gratitude.
  • 🔵 With all my friendship.
  • 🟣 With my best regards.
  • 🔵 Remaining at your disposal for any questions or help.
  • i look forward to hearing from you again.
  • 🔵 Looking forward to speaking to you soon.
  • 🟣 Take care.
  • 🔵 I send you my warmest regards.
  • 🟣 See you soon.

How do you say goodbye formally?

You can absolutely use polite formulas that reflect your respect, professionalism and appreciation for the relationship or collaboration you have enjoyed, such as: ⬇️

  • 🥇 I thank you for our collaboration and send you my warmest regards.
  • 🥈 I greatly appreciate our time working together and greet you with consideration.
  • 🥉 Thanking you for your support, I send you the expression of my respectful sentiments.
  • 🎖️ It is with gratitude that I say goodbye and send you my most sincere greetings.

How do you say a cordial goodbye?

To say goodbye cordially in an email, you can use expressions that convey a friendly feeling while remaining professional, for example:

  • Please accept my cordial greetings,
  • I look forward to our next interaction,
  • Thank you and best regards,
  • It is with pleasure that I bid you farewell,
  • With all my cordiality.

And that’s all for this article! We wish you all the best for your next career move and hope you find what you’re looking for in our professional goodbye message templates! 😇

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