How much does a LinkedIn Premium subscription cost?

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If you’ve landed on this article, it’s because you’re wondering, “How much LinkedIn premium cost and which subscription is right for me?” 🤔

Indeed, there’s a wide choice of accounts, varying in terms of benefits and price. Let’s find out more! ⚡

But don’t panic, in this article I’m going to give you a complete summary of what you need to know to choose your Linked Premium account effectively.

How much is linkedin premium ?

All things « Premium » come at a cost! 🤑 So let’s find out how much it costs to become Premium on LinkedIn, by analyzing the subscriptions below. 👇

LinkedIn Classic$0
Sales Navigator$79,33
Recruiter Lite$123,96

Which LinkedIn Premium subscription should I choose?

The social network has created 4 LinkedIn Premium subscription offers: 👇

  1. Career Premium.
  2. Business Premium.
  3. Sales Navigator Core.
  4. Recruiter Lite.

So how do you use LinkedIn to its full potential? 🤔 Which LinkedIn subscriptions are available for which uses and at what cost?

Let’s take a closer look at these offerings, and see which one is right for you! 🤲

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Premium Career: find the best jobs

To sum up the usefulness of the new career account in a nutshell, if you’re looking for a job and want to put all the odds on your side to find the job offers of your dreams, then LinkedIn Premium Career is for you. 👌

LinkedIn Career Premium features are designed to optimize your chances, and you can find out more about them here.👇🏼

The price is €19.82 per month. If you really want the LinkedIn career, I’d advise you to pay monthly, in case you want to cancel your plan, as I’m more than convinced you’ll find the new job of your dreams in less than 12 months. 🤗

Premium Business: develop your network

The Premium Business account is designed for those who want to develop their network in a qualitative way. For example, by strategically choosing the people you want to add to your contacts. 🔗

The price is €33.46 per month. To be perfectly honest with you, LinkedIn business is far from being the best option for developing your network. Spending that much per month on this offer isn’t very cost-effective. 🥱

Do you want to know more about Sales Navigator? That’s great, I was going to tell you about it below 😉

Sales Navigator: boost your sales on LinkedIn

The Sales Navigator plan is our favorite! 👑

Basically, it’s a prospecting tool, but it’s much more useful than that. It has better options than LinkedIn has to offer, because you can use it to develop your network, to find candidates as a recruiter or to look for a job, but also to develop your sales if that’s your goal. 🎯

Sales Nav is like the Swiss army knife of LinkedIn offers. You can book a demo here! ✨

LinkedIn sets the cost of Sales Navigator at €79.33 per month, if billed annually.💲

In addition to having access to key information on competing companies, knowing who has visited your LinkedIn profile and having an unlimited number of profile views, you’ll be able to segment your searches much more precisely. 🏹

If you’d like to know more about segmentation, I invite you to read this article to get help learning how to segment on Sales Navigator. 💯

What’s more, with a normal search, you can only access 1,000 search results; with Sales Navigator, you can directly access 2,500 results! 💥

If your aim is to engage in “social selling” or promote your brand and services, then pair your Sales Navigator with an automation tool to boost your sales actions! 🤩 We totally recommend this premium LinkedIn account. ✅

Recruiter Lite: find the right candidates

LinkedIn Recruiter Lite lives up to its name, as it gives recruitment experts access to a mini-sourcing CRM. 🤓

Among these options, automatic candidate tracking and integrated recruiting are really excellent for optimizing your organization. 📈

The price of this option is the highest of all, at €123.96 per month, when billed annually. 🥵

I’m rather conflicted about recommending such a tool, as it’s very expensive and lacks essential features. 🙊 For example, there’s no option that lets you have an online contact book or create your appointment reminders.

So if you use LinkedIn a lot for your recruiting and receive more than 10 InMails a day, you can quickly get lost. 😥 An automatic messaging tool is a must if you’re an organized recruiter! 👌

Is LinkedIn Premium worth it?

As you know, LinkedIn is a BtoB social network that enables you to network with professionals. Thanks to LinkedIn, you can, among other things, develop a clientele, reach out to existing users, develop a useful network and affirm your employability and personal branding. 🚀

Because of its multiple opportunities, you should ask yourself the following 3 questions, in order to understand your needs on the platform before purchasing a Premium plan:

  1. How often do I use LinkedIn?
  2. What is my objective in using this social network?
  3. Who are my targets?

For example: if you’re « freelance » and you offer online training courses, your professional objectives will be multiple: develop your network, promote your offerings, obtain new market information… The answers to these questions will help you define your needs on this social media platform. 💡

If you use LinkedIn a lot for professional purposes, you’re probably going to invest in a Premium account. So the aim of this article is to help you compare subscriptions and find the one that’s right for you. 😄

The limits of a free LinkedIn account

What’s more, LinkedIn is pretty smart 🥸 so it limits your use to the free tool in order to entice you to buy the paid account.

With the free offer, you won’t be able to :

  • Send a message to people beyond your 1st relationship level,
  • Use LinkedIn as you see fit for commercial purposes: search limits per month,
  • See who has viewed your profile,
  • See key information about the companies or people you’re targeting.

With premium offers, you have access to all these features and even more « bonus », depending on the account you choose. In this second part, we’ll talk about how to get a premium subscription for free! 😮

How to get a free LinkedIn Premium account?

The first step in your mission to take advantage of LinkedIn’s premium offers is to sign up for the free trial. ⭐

  • Go to the “You” drop-down tab and click on “Preference and Privacy”.
  • Then select “Free Premium Trial” in “Subscriptions and payments”.
  • Fill in the form so that LinkedIn can advise you on your choice.
  • Once you’ve completed the questionnaire, LinkedIn will suggest the subscription that best suits your needs (you’re free to change this choice). 😇
  • Then click on “Try now for €0”.

That’s it, you’re now ready to take your LinkedIn account to the next level! 🪐

Use Waalaxy to get free LinkedIn Premium plans!

If you want to take advantage of your Sales Navigator account, you can download as many leads as possible through your Waalaxy CRM! 🌌

Whether you’re a hiring manager, salesperson or whatever… This tutorial will really help you segment your LinkedIn searches correctly 👇

  • First of all, go to your Waalaxy account.

If you don’t have one, there are the 2 paid offers you’ll find on the site (“Business”, “Advanced”), all available in trial version.

In addition, there’s a « Freemium version », which is free forever! 💘

Download as many qualified profiles as possible

Are you ready to start winning over new users? 😍

Once you’ve got a Waalaxy “Advanced” account and a Sales Navigator, you’re a bit like Steve Rogers, when the frail young man from Brooklyn was transformed into a super-soldier and renamed “Captain America”. 🦸

In short, you’ll become a super « badass » in just a few clicks. 🧨

You’ll be able to upload as many leads as possible to your CRM using your free month of LinkedIn with the Sales account. 😏

Try to segment your searches well to get 1,000 results or less. This will allow you to access as many potential leads without losing any along the way. 🏃

Then use Waalaxy to download them into your CRM, and repeat the operation ad infinitum! ♾️

You can even use Waalaxy to launch your prospecting campaign using the « Scenario tab ». 🤓

It lets you visit profiles, send invitations and messages (InMails) automatically! 🤖

How do you get started? Simply by watching this simple tutorial to start prospecting. 👇🏼

How to cancel linkedin premium?

If you haven’t been convinced by LinkedIn Premium, even after validating the trial period, you can always cancel your subscription! 😥

So don’t worry, I’ll show you what to do below. 👇First, go to your « profile You » and choose “Access Mg Premium” from the drop-down menu.

  • Next, go to the “Account Preferences” then “Subscriptions and Payments” section of this page. Then click on “Change” in the « Premium Subscription » section.

  • Inside, you’ll see the “Manage subscription” option, then “Cancel and lose credits”.

    Conclusion: LinkedIn premium cost

    There, now you know how to use LinkedIn targeting, and how to find the right Premium account based on it! 🏅

    On top of that, you’ve also learned how to take advantage of LinkedIn Premium Sales Navigator for free, simply by combining it with Waalaxy. 👽

    In conclusion, whether you’re a salesperson, recruiter, business owner, or whatever… This article will help you get the most out of the LinkedIn premium account that suits you best! 😃

    Want our final opinion? Whatever your field of activity, we recommend Sales Navigator, because of its search power. 🚀

    As a bonus, you’ll learn how to properly segment your searches according to your target, thanks to « Boolean operators ». Let’s go ! 👇

    Bonus: How to do a good search with Sales Navigator?

    Use Boolean operators

    No, Boolean is neither a country nor a game of pétanque! 😂

    Boolean operators let you refine searches on “Sales Nav” by keyword to help you find the best results based on the profiles you’re looking to work with. 🔍

    These include operators such as “AND”, “OR”, “NOT” and quotation marks. Would you like to know our recipe for using them? 👌

    Use quotation marks

    If you’re looking for an exact name for job titles, quotation marks are useful. They greatly improve the relevance of the results. 🤔

    For example, you’re a recruiter looking only for web developers:

    • Go to Sales Navigator.
    • Click on “Filters” then “Title”.
    • Type « Web Developer » in the title.

    LinkedIn will only show you people whose title exclusively contains what you put in quotation marks. 🤯

    Add the “OR” and “AND” operators

    These operators allow you to associate elements. 🧲

    Are you looking for profiles that are simultaneously « Developers » and “UX designers”? That’s a bit ambitious, but why not. 😜

    Don’t know how to link these 2 searches? Just use the “AND” operator.

    Are you looking for a « Web Developer » OR a UX Designer? Then type “OR” between the two words. 🪄

    Sprinkle everything with “NOT”

    The “NOT” operator is used to exclude certain profiles. ❌

    Let’s keep the example of the recruiter who wants to hire « Developers ». You don’t want to upload « Freelance » profiles to your CRM, because your goal is to hire them on a permanent basis. 😕

    You then need to type on your keyboard as follows: “Web Developer NOT Freelance”. And that’ll do the trick! 🔮

    Mix well and serve hot!

    Of course, Boolean operators aren’t just useful in recruitment.

    There’s nothing better if you want to qualify your leads. 🥇 For example, are CEOs and company directors your target audience?

    Nothing could be simpler, just type in your search: “CEO OR Manager NOT Freelance”, for example. 👍

    These operators will help you segment your search. As I explained above, you’ll need to add further criteria to reach a maximum of 2,500 prospects per search. 😬

    Unfortunately, this is a limit imposed by LinkedIn Sales Navigator, but you can get around it if you use our Team Waalaxy plan ! 🎉

    Your magic potion is ready. You can download your results, launch your prospecting actions and repeat the operation again and again. ✨

    LinkedIn Premium FAQ

    What are the different LinkedIn subscriptions?

    There are 4 types of LinkedIn Premium accounts. Each has different options to meet certain needs. 👇

    • Premium Career = To find a job,
    • Recruiter Lite = Find candidates for recruiters,
    • Sales Navigator = Develop your marketing network,
    • Premium Business = Find qualified prospects, boost sales and acquire new customers.

    How can I enjoy the benefits of LinkedIn premium for free?

    In this first part, I presented an easy “Growth hacking ” marketing strategy for enjoying the benefits of LinkedIn premium without paying. 🤑 To do this, simply follow these 3 steps:

    1. First, get a free trial month for Premium Sales on LinkedIn,
    2. Then, use Waalaxy’s “Advanced” offer,
    3. Finally, upload as many leads as possible to your CRM!

    How do I unsubscribe from a LinkedIn premium account?

    Finally, I’ve shown you how to unsubscribe from your LinkedIn premium account. 🤫 I invite you to follow these 4 simple steps to unsubscribe: 👇🏼

    • 1️⃣ Go to your LinkedIn homepage and click on your icon.
    • 2️⃣ Go to your premium account.
    • 3️⃣ On “Subscription and payment”, then click on « Modify ».
    • 4️⃣ Click on “Cancel and lose credits”.

    One crucial piece of information to keep in mind is that you can cancel your subscription on LinkedIn Sales Navigator, but you won’t be able to retrieve your information and data if you decide to cancel your subscription. 🔔

    How to use Boolean operators to make a good search on Sales Navigator?

    Now that you’re ready to import as many profiles as possible matching your target on LinkedIn, I’ve given you the recipe for advanced searches using Boolean operators. 🧑‍🍳

    You’ll be able to qualify and segment your searches thanks to a few magic ingredients: “AND”, “OR”, “NOT” and quotation marks. 🍝

    Perfect! 🌠 Now you know how is LinkedIn Premium cost and its different alternatives for your business! I’m sure that with these tips, you’ll become the best at B2b prospecting! 🚀

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