All about Dashboards and Performance Indicators on Waalaxy

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Performance indicators are a very important element to take into account in your prospecting strategy. They allow you to monitor your results and as a result, to know if the strategy you have put in place is working, or if it needs to be reviewed. 👀

This article is going to detail the different indicators available on Waalaxy. 📈

Performance indicators

You can find two performance indicators: the acceptance rate and, the response rate. You can view them from the campaign directly, from the “Prospects” tab:


The acceptance rate is a data that allows you to know in percentage the number of people who have accepted your connection request, on the number of connection requests sent.

The response rate is the number of responses to messages out of the total number of messages sent. We include, responses to LinkedIn messages, responses to connection notes, responses to message requests.

⚠️ On the calculation of notes, we take into account the number of notes of connections accepted and, not, the total number of notes sent.

Calculation: We are talking here about the responses to messages on the number of messages sent over the period.


The different dashboards and indicators

There are different dashboards that allow you to have statistics by type of action, by date, by campaign, etc. We will detail each of these possibilities:


The dashboard of the home page


The rate indicators

The upper part is composed of two parts: on the left, the response rate to messages from LinkedIn actions; on the right, the response rate to emails sent via prospecting campaigns.


By clicking on each of these parts, you will be redirected a little further down to get a little more information… 👇


The indicators concerning LinkedIn actions


The acceptance rate is a data that allows you to know in percentage the number of people who have accepted your connection request, on the number of connection requests sent.

The response rate is the number of responses to messages, connection notes, and message requests out of the total messages sent.

A graphical dashboard allows you to see and track the number of actions sent by type of action & by date: invitations, message requests, messages, visits, follow-ups.


Indicators concerning email actions

You will find in this part, the rate of answered emails, the rate of delivered emails and the rate of undelivered emails.

The delivered emails correspond to the emails that have been correctly delivered to the main prospecting mailbox of your recipient.

Undelivered emails are those that are considered as spam or that have been refused by the prospect‘s provider (=rebounced).


Indicators concerning your LinkedIn profile

You can have your number of LinkedIn connections, the number of pending invitations and the number of views on your profile.


Prospecting indicators

You will be able to see the number of active marketing campaigns, the number of actions in queue and, if you are in your working days and hours or not:


The campaign dashboard

You can follow the statistics of your current marketing campaigns by clicking on them. You will then have access to different indicators: the graph, the performance, and the Prospect tab:


Dashboard tab

This tab allows you to have access to the Performance, which includes the acceptance rate of your connection requests, and the response rate to your messages.

You also have access to a graph that lists the number of actions done by type of action by date. 😊


Prospects tab

You will have access to the list of prospect-customers in your campaign.

On the right side, you will see lead indicators:

  • The total number of leads in the campaign.
  • The number of paused leads.
  • The number of completed leads.
  • The number of leads that have responded.


You will also be able to use the marketing campaign filters that allow you to track the stage the hot leads are at, the list they come from and their origin.


To understand how a campaign works, you can take a little tour here ➡️ How a campaign works!


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Take advantage of the power of Waalaxy to generate leads every day. Start prospecting for free, today.

waalaxy dashboard

FAQ Waalaxy indicators

What are the different indicators available on Waalaxy?

You can find a general dashboard from the Waalaxy homepage that gives you indicators across all campaigns.

You can find a campaign dashboard that allows you to follow the status of your current prospecting campaign.


Is it possible to export a dashboard?

It is not possible to export your dashboards.


What is the acceptance rate and the response rate?

The acceptance rate is a data that allows you to know in percentage the number of people who accepted your connection request, on the number of connection requests sent.

The response rate is the number of responses to messages out of the total number of messages sent. It includes, responses to LinkedIn messages, responses to connection notes, responses to message requests.



It is often said that it is really important to have a prospecting strategy in place to turn your prospects into leads and to get the most out of them.

The second important thing to take into account is obviously the performance indicators that allow you to follow and analyze the results of your automation campaigns. This is how you will know if your strategy is working or if it needs a little more work.

Time to do your analysis! 🤓



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