How to launch your prospecting campaign in 10 minutes?

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You want to launch a Waalaxy campaign on your prospect base but you don’t know how to do it? Which tab to go to? Which campaign to choose?

No worries, we’ll tell you everything here. 😎

What is a campaign?

A campaign is a way to execute Linkedin actions or Email actions on a list of prospects. The campaign is composed of several elements: actions, deadlines, and conditions.

➡️ How does a campaign work on Waalaxy?

How to launch a campaign on Waalaxy?

There are several ways to launch a campaign on Waalaxy. There are 3 methods. 👇

Method 1: Launch a campaign via your prospect list

This is called “Quick Launch”, the goal is to launch a campaign quickly and simply. 😎 You need to position yourself in your list of prospects. (Not in “All prospects”, it doesn’t work from this tab).

You can select the leads you want to put in your campaign, either by using the filters to segment this list, or select all leads by checking the select box. 👇

You can then click on“Start a Campaign” in the sidebar that will appear after the leads are selected. You will need to choose the sequence template you wish to use 👇

You will then need to fill in the different elements of the campaign:

  • Define the time between actions,
  • Write your connection notes and/or messages,

Launch the campaign! 🚀

🚩 Bonus: 12 sample Messages to shine.

Method 2: Launch a campaign via the campaign tab

You can launch the campaign without going through the lead list, but directly through the “Campaign” and “Create a Campaign” tab. 👇

You will need to choose the template you want to use. You can search for a sequence either, by adding the actions you want to see in your campaign, or by using our pre-populated templates in our “Use Cases”. 👇

You will then need to add the timelines, define the contents of the connection notes and/or messages and, launch the campaign. 🚀

Method 3: Launch a campaign from the Linkedin import

The last method to be developed is the one that allows you to launch a campaign by importing leads directly from LinkedIn. The leads are imported while you prepare the campaign. Doesn’t that sound like a dream? 🤠

For this, you need to start with the same steps, Go to the “Campaign” tab and “Create a campaign”, choose the template you want to use, and start creating the campaign.

At the “Add leads” step, you can choose “From Linkedin”, the tool will send you to a Linkedin search. All you have to do now is to make your lead search and import it by clicking on the Waalaxy icon. 👇

svg%3E Go back to your Waalaxy campaign. You will just have to fill in the deadlines, and the content of your notes and messages. Launch the campaign. 🚀 🚩


You know it all, it’s up to you to find your favorite method. 🧡

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The campaign is the central element of your Waalaxy prospecting. It is the way to send actions and globally it is the tool that will allow you to expand your network, close new leads, enrich the relationships you already have on Linkedin.

Today, 3 methods exist on Waalaxy to set them up, you just have to know which one suits you best, and which one you are more comfortable with. Let’s get to work! 😎


Are there any limitations in Waalaxy?

There are indeed limitations in the Waalaxy application.

  • Business and Advanced Subscription :

In the application: 50 000 leads. In a list of leads: No limit of leads per list. In a campaign: 5000 leads.

  • Pro Subscription :

In the application: 25,000 leads. In a list of prospects: 1000 prospects. In a campaign: 2500 leads.

  • Freemium subscription :

In the application: 10,000 leads. In a list of prospects: 1000 prospects. In a campaign: 2500 leads.

➡️ If you need more information about this, you can check our dedicated article – Prospecting Actions: Limits in Waalaxy.

What are the daily action quotas?

Here are the quotas according to the action type for Advanced and Business plans:

  • Connection request: between 80 and 100 per day

  • Send message: between 100 and 150 per day

  • Profile follow: between 80 and 100 per day

  • Profile visit: between 120 and 150 per day

For a Pro plan, you have 30 maximum quotas per action type per day. This number is 8 for the Freemium plan.

How many leads can I import in a search?

You can import as many profiles as you want into your interface.

However, LinkedIn limits the display of search results to 1000 (2500 for Sales Navigator).

It is therefore not possible to import more than 1000 leads per LinkedIn search. (2500 for Sales Navigator).

If your search has more than 1000 results, try splitting it into several smaller searches

(by varying the regions, for example) to import all the leads.

Here’s an article that explains how to get around this limit. 😊

Do I need to keep the LinkedIn tab open for my actions to send?

You must have a LinkedIn tab.

Open and your computer must remain on for actions to run. This allows us to send requests from your account with the same IP address without putting your account at risk.

On the other hand, it is not necessary to have a Waalaxy tab open (but be careful to have the extension active though) 😉

What is a condition and a deadline in a campaign?

These are two elements that allow your campaign to work properly. The condition governs the progress of a lead in your campaign. The delay allows you to space out the execution of actions over time.

🚩 To have more information on this topic, you can read this article: Conditions and delays in a campaign.

Can I launch several campaigns at the same time?

There is no limitation of campaigns on Waalaxy. You can launch as many campaigns as you want. However, you have to keep in mind that there is only one queue that processes actions one after the other. The more campaigns there are, the more actions there are, so some campaigns may last longer.

🚩 To get more information about processing actions from the queue, you can read this article: How the queue works.

Do I need any technical skills to launch my Waalaxy campaign?

No technical skills are required to launch a campaign. The interface is easy to use and quite ergonomic. You will quickly understand how to use the tool, and if you don’t understand a feature or don’t know how it works, you can watch our tutorial videos.

What is the best LinkedIn invitation message to make my first Waalaxy campaign work?

Keep it simple. Be concise. Personalize. A note is limited to 300 characters, you have to make the prospect want to accept you into their network! Here’s a sample message to send. 😊

Is it possible to not leave my computer on for Waalaxy to perform actions?

You must have a LinkedIn

tab open and your computer must remain on for actions to run. This allows us to send requests from your account with the same IP address without putting your account at risk.

On the other hand, it is not necessary to have a Waalaxy tab open (but be sure to have the extension active though) 😉

Can I change a step in the sequence?

You can’t change the steps or conditions of a sequence, you can only set up the delays. If the sequence does not suit you, you can choose another one from our 70 templates. You can also call our customer support if you have a specific need. 😊

What is a condition?

To enable the transition from one stage to another in a campaign, for example, from the “Login” stage to the “Message” stage, there is a condition to be met. The condition is clearly expressed in your campaign and is usually represented by a diamond with a ✔️ in pink.

Can I change the delay between actions?

Absolutely, you set the delay you want between each step in the campaign. You can set the delay 0 to infinity and beyond.

Can I modify my current campaign?

Yes you can.

You realize that you made a spelling mistake in your message, that your note is not good and needs to be changed or you simply want to add leads to your campaign, you can easily edit it from the “campaign” tab, *click on your campaign* and “edit the campaign”.

Can I choose when I want my actions to be sent?

You can configure your working days and hours during which Waalaxy will run and thus send your waalaxy campaign actions.

👉 Tuto to configure your working days and hours.

It takes a few minutes to set up a Waalaxy campaign and get real results, in fact, we consider that about 20 minutes of prospecting per day is enough to build you a real database of prospects to turn into leads easily.

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