16 examples of LinkedIn welcome messages

Sending a LinkedIn welcome message is a great opportunity to create a genuine link right from the start. But, how can you avoid messages that are too cold or commercial? 🤔

In this article, I’m sharing 16 templates for LinkedIn welcome messages 🎯. They’re ready to use, adapted to different profiles (candidates, customers, prospects…), and designed to be both personalized and effective. No more headaches! ✨.

Why send a welcome message on LinkedIn?

A welcome message on LinkedIn is more than just a formality. It’s the first contact after your invitation request. So it’s important to make a good impression and show that you’re there to exchange ideas, not to sell directly 🛑.

Here’s why it’s important:

  • Create LinkedIn connection from the start: Don’t leave a connection hanging, show you’re not connected « just » to increase your relationships.😎
  • Open up opportunities: A good message can lead to partnerships, collaborations or recruitment 🎯.
  • Personalize your approach: This is your chance to stand out from the crowd and show that you’re genuinely interested in the person you’re talking to.✨
  • Establish a solid relationship: A well thought-out first message lays the foundations for a lasting professional relationship 🔗.

Well-written welcome messages on LinkedIn show that you’re attentive and open to exchange, which can make all the difference. This allows you to develop your professional network intelligently 😉

16 LinkedIn welcome messages templates

Here are 16 ready-to-use message templates for LinkedIn, adapted to different contexts, to help you start relevant conversations on LinkedIn. All you have to do is choose the one that suits your situation, copy and paste it, and send it off! 🚀

LinkedIn welcome message for a recruiter

Message 1:

This message focuses directly on HR topics. By asking a question about the evolution of the sector, you show that you’re genuinely curious and interested in his ideas. It naturally invites discussion and makes you want to respond! 🤓


Hi {{firstname}},
glad to have you in my network! I really enjoy discussing current HR trends. What do you see as the big upcoming developments in our field?

Message 2:

Here, you highlight the fact that you know your company well and appreciate the way they do things. A sincere compliment is always a good way to connect! It personalizes messages and establishes a nice bond right from the start. Plus, if your goal is to apply to their company, you’ll already have a contact.👌✨


Hello {{firstname}},

nice to connect with you! I saw you were HR at {{compagnie}}, I’ve been following your box for 3 times. I love your mindset! Looking forward to reading your posts.

LinkedIn message for someone in the same group

Message 3:

Mentioning a common LinkedIn group is a great icebreaker. It helps to find a starting point for conversation and reinforces a sense of belonging. You’re showing that you’ve noticed what he/she is doing and it’s a good start to a conversation. 🙌


Hi {{firstname}},

glad we’re connected! I noticed we’re part of the same group [group name] always nice to connect with members who share the same interests. I look forward to talking to you sometime!

LinkedIn welcome message for CEOs

Message 4:

With CEOs, it’s important to show a genuine interest in their career path, while remaining simple and straightforward. By highlighting their achievements, you leave room for a discussion « without pressure ». It’s ideal for a first contact with executives. 💡


Hello {{firstname}},

delighted to have you among my contacts! Your journey as CEO is super interesting. Can’t wait to hear more about what you’re up to these days!

LinkedIn message for someone you know in common

Message 5:

Mentioning a common contact is a great way to make the connection more personal. It gives a familiar touch and helps break up the « unknown ». 😊

Beware, this is one of the few messages not to be «

» or «automate». Here, it’s necessarily 100% customized. 😎


Hey {{firstname}},

I see we both know [name of person in common], it’s always nice to run into common contacts here. Looking forward to getting to know you better!

LinkedIn welcome message for a prospect

Message 6:

Here, you open the door to a discussion about your services or projects, but without pressure. The idea is to keep a friendly tone and offer value without forcing a sale. You show that you’re open to helping, but without insisting. This can be a start to your B2B prospecting strategy. 🌱


Hello {{firstname}},

Nice to be connected with you! If you’d like to chat about your projects or find out more about what we offer at {{compagnie}}, I’d be happy to discuss it with you. See you soon!

Welcome message for a customer

Message 7:

Mentioning the use of your product shows that you’re interested in its journey and in your customers’ experience. By asking for feedback, you involve them in your process, it creates an authentic exchange, also improves your customer retention… And it’s always a win-win to ask the opinion of those who actually use it! 🚀


Hi {{firstname}},

glad to see you in my network! I see you’re using our tool! Don’t hesitate to give us user feedback, it’s always interesting for us Looking forward to chatting soon.

Welcome message for a professional in his field

Message 8:

By mentioning her projects, you show that you’re interested in her profile. It’s a good way to start a professional exchange while keeping a light tone. It shows that you’re listening and that you’re keen to collaborate. 🤝


Hi {{firstname}},

cool that we’re connected! I saw you’re working on an AI project, we could have some cool discussions about opportunities in this field. Occasionally, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject.

Message 9:

With this type of message, you value his/her expertise and at the same time open the door to talking about subjects he/she likes. It’s a good way to build an interesting discussion and establish common ground. ✨


Hello {{firstname}},

glad to have someone from comm’ in my contacts! Trends are evolving fast (AI, learn machine…). Do you post often on these topics?

LinkedIn message for collaboration

Message 10:

By talking about his work and possible collaborations, you’re showing genuine interest. You leave the door open, just by suggesting that it might be interesting to see what you could do together. This can arouse his curiosity and get the ball rolling on a great relationship! 🎨


Hey {{firstname}},

great to be connected! I admire the results you have and I think we could have some interesting exchanges around the content creation you propose. Looking forward to seeing how we can work together!

Message 11:

This message is a nod to his work. You hint that a collaboration might be possible, but without being insistent. The idea is to get in touch, to show an interest. This keeps the discussion open and creates a basis of trust 😉


Hi {{firstname}}

nice to be connected! I’ve been following your work for a while, and I think there would be some great opportunities to create together. It would be interesting to talk about a possible collaboration in the future!

LinkedIn welcome message for entrepreneurs

Message 12:

By talking directly about the entrepreneur’s projects, you encourage him to share what he’s passionate about. It’s a good way of opening up the discussion and putting the other person forward, showing that you’re genuinely interested in their ideas. It’s also an opportunity to share your own! ✨


Hi {{firstname}},

glad we’re connected! What current projects are you working on? I enjoy talking to entrepreneurs and learning about their visions.

Welcome message to build your talent pool

Message 13:

This approach message is ideal for creating a pool of candidates. By welcoming a young graduate into your network and making yourself available, you lay the foundations for future recruitment, for example. It’s a good way to keep in touch with promising profiles and integrate them into your future processes. 🎯


Hi {{firstname}},

welcome to my network! Your academic career is really promising, I’m curious to see where it will take you. If you need any advice don’t hesitate!

Message for someone you’ve already met

Message 14 :

You’re reconnecting with someone you’ve already met, which immediately makes the message more personal. Mentioning the event helps contextualize the connection, so that the person remembers you and the conversion you had. It’s the ideal way to strengthen the bond in a natural way. 👯‍♂️


Hey {{firstname}},

nice to see you back here after our meeting at the AI conference at {{compagnie}}! It was nice to chat, and I think we could continue the discussion. Looking forward to keeping in touch!

Welcome message for someone with a common interest

Message 15:

Mentioning a common interest is a great way to start a conversation. By talking about what you’re working on, you provide a shared context that facilitates exchange. It’s a good starting point for a discussion, then it’s up to you to make the rest of the exchange a success. 😎



glad to be connected! I love chatting with people in the AI industry, and your profile really spoke to me, as I’m currently working on a new feature for my product. It would be nice to chat sometime.

Message 16:

Here, you highlight his or her management experience and establish common ground with your own. This creates a good dynamic for sharing ideas and discussing best practices. It’s simple, but it emphasizes mutual interest and opens the door to constructive exchanges. 📈


Hello {{firstname}},

glad we’re connected! I found your profile really interesting, especially your management projects. I’ve also been a manager for 3 years. Can’t wait to talk more with you and share our processes.

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5 tips for successful welcome messages on LinkedIn

Sending a welcome message on LinkedIn is a great opportunity to make a good impression, but certain mistakes can cost you dearly. Here are 5 things to avoid so you don’t fall into the classic traps:

  • Sell directly.
    Don’t turn your welcome message into a sales pitch. This is not the time to promote your product or service. Focus on the human connection first.✨
  • Use fuzzy information. ❌
    Be clear in your message. Avoid vague formulas or overly generic language. The recipient needs to understand who you are and why you want to connect.👀
  • Write an impersonal or robotic message. ❌
    Personalize your message as much as possible. A generic copy and paste won’t engage anyone. Add a personal element linked to the person’s profile to show that you’ve taken the time to read their description.🤓
  • Send a message that’s too long. ❌
    There’s no need to tell your company’s story or give every detail. A welcome message should be short and impactful. Keep the introduction simple 😉
LinkedIn welcome messages
  • Add aggressive calls to action. ❌
    Don’t put pressure in the first message (example: Let’s make an appointment). Give the person time to get to know you before asking for anything.😴

How about a recap?

Sending a welcome message on LinkedIn is a super opportunity to make a good impression and create an authentic connection 🙌. With the right words and a personalized approach, a simple connection can become so much more ✨.

The 16 templates here, help you save time and avoid cold or overly commercial messages 🛡️. Whether it’s for a candidate, connecting with a prospect or developing your network, every message is a chance to make a real connection. 👏

Don’t hesitate to personalize these messages to make them more like you. 🚀

Frequently asked questions

How do I find relevant LinkedIn profiles?

If you want to expand your LinkedIn network quickly and reach the right profiles, it’s essential to target your searches and automate the process. But, where do you start? Here are a few simple steps to guide you:

  1. Use LinkedIn’s filters: refine your search by selecting criteria such as sector, position, location and interests. This allows you to precisely target the people most relevant to your professional goals.🎯
  2. Automate your approach : Once you’ve identified the right profiles, downloading Waalaxy lets youautomate the sending of invitations. This means you can add several hundred contacts to your network quickly and efficiently.✨
  3. Save time: with Waalaxy, you no longer have to send each invitation manually. Simply set your criteria and the tool takes care of everything, allowing you to focus on more interesting tasks, while improving your results on LinkedIn.📈
welcome messages on LinkedIn

Plus, Waalaxy offers easy integration to help you track and engage your new connections, with RGPD automation tools.🔐

How to send an automatic LinkedIn message?

After someone has accepted your connection request, the next step is to send a welcome message to start exchanging, prospecting… Rather than doing it manually, you can automate this process with Waalaxy.🚀

➡️ Personalization on a grand scale: Waalaxy lets you send automated LinkedIn messages that remain personalized. With variables like first name or job title, and list management with tags, you can target your contacts precisely and tailor your messages to their profile. So you maintain an authentic approach, even when automating 🤖💬.

➡️ Intelligent follow-up : With Waalaxy, you’ll never lose track of your conversations again. Thanks to the exchange history option, you’ll always know 👇🏻 :

  • Where each prospect stands.
  • What information you have.
  • What is its status.
  • What actions have been taken.

And you can follow up whenever you need to, without the risk of forgetting. Your follow-up becomes ultra-simple 😎.

welcome messages on LinkedIn

➡️ Performance analysis: In addition to automating your messages, Waalaxy gives you access to statistics on the effectiveness of your mailings. You can quickly see which messages are working best, and optimize your prospecting technique as you go.📊

Now it’s your turn to send your best LinkedIn welcome message! 🚀

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