Find a LinkedIn Expert: The Method You Should Use

Who better than a LinkedIn expert to help you develop your business on the largest B2B social network? With more than 850 million users, the platform helps generate significant business opportunities. 🔥

But to do so, you first need to understand the network’s codes. For this, you can get someone who knows the network and how it works inside out.

However, you still need to know who to contact. So, if you’re looking for a LinkedIn expert, we’ll look at everything you need to know to find the right person. Follow the guide! ✨

5 tips for finding a competent Linkedin expert

When you’re looking for someone who can impart the art of success on LinkedIn, you shouldn’t trust the first person you meet. 👀

Many people pass themselves off as “experts” after one or two posts that get over 100 likes. Sorry, but no. LinkedIn is a complex network, and having made one successful post doesn’t qualify you as an expert. But then, how do you tell the competent consultant from the talentless charlatan?

Here are 5 tips that will help you see more clearly in your quest. 🔦

How do you find a LinkedIn expert?

  • Check to see if he or she is active on LinkedIn.
  • Measure what his results are.
  • Check if he has reviews & references.
  • Check out his website & his SEO.
  • Check if his training corresponds to what you are looking for.

Is he/she active on LinkedIn?

The first thing to check is the person’s LinkedIn account. Is it active every week, does it propose quality posts?

This will allow you to make a first opinion on the person. Also, you need to ask yourself if you’re looking for the results that they have 😉

You can also take a look at her profile picture, banner or even her content selection. If the person is really an expert, all parts of their profile will be filled out and optimized.

IF not, you already know that you are in the presence of a quack, rather than a true expert. 🤡

What are his results?

If the person posts regularly and has an optimized LinkedIn profile, that’s already good news. Unfortunately, that doesn’t do it all. ❌

You also need to check his number of followers, and especially the engagement on his posts. That means his likes, and especially his comments. What are they saying? Let’s face it, a post with 40 likes and 7 comments is not a great success.

Also, be careful if you see posts with 300 likes and 2 comments. This means that the person is probably using pods to boost the performance of their posts. 😳

A true Likedin expert doesn’t need to abuse these techniques to get views and generateengagement. Just be careful!

Check to see if he or she has any reviews and references

Alright the person is posting regularly on LinkedIn and generating engagement which is not suspicious. Now check the reputation of this person. 🕵️

Are there any big content creators talking about her. Is she part of the LinkedIn ecosystem, or is she marginal?

If this person is a LikedIn expert, they know that you need to surround yourself with the right people to succeed quickly on this platform. 😎

At this point in the process, follow or connect with her to see her upcoming posts and how she interacts with her audience.

You can also check the “Skills” section of her LinkedIn profile to see what skills have been recommended by her peers.

Is her website focused around LinkedIn?

A person who calls himself a LinkedIn expert should have a website that confirms his status. So go check out their site, especially their blog.

A real expert will have written articles, which you can read to verify if this person is really competent, and especially if they are invested in this sector. 👀

Also, check to see if his or her website is well-referenced. If the person has seniority and has published enough articles, their website will be referenced on keywords like“LinkedIn training” or others.

This can be a good indicator, but it is not absolutely essential either! A LinkedIn professional is not necessarily an SEO professional 😉

Does the course match what you are looking for?

You’ve checked all the previous steps and it’s okay, the person is indeed a LinkedIn expert. Now, you have one last thing to check: their education.

Indeed, you need to know if this one really corresponds to what you need. Maybe it explains how to prospect, while you are looking to develop a community around a theme. 🤷♂️

Also, check the reviews of people who have taken the course. What did they think of it? Are they satisfied with the training and its value? Do the reviews seem truthful, and not pulled out of a magic hat by theinfopreneur?

Check in depth if the training seems qualitative in all aspects, and if it is then go for it! You’ve probably found what you’re looking for. 🥳

Bonus: our favorite LinkedIn expert training

If you’ve been looking, but can’t find a training that seems qualitative, we may have a solution for you.

Based on the previous tips, I can recommend a training that fills all the boxes: the one by Amandine Bart and Louis Pille. 🎁

Focused around authenticity, it’s a concentrate of value and applicable tips to succeed in cartooning on LinkedIn.

Go take a look, make your own mind up, you’ll thank us later! 😊

How to become a LinkedIn expert?

There are great training courses, created by awesome entrepreneurs, to become an expert on LinkedIn, for sure.

But in the internet age, there is also a lot of content available for free, to learn the basics of the social network.

So if you want to learn about digital communication, marketing strategy, or inbound marketing on Linkedin, here is what you can do.

This article, which you are reading, is part of a set of content created to support people who want to learn about LinkedIn, marketing or social media. This is the Waalaxy blog. ✨

But all this free content set can seem overwhelming at first, and you may not know where to start.

So to help you find your starting point, here’s what we recommend. Check out the LinkedIn tips category, pick the article that interests you most, and get started!

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Testing LinkedIn Prospecting

Finally, the last part if you want to become a true LinkedIn expert is to start dabbling in LinkedIn prospecting.

There was a time when you had to contact all your prospects one by one, and that took a lot of time.

But thankfully, those days are over. Now you can automate your prospecting, and have Waalaxy do it for you!

The best part? You can do it for free. Yes, really. No time limit, no fine print. All you have to do is click on the button below!

Try Waalaxy for Free 🎁

An example of a LinkedIn expert

If you want to become a LinkedIn expert, the best thing to do is probably to start by observing what the experts are doing.🧐

How do they construct their posts? What copywriting techniques do they use? What is their positioning? Here are just a few of the many questions you can ask yourself by observing their profile.

This is probably the best way to educate yourself before you start. Select the content creators you want to be like, and consume their content without moderation. 👀

If you have to on LinkedIn and don’t know who to follow, you can start by following Toinon. The CEO of Waalaxy posts daily on topics related to startup entrepreneurship.

If you’re looking for inspiration to start understanding how the LinkedInalgorithm works, you clearly won’t be disappointed! 😎

In conclusion

Before you run headlong into buying a miracle training course sold by an infopreneur out of nowhere, make sure they are as good as they claim to be. 🥸

For this, you can use the 5 steps we saw in this article:

  • Check if he is active on LinkedIn.
  • Measure what his results are.
  • Check if he has reviews & references.
  • Check out his website & his SEO.
  • Check if his training corresponds to what you are looking for.

Another solution to train yourself can be to consume free content existing on the web. For this, waalaxy blog is a great choice. 😎

You will find articles about LinkedIn and multi-channel prospecting (LinkedIn and Email), marketing in general, and tips for micro-entrepreneurs (the new name for self-employed entrepreneurs).

In short, this is a little gold mine for anyone looking to get started on LinkedIn, I assure you, you don’t want to miss this. 😍

The FAQ’s on how to become a LinkedIn expert

How do you get to the “absolute expert” level on LinkedIn?

If you’ve just created your Linkedin profile, it offers coaching to complete your profile. The objective? Get the“Absolute Expert” level.

Well, let’s be clear, having completed these few steps does not make you an absolute expert on LinkedIn, but simply means that your profile has a profile picture, a banner, a description and experiences filled in.

However, if you really want to get a real expert profile, you can follow the tips we give you in this article. 🔥

And there I think we’ve told you everything about how to find a LinkedIn expert, how to train yourself, and you even got to see some little bonus examples!

Now it’s up to you to become a true LinkedIn expert of your own! 😎

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