Is it necessary to create a company page? How to manage it? Do I need to feed this page? Should you publish with your LinkedIn business page? All your questions are answered in the article.
An incredible number of users continue to break their teeth creating content with their LinkedIn Company Page and many Podawaa users ask us whether or not to use the company page for their social media strategy.
So we decided to make it a dedicated article. The company page is useful yes, but not for your publishing strategy. So let me explain why you should not bet on a content strategy with a Business Page on LinkedIn.
Should you add your company on LinkedIn?
Before we even talk about content strategy, let’s ask ourselves whether or not it’s useful to create a company page.
The answer is obviously yes. Your company page is the showcase of your blog, your goods/services and potentially your Landing page. Thanks to this page, some users who are looking to know more about you or what you sell, will click on the link to your website. You can therefore gain traffic, but also potential customers!
How to create a LinkedIn Business Page?
Creating a LinkedIn Company Page is easy,
- If you use your account, you will be the default administrator of the LinkedIn Pro Page. You can then add other administrators.
- Click on the icon at the top right of the homepage.
- Select ” Create a Company page “,
- Type in the company name.
- Choose a URL. Be careful, you are only allowed one URL. It is up to you to choose the most relevant one.
- Check the verification box.
- Add info to complete your LinkedIn company page; Banner, description, image or logo.
Why NOT animate your company page?
Yes, you read that right, we advise you not to dwell on the LinkedIn company page. You risk wasting a lot of time and energy for little results. Tell me, is there a company page that you follow and that you particularly like on LinkedIn? Or are there relevant profiles that you follow? The answer to this question may already give you a heads up. 👂
LinkedIn is a network of people
LinkedIn is a social network. And in “social network”, there is “social” (yes you noticed, it’s still half the word 😅).
Who says social says human, says person and does not say: company, brand, self-promotion and sterilized marketing content. As a human, we get much more attached to other humans than to brands or companies. You’re far more likely to remember a post by the CEO of Coca-Cola than you are the Microsoft page. (Assuming the latter made it into your news feed, but we’ll talk about that later).
If you want to evoke emotion and therefore create high-impact blog posts, you need a face and a name behind them.
LinkedIn users want authenticity
Even in the B2b world, your image, personal branding and values matter. Especially on the LinkedIn network. No one sticks to the sterilized content of company pages. “We are launching our new 1200w heating vacuum cleaner and we will be at the Aspi-Paris show to present it to you. Come see us.”
Who cares? 👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆
Users want the authentic.
They want the unusual, the unedited. We want content that touches our emotions. And for that, we want humans with real faces to share it with us. Not logos.. If the CEO of Coca-Cola announced that he would stop using sugar in his coffee in the morning, it would get a lot more views than Coca-Cola’s announcement about its bottle recycling. #bullshit 😜
Storytelling is essential. It’s a psychological mechanism, much used in hypnosis, that projects your unconscious mind into a story. It hooks you into it, integrates it into your memory, generates emotions and releases hormones.
I’m not saying that this isn’t possible with a LinkedIn company page. It’s just going to be a lot harder. In the age of efficiency, it’s a very risky choice.
The audience engagement rate is low
Your social media presence will be hard to bring up!
This point simply follows from the previous one. Now engagement gives your LinkedIn post reach. If we take the previous examples, who do you think will get the most comments? The post about the new vacuum cleaner or the fact that the CEO of Coca-Cola stops putting sugar in his coffee in the morning?
I have my own idea. (Especially since the CEO of Coca-Cola stopping sugar, we’re on a high that should generate quite a bit of engagement 😅)
Because we are not hooked by the content, we don’t like or comment on the company pages. They therefore get less views. But the goal of a content marketing strategy is to be visible, right?

The LinkedIn algorithm is against you
Like any social media (and like any business in our capitalist society), the goal of LinkedIn is to generate revenue.
Since money is in the pocket of businesses and they are dumb enough to create content with their pages, LinkedIn’salgorithm decreases the organic reach of page posts in order to entice them to pay to get more views and therefore more leads.
As a result, you get on average 5 to 10 times less views for the same engagement on LinkedIn, and your visibility on the network does not increase. A classic strategy already applied by Facebook or Instagram. So obviously, if you have millions to spend, sponsor your posts. But we come back to the previous points: corporate content, and sponsored content at that, won’t make anyone vibrate.
So what can you do to promote your brand on the network while targeting a specific audience? There are a lot of digital marketing strategies, much more efficient than the ones used on company pages, to promote a brand. The ones I recommend are :
- Post content with the LinkedIn account profile of the company representative. If possible the CEO to create a sense of privilege with the target audience.
- Avoid “corporate content”. No one cares about your next show. Talk about experiences, be original, touch the emotional. Sometimes you can say the same thing by being much smarter about how you present and write it. So make sure you only publish quality content.
- Focus on inbound rather than outbound marketing: That is, your targets should come to you because they find your content adds value to their network. Learn more about inbound marketing. 👀
- Set up an “employee advocacy” strategy, or in French “employees who represent their company on social networks by publishing personal content” (in French it’s always longer). They can talk about their work experience, their challenges, their projects, the impact of what they do on the company. In short, things we want to hear about. Open a window to the back of the company for your audiences. Let them get to know you a little better, as humans, by getting YOUR employees published.
- Practice networking. LinkedIn is a professional social network, one of the goals of users is to build relationships. If you can do this, they will comment on your posts and you will gain notoriety and credibility.
These are just a few examples. In any case, remember that the human, the unusual, the authentic, even on LinkedIn, is far more effective than branding, sterilization and THE COMPANY PAGES 😛.
Article Conclusion
Not really convinced by what I’m explaining? I’ve found the best example to illustrate my point! Here’s a little comparison between the Coca Cola page (> 5M subscribers),

Here’s one of my recent posts (I have 2,000 followers):

When you consider that for the same engagement, a page gets 5-10 times less views, you can estimate that when Coca-Cola posts on LinkedIn, the page gets 300-500 views… For 5M subscribers 😂😂😂 I’ll let you imagine the reach of your company page that accumulates 150 subscribers. CQFD!
Faq of the article
Our users often ask some essential questions, we decided to compile them here so we can help you as much as possible.
Why have a LinkedIn company page?
As we explained in the article (but repeating ourselves is part of the job), your company page is your landing page. It helps you attract new customers to learn more and can even be the first step of a transformation (from prospect to customer). It should not be neglected, but it is not the most essential part of your communication strategy. Instead, use your professional profile to publish content. 💌
How to manage a LinkedIn company page?
To manage a company page nothing could be simpler, you can have one or more administrators. The set of admins collaborators should know what to do and not to do on the page. Get yourself quickly agreed upon. 🤗 The creator of the page becomes main admin and can add new managers. If you are main admin:
- Log in to your personal profile,
- Go to the company page,
- Click on “Manage Administrators”.
- Click on the Page Administrators tab
- Click onthe Add an administratorbutton .
Does publishing an article on LinkedIn have more reach?
Do you want to publish articles on LinkedIn? Well, we don’t recommend it. Articles on the LinkedIn social network have even less impact than posts.
The only way would be to make a very qualitative Newsletter and to be regular. There, potentially, people can subscribe to your content. But we personally didn’t put that in addition so it’s going to be hard to be able to give you a success story. If you set it up, I advise you to bet on a nice layout and a quality branding, one should be able to recognize your style in each edition.
Read our some tips on marketing copywriting. 👀👀
LinkedIn is a network where people scroll for content, just like Facebook, Istagram and Tik Tok (like all social networks for that matter). People want quick, thought-provoking content, so an article may not meet that demand. If you decide to go for it anyway, we recommend making it very visual to capture the audience’s attention.💥
How do I find a person’s LinkedIn company page?
Have you seen someone’s profile and want to know more about the company they work for? It doesn’t get much easier than that! Click on their profile, either you’ll find the company link to the right of their name at the very top, or you’ll have to scroll down to “work experience” and look at where they currently work. Sometimes people don’t fill in this information because their LinkedIn profile is incomplete.
Don’t make this mistake. Make sure that you, and everyone in the company, has a complete and fully optimized LinkedIn profile! Moreover, know that if every employee undertakes a marketing strategy on LinkedIn then you can really reap incredible benefits! This is what Waalaxy has done, under the name “Avengers strategy”.
Want to know more?
How to delete LinkedIn Business page?
Did you make a mistake? Do you want to change the company page on LinkedIn? 😱
It’s super hard to figure out how to delete your company page on the Internet, when in fact it’s very simple: you can’t delete the company page. You can only “deactivate” it.
Only the super Admin (the one who created the page) can deactivate it. To do this you just have to follow a few simple steps:
- Log in to your personal profile,
- Go to the company page,
- Click on the “admin tools” button
- Go to “disable page”,
- Read the technical details,
- Validate by checking ” By clicking Deactivate, I confirm that I understand the implications of deactivating the page.”
There you go, you now know what to do and what not to do on your LinkedIn business page. We really hope we’ve helped you save time and boost your digital strategyon LinkedIn. Feel free to connect with me on the network to share and help us better support you. 🥰