How to write my invitation note or my prospecting message on LinkedIn?

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Using ProspectIn automates the sending of connection requests on LinkedIn and allows you to create proper prospecting sequences. Let’s see how prospecting message LinkedIn!

The tool allows you to save precious time and can get you results that are far superior to traditional emailing campaigns. However, it is still essential that your prospecting approaches and messages are optimized.

Today, we go back to the basics of copywriting and how to convince through the written word: How to write your prospecting message on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn copywriting: what is it all about?

Copywriting is the art of writing to convince. It is not about your ability to write pages of text on a topic of expertise. But rather to use techniques and (magic) formulas to convince your prospect to use your app, or to buy your product or service.

The top 5 do’s and don’ts of writing your LinkedIn posts

Due to my title of “Co-Founder” and “COO” on LinkedIn, I have the chance (or rather bad luck) of being contacted dozens of times a day by people who do not master the codes of prospecting and copywriting. So I have an endless number of examples to illustrate the DON’Ts. 😉

Send an illegible block of 1000 words

You don’t have the time, and neither do your prospects. A 1000-word prospecting message will never be read, so there is no point in spending time describing your business or your product up and down – there is no point.

Seriously, who wants to read such a post? What’s more on LinkedIn? 😱

On average, a message of 1000 characters or more receives half the response of a message of 300 characters (see our study on the subject).

Writing in capital letters

When you write a word in all caps, it gives the impression that you are shouting. This gives an extremely aggressive tone to your message. You don’t want to attack your interlocutor, you want to coax him or her. SOUNDS PRETTY OBVIOUS, DOESN’T IT? 😁

And yet…

Use several different fonts in your message

Just like a message written in all caps, a message with several different fonts just makes you look sloppy. One has the impression of reading a draft.

Contrary to what one may think, the use of bold is to be avoided. This makes it clear that your message is for commercial purposes, as it reads completely unnatural. You want to build a relationship with your prospect, not come across as an obvious salesperson.

In prospecting, the form is as important as the content. Therefore, your message must be neat. 👌🏻

Make grammar mistakes

It sounds like common sense, and yet. I can no longer count the number of prospecting messages filled with spelling errors.
Again, the form is as important as the substance. Making 10 spelling mistakes in your LinkedIn prospecting post totally discredits you.

Talk about yourself, be too vague, don’t use a call to action

Your prospect doesn’t know you. They don’t know your job description. And guess what, they are not interested. The prospect simply wants to understand how you are going to help them solve their problems. You can’t afford to stay vague in your approach, or be without a call to action, and hope your message bites:

Do you really think your prospect is going to agree to a meeting just because you want to talk about “synergies” between your two companies? No chance. You have to get straight to the point. Be more precise.

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How to write a message that sells on LinkedIn

Well, now that we have seen the pitfalls to avoid, we will be able to look at the main principles and techniques that will allow you to optimize your prospecting message on LinkedIn.

The structure of your message

Your LinkedIn message should have a fixed structure – each part governed by specific codes.

The hook

The hook is the first sentence you’ll use in your LinkedIn message or note. It must be short, but above all, it must get the recipient of the message to continue reading it. The hook is essential: if you lose your interlocutor at this stage, it does not matter that you had given your full attention to the rest of your message, it will be in vain.

The hook in the form of a question generally works quite well. You do not speak of yourself directly, rather you are interested in the problems of your prospect and seek to understand their problems. The hook should thus raise a “pain”, a problem encountered by your prospect.
Remember, if there is no problem, there is no solution. 😉

ProspectIn automates the sending of messages on LinkedIn. We recommend that you invest some of the time you saved using our tool into refining your approaches.

Do not hesitate to perform A/B tests on your messages to find the approach that converts the best.

Your value proposition

The value proposition comes right after the hook. If you use a question in the teaser, the value proposition provides some answers to that question.

In one or two sentences max you must state as clearly as possible what you offer in your role(a solution/service/SaaS?…) and how what you offer is the solution to the problem your target faces.

You need to say enough so that your prospect will want to know more after reading your value proposition, by visiting your website for example.

The Call To Action

Now that you have explained how you are offering a product/service X that responds to problem Y, you must tell your prospect what their next steps.

For example, you can send a registration link, indicate a link to your website or even propose that your target contacts you.

In general, it is best to never exceed 500 characters in your message. Remember that you only have a few seconds to capture your prospect’s attention, the human brain is made in such a way so as to decide if a message is potentially interested in less than 2 seconds. Chances are, your message won’t even get read if your post takes too long to read at first glance.

Analyzing a LinkedIn message

Using the structure above, here’s what it would look like for a prospecting message sent to promote Inbox waalaxy, the latest tool from the Waapi family.

  • The hook:

The hook is simple and effective: you will have the attention of all the prospects who use LinkedIn messaging on a massive scale (heavy messaging users know how much a PAIN that is).

  • The value proposition:

The value proposition makes it possible to provide information on the nature of the product and what can be expected from it.

  • The call to action:

The call to action allows you both to indicate the next steps for your prospect, and to offer additional information if necessary (thanks to the link to the website).

In just a few seconds, you have clearly indicated the problem you are tackling, what you are offering, and what this implies for your target.


To optimize the effectiveness of your prospecting message on LinkedIn, you must respect a few common-sense rules and apply a precise structure that meets certain criteria.

If you want to go even further in optimization, you will need to perform A / B testing.


Want to go further?

Whether you’re a marketer or a content creator, regularly searching for content ideas is certainly one of the greatest challenges.


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