Why you should post on LinkedIn : Top 6 bad reasons not to post on LinkedIn

Admit it: you’ve seen people on LinkedIn do thousands of views with very basic posts. Maybe you know someone completely “normal” who recently published on LinkedIn. And who is very successful. Let’s see why you should post on LinkedIn.

But you keep saying to yourself: “No, post on LinkedIn is not for me“. And maybe you are using one of the following arguments to convince yourself not to publish on LinkedIn.

We explain to you why you are wrong (yes, it’s hard to hear). Let’s dive into it.


Impostor syndrome: I have no legitimacy

“Impostor syndrome, also called autodidact syndrome, induces a kind of sickly doubt in the people who are victims of it.

These doubts encourage them to deny ownership of any achievement, whether professional or private. 💔

According to this theory, victims, therefore, tend to systematically reject the merit linked to their work and attribute their success to external factors such as luck, hard work, relationships, certain exceptionally favorable circumstances … “

In other words, you say to yourself: what do I have more than the others to speak on LinkedIn? How am I legitimate to give my opinion and share content.

It is a syndrome encountered by many entrepreneurs. Myself, from the height of my 23 years at the time of writing, I often say to myself “How am I legitimate to give my opinion on LinkedIn? To share things?”.

Then I see all the people who engage with my content. Those who add me after seeing my posts to thank me and follow my other content.

LinkedIn is widely used to talk about yourself. Content with high added value is still quite rare and users are fond of it. So there is a unique opportunity to publish.

Legitimacy is acquired through exercise itself. You surely have knowledge on your domain of expertise which seems “basic” to you. But in reality, you know a lot more than most people. You can enlighten them. And they will thank you.

Try to source your content. To ensure you’re not talking sh*t. From there, nothing makes you less legitimate than another to post on LinkedIn.

But it depends on you and your ambition of course. You choose!

Posting on LinkedIn is too time-consuming

I guess you haven’t read our article on “How to get 75k views per week in 30 minutes per day” 😉

First: you don’t have to post on LinkedIn every day. Start with once a week. Regularity is the key to the success of your strategy on LinkedIn. Privilege less frequent but more constant posting than several consecutive posts and nothing for long periods. Impose a rhythm.

Then, writing content on your domain of expertise, news from your sector, a short story that happened to you (and which brings value to your audience), takes about twenty minutes per week. 20 minutes for thousands of potential views. The question should not even arise.

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I won’t have any outreach

“Ok I’m legitimate. Ok posting content doesn’t take that long. But for what reach? I’ve tried posting on LinkedIn before. I’ve never gotten more than a few hundred views. My network is probably too small.”

First: building an audience takes minimal time and posts. You have to “heat” the LinkedIn algorithm.

Second: building an effective content strategy is not done on the fly. It is being prepared and built.

Third: the network has very little impact on your reach in terms of publication. What really matters is the engagement rate. And then nothing prevents you from engaging in a network expansion strategy with automation tools for LinkedIn (and getting 400 new relationships per week)

Finally, if your goal is really to make the most of your time for tens of thousands of views, the use of pods is almost essential.

LinkedIn is for recruitment

“Why publish on LInkedIn when it is only a market place between job seekers and recruiters?”

If you think like that, I’m sorry to tell you, you missed a train. 80% of BtoB leads on social networks are generated via LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the network to find your BtoB customers!

Your prospects are probably waiting for you in their newsfeed. Do not miss this opportunity!

I don’t know what to say

“Publishing on LinkedIn requires ideas. Knowing what to say. No one is interested in my expertise, I really don’t know what to talk about.”

And yet there is so much to say. So many ways to put implement a strategy. Just look at LinkedIn experts like Ruben Taieb who publish every day. Part of the content revolves around questions about the tools used by his audience.

What’s wrong with that? He is visible, it highlights his expertise. Without talking only about him.

There is so much to talk about:

  • How you got over a certain problem
  • What is the trend of the problem that your service or product solves?
  • What is the news in your sector (using tools such as Scoop-it for monitoring)
  • Tell an inspiring story, personal or taken on the internet
  • Talk about a skill that interests you, about recently seen content that has marked you

What matters is to adopt a good strategy and prepare the subjects. Create a note, write down all your ideas in bulk. Ask those around you or your colleagues to give you ideas. And when you’ve exhausted them, why not ask your audience directly what they want to see?

Views are vanity metrics. It does not bring any business

Both true and false. The business brought by your content strategy is not necessarily directly proportional to the number of views you make.

But there is no denying that the views you make increase the chances of hitting potential prospects and targets.

By going to the “Posts and activity” section of your LinkedIn profile, it is possible, by clicking on the number of views, to see what is the typology of your audience. One way to know if you’re reaching the right people.

Post on LinkedIn isn’t just about dropping leads in your email. It is also to use the “familiarity bias”, which consists in saying that the more someone is exposed to something, the more he or she is likely to like it.

You know, this music which irritated you at the beginning, and which, by dint of hearing it on the radio, you are now liking (even if it is difficult to admit)? This is the familiarity bias.

By posting regularly on LinkedIn, you expose yourself to a whole audience, who, the day where they will have to make a purchasing decision, will be more likely to appeal to your product or service.

Are you ready to post on LinkedIn ? No more bad excuses to start a content strategy? Or do you remain convinced that publishing is not for you?

If so, contact me on LinkedIn. We discuss it together!

There is nothing stopping you from posting on LinkedIn. If you really want to do it, then go. Even when you don’t feel legitimate, just publish on LinkedIn. It will allow you to gain confidence and have new opportunities.

It doesn’t need to be time ⌚ consuming also, you can spend some time to note your ideas, what you would like to write or just simply ask to your audience what they would like to see on LinkedIn.

FAQ of the article Why post on LinkedIn

Is it better to post or to share a post on LinkedIn ?

You should definitely post your own content on LinkedIn. You can share a post but for the algorithm, we don’t advise you to do so.

If you really want to share an interesting post, you definitely need to add some value to the content (at least 150 characters)

What is the difference between an article and a post ?

On LinkedIn, you are quite limited about the characters. For a status, the character limit is 1300. If you want to write an article, it’s something different, characters are up to 125 000.

What are the advantages of posting on LinkedIn ?

If you try to stick to your routine of posting regularly, show that you know what you are talking about, you network will trust you more and more. It will give you a certain authority in your domain.

When you are seen as an expert, people tend to come and ask for your services and what you can offer to them.

With all that we said above, you know, now, why you should post on LinkedIn. 🚀

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