“Book a meeting” : Measure your Performance with Calendly x Google Sheets (via Zapier)

Want to know how many people decided to book a meeting on Calendly with you ?

Manage your performance and follow-ups or those of your sales teams? Test what works best? You need to juggle organization and pro activity. We’re going to reveal a little trick you can implement to manage it all automatically. 😱 Here we go. 👇

Thanks to the Calendly tool, and a little Zapier synchronization, you will be able to easily and quickly track your click-through rates, measure your performance, track the number of appointments made as a result of your prospecting, or even, track the fruit of your A/B Testing.

What is Zapier?

Zapier is an ultra-powerful tool. From its simplicity, to its integration possibilities. 💥

It allows you to synchronize multiple applications together with the aim of exchanging data quickly, easily. It’s an incredible time saver to track your performance, transfer data to your favorite CRM, trigger alerts based on this or that event, the possibilities are almost endless.

What is Calendly?

Calendly is a professional appointment scheduling tool, like Google Calendar or Zoom. Calendly is the leader in its market and is a simplified, easy-to-use tool which avoids unnecessary exchanges, offering only availabilities compatible with all your calendars.

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How many people clicked on ” book a meeting ” ?

Lazy to follow the tutorial ? If you like this Zap, you have neither the time nor the energy to follow this tuto, no worries. You can click on the Zap link below and everything will already be done! You’ll just need to log in to the different accounts. 😊

➡️ Calendly x Google Sheets Zap link.

How to set up the Calendly x Google Sheets synchronization?


In this example, you have several sales people using Waalaxy to do prospecting campaigns in the South of France. The goal is to expand your network by sending invitations and messages to potential customers. In one of your messages, you include the link to your calendly to book a 30 minutes meeting with these potential customers to present your solution.

The goal? 🏈

Automate the prospecting and follow-up of your sales team.

How? 🤔

By using Waalaxy for prospecting campaigns, and using the Google Sheets x Calendly Zap to simply retrieve booked appointments and their information in a shared Google Sheets. 💥


Before setting up your Zap, you need to create your Zapier account. You can use the free trial of Zapier, and then the free version of Zapier that allows you to do 100 tasks / month. You will also need to create an account on Calendly, and have registered pro events .

Here are three different events: Prospection PACA / Prospection Nouvelle Aquitaine / Prospection Occitanie. These 3 events correspond to 3 different salespeople who each manage 3 Waalaxy campaigns according to the region they are prospecting in. 👇

Creation of the Zap

First step: Calendly

  • Go to Zapier, click on “Create a Zap.”
  • Look for “Calendly”, select it,
  • In “Action Event”, select “Invitee Created”,
  • Click on “Continue”,

  • Connect your Calendly account with the API Key. 👇

On Calendly:

  • Click on “Integrations” and “Zapier”,
  • Copy the API Key,

Your account is now connected. Back to the Zap, where you can simply select the account you just set up. 👇

  • Click on “Test Trigger”, and press “Continue”.

You should have a Success message “We found an invitee”!

⚠️ If you ever encounter an error message at this level, the reasons are:

  • either you haven’t created the events yet,
  • or no one has yet accepted one of your events, so there is no data to synchronize yet.

Step 2: Google Sheets

First of all

You have to create a Google Sheets sheet with the different columns corresponding to the headings of your event. In Calendly, you have filled in the name of your event, and inside :

  • the name of the person booking the event,
  • theprofessional email of the person,
  • the person from your sales team who is booking the event,
  • the duration of the event,
  • the type of event

Your Google Sheets sheet should therefore have these columns. 👇

  • Click on the little “+” and search for “Google Sheets”,
  • In “Action Event”, choose “Create Spreadsheet Row(s)”,
  • Do “Continue”,

  • Connect your Google Sheets account,
  • In the Set up action, select your Google Drive account, the spreadsheet, the worksheet previously created,
  • Fill in the different fields in this way 👇

  • Test the action, and do “Turn On Zap”

Zap is now active! 🤪

View on Google Sheets

Antoine Malet, your prospect, has just booked your “Prospecting – Occitania” event with the salesperson “Tom Bocal”. His information has just been sent to your shared Google Sheets. 👇

Bonus: I want to be notified on Slack as soon as somebody clicked on ” book a meeting “

You want to be alerted on Slack in the channel you share with your sales people, you want to get a little message as soon as the button “book a meeting” is pressed. It gives you power, and it helps you track your KPIs. 🤔 It’s totally possible, you’ll just need to add a little step to your Zap.

Following your Zap. 👇

  • Click on the little “+” and search for “Slack”,
  • In “Action Event”, choose “Send Channel Message”, do “Continue”,

  • Connect to your Slack account, and do “Continue”,
  • In the Set Up Action choose the channel on which the message should be sent, the message to send, and the various other fields according to what you want,

  • Test the action, and do “Turn On Zap”,

View on Slack

Here’s what it will look like on Slack, once a pro appointment is booked from your Calendly. 👇

FAQ of the article

What is the pricing of Calendly?

There are 5 different subscriptions on Calendly: Basic, Essentials, Professional, Teams and Enterprise.

You can find details of the Calendly features and subscriptions from their website. 👇

➡️ Pricing and Subscriptions.

What is the pricing of Zapier?

There are 5 different subscriptions on Zapier, based on the same model as those offered by Calendly.  The main difference lies in the number of Zaps available per month. Obviously, the higher your subscription, the more features are added. You can see the details of these features here; ➡️ Pricing and Subscriptions.

When does the data get sent?

We send the data in “streams”. Every 10 leads, the data is sent. We have another solution in case you never reach 10 leads, the data is sent every 30 minutes.

Can I add information to the Zap?

You can add information to your Zap. All the information that can be synchronized is listed for you in the “Test Action” on the “Calendly” Zap. 👇

You can create as many Google Sheets columns as information that can be synchronized. 💥

Can I add a step to this Zap?

As I showed you with Slack, you can add any step afterwards.

How do I run a prospecting campaign on Waalaxy?

To help you get started right on Waalaxy, you can use our tutorial videos to launch your first prospecting strategy. 😍

Conclusion: analyze your pro appointments

Any tip, technique, marketing strategy that can help you organize and save time is good to take. The better you manage to analyze your appointments, the better you’ll be able to adjust the shot. To know what your transformation rate is, here is the calculation:

( Number of new customers / Number of pro appointments ) x 100

As part of your sales strategy, all you need to do is to take a few minutes to prepare your automated action campaigns on Waalaxy, and set up this little Zap, to save you an incredible amount of time by avoiding time-consuming tasks and by simply collecting results. This digital strategy allows us to know the response rate with Waalaxy, the appointment rate with Calendly, and also the click rate! Magic, isn’t it? If you’d like to learn more about how to get pro appointments, read our guide to lead generation via LinkedIn. 🤩

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