Become an affiliate marketing with Waalaxy : Step by Step Guide

This guide is to help our future Ambassador to become an affiliate marketing with Waalaxy. You earn 50% commission on all your sales. 🥰 We all have the same interest, it’s a win-win partnership, so welcome everyone to this explainer article. 🎊

What is affiliation?

In e-marketing language, affiliation on the Internet allows an advertiser website to promote its products or services by offering remuneration to other publisher websites in exchange for bringing sales, registrations, or traffic.

On Waalaxy, you promote the tool to your community, customers, friends, and colleagues via an affiliate link, and in exchange, we reward you with commissions.

That’s some heavy stuff, isn’t it? 😎


Who is the affiliate marketing for?

Legal Framework

✅ Who is eligible to be an Ambassador:

  • European companies (including agencies),
  • Companies outside Europe.
  • Freelancers, Auto-entrepreneurs.
  • Individuals outside Europe.
  • European Individuals.

❌ Who is not allowed to be an Ambassador:

  • Others.

Typology: Become an affiliate with Waalaxy

There are two typologies of Ambassadors:

  • Those who integrate Waalaxy into their current business.
  • Those whose sole purpose is to generate income.

In the first case, you are already involved in supporting the sales strategy of customers, agencies, companies, or others, and you want to implement Waalaxy as a prospecting tool in this process while earning a commission on the generated sales.

In the second case, you want to generate additional and recurrent income through Waalaxy, either through existing channels (Youtube channel, Tiktok account, newsletter, blog…) or through other channels (Facebook Ads, prospecting…).

Both cases are welcome on Waalaxy and are not incompatible with each other, on the contrary. 🔥

Get your first customers this week

Take advantage of the power of Waalaxy to generate leads every day. Start prospecting for free, today.

waalaxy dashboard

How to Become an affiliate with Waalaxy?

In this great part, I propose to give you all the keys to understanding who Waalaxy is for, what are its advantages on the market, how to distribute it, and even the selling points.

Who is Waalaxy for?

Waalaxy is for a lot of people. Really a lot. It will be difficult to define exactly who, but I will give you an idea of our typical customers. It’s important to define your Persona to move forward with your strategy.💼

Typical client: our Persona

Pascal is 58 years old. Profession: former accountant. Pascale wants to start an entrepreneurial project in collective intelligence. Need: to find new customers & partners for her project. Ability to use digital tools: 2/10. The main criteria for the choice of the tool: are reactive support, simplicity, and ergonomics of the product, efficiency of the campaigns.

Solopreneurs / Freelancers / Consultants

🌎 General description: one-person company.

working mostly in digital.

👽 Using Waalaxy.

: The tool allows them to find new customers without spending their day prospecting. They have limited resources so they tend to take monthly subscriptions to harvest a lead base, and then stop using it to focus on prospecting and closing.

🤩 What do they like about Waalaxy.

: The Freemium version of Waalaxy allows for lead imports from many channels, pre-populated action campaigns based on their needs, responsive support, and the ease of use of the tool.

💰 Interest in selling them Waalaxy with affiliation.

: Grouped in large communities, they are easy to target, and a strong trust between them that leads to word of mouth in their ecosystems. The argument of free is excellent to attract them.

❤️ Resources: Waalaxy subscriptions, Sequence templates.


SME: Executive / Salesman / Sales Manager

🌎 General description.

: Rather traditional BtoB company, 10 to 50 employees with somewhat “old school” processes.

👽 Use of Waalaxy.

: Find new customers easily and quickly, don’t want to spend their day prospecting, and without technical skills. They are demanding the quality of the product and its simplicity. Not very comfortable with digital tools in general, they need to be accompanied/trained.

🤩 What do they like about Waalaxy.

: The simplicity of the product, the responsive support (but prefer to have phone support, have trouble managing and apprehending the chat).

💰 Interest in selling them Waalaxy with affiliation: More inclined to take large subscriptions, team or long term (quarterly, yearly subscriptions

), high retention if satisfied with the tool and the support done to use the tool.

❤️ Resources: Waalaxy subscriptions, Plan Team.


🌎 General description: high-growth company. Comfortable ++ with digital. Punctuated by changes, quick decision making. 2 to 200 people depending on growth.

👽 Use of Waalaxy: Find new customers with an effective and efficient tool. Test and iterate new approaches and markets.

🤩 What they like about Waalaxy: Multi-channel tool, avoiding time-consuming tasks, responsive support, Waalaxy “brand” that looks young, innovative, simplicity. (allowing in high turnover companies to easily onboard new employees).

💰 Interest in selling them Waalaxy with affiliation: Often in strong growth, usually start with one license, but inclined to significantly increase their subscription, to have 10/20/100 seats on Waalaxy.

Recruiters: Recruitment firm or Recruitment Officer

🌎 General Description. : Spends a large part of their day hunting for profiles. mostly technical profiles as they are rarer.

👽 Using Waalaxy. : Contacting potential candidates on Linkedin in mass, in volume. A manual approach is often complementary, they are looking to increase their pool of available candidates in their network.

🤩 What do they like about Waalaxy. : Saving time in making contacts (pre-populated recruitment campaigns), and responsive support.

💰 Interest in selling them Waalaxy with affiliate marketing: No major interest.

❤️ Resources: Pre-filled sequence template


Job Seekers/Students

🌎 General description: Individuals looking for a job, internship, work-study. Motivated by growing up on Linkedin.

👽 Using Waalaxy: Contacting companies to find a job, Alums to expand their network, increase their awareness/network on Linkedin to get noticed, and create professional opportunities for themselves.

🤩 What they like about Waalaxy: The free tool (major asset), the simple and ergonomic interface.

💰 Interest in selling them Waalaxy with affiliation: Long-term vision. A new employee, intern, or work-study student may be asked to take charge of the implementation of a Linkedin automation solution in his new company. He/she is often the first one to take a Waalaxy license and then extend it to his/her team/company. They are easy to target because they are not very busy.

❤️ Resources: Free version of Waalaxy


Selling points and competitive advantages

Waalaxy’s main selling point: accessibility to all. All. It is broken down into 5 aspects. 👇

Simplicity of use

We are the first users of our tool. In the beginning, it was an internal tool. Our goal has always been to be the easiest-to-use tool on the market. No technical skills are required. We make sure to work on the tool to make it even easier to use. 🤓

5-star support

Our 100% chat support won’t make you miss the phone. Support that answers every day, except Saturday, available from 8am to 7pm and answers on average in less than 5 minutes, and above all, a quality that defies any competition. At the slightest question or problem, the user is quickly served. 👷

The price (free version)

Waalaxy is the only solution that offers a really cheap free version. For comparison, the free version of Waalaxy allows you to do the same thing as the paid version of Dux-Soup, one of the biggest tools on the market. 💸

The language

The tool is available, in its interface, and in its blog in 11 languages:

  • French people,
  • English,
  • Spanish, Italian,
  • Dutch,
  • German,
  • Russian,
  • Polish,
  • Japanese,
  • Portuguese,
  • Indonesian.

Support is provided in French, English, and Spanish natively, and in other languages thanks to an implemented translation tool, in 9 languages. 😜

The educational content

We must not confuse tool and method. A bike doesn’t get us anywhere if you don’t know how to pedal. That’s why we work hard to create educational and ultra-qualitative content on prospecting best practices (segmentation, copywriting, persona, approach techniques…). Everything is available on our blog, our Youtube channel, and via our Linkedin content. 📚

These 5 points make all the strengths of Waalaxy and, allow users to easily get an x 100 or even x 1000 return on investment

. 🚀

How to sell Waalaxy?

I will give you 6 ways, complementary to sell Waalaxy. 👇

Leverage your community

This is definitely the most effective way. If you already have an audience on Linkedin, a newsletter, a Youtube channel, or anything else, promoting Waalaxy via these channels with qualitative content and your affiliate link is an effective way to monetize your content, and, your audience.

You can also create a toolbox on your site, referencing the tools you recommend with for each tool, an affiliate link. 🗣️

Create training / Youtube videos

We don’t do the training in-house. We outsource this service, via Partners, including our main one: Matchers. Our main target is not very comfortable with automated prospecting, there is a real lever for Ambassadors to accompany them either via direct training (webinars, personalized service) or via the creation of video tutorials or articles.

There are already a few training videos that accumulate thousands of views on Youtube and that are not produced by us, but by our ambassador clients. A huge opportunity here is to place your affiliate link in the description of your content. Worthy of the biggest influencers. 👩

Share our content

Yes, you heard right. It’s possible and even recommended to share our articles with your affiliate link. A sneaky way to do affiliate marketing is by sharing your favorite YouTube videos and articles with your audiences or communities. If after reading/viewing these contents, the user becomes a customer, he will be counted as an affiliate.

(More information about this is below in the section “How to insert my affiliate link in another link”).

We have a total of 500+ explanatory articles on the blog, a real goldmine that the world deserves to know about (Are we doing too much? 😎). 💌

Doing some advertising

⚠️⚠️ It is forbidden to enrich our own brand name and any breach of this rule will have your affiliate link permanently removed.

Youtube Ads, Facebook Ads… All ad networks are good to promote Waalaxy and scale your affiliate! 💥

Chef’s tips

Galaxy’s free offer is really. Really powerful. Since we’re the only ones on the market doing this, it makes it that much easier to promote Waalaxy to your community. 🍳

The quality of our product & support will do the rest to convert those customers 😉 We are starting to become very well known in France.

So your success rate in France may not be as good in markets where we don’t exist yet. The solution: Try a Google Ads campaign… In Peru? 👀

Use Waalaxy to promote Waalaxy

I know what you are thinking. But, let’s face it. It’s a good idea, right? 👀

You can very well use Waalaxy to prospect people by selling them the Waalaxy tool. We even added pre-populated sequences to do this easily.👽

We break it all down for you in the Users Cases that follow. 👇

Selling Users Cases

Selling Waalaxy to Startups / SMBs

Goal: Sell Waalaxy to medium to small businesses. 🚀

Benefit: Generate attractive recurring revenue with 50% commission. Prerequisite: Have joined the affiliate program. Example of User Case: “Invitation + 2 Messages” sequence

  • Invitation without connection note.
  • Message 1 to D + 0.

  • Message 2 to D + 2.

Sell Waalaxy to Freelancers

Objective: Sell Waalaxy to Freelancers by highlighting the free nature of the tool. Advantages: Waalaxy is perfectly designed to meet the needs of freelancers / Allows them to generate an interesting recurring income thanks to 50% commissions. 🚀

Prerequisites: Have joined the affiliate program / Identify a freelancer target (Linkedin groups, 1-person company, or “freelancers” in the title). Sample User Case: “Follow-up + Invitation + 2/3 Messages” sequence.

  • Profile follow-up.
  • Invitation without connection note on D + 0.
  • Message 1 at D + 0.

  • Message 2 on D + 2.

  • Message 3 – Optional.

Selling Waalaxy to students

Goal: Promote the free version of Waalaxy to students for their job search (longer-term vision: to then be able to implement Waalaxy in their company). 🚀

Benefit: Students are not very solicited so they are quite receptive to approaches on Linkedin.

Prerequisite: Have joined the affiliate program /Try to target students who are more in their final years of study (requires Sales Navigator, Recruiter, or, Recruiter Lite). Example of User Case: Sequence “Follow-up + Invitation + 2 Messages”.

  • Profile follow-up.
  • Invitation with connection note on D + 0.

  • Message 1 on D + 0.

  • Message 2 on D + 1.

Sell Waalaxy to job seekers (the free version)

Objective: To propose to job seekers to use Waalaxy with the free version to contact decision-makers. Benefit: A job seeker is a future employee who can promote the Waalaxy solution in the company. 🚀 Prerequisite: Have joined the affiliate program / Find job seekers. Sample User Case: “Follow-up + Invitation + 2 Messages” sequence

  • Profile follow-up
  • Invitation with connection note on D + 0

  • Message 1 at D + 0

  • Message 2 to D + 5

Resources to illustrate your content

We thought of everything you can imagine. 😎

The Waalaxy Drive

In this Drive, you will find all our visual resources to illustrate your presentations or other materials.

The Waalaxy White Paper, one of our best SEO Writers, has written the White Paper. It gathers all the techniques, tips & tricks to help you develop your network and grow your business on Linkedin. You can find this gold mine of knowledge here

➡️ White paper – From Novice to Expert in LinkedIn prospecting.

Waalaxy’s tutorial videos

Waalaxy has a Youtube channel on which we regularly post :

  • 📗 Tutorial videos.
  • 💻”WAKE UP” Webinars with exceptional guests.
  • Linkedin Tips.

Waalaxy Blog

Waalaxy is also a media blog, where you will find a near-infinite number of resources, to give you the best hacks. The goal? Catapult your acquisition into 2B2 leads. 🌟 We’ve grouped them into 5 categories:

  • Emailing.
  • Linkedin tips.
  • Guides.
  • Waalaxy (Tutorials & comparisons).
  • Our other products. ( Podawaa, Inbox waalaxy).

How do I sign up as an Ambassador?

You can register from our dedicated Ambassador platform.

Sign up at

  • Insert your email, a password, and select your country of residence.

⚠️ We work with Stripe as a payment tool, we only support countries supported by Stripe.

  • Choose the option you prefer:

  • To finalize your registration, and you will be redirected to Stripe to create your billing account.

Once you have completed this part, you will arrive at your personal Ambassador interface.


This is the home page of your Ambassador interface. 👇 Here you can find your affiliate link in “Share my affiliate link”. 👇 A dashboard with your number of affiliates, paying affiliates, your collected payments, your next payment, and the total payout. A dedicated section for your affiliates is available below. 👇 You will then find the “Manage my link” section, it is from this page that you can generate affiliate keys. 👇

We have set up a system that allows you to shorten links directly from the affiliate interface and thus, put your different affiliate keys. Why did we do this? For two reasons that I detail here:

  • You want to share an article that talks about Waalaxy or Linkedin prospecting and links to our site, but you don’t want to put an affiliate key in the article. By creating a shortcode, you can be sure that anyone who signs up with us after consuming this content will be considered one of your affiliates.
  • You organize a Webinar on Waalaxy or Linkedin prospecting, when you are going to present the tool, many people are not going to go through your affiliate link. By inserting an affiliate key in the webinar registration link, you put your key in before the webinar even starts. 💰

How to do it?

It’s pretty simple. You will need to copy the link you want to use in the “Generate Affiliate Link” box from “Manage My Links” on your Ambassador platform. There you have a link redirecting to another piece of content and affixing your affiliate key.🔥


Can I get a more in-depth partnership?

No, there is no deeper partnership than that offered by the Ambassador Programme.

How can I see my affiliates and my performance?

Go to your Ambassador interface! You will be able to find all your affiliates, paying or not yet, the number of your commissions, and all the information related to them.

How long will my commissions last?

There is no time limit for the payment of commissions. You are paid for life from the first affiliate who pays a subscription to us, you will receive your commission.

What happens if the person does not go through my affiliate link?

Our tracking system is activated the first time a person visits our site. If they don’t go through the affiliate link, it will not be possible to affiliate them with you afterward.

What are the benefits for my affiliates and how much commission can I earn?

There are 3 options, depending on which one you choose, your affiliate can receive benefits:

  • 1-month trial instead of 1 week. (+ 50% commission for you).
  • A 20% promotional code valid on all our paid subscriptions + 2 weeks trial (+ 30% commission for you).
  • 2 months trial (+ 30 % commission for you).

Can I change the formula I have chosen?

It is not possible to change the formula you initially chose. The only way to do this is to create a new Ambassador account. If you have any questions about this, you can contact our chat support.

Does being an Ambassador give us access to a free Waalaxy account?

No, it does not give you access to a free Waalaxy subscription. The reason is simple: everyone can be an Ambassador. Anyone can join the Program and use Waalaxy for free. Give and take. 🚀

Am I allowed to advertise on the Waalaxy brand name?

It is strictly and naturally forbidden to advertise under our brand name. Any breach of this rule will see your Ambassador account permanently deleted. You are ready to become an affiliate marketing with Waalaxy, now it’s your turn. 🌟

Pour aller plus loin :

If you’re starting your business, you might be wondering which social media platform is better: LinkedIn vs Twitter? 🧐 In


You’ve found your prospects. Well, first step validated. You’ve chosen your Waalaxy sequence. Second step validated. You’ve reached the message-writing


One of the easiest ways to connect with potential customers, is to send them the best cold outreach LinkedIn message


Get the ultimate e-book for multi-channel prospecting 📨

Or How to go from 0 to +10 leads per week – No experience needed.