Is your account restricted by LinkedIn? You are in the right place.
If you are looking for a solution, check out our tool : Waalaxy, which is not affected by LinkedIn’s restrictions. Otherwise, in this article we explain all the different LinkedIn restrictions and our tips on how to get out of them. 👊
Find out more 🔥
Any social network must make sure that its users do not abuse the tool, spamming other users, sharing unapproved content, or creating false identities.
LinkedIn is obviously no exception to the rule. Indeed, they have recently strengthened their rules for the use and detection of abusive behavior. 🤪
What are the different levels of restrictions by LinkedIn?
Depending on your behavior, especially if you are an active user and the reasons identified by LinkedIn, you may see your account restricted by LinkedIn.
Request emails about sending a connect invite
This is the most “basic” LinkedIn restriction. LinkedIn considers that you send a lot of, possibly unsolicited, invitations. It therefore asks you to enter the email address of the person you are trying to contact to show that you know them well.
Don’t know the email? No problem, Waalaxy allows you to retrieve the email and therefore send the connection request, even if you do not know the email, rather handy, isn’t it? 😉
Weekly quotas for sending invitations reached
It’s brand new, it’s just released, the new way to have your account restricted by LinkedIn: LinkedIn has decided to put weekly limits on sending invitations.
Contrary to what we can read here and there, this limit is the same for everyone, whether you have a premium subscription or not, Sales Navigator or not, whether you have a very high acceptance rate at your connection requests or not, whether you have a lot of connections or not.
This limit is around 100 connection requests per week, which is really not much, it must be said!
Fortunately, Waalaxy allows, once again, to exceed this quota. By automatically retrieving the email address of the person you are trying to connect with, it is possible to send the request through email. The good news? These requests do not count in the weekly connection request send quotas!
By using Waalaxy you can therefore send several hundred connection requests per week without any problem 🚀

Your message gets in SPAM folder
Rarer, this restriction is difficult to identify. They usually happen when you use an automation tool and you contact several hundred people by private message on LinkedIn, with the same message.
The only way to find out is to send the message to a friend and if your message gets in his or her SPAM folder.
Detection of an automation tool
If you use an automation tool like Dux-Soup, LinkedIn may be able to detect it directly. In this case, you will get a warning message with the name of the extension you are using and it will ask you to stop using this tool.
It can also detect behaviors that appear to be automated, without being 100% sure you’re using automation tools. This often happens when you are going through hundreds of profiles in searches in a short period of time.
Temporarily restricted with a request for ID
This is a more serious restriction. LinkedIn considers that you have violated its Terms of Service.
It can happen :
- If you continued to use a prohibited automation tool,
- If LinkedIn considers that your account is not attached to a real identity,
- If you’ve shared content that has been flagged multiple times,
- Any other systematic violation of their T & Cs.
Permanent banned from LinkedIn
This step is the final step. Normally, you have gone to the previous step, you have provided an ID document and:
- LinkedIn’s security service told you explicitly by email that your account was banned.
- You are not unrestricted even after several weeks after providing your ID.
The definitive ban is generally justified and happens quite rarely. 😅
How to avoid being banned on LinkedIn?
Respect the T & Cs and good practices
No miracles. LinkedIn doesn’t ban its users for fun. You must respect its Terms & Conditions. Among others:
- Do not share inappropriate content,
- Do not spam or harass people,
- Create a quality network.
What if I use an automation tool?
Automation tools are officially banned by LinkedIn. However, their use is widespread and they are very useful to many users.
In addition, these tools give value to paid options like the Sales Navigator, because they are much more relevant when combined with these tools.
We advise you to avoid tools like Dux-Soup or Phantom Buster which put your account and your image at risk.
Tools like Waalaxy have been designed to respect best practices, so as not to put your account at risk and to remain within the “normal” range of activity while allowing you to gain visibility.
Best practices to avoid having your account restricted by LinkedIn
There are some general best practices to avoid restrictions. 👇
Do not send more than 100 invitations per working day
If you want to continue to be active on this social network then: 100 is the maximum connection request that you can send per day. Given recent LinkedIn updates, staying below 80 or even 60 would be the best practice to ensure complete safety. These figures are given for an account over 3 months old and over 500 relationships.
Avoid overly commercial approaches
One of the important factors for LinkedIn is the quality of the relationships that you establish or seek to establish. You can send out 100 invitations a day, if everyone knows you and accepts you.
On the other hand, LinkedIn doesn’t like to see spammers trying to contact as many people as possible in an unsolicited manner. ❌
So you need to:
- Optimize your acceptance rates as much as possible by trying to use an open question to avoid refusals
- Avoid approaches that try too hard to sell or that can be seen as “spam”. The more people report (“I don’t know this person”), the more likely you are to be restricted.
Delete your pending invites
LinkedIn allows a maximum of 3,000 pending invitations. In fact, it is better to regularly delete requests for invitations.
We advise staying as often as possible under 1000 or even 500. Waalaxy allows you to do this automatically.
Use a well-established account
LinkedIn doesn’t like to see a newly created account trying to get in touch with a lot of people too quickly. If your account is young or if it is a fake account, gradually increase the size of your network and complete all the information in your profile. (See how to create an account without getting banned).
How do I unblock my LinkedIn account?
Has your account been restricted by LinkedIn? There are several solutions to unblock a LinkedIn account.
Weekly sending limits and email request
If LinkedIn asks you to enter an email each time you request a connection, we recommend that you stop sending connection requests for at least 24 hours. 🕓
Then, if LinkedIn still asks you for the email to connect with the person, the solution will be to use a tool like Waalaxy, which automatically retrieves emails, to send your connection requests.
My messages get in SPAM folder
We advise you in this case:
- To wait a few days before resending your messages
- To halve the volume of messages when you resume your campaigns,
- Use several different messages,
- Request a response from your interviewer if possible, to show LinkedIn that your content interests your recipient.
LinkedIn has detected an automation tool
If this happens to you: if the extension is clearly identified by its name, we invite you to stop using this tool because LinkedIn will be able to detect it again. Favor tools like Waalaxy, untraceable by LinkedIn.
If the tool is not clearly identified by its name, we recommend that you pause your campaigns for a few days and then reduce the volumes of profiles you browse.
Unblock my account restricted by LinkedIn
In the event that LinkedIn asks you for an ID, there is only one thing to do: provide the real ID associated with the profile.
If the account is a fake account then you will never get it back. If you have used Waalaxy and you are using the Team Feature, you can retrieve their prospects and export them in CSV to import them into another account.
In the event that LinkedIn does not respond to you after two weeks or responds that the account is permanently banned, there is, unfortunately, nothing that can be done. 😅
On the other hand, if your account is unlocked, we advise you to go easy on connection requests for a few weeks.
- Avoid sending too many invitations and/or gradually increase volumes starting from 10-15 per day,
- If you are using an automation tool that has been detected by LinkedIn then stop using it,
- Avoid browsing hundreds of profile pages on LinkedIn,
- Rethink your approaches and your messages to appear less “spammy”.
💨 If you need to know more about LinkedIn Warnings, please follow this link to make sure you keep your account safe. 👀
How does Waalaxy handle restrictions from LinkedIn?
Waalaxy has been designed to perfectly reproduce human behavior. We have different mechanisms in place to remain undetectable.
On the other hand, the recent LinkedIn update adding weekly quotas may appear whether you are using Waalaxy, or sending invitations manually.
Now, Waalaxy integrates a system that takes these restrictions into account. The operation is as follows:
- When you send a connection request, we automatically retrieve the email address of the person you want to connect with and send the invitation via email, which saves your weekly sending quotas.
- If we are unable to retrieve the email, we send the invitation via LinkedIn directly.
This system allows you to save your weekly connection request sending quotas and regain a connection request sending capacity of up to 100 per day.
LinkedIn has implemented a number of safeguards in recent years to prevent abuse on the network. The restrictions are generally temporary. They can be avoided by following best practices and maintaining a “normal use” of LinkedIn. In the majority of cases, if your account is restricted by LinkedIn, you can get away with our tips.
To sum up in 4 questions
Why has my account been restricted by LinkedIn?
There are several possible reasons, but in the eyes of the algorithm, you have probably been abusing LinkedIn. For example, you used automation software, you sent too many invitations, you created a fake LinkedIn account.
Is it possible to unblock my LinkedIn account?
Yes, it is possible depending on the restriction. You will go through several stages of verification from LinkedIn.
How do I prevent my account from being restricted by LinkedIn?
Use an automation tool that prioritizes the security of your account, like Waalaxy. Do not share inappropriate content, do not spam users.
What should I do once my account is restricted?
If you are looking for a solution, check out our Waalaxy tool, which is not affected by LinkedIn restrictions. Otherwise, in this article we explain all the different LinkedIn restrictions and our tips for getting out of them. 👊
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