Master prospecting on LinkedIn with these 5 tips

Through our Ambassador program, we have managed to attract some of the greatest LinkedIn experts, wishing to promote our prospecting tool – ProspectIn – to their customers. We have selected 5 of the best tips from these LinkedIn experts to help push your prospecting on LinkedIn to new heights.

First of all, B2B prospecting allows you to :

  • Find new customers.
  • Boost your lead-generation, B2B marketing and sales.
  • Enhance your engagement lead metric and lead qualification.
  • Broaden your potential customer base in your CRM.
  • Create traffic to your website and conversion funnel.
  • Increase lead nurturing with a marketing automation software.

Hack 1 – This is real life.

“Ask yourself a simple question before pressing the send button: does this message perfectly correspond to the way in which I have approached a prospect in real life at a networking event?” Florian Bourguignon, LinkedIn Prospecting Expert.

We know we’re not starting off easy, but this is a fundamental question: why should you approach prospects in real life differently than on LinkedIn? The answer: in real life, you can always correct a mistake. But if your prospect declines your invitation on LinkedIn… It’s over!

Very often people say to me “I would never say that to a prospect in real life. Why should I say it on LinkedIn? ”


Sending a message on LinkedIn is like breaking the ice at a networking events, except that instead of making a comment about the wine or the quality of the cheese platter, or the speaker you just saw, you have dozens of much more qualitative icebreakers thanks to the information on their profile.

It is important to not lose a human touch, and to get the perfect balance between a laid-back approach and professionalism.

Hack 2 – Short messages to optimize your B2B prospecting on LinkedIn

“Write short messages. People don’t have the time.” By Adrien Croville, co-founder of Mentor-Marketing.

This is a fundamental concept. However, I have already been targeted with messages of more than 1300 words. 1300 words! This is an article, not a message.

Florian Bourguignon even specifies:

“Do not exceed 600 characters in the first message after the invitation.”

Remember that you are only in the line of vision of your prospect. In order words, they don’t care about you (yet). Don’t stuff them with information. Instead, talk to them about your expectations regarding your connection, and discuss points of common interest. That leads me to a third point.

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Hack 3 – A clear call to action to boost your customer base

You don’t arrive at an unprepared sales interview without knowing exactly what you want. So don’t do it with your prospects on LinkedIn.

“Only one objective per message. (You don’t want to sell your services from the first message)” , Adrien Croville.

It is essential to define precisely:

  • Who your target is.
  • Why you are contacting them, and why now.
  • What you expect from them.
  • Finally, how are you going to call them to action.

Florian Bourguignon adds:

Clearly define your sales objectives at the start, to quantify the time and the number of campaigns required.

Don’t waste time on cold prospects.

Hack 4 – Don’t just prospect, give value

This is an article on prospecting. But we can’t talk about prospecting without talking about having an optimized profile and creating content.

“LinkedIn works on a profile/messages/content triptych: one cannot work without the other two, and each must be properly optimized” Benoît Dubos, co-founder of, a marketing agency which produces courses with high added value on LinkedIn best practices.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. Adding prospects to LinkedIn is good. But it is not enough. By creating content, you bring value to your future customers. By sharing it on LinkedIn, you increase your credibility and your “expert” status in the field.

You must seriously consider optimizing your profile, as it is your business showcase. Your profile is the door to your website!

Hack 5 – Stand out from the mass

“Take the opposite of what is commonly done”, Benoît Dubos

If you are someone who receives several prospecting connection requests per day, take a second to think about them. What/who do you remember? Only those who stand out!

I would even add: Be original. Test new things. Create and try-out approaches that you’ve never seen before. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. But with automation, you can test, measure and iterate. Until you find an approach that works, and identify those that don’t work. (If you need an extra push, I suggest giving our article “How to get 51% acceptance” a read).

A bonus tip for prospecting on LinkedIn…

“Be nice and/or be a woman”, Benoit Dubos (once again).

Just kidding!

Not really 😂 Let me explain:

Staying polite and friendly, even if a prospect tells you where to go (which is inevitable when you test original messages), is a no-brainer. But some of you might be surprised to hear that we also found that female profiles obtain much higher acceptance and response rates.

What about you? Do you have a tip to share regarding prospecting on LinkedIn or sales funnel? 😁


What prospecting tool should I use?

Choose ProspectIn for its security and performance advantages. You will boost your ROI, automate your B2B sales and marketing strategies, and get new leads with our lead generation software.

Pour aller plus loin :

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