How to Get Likes on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is the professional social network par excellence if you want to position yourself as an expert. In addition to developing your professional network, you can create content that generates different reactions. In this regard, we explain how to get likes on LinkedIn.

Quality content, an essential element to get likes on LinkedIn

It is very easy to create and distribute content on LinkedIn. Creating engagement on LinkedIn or feedback can be more difficult, especially if you don’t master the basic rules and are new to this social network.

As for any communication action, it is essential to think about a strategy and objectives to achieve. Do you want to develop your audience? Generate leads? Find future partners?

To reach your mid-term objectives, you will have to stand out. And what better way to do this than by creating content! If it only takes a few clicks to write a post, content creation can be a little more difficult. The first thing to consider is the quality of your content. To do this, put yourself in the shoes of the person you want to reach and ask yourself what kind of content you would like to read. To make the difference, you need to

  • Provide concrete information. Publish to publish doesn’t do much good, think about creating content with high added value.
  • Propose different formats: videos, articles, posts, LinkedIn podcast relays, have fun!
  • Encourage reaction. For example, you can insert a call to action at the end of your post to get your audience to react as a comment.

Be strategic and methodical to get likes on LinkedIn!

Content creators are very numerous on this platform. So you’ll have to be smart and have ideas to propose content that will allow you to differentiate yourself!
So think about your content strategy: there is no point in publishing every day for 3 months and then disappearing for several weeks afterwards. Be regular and think about interaction with other users. Go comment or leave a reaction to a post that attracts your attention, you will get noticed by other users. They might in turn be interested in your content, so don’t be afraid to show up!

A well-constructed post encourages reaction. Insert a visual (short video, photo, carousel), leave space in your post to make it more enjoyable to read, drag a few emojis that are appreciated and make your content more “friendly”.
Finally, using hashtags in connection with your posts will make them visible to the people who subscribe to them: so many chances to generate likes on LinkedIn.

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Think group to get likes on LinkedIn

You certainly have other LinkedIn users in your entourage. Why don’t you ask them to go put a “like” on your post?
And to multiply your commitment tenfold, have you thought about pods? These are groups of users interested in the same theme. If you choose them correctly, you will make your content known to a qualified audience while increasing your engagement rate: your audience grows, so does the number of prospects!

Tools such as Podawaa allow you to personalize your audience and select the type of comments you want among the most relevant ones used on LinkedIn. Your communication becomes simpler and saves you precious time! Think about it!

To go further:

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