How to get the leads who comment on my LinkedIn posts with Waalaxy

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LinkedIn is a gold mine. For your prospecting, to build your brand image, to build your notoriety, to sell, to build a network, to make yourself known. Imagine that on top of all that, you can automatically get a lead on LinkedIn who left a comment?

You want to send content you’ve talked about in your posts to the people who want it, try a personalized approach, it’s possible thanks to Waalaxy‘s functionality. We explain everything here. 😎

The auto-import feature

Recover a prospect on LinkedIn leaving a comment

The auto-import functionality allows you to automatically populate your campaign with prospects as soon as they meet a predefined condition. In this case, the condition defined is “The prospect has commented on a LinkedIn post”. To configure auto-import 👇

  • You must be in your campaign at the creation stage and click on “add leads” and “select a list”,
  • Click on “Auto-import” and select “Commented on a LinkedIn post”; “Enter the URL” of the post.


Automatically recover the people who commented on my Linkedin publication

It is possible to set up an auto-import that allows you to automatically retrieve all the people who commented on your publication, in a retroactive way, that is to say retrieve all the people who commented on your publication before the auto-import was set up. You just need to activate the option when setting up your auto-import. 👇

Users Cases

I wrote an article that I want to plebiscite in a post, and send the link to those who comment.

Your article is written. Your publication too, you just published a post on LinkedIn in which you talk about this article, you will send the link of it to all the people who comment on it. On Waalaxy, you can go and create a campaign. We’ll choose to set up two campaigns:

  • A“Message” campaign for all the people who are already connected with you, who are in your network.
  • An “Invitation” campaign for all the people who are not yet connected with you, who are outside your network.

Message campaign

  • Go to Waalaxy, in the Lead List tab, where you will create a dedicated lead list, you can call it “Auto-import comment”.
  • Then go to the Campaign tab and Create a campaign.
  • Search for “Message” in the search bar and select the sequence that allows you to send a message.
  • In the “Add Leads” section, select the list you just created and click on “Auto-import”.
  • In the Message step, you will be able to fill in the link of your post.
  • Copy the URL of the post, activate or not the retroactive option, validate.

Tutorials to help you ➡️

Create a list of prospects.

Create a campaign.

All connected prospects who comment on your publication will be automatically retrieved by the tool and imported into this campaign, they will receive the message with the link afterwards. That’s it. 😎

Invitation campaign

And yes it’s a LinkedIn rule, you can’t send messages to people who are not part of your network. So I suggest you go through a connection request (invitation) where you will associate a connection note to share your link to people who comment.

  • Go to Waalaxy, in the Lead List tab, where you will create a dedicated lead list, you can call it “Auto-import comment”.
  • Then go to the Campaign tab and Create a campaign.
  • Search for “Invitation” in the search bar and select the sequence that sends a connection request.
  • In the “Add Leads” section, select the list you just created and click on “Auto-import”.
  • In the Invitation step, you will be able to add a connection note and note the link to your post.
  • Copy the URL of the post, activate or not the retroactive option, validate.


I want to send launch a profile visit to all the people who commented on my post yesterday on LinkedIn

To do this, it’s still the same process. What will change is the choice of the sequence.

  • Go to the Lead List tab, create a dedicated lead list.
  • Go to the tab “Campaign” and “Create a campaign”, select the campaign called “Visit”.
  • In the Add Leads, select the previously created lead list and click on “Auto-import”.
  • Select the auto-import ” Commented on a post“, copy the URL of the publication.
  • Activate the “Retroactive” option and validate.

Magic how much we can do, right? 😍

I want to contact the people who commented on my competitor’s post to present my solution

That’s clever, isn’t it? 🙄 The process here is the same as explained in the first User Case, with the only difference being that it’s not the link from one of your posts that you’re going to retrieve but the one from someone else’s LinkedIn post 😉

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FAQ of the article : How to get back a LinkedIn lead who left a comment

Does this work for likes and reactions on LinkedIn posts?

Unfortunately, no it won’t work on likes & reactions to a post. The people who like the post are not recovered because the data provided by LinkedIn is not prioritized in time. Therefore, a post with several thousands of likes would require hundreds of queries every hour, which could indicate to LinkedIn that you are using a robot. As you can see, it’s too risky. 😅

How does auto-import work?

The auto-import works as follows 👇 It launches once as soon as you launch your campaign, then it will run every 12 hours to go and retrieve all the people who meet the defined condition.

Are the links clickable in the messages sent on LinkedIn ?

You have to write the links in the form “https://…” for them to be clickable in a connection note or in a message.

How many characters maximum in a connection note?

A connection note is a small message of up to 300 characters that you can send along with the connection request. The note is optional.

Someone commented on my post but he was already in my Waalaxy, what’s wrong?

Waalaxy processes duplicates, so it will be impossible to import people who are already in the tool.

Is there a risk to do this or is there a limit to the number of profiles I can export?

There is no limit and no known risk at this time.

Conclusion: How to get a lead on LinkedIn leaving a comment

Auto-importing leads that comment on your publications is a very interesting and powerful feature, used well. Depending on the publication and how it is used, it will allow you to prospect effectively, and automate time-consuming tasks by saving a lot of time. 🤯

Now you know everything about how to get a lead on LinkedIn who left a comment.


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